After reading Sadie's article on why having a puppy is a positive thing and her experience with it, I looked for an article that discussed some of the benefits of it and I came across this article. This article discusses how having a dog can physically and literally improve an indiviuals's physical health. People who own dogs generally have lower colesterol, lower blood pressure,and have reduced chances of cardiovascular diseases. These individuals also have faster recovery times and higher survival rates.These individuals also have fewer visits to the doctor because their physical health is over all better. The main thing in this article that relates to me is how having a dog can improve the emotional state of people. As I said in commenting on Sadie's article, I have been battling severe depression that almost cost me everything I had, including my college career. I have been in counseling, which my counselor suggested I should have some sort of pet even if just a fish. For Christmas this year, my sister and her family got me a female miniature weiner dog which I named Lady. She has made a huge positive effect in my life and my depression has done a 180 since I got her. I am almost like a completely different person. She gives me a reason to smile each and everyday and something to look foward to going home to. She has made a huge difference in my life and in my emotional state of mind. She gives me a sense of unconditional love and acceptance, and feeling of being needed, which is most important. I couldn't agree with this article more that having a dog can improve a person's physical healtha and also their emotional helath.
I can relate to this article in the fact that my boyfriend and I have two dogs, a 3 year old puggle and a 7 month old mini dachshund puppy. I got the puggle as a Christmas present after my parents split up. Mainly because my Dad was taking our dog and I was living at my Mom's house. It does help your emotional well-being though, because I was upset about my parents and after I got her I really didn't notice it. I would be taking care of her; feeding and walking her. Dogs make you feel needed, they love you unconditionally. I think some of the health benefits do come from having to exercise your dog regularly especially if it's a larger dog that needs more exercise. My Mom works at a Nursing home every once in awhile and they will sometimes have the shelter bring dogs in to see the people in the home. It's good for the dogs to get out and see others as well as for the individuals whom are there, they get lonely and dogs help them cure some of the loneliness.
I'm also one of those people who will have a dog for as long as I live. I'm from Illinois and one of the main reasons I go back is to see Boone, my big black lab. He's been in the fam for almost 12 years now, which when I think about it, is more than half my life. While I hadn't specifically heard of the physical and psychological benefits of having a dog, it is easy for me to believe research studies like the following:
A recent study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine not only confirmed these effects, but showed changes in blood chemistry demonstrating a lower amount of stress-related hormones such as cortisol. These effects seem to be automatic, they do not require any conscious efforts or training on the part of the stressed individual. Perhaps most amazingly, these positive psychological effects are achieved faster-after only five to 24 minutes of interacting with a dog-than the result from taking most stress-relieving drugs. Compare this to some of the Prozac-type drugs used to deal with stress and depression, which alter the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body but can take weeks to show any positive effects.
It's amazing, especially the deal with Prozac, the profound impact dogs can have on individuals. They definitely aren't man's best friend for no reason. To read more on this issue, check out the following site which also talks about some cool moments in history between human and canine:
I can definitly relate to this article. I live with my boyfriend and we recently had to lay down his 14 year old lab. When my boyfriend is at work I am mostly at the house reading or doing other homework, and it got a little lonely after we put his dog to sleep. So we decided to get a puppy. I have a 3 month old puggle who is wild and crazy and my boyfriend and I both seem a lot more happier and productive now that we got Dwight. I told my boyfriend the reason why I wanted a puppy was because I felt lonely when he was at work for 12 hours and I was at home. I would have friends over, but late at night it was nice to have someone else there, so a dog would make me feel secure. Even though the puggle probably wouldn't do much if an intruder came to the house, it still makes me feel safe! Also since we put down his lab, and before we got Dwight, I did notice a sense of lonilness and emptiness in a way. We also have a cat, but she is very sassy and mean and does not like to play at all, so the cat was just not cutting it out for me. So getting a puppy was the best thing that I have owned and the best investment I will probably make for awhile!!