After reading Chapter 8 on goal setting, I remembered learning about goal setting in my Organizational Management class. In that class we had to come up with a business and create many aspects for that business and come up with achievable goals for it. We learned about S.M.A.R.T. goal setting. I did a little more research on the internet, since I didn't have my book for the class anymore, and found an article. The acronym for S.M.A.R.T stands for:
S- specic
M- measurable
A- attainable
R- realistic
T- timely
Within this article it goes through the definition of each part of S.M.A.R.T. This method of goal setting would definitely help someone create a clear, timely, do it to improve yourself kind of goal. In my Organizational Management class when we had to use this method it was a lot easier to come up with goals that were clear cut goals rather than just coming up with a statement. If someone used this method they would be more likely to achieve their goals because they have all the aspects of a goal. I recommend when setting goals use this method. Write a goal that you want to achieve such as "I want to lose weight" and use S.M.A.R.T. and go through each step and then you will have more of a specific goal rather than just losing weight. Hope this helps some people achieve some goals, I know after remembering this method of goal setting I'm going to go back to some goals I have been wanting to accomplish and revise them, then maybe I would actually accomplish them!
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