Have you ever noticed how often your mind seems to drift towards the negative over the positive? Much of the research done in the realm of positive psychology suggests that we are that way because these feelings reflect more urgent claims to us. However, if there was a way to improve the quality of our lives most of us would probably jump at the opportunity.
An article written by Donald Latumahina suggests that the strength of our thoughts are increased as we pay more attention to them thereby self-enforcing the negative thought patterns we are experiencing. A small issue can quickly be blown out of proportion--an occurrence that frequently consumes us. Latumahina suggests that the best way to overcome this brutal cycle is to shift thoughts to something more positive in nature. This would, in turn, reinforce the positive thoughts while diminishing the negative ones. He goes on to provide tips to readers wishing to think more positively in their daily lives.
One of these includes realizing that thinking negatively about someone leads to you also treating them negatively. We must consider that the appropriate efficacy expectation required for personal control in this situation is the individual's determination of whether or not they can think positively about this individual instead. The author offers up the idea of shifting attention to a positive side or something else that's altogether constructive. Another component to behavior regulation is that of outcome expectancies. In this situation, an individual must also judge that the positive shift will have an effect on the outcome of the situation (that it will resolve the ruminations experienced because of the negative thoughts). In other words, will it work to do this? Once the self has a desired mediating efficacy expectation in place their actions will reflect it. Outcome expectations will then arbitrate the relationship between the action and the individual's perceived control.
Another tip offered was to read an inspiring book. Spiritual books are indicated as a good source of inspiration to those aspiring to make self-improvements. The verbal persuasions these devices offer readers work to the extent that it supplies a temporary and provisional efficacy boost to produce the needed motivation to try again. Spirituality is a fundamental component driving the connection between perceived control and desired outcomes in a majority of religious based improvement books.
We also must make ourselves comfortable with failure as it is a stepping stone in the learning process. In order to succeed and develop a mastery orientation, we must know what it's like to fail and not fear it. "If you find yourself thinking negatively about a situation, decide that you won't give up even if the worst happens. Prove yourself to be a tough opponent. You are a winner." Our self-efficacy beliefs influence how much effort we are willing to exert and how long we are willing to exert it in hard times. Effort and persistence are key components to overcoming setbacks and challenges, and in accepting that you will more than likely make mistakes. What can you do to think more positively?
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