This article is about thinking positive and the three ways that you can stay positive. It has been found that people who are positive have happier and take less sick days. In class we found out the ingredients to having a good day, well how about finding out what you need to have a positive attitude. I found that this article had an easy to understand and simplistic approach.
1. Less stress
By reducing stress you reduce negativity and you're more positive.
2. Less worry
If you worry less, you have less stress, which leads to yup, better attitudes.
3. Less fear
Fear gnaws at our self-esteem and erodes our self-confidence.
Do you think that there is a sure way that someone can stay positive all the time? And is it as easy as it sounds?
I think it is hard, but trying to catch yourself when you are being negative and fix it is even harder. Yet, I am going to try to in order to stay positive especially during these last few months of school.
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