As many of you probably already know (unless you don't keep up with, Sandra Bullock caught her husband, Jesse James, cheating on her with multiple women. This first came out as only one woman, but many other women have taken it upon themselves and come out with additional related stories (much like Tiger Woods but not to that extent). I found this whole situation really interesting because of the past of Jesse James.
In a previous marriage, Jesse James was married to an adult movie star. (I'm not hating on professions, but that may put up a red flag for most future girlfriends/wives). Coincidentally, some of the women who came forward confessing an affair with Jesse while married to Sandra Bullock were strippers. I actually don't keep tabs on these types of stories, but I had a professor bring it up in class-- so I decided to research it.
In chapter 9 of Reeve (2009), he talks about personal behavior history. This is related to James, because he is strongly connected with the women of the porn/stripping business and also the act of cheating. He may have had many of these affairs because he had been able to do it before (this is obviously in the fact that all of these women who came forth were telling the truth and he actually had multiple affairs).
Reeve (2009) states "if the performer lacks a behavioral history, each new competent or incompetent enactment will have a greater effect on future efficacy. (p 235). Obviously (if these stories turn out to be true), with each woman Jesse James slept with, the more he believed he could continue these actions without getting caught, therefore increasing his self-efficacy.
Another part of Ch 9 in Reeve(2009) that can be related to this topic is vicarious experience. On page 235, Reeve explains a vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about to enact (ex, 'You go first, i'll watch'). The women who are coming out claiming to have affairs with Jesse James may have not had the courage and/or motivation to let the truth out (this is the same as in Tiger Wood's case). So once the first woman came out with the story, other women felt comfortable with the repercussions and thought they could do it too.
If any of you are fans of Sandra Bullock or Jesse James, I really don't have a strong connection with either-- so I promise I'm not taking sides! Just analyzing :)
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