Does football lead to teen alcohol consumption?


We see it in movies and TV shows, but is it true in real life? The common stereotype that athletes dominate on the field but they also party just as hard on the weekend it present in our media in today society. But how does the research hold up to this societal perspective? As I look back on my high school and their policies I remember one specific one that was implemented during my sophomore year. This police targeted athletes and the use of alcohol. Student athletes that were caught using alcohol for the first time were suspended from a portion on their sports season. The second offense was suspension for the entire year, and the third was elimination from sports for the rest of their high school time. This gave off the impression that alcohol consumption and athletics were strongly correlated. A study done and presented on ABC's Health website targets this idea. 1300 students were surveyed linking violence, drinking and binge drinking to the competition attitudes of athletes; more specifically this article target competitive, contact sports such as football.  I this study, researches found that men who participated in these sports were more likely to develop violent behaviors that stemmed from the glory, power, and special behavior they were treated to on and off the field by their peer, coaches, and parents.  Researchers argue that these results do not mean men who play football are more likely to drink and demonstrate violent behavior but men that play football in general have more characteristics that lead them to become more apt to participate in these behaviors. These researchers strongly support that football does not cause these behaviors but co-exist with these individuals. Other researcher beg to differ in that parents and coach are neglecting to distil values in these athletes therefore they feel as though the rules do no apply to them eliciting this violent behavior and adolescent alcohol consumption obsession that we see among athletes. This article brought up some very interesting thoughts about the rules and regulation of athletes. After reading this blog and the article did you school have a alcohol policy outline in their code of conduct as mine did? If so, what was it? Also, do you think that completive sports such as football are the cause of this violent behavior that we are seeing in young adolescent men or do you take the stand that this is not a causation correlation but merely a co-existing characteristic overlap and children who are more violent and drawn to alcohol are teen are more apt to choose to participate in competitive and contact sports such as football?


I thought this article was interesting. I think a key thing to point out is the part in the article where it states that high school male athletes and drinking are two things that merely co-exist, rather than cause each other. I understand the point of this article, but I do think it is important to look at the reasons why they could co-exist. Looking at football as an example. It is undoubtedly a risky behavior to desire to participate in such a high contact sport. Likewise, it is a risky behavior to drink while underage. Both behaviors will inevitably cause a rush of adrenaline. Adrenaline is something that is craved in people that have a high desire for adventure. So it is not abnormal for the teens to want to participate in behaviors that will produce the desired amounts of adrenaline.

I'm not really sure what to think of this article. It's an interesting topic, but I believe it's another research study that is thrown out to the public by the mainstream media only to be misinterpreted. I agree with Andrea that it's important to point out that high school male athletes and drinking are two things that merely co-exist, rather than cause each other. I think it's also important to understand that high school students in general are at an age where they are experimenting and trying to new things as they mature. I don't want to say it's a part of life or cultural stepping stone, but it almost seems as such. If you watch the movie Friday Night Lights, after the football game many of the players go out to party and drink. Right or wrong, this is what high school students are watching--this is what they see and hear as the norm.

The number of kids who admit to drinking in high school is over 50%, with that number being presumably much higher. With that being the case, obviously there is going to be some overlap with football players and other athletes or groups. Are students more who play sports more likely to drink because of it? Perhaps there is a correlation due to the athletes love for adrenaline and competition and have a more rebellious, risky, and aggressive attitude, but it's important to note that it does not mean causation. The positives of sport in the development of an adolescent in my mind outweigh any negatives that may or do exist.

After reading what Emily found online about drinking and violent habits of football players I immediately formed my own opinion, and later found that the article supported my opinion. My opinion like that of George Scarlett was that this research seems to produce correlational data, and being a psychology major, I know that correlations do not support cause and effect relationships. Instead I believe there a lot of other factors that lead a football player to become more involved with violent behavior and alcohol consumption. Physiologically speaking, males are most likely to play football, and with that said males have more testosterone in their bodies than do females. Testosterone can be linked to more violent and risky behaviors and could explain some of the correlational data.
I come from a small town in which football is idolized and if you are a football player you are looked up to as a mentor in our town. I believe there are so many other factors that will either lead football players to engage in drinking and risky behavior. I also believe a lot of these factors are based on motivation to drink or not. For example, during my high school experience I was able to see how actions and behaviors were motivatedly linked to being active in sports, specifically football. During football season, serious football players were motivated to behave, act, and even engage in certain eating and drinking behaviors by the head football coach. Me along with many other students in school were very aware that the head football coach motivated each player of his to be an honest, hardworking student and athlete, as well as a nutritional and healthy person. Football players not only made sure to stay away from alcohol during the season, but also stayed away from pop or soda all season! This may be surprising to hear, but was totally normal to see during football. This is one reason in which I think football is not a cause of risky and violent behavior. For example, I’m sure there are other coaches out there that make sure to keep their athletes from trouble and can be successful at implementing motivation to stay away from certain behaviors.
Another reason I think football is not a cause of drinking behaviors is because of the factor of peer pressure. There are so many other reasons a person may be drinking at a young age. Even though they are on the football team doesn’t mean they are drinking because of that. For example a football player might hang out with an entirely different group of friends in which none of his friends are football players and they may peer pressure him into drinking. That simple example alone can show how football and drinking may occur at the same time, but do not show a cause and effect relationship. Another example could be that maybe a football player is being raised by alcoholic parents. If the football player spends most of his time in an environment in which alcohol is used a lot, he may become curious and begin to drink like his parents do. The parents may also say it’s okay to drink underage and allow him and his friends to drink at their house. Overall, I believe this article is not based on enough research and that there are way too many reasons in which to explain how alcohol and playing football and linked together.

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