Avoidance Achievement Motivation


After reading chapter 7 of our textbook, I came across this article on avoidance achievement motivation that I found to be not only interesting, but beneficial in explaining the difference between approach achievement and avoidance achievement. Elliot and Church purpose a hierarchical model to further study avoidance achievement motivation, and the current study was a basis for them to directly test the validity and generalizability of it. Instead of focusing primarily on a classical approach or a contemporary approach to achievement, researchers integrate both into one model where the conventional performance goal is divided into a independent approach and avoidance components and three achievement orientations. Specifically, competence expectancies on achievement are believed to influence achievement behavior indirectly due to their effect on goal adoption.

The authors hypothesize that those individuals who believed they could be competent in an achievement situation would sway towards success and take on approach achievement goals such as performance-approach and mastery, while those low in expectancies would sway towards the likelihood of failure and assume a performance-avoidance goal. In addition, motive dispositions and competence expectancies are posited to influence intrinsic motivation and graded performance circuitously by way of achievement goals effects. When achievement goal effects are controlled, these variables are predicted to have no effect. Operationally, motive dispositions account for the temperament of the individual and their tendency towards one of the three examined competence expectancy goals in achievement situations (mastery, performance-avoidance, or performance-approach).

The methodology utilized in this quasi-experiment included 204 undergraduate students with a mean age of 20.01 years. The course was set up in a standard lecture format and multiple-choice tests evaluated each student's progress in the course. Over the course of the semester, a series of sessions took place before class began in the instructor's absence as responses would remain confidential and would not impact their grade for the course. In these assessments, students' achievement motivation, fear of failure, competence expectancies, achievement goals, competence perceptions and intrinsic motivation were measured. Motive disposition and competence expectancy were measured during the first week of the semester while achievement motivation and fear of failure were assessed in the first class session. Competence expectancies were considered in the next session, and achievement goals were assessed during the second week of the course's meeting. Competence perceptions were measured before and after the midterm examination. Intrinsic motivation was measured at the conclusion of the semester.

The main findings of this study provide strong evidence for the purposed hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. Mastery goals were found to be based in achievement motivation and high competence expectancies which, in turn, facilitated intrinsic motivation. Performance-avoidance goals derived from a fear of failure, low competence expectancies, and were found to be detrimental to intrinsic motivation and graded performance. Performance-approach goals rooted themselves in achievement motivation, fear of failure and high competence expectancies while enhancing grade performance overall. By integrating central elements of prominent approaches, researchers anticipate a more penetrating and comprehensive explanation of competence relevant affect, cognition, and behavior in the future.

Elliot, A. J., & Church, M. (1997). A hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 218-232.



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