This article is a quick read that I think could be pretty benificial to those of us who have trouble motivating oursleves to work out. It gives 7 ways that will not only get people to the gym, but also get the most out of the work out. The 7 things include:
1. Have a cup of coffee beforehand
2. Workout with a friend
3. Listen to music
4. Try interval training
5. Use a breath mint
6. Do it in the morning
7. Learn your fitness "color"
In regards to the fitness color there is a link to the quiz in the article. Your fitness color tells you what kind of workouts are best, based on you personality. There are 8 different colors. When I took it I found out I was a red, and it said that I would enjoy fast paced workouts and competing and working out with others. This is pretty accurate as I enjoy playing basketball, football, and just about everything else.
Do you guys think these workout directions work? Which ones have you tried, and what do you think about them? What else could help motivated people to workout and get the most out of what they are doing?
I am definitely one of those people that have trouble motivating myself to work out. Although I feel awesome after I exercise and I am proud of myself for finishing my goal, it only lasts for a couple of weeks. Slowly I start slacking and then I end up not working out for a couple of weeks. These seven suggestions are helpful, but you still need to the motivation or a friend to get you ready to work out.
I had never heard of drinking a cup of coffee beforehand, using a breath mint, or learning your fitness color. I feel I would be extremely jittery if I drank some coffee beforehand, but that might actually help improve my workout. I am uncertain about using a breath mint to improve speed, alertness, strength, and overall performance; however, the studies have proven it works! I took the fitness color test, but it would not allow me to see my fitness color.
When I do work out, I need to have my IPod with me because I can play whatever music I want. I have noticed when I exercise in the morning, my motivation to keep exercising lasts much longer than in the afternoon. In the afternoon, I have so many distractions like work, homework, roommates, etc. I keep pushing off my work out until it is too late to head to the WRC. As stated in the article, I get the best work-out if I do interval training. I feel I accomplish so much more versus only using the elliptical or riding a stationary bike. If I work out with a friend, that person needs to be focused. I am a competitive person, when I have someone working equally as hard next to me I push myself to beat that person and win.
As I come to my final semester in college, I find myself very unhappy with my body. I used to be a lot slimmer and in much better shape. In my sophomore year, I was training for a marathon. Unfortunately, I was hit with a huge case of depression due to some personal life issues, and I was left with no motivation to do anything. I gave up with my training and I gave up on school, and I have to say, I'm certainly paying the price for it now. As I'm about to hit the working field, I would like to be back to where I once was. I feel it would make me a lot happier and much healthier. I've recently started researching a gluten free diet, and a low fat, high fiber diet, and coming across this article certainly sparked a few new ideas.
The seven tips were definitely helpful. I'm not a coffee drinker, and I'm trying to be done with caffeine, so I'm hoping I can find a caffeine substitute. I always used to work out with a friend, but now I find myself happier being by myself. I love running on the nature trails, so I'm going to have to find a new substitute for the winter. I love listening to my ipod during my workout sessions, and I will always continue to do so. I seem to be an interval workout person, I tend to run a mile (fast pace) and then do a slower activity. I have heard the peppermint trick, and would like to try peppermint water. I am not a morning person, and I have too crazy of schedule to have a set time, but I'm trying to add some structure to my work out routine.
The color of my fitness is red, and it goes quite well with my personality. I like spontaneity and music with my workouts. There are definitely fast-paced activity (dance, karate) that I would like to try.
Overall, I feel that article is very related in giving motivational feedback to those who are searching for an uplifting routine. It's positive factors help give more insight into other things, that you typically don't think of when you work out. I feel that if people were given factual information and stuck to certain routine, then it would be easier for those who want to get in shape. Instead of doing the fad diets all the time, do what is truly beneficial for the body.
I have never been one who regularly exercises. I didn't really participate in sports growing up, and so exercising has never come naturally. I am lucky in that I have a slim body type, so even though I don't really exercise I still wear the same size clothing as I did in middle school. I need to become more motivated to workout though, for I know I need to get in shape to become healthier. I go in spurts of working out consistently, but I always stop after awhile. I'm trying to start back up again so this article is helpful.
I think the tips are very helpful. Two of them especially I see in my workout routines. I prefer listening to music on my ipod while I workout. The only problem I've encountered with this is that my ears are oddly shaped and so headphones always fall out when I'm moving around. This makes it difficult to stay motivated while running. The other tip that definitely works for me is working out in the morning. I prefer working out first thing in the morning - last fall I got up at 5:30 every morning to workout. I like getting my workout over and done with as early as possible. This presents a problem, however, because I don't like getting up early and I tend to stay up late. So this has kept me from working out early for awhile. I will keep the other tips in mind as I begin to start up my workout routine yet again.
I tried to fill out the exercise color survey but it wasn't working. I think the most importnat thing for me is to get the motivation to workout and once I start to not give up. It is hard for me to push myself while I am working out and not give up when I'm tired or sore. This is my biggest obstacle, and in order to start working out regularly again I will have to overcome this obstacle.