The last time I wrote a post, I did the BMI requirement for graduation, and not to my surprise I got some commentary. None the less everyone has an opinion about weight and how being "overweight" is a disease and in our country a huge "NO NO!" Not saying that is what people commented about, but how just in general people view this BMI requirement. Somehow this is the new standard of feeling fit and being healthy. But what are the requirements of being healthy? Is it fitting into this BMI calculation? Or eating healthy with moderate exercise? How about those who are not in this range, who eat the rights foods and exercise daily, but are over the normal height/weight configuration, do they count as being unhealthy?
You see we slap the wrist of those who do not fit into this whole category that everyone thinks is healthy. Even those who fit into this category, slap the wrist of those that they feel are unhealthier than they are. Society has placed a great deal of pressure to "fit in" and be a part of this majority. Because those who are in the majority have the power. This power can affect our social needs, which we will talk about in chapter 7, and this in turns affects our motivation in how we live our lives. You see, they control everything from who is unhealthy, to who is socially accepted, what we wear, what size we wear, what we should look like, and in this case how the BMI is calculated. If you look at the weight from recent years to now you will understand that the weight keeps decreasing.
There is an epidemic that is arising with America's weight obsession with and their BMI. This obsession is something to worry about, because it places the emphases on weight, diet and societal expectations, which leads the idealization of what is considered perfect. This has shown up in recent studies that there are a few trends. These trends show a decrease in the normal weight, clothing size and increase the number of dieting programs.
I did some research because for one even at my smallest weight and size which was 140lbs and a 5, I was still considered overweight, by the calculations of the BMI ( I was a 31), and now that I am no longer a 5, I am morbidly obese. I also, have some friends who have looked at their BMI and realized that they do not fit into this normal range that this calculator has for them. For some, this motivated them and they were like "oh my, it's time to return to the Gym". This friend is 5'4, 145lbs and wears a size 6. In looking at her you wouldn't guess at all that she is not in the normal range. Potentially a problem, maybe, maybe not.
Here are some websites that I found that have talked about the BMI and how it is outright wrong and the feministe has a picture gallery, which is interesting in itself, because you can see in pictures who is not normal, and who is considered overweight. Some of them are athletics, who would have thought that they are overweight? The BMI calculator
So my questions to you are. Do you fit in this normal range? If you don't are you okay with your current weight and size? And if you do, the same question, are you okay with your weight and size? My last question is would you let this calculation define you? In answering this last question myself, I must say I do not, because I am much happier now and do healthier activities now that I not a size 5.
I do not fit into the "normal" range for BMI. Your link for the BMI calc. did not work on my computer, but I have a Mac so that might be why... however I simply know from experience with dieting that the high range for weight for my height is 180 and I am 192. I have always been okay with my weight and size. I completely agree with you that the beauty standards of our culture are absurd and completely unreasonable. I feel like this pressure is put much more on women, leading to almost every woman feeling that something is wrong with them, no matter what they look like. I do watch what I eat and (try to) diet, however I have always been a little bit bigger and I'm okay with that, it's part of who I am.
Having a BMI calculator label someone as "morbidly obese" is not okay. Simply the language used and the thoughts that come to mind with that sort of definition lead people to think of weight as something that is either "good" or "bad". The word obese has multiple meanings in our society, some scientific, others use it as a stereotype and a way of insult. This sort of calculation cannot define a person for anything more than simply the amount of fat on their body. No one is perfect and I agree, I'm completely happy where I am now and I would never ever consider myself obese.
There is something to be said about feelings of self efficacy and self worth with regards to weight. It is a lot harder to feel good about yourself when the media representations of women are 80 pounds. It is also hard when you see women much smaller than yourself complaining that they need to lose weight. I think that if anyones goal is to lose weight it should be to be healthier, and it should also be for yourself, not to fit into the societal norms that are constantly thrown in our faces.
I am also not in the normal range for BMI. I am about about 5 feet 9 inches tall and around 190 lbs, and with the BMI i am considered overweight. For the most part i am okay with my weight, but like most people i would be fine with losing a few pounds. I have never even taken this calculation very seriously because i feel like it is way off base with who is calculates as overweight, obese, etc. As long as i am being healthy i will be happy.
Society is making it much harder to be happy with yourself the way you are. There are very few commercials and television shows that show people who are average sized. Almost everywhere women and even men who are ridiculously skinny or ripped are advertising everything. I think this is going to have a big impact on the self esteem of the next generation, because everything they see growing up is telling them if you are not skinny and perfect, you are not going to be anything.