I don't know about the rest of you, but every Spring semester, I get a minor case of senioritis. I'm not sure if it's the idea that summer break is so close, or if it's the nicer weather, but it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate or stay motivated to attend class and do the work.
This semester is my last at UNI. In 96 calendar days, I will be a graduate. This is also the most difficult semester - although I still have a considerable amount of work in my courses, I'm only taking 13 hours, the least I've ever taken... what makes it so difficult is that I'm graduating so soon. Furthermore, to add on to my lack of motivation to put any effort into the semester, I've already been accepted into graduate schools... so why try now, right?! But, I know that it is still crucial that I keep my GPA up this last semester.
I know that some of you are probably in the same boat I am - last-semester seniors, already received job offers, already been accepted into graduate school, etc... and are having trouble caring about these last 60-some school days. So, don't worry... I found an article applicable to just us!
This article by Naomi Rockler-Gladen can be found at http://studyskills.suite101.com/article.cfm/how_to_deal_with_senioritis.
She offers five tips for college seniors to stay motivated during their last year.
1. Assess the potential damage of senioritis. It's OK to goof off your last year, if you think that you can afford the repercussions of doing so. She notes, though, that you need to assess the situation carefully - you never know if you're going to apply to grad school, need a letter of recommendation, etc.
2. Balance work and play. You can goof off, but still have fun... or do certain things really well, and do other less important things with less effort.
3. Enjoy your final semester of classes. Take some fun classes, even for pass-fail.
4. Take a light course load. If you can, take less classes or "easy" classes, which will allow you to do other things, like look for jobs, apply for grad school, or just relax.
5. Enjoy your senior year. Be realistic about your feelings and balancing your school and social lives.
I realize that this article was written for upcoming seniors, or those beginning their senior year, so it doesn't really apply to those of us who are graduating in a few months... a little too late now! But I think that the take-home message in the article is to balance yourself in order to keep yourself motivated... like, rewarding yourself for hard work by relaxing and having fun.
Do any of you feel the same I do? So burnt out of being in school?
Have any tips on how to stay motivated when The End is so near?
I do have the feelings of senioritis. My roommate and I talk about it all the time, and like you, we both have CRAZY last semester schedules. Since we are both in the same situation we tend to keep each other motivated to get things done and stay focused on what we need to get done. If I do keep busy with homework and work and stay focused the week just seems to go by faster, but keeping that concentration throughout is hard.
Where, staying motivated to get the work done isn't really an issue for me, its more just the emotional and mental ideas going through my head, I am still currently applying to graduate school and waiting to hear back, which is the usual thoughts on my mind.
I know I am not going to be back here, in CF, so along with just moving on from being an undergraduate to a graduate student, I am going to be leaving my comfort zone that I have been in for the past four years. I will miss all of my friends, but I left all my friends from high school that I was with and I came to school here, where I didn't know anybody, and I am so happy that I did. So along with nervousnes there is a lot of excitement when looking towards graduate school and moving somewhere new, and starting a new "chapter" in my life.
But knowing that there are a lot more people in the same boat as I am helps knowing that it is hard to keep focused on just school when there is so many other things going on. Whether finding time to keep up with graduate school applications, school work, work, "me" time, and jobs for the future.
I think that "Senioritis" gets the best of everyone, and at the wrong times. Spring semester is always particularly hard for me though because this is when I usually get the runny nose, headaches, feeling like complete crap for days at a time. Even though I am already a senior, I think that I have followed the guidelines from the article you provided. I'm only taking 12 credit hours, and they are all major courses, so I have picked what I am interested in doing. I have a relatively low-stress level semester ahead, with only one class with a midterm and final, but mostly my classes involve busy work. I'm still waiting to hear back from graduate schools, but I'm trying not to think about it so I don't stress out. It is a bit scary to think that I have no idea what is going to happen after May, but only time will tell.
While thinking about this, I came across this article http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/514143/how_to_finish_your_last_semester_of.html?cat=4. In this article, it gives some pointers on how to survive the last semester of college. It says to cut back on extracurricular activities, cut back on social events, and cut out all-night cram sessions. It also says to keep your grades up and to live a healthy lifestyle. So basically the opposite of what most seniors would like to do with their final semester. I know for me, I would like to spend time with the friends I won't see ever again, have those nights that I will remember forever, and procrastinate until it drives me nuts. It almost seems as if this article is telling you to "grow up" and get ready for the real world, where you will be getting a job or going off to graduate school. Scary thought, but the article really had some good pointers. Maybe they will help you stay motivated.
I really enjoyed the article, even though I'm not graduating until Decemember 2010, I feel as though I too have the case of "Senioritis" I have done a lot of the tips, by taking a light course load this semester, not that its easy by any means, and I plan on taking a couple summer classes, so when December rolls around I'm not slacking too much, and want to get out of here and start my career! Getting together with people in my classes and study definitely helps me with the motivation of getting my stuff done and doing good in class, as I am sure for the rest of you too. Honestly, I used to not carry a planner around until this year, and it has helped me stay on track with EVERYTHING! its like my new best friend! I have learned to cut back on the procrastination when it comes to studying for tests, or even reading for the book report we have to do for M&E (yes, ive started reading) The article posted above is definitely a key thing for me this year, I used to go out all the time especially when I was a freshman and sophomore, and now I barely do, and everyone asks why? It's because I want to focus on school and get out!!