I found an interesting article about whether or not a person should go onto graduate school after college. I know almost all of us in this class are juniors and seniors, and we are trying to decide if grad school is what we want to do after college. I am currently in this boat myself. I am looking at a couple of schools and the process seems daunting. More than anything this article just made me sure of the fact that I do want to go to grad school. It had some helpful information and underneath the article has links to some other articles that looked like they could be interesting.
The article has five main points and I think they are very good ones. The first point is to make sure you are going to grad school for the right reasons, not just because you are not ready to get a job or because you do not know what to do. The second point talks about knowing what career goals you have in mind and deciding whether or not graduate school will help you in achieving these goals. The next point is deciding on a specialty, because unlike undergraduate work, grad school is focused mainly on one area of study. The fourth point, is do you have the drive to get through another 2 or even more years of school? Grad school is an overwhelming experience. I have a friend who is in her first year as a grad student at UNI and she never seems to have any free time for anything. The last point the article made was about grades and personal qualities. But I think if you have gotten through school and been accepted to grad school you know how to get good grades, have good study habits and know your personal pros and cons.
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