I found this interesting article about how religion can play a key role in your emotions. It sites where others have given religious approaches to emotion regulation such as
envy, anger, pride and other potentially destructive emotions. It also explains that religion can also help with dealing with guilt and depression. I know that for some this can be a difficult topic to talk about, but I feel that religion can play a key role in your emotional well being. I have seen this first hand through several of my close friends. I have seen people go through some very difficult situations and they themselves can say that they would not have made it through if they didn't believe in something greater than themselves. And I am sure that many of you can attest to knowing someone in the same situation or you may have felt to same way at some point in your life.
The link is of a very long article but you can choose to go to the section on religion and emotion by clicking on a drop down menu
The link is of a very long article but you can choose to go to the section on religion and emotion by clicking on a drop down menu
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