I found this youtub ckip about movtivators in business. It discusses Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Motivators, and which one was best. It also discusses a reward/punishment thoughts we have when working and if you reward people for their work, that they will work faster and better, when this isn't actually the truth. It goes on discussing how only in situations does this work.
Wow, that was actually pretty good. Except that it is nothing new to me. Of course people need intrinsic motivation to do what they do. For example, it's a personal example but it's appropriate and worth sharing. My father group up dirt poor, all his life from his childhood and now he has always worked hard. He always wants what is best for his family, so when the time came of my big important traditional party, he literally worked himself nearly to the point where he almost needed to go to the hospital in order to make that party come true for me (not an ordinary party and I did not ask for it to be fancy he wanted it to be), my father had so much intrinsic motivation in him to make my party come true. I don't think it's that people need intrinsic motivation, I think it's the fact that they need to be reminded or refreshened some how about their intrinsic motivation. Also they should have congruity once in a while, repetitive tasks can just lower your intrinsic motivation, maybe have people take on a different shift, responsibility, or day in order to keep it fresh.