I came across this life stress test when trying to look up a synonym for life events off of dictionary.com
I found this test interesting, it gives you a list to choose from that have happened in your life in the past twelve months and it generates your level of stress and gives you feed back and what to do.
I scored a 195 which stated that:
"According to the Holmes & Rahe* statistical prediction model your score means a moderate amount of life changes and a moderate susceptability (about 50% probability) to stress-related illness. However please keep in mind that there are many variables that interact on health including positive factors such as support from family, friends or work associates. If you are concerned about your stress levels then you should seek the assistance of a qualified counsellor or health practitioner."
To me, I think my life is a little more stressful, but the questions asked generate more for people who have had a family, been married and so forth. I'm sure there are other tests just like this one, but I'm sure once I get married and have a family and retake this test, my score would probably be more accurate.
It is widely known that chronic and acute stress have an impact on our immune system. Short periods of stress may actually provoke the immune system, setting off internal alarms for action. With long-term chronic stress can have a negative impact on the immune system. If one has a positive self-image, an optimistic outlook on life and good coping skills then the there might be slightly less impact of stress on one's immune system.
Check it our for yourself.
When I took the test, I scored a 28. The results said:
"According to the Holmes & Rahe* statistical prediction model your score means a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptability (about 30% probability) to stress-related illness. However please keep in mind that there are many variables that interact on health including positive factors such as support from family, friends or work associates."
The first question I was if all the measures were weighted equally. I went back, checked a box at a time, at submitted it individually, they are in fact. The second was how they came up with these weights. There was a citation "Holmes TH & Rahe, RH (1967) The Social Readjustment Scale, Journal of Psychomatic Research, 11, 213-218" but the article was not available on Psycnet.
I agree with the statement on accuracy above. I am a single college student, and beyond christmas, I had trouble trying to find anything else to check. I ended up checking the change in sleep habits, because I am taking more credits then last semester and I am sleeping about 2 hours a night less during the week due to more homework. I do believe that it would be more accurate for someone with a family and a real job.
I also noticed that the site linked to a bunch of products and stress relief stores at the bottom, the main site also being a stress relief firm in Australia. So it may just be a ploy to get more website hits.
I took the stress test and received a score of 179. The results said: “According to the Holmes & Rahe* statistical prediction model your score means a moderate amount of life change and a moderate susceptibility (about 50% probability) to stress-related illness. However please keep in mind that there are many variables that interact on health including positive factors such as support from family, friends or work associates. If you are concerned about your stress levels then you should seek the assistance of a qualified counselor or health practitioner.”
I found this test to be very interesting . I would have to say though that this test was probably aimed at people who are older than college age. I would have to say that the results are little inaccurate. This test got me interested so I went and found another stress test.
I found this stress test https://my.theoxygenplan.com/stress-test. I think one has more questions that would apply to college age students. It too also has its flaws there could be a lot more questions that could be related to the stress that a college student has.
My results were: Home 76, Work 63, Social 66.
Green (67 to 100): “You are giving and getting the oxygen you need in your life in order to minimize stress and live a physically, emotionally, and socially healthy life.”
Yellow (34 to 66): “Although you are finding ways to deal with stressors, there may be some areas of your home, work, or social life that may be toxic to your wellbeing.”
Red (1 to 33): “You have toxic relationships, situations or attitudes that are overwhelming you with stress, and may be feeling increasing physical and emotional affects by not addressing them.”
On the website it also gives example for each of the green, yellow and red zones.