Laughter is the best medicine


I came across this article a couple of days ago and haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  The article provides information about receiving stress relief from laughter.  I found it interesting because of the commonly used phrase, "laughter is the best medicine".  This article provides information about the short-term and long-term benefits from laughing and even offers multiple ways to gain a sense of humor. 

 A good laugh supplies some short-term benefits because laughing induces physicial changes to your body.  Some physical changes laughter provides includes stimulating organs, relieving stress, and soothing tension.  Being positive and finding humor in a variety of situations also offers long-term effects such as improving your immune system, relieving pain, and increasing personal satisfaction.  I found it interesting the article provided helpful hints on delevoping your own sense of humor in order to relieve stress.

I enjoyed reading this article.  It was interesting to learn some actual health benefits of laughter and having an overall positive view on your life.  I tend to be a positive person and enjoy laughing and having a good time any chance I can.  This article made me realize I am not completely crazy for laughing a majority of the time.  I am just staying healthy :)

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