Ch 3 & Ch 4 Comments


Browse your notes and the chapters themselves for chapters 3 and 4. Choose a topic that is in one of the chapters. Now, go to and find a video clip that relates to that topic,

In your comment, discuss the topic (as it is presented in the textbook), describe the video clip, provide the link, and then describe how the video clip is representing the topic.


The textbook talks about how the hypothalamus is a small brain structure but is described as "a motivational giant" and it regulates and controls so many things. Like we said it class, there are brain structures and when they are stimulated they motivate us to do something.

The video clip is students (I assume) and it represents how the hypothalamus works and what it does. Hunger, bathroom urges, sex, name a few.
The beginning of the clip is quite slow, to the song "Had a bad day" and then after the hypothalamus is introduced it is upbeat and motivated.

We discussed in class this week the motivated brain and its role in determining whether we want to do something or not. An example given was that of food deprivation (environmental event) activating ghrelin (biochemical agent) release that stimulates the hypothalamus (brain structure) and finally creates hunger (aroused motivation). When we are deprived of food, we are more motivated to eat things that we wouldn't normally eat. Our brains are motivated to satisfy hunger.

This clip shows our beloved Survivor Man in action eating a rhino beetle larvae. Just think what must be going on in his brain to make him want to eat this!

In Chapter 3 as well as 4 it talks about the hypothalamus in how it ranges in several biological funtions, but it is well known for hunger, thirst and sex. These three types of needs are all part of physiological needs which we dicussed in class recently. Psychological needs when unmet will cause life-threatening conditions and generate motivational states that over rule consciousness. In order to survive and pass on our genes we need these three psychological needs. These needs are inherent in everyone.
The video I found shows that we need water and food to survive, doens't touch base on sex but show's that without food and water, we will die and that means we cannot reproduce to pass on our genes to a new generation.

We talked a little in class about testosterone and how it is associated with high levels of sexual motivation and underlies the mating effort. This attached link is to a video that chronicles (for a period of one year) a woman who managed her gender dysphoria from her childhood to her early 30's when she started taking testosterone. She had the same questions we spoke about in class concerning aggression, being insensitive or having a "macho" personality. She also questioned if taking testosterone would subject her to family ridicule.

In class we talked alot about dopamine and its effects on mood. This video describes the importance of dopamine and tells how dopmaine is released in practically everything we do. This is probably why dopamine can be a good motivator, because we want to have those dopamine nerotransmitters introduced to our bodies to help us feel good. As we said in class, dopamine increase emotinoal positivity, which can lead to enhanced functioning such as creativity and problem solving. This video also describes where dopamine comes from, how it is released, and when and why it is released.

The topic I chose in the textbook concerns addiction, specifically alcohol. In the text, it states that addictive drugs such as alcohol, produces hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation. That is, it's a greater feeling than naturally occurring rewards. This hypersensitivity can last for years, which I find to be pretty crazy.

This two-minute clip from youtube describes the effects of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, which effect people both physically and mentally. This addiction, as it states in the text and video clip, is a result of the alcohol's effect on the neurotransmitters, specifically GABA and glutamate, which are related to impulsiveness and excitement of the nervous system.

Fun fact from clip: College students spend 5.5 billion dollars on alcohol a year and most of it's beer. Definitely a lot of partyin' going down...

This video discusses how dopamine neurotransmitters trigger and the effects that they have. The narrator briefly discusses that when dopamine is released into the frontal lobes, this is what keeps us motivated to do the tasks that we are currently doing. When the dopamine release decreases, this we become bored. However, even when completing boring tasks, we rely on our frontal lobes to finish.
Chapter 3 of our textbook reveals that dopamine is released from thinking about completing or engaging in tasks, so it's more of an "anticipatory reward." Specifically, the book gives an example of when you smell cookies baking. Dopamine is released - and you haven't even tasted the cookies yet. This video gives a similar example but with using pizza. The video elaborates on this, though, saying that when you are eating pizza more dopamine is released, which motivates you to continue eating.
One important concept that the video also says is that dopamine release is cyclical. To paraphrase: Everything you want releases dopamine, and you want it because it releases dopamine.
Dopamine is an important chemical for us because it not only rewards us for satisfying what we want, but also keeps us motivated to complete things that we aren't as important to us at the time.

Thirst happens when our body has lost 2% of our water volume, and dehydration follows after this when we lose 3% of our water volume. Thirst is a trigger that tells our bodies to replenish the water deficit, and return to a homeostatic level. Our body is constantly losing water, and without it we would die in about 2 days, according to our book. This is why it is important to consider and learn the symptoms of dehydration.
At I found a video which tells us the symptoms of dehydration. The video is directed towards parents, however, these symptoms are important to note. The symptoms the video says to watch out for are: irritability, headache, dark urine, dizziness, nausea, cramping, short term memory loss, and of course thirst. This video also gives tips to prevent dehydration as well. For instance, it says you could freeze water bottles, and then take them with you during the day so you have cold water all day. The video states that 80% of our water intake comes from fluids, however the rest of the 20% comes from food. The video mentions watermelon, oranges, yogurt and apples as food with high percentages of water in them that you could snack on during the day as well as drinking fluids.
This video helps us to understand that we should not ignore our thirst, and that dehydration is only a step away after that, and we can prevent dehydration.

In chapter 4, weight gain and obesity is discussed. The textbook goes on to mention how prevention education is the best option for this situation. I found a video that shows Shawn Johnson talking about 'get up and play an hour a day'. This is a great prevention strategy because it's teaching children at a young age that it's important to be active. They offer a website to offer other health options and to teach children the correct way to help their bodies grow.
This encourages children to participate in the self-regulation of foods and promotes exercise. These are great characteristics to develope early on in a child's life.



There are a couple interesting clips (part of a longer news special called "The Mystery of Happiness") that I would like to reference here. As we read in Chapter 3, cortisol is a stress hormone that has been associated with, "poor intellectual functioning , negative (moods), and poor health outcomes." As we read in Chapter 4, the human body shows an incredible ability to maintain a state of homeostasis over time. On page 77, there is mention of a study in which groups of animals that were starved and groups of animals that were overfed actually went back to weighing about the same weight only a few weeks after a normal diet had been restored.

Although I don't expect everyone to watch the entire hour segment of this program, I would like to highlight a couple parts I found especially interesting. In the first segment - Mystery of Happiness 2, 7:58-9:22 it talks about the biological predispositions we each have at birth. Each person is not a blank slate, but rather has a very influential genetic design. An individual's personality is likely to be fairly consistent throughout one's life and personality can be shown almost immediately from birth. One question that arose, at least in my mind, from hearing all of this is that if everyone is different, wouldn't it be unreasonable to expect that certain people could simply change their way of thinking and become more optimistic. It may be true that being a very happy and optimistic person has a great many benefits - people like you more, you will have more positive social interaction, and affiliation needs fulfilled. The question remains, however, concerning whether all of the popular "focus on the positive" self-help books could actually be effective. This is an area that I admittedly have very little knowledge about, but it would seem to me that each of our bodies (with our different brain structures and different chemical makeup) will have an inherently different homeostasis. While Person A may have higher levels of cortisol than person B, perhaps there is nothing person A can really do about it, aside from regular intervention, medicinal and otherwise. Through thought approaches alone, wouldn't they just be in a never ending battle against their own nature?

Also, I believe that the concept of homeostasis could possibly be extended beyond physiological needs like hunger to include one's emotional state of happiness. The other segment of this video that I'm posting (the end clip of the show - 5:40- 9:30) mentions that happiness remains fairly consistent throughout most people's lives and that happiness generally remains the same over the long term despite positive or negative changes, triumphs or hardships. It makes me think that there is, perhaps, within us a system that preserves a state of homeostasis in our emotional states as well. I could probably write for quite a while longer on this topic, but I think you get the idea.

Also, one other point I wanted to bring up - I wonder if certain pessimistic individuals actually exhibit greater intellectual performance and creativity when they decide to fully embrace their pessimism. As one commenter alluded to - if everyone thrives with less stress and more positive thinking, then how do you explain the talent of those who claim they do their best work when angry? How do you explain the Edgar Allen Poes and Kurt Cobains?

In chapter 3, the author discusses the hormones in the body, and specifically mentions testosterone. It reveals how this hormone is associated with high sexual motivation and encourages the body to seek out potential mates. We also talked in class about testosterone and pointed out the same effects. We also discussed how aggressive behaviors are associated with high levels of testosterone. The book suggests that testosterone changes along with the environment. For example, married men have lower testosterone than unmarried men. The clip I found explains the 4 month of pregnancy being a very important time for testosterone because it peaks during this time. How much testosterone a body acquires will determine such things as verbal skills and visual spatial skills.The end of the video talks about one theory of testosterone dealing with the hands. According to the theory, if your ring finger is longer than your pointer finger than you were exposed to high levels of testosterone in utero and vice versa. The clip does not clearly state the evidence behind this theory, so it makes me wonder how valid it is.

Chapter 3 discusses the parts of the brain that work as a systematic machine to produce action in response to stimuli. Cortex, Amygdala, Hypothalamus team with other parts on the body to control our physiological reactions to desires, stress, potential threats and other stimuli.

I don't know what in the world is going on with the very beginning and end of this video clip, but the information in the core of the video explains the biological "Fight or Flight" process step by step.

In chapter 3 it explains the effects of Dopamine relsease and the expereicne of reward. The book explains the interaction between the activation of dopamine pathways and the experience we know as a reward feeling. This video is a clip about the affects of Meth on your brain and how it affects dopamine relsease. The video explains that the more dopamine is released, the more pleasure we feel. Food and sex are our natural dopamine releasing activites but the effects of Meth are six times more intense than anything our body can produce.

The hypothalamus is a really small part of the brain, located below the thalamus. It controls hunger, thirst, fight/flight and many other important things. It is a vital part of the brain and helps to control in many of the actions that we do. The video I found was on the hypothalamus and the 4 F’s. They presented the four F’s as feeding, fighting, fleeing, and fornicating. The video was kind of funny, but didn’t have too much information other than that the hypothalamus is important for controlling these four items.

Chapter 4 addresses the homeostatic regulation that occurs in our bodies. In sum, it states that homeostasis is the body's regulatory system to maintain a balancing state of equilibrium. It also discusses how the bloodstream is a great homeostatic regulator - naturally balancing levels of water, salt, oxygen, temperature, etc. Environmental stressors displace our balance, and it is up to the body (or other external forces) to return back to homeostasis. The video from youtube explains those external forces. It is a guide to reflexology, and in it describes the important reasons to undergo this therapeutic investment if one experiences such influential environmental stressors. "Reflexology can help restore and re-balance the systems of the body." The main goal of reflexology therapists is to pinpoint certain pressure points in the body to allow it to settle back into to homeostasis and return back to normal.

Chapter 3 of the book talks about the amygdala. The amygdala is the part of the brain the enables the body to respond to threatening and important emotional events. It has been found that the amygdala helps to regulate the emotions that help keep a person safe; such emotions include fear, anger, and anxiety. When the amygdala is activated it sends information to other parts of the brain that control fear response, hormone release and facial expressions. The amygdala is also important in learning new emotional associations; this includes learning to fear certain situations.

The youtube video that I found talks about a specific gene in the amygdala that is called neurod2. Neurod2 is a gene that determines whether a person is more of a risk taker or is more reserved. The less of neurod2 in the amygdala the more of a risk taker you are.

In chapter 3 of the book, neurotransmitters and the brain were discussed. After reading about oxytocin and hearing about the experiments that were being done at various universities.

I found this video where Dr. Paul Zak of Clairmont University is using oxytocin in the form of a nasal spray, or "trust in a bottle" as he calls it.

Oxytocin is the "bonding" hormone, associated with good things, trust, love, and even maternal behaviors.

The researchers were looking at how oxytocin effects decisions. Half participants were given oxytocin, the other half a placebo. They were then sat down at computers. They were given a small amount of money, that they could either keep, or give to someone else and it would triple. However, there was no guarantee or reciprocation. They concluded that oxytocin did in fact improve people's ability to trust, but it did not seem to work on everyone. One person who was given the oxytocin didn't even return a small amount. He said these are the people you don't want to have as your friends. Un-trusting types though, he concludes are few and far between.

This video is about TV and the effects. It first talks about kids while watching TV how it builds up aggression in children. It also talked about how learning is so much more than watching it, you need to get involved and accomplish something. A need as defined in the book as any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. Social needs are internalized or learned from our emotional and socialization histories. When you are learning and discovering things as an individual, you have a sense of achievement for yourself.

We discussed the hormone oxytocin in class on Tuesday. Oxytocin is known as the 'cuddle hormone' or the 'love hormone.' The video I found on youtube discusses what love is. Oxytocin is released when mothers nurse their young, creating a bond between the two. There is also an increase in oxytocin levels when women fall in love. This increase creates a bond similar to the one between mother and child.

The video clip that I found deals with testosterone and dopamine and how these neurotransmitters effect and control our sex drive. In class we discussed how men have more testosterone than women and how this affects how they think and process information, especially when it comes to sex. Testosterone makes men more competitive and more likely to have a higher sex drive. The clip talked about this and how first testosterone builds up a man's need for competition and sex and how women raise this even more for them. Once they actually achieve their goal of having sex, the dopamine transmitters start being activated and they want more of it. Ths in turn works with the testosterone, and the cycle begins again. The clip also discussed briefly a study that had women rate a man on his appearance. When the women had higher levels of dopamine, they were much more likely to give the man higher ratings on his appearance compared to those that had lower levels of dopamine. Overall, it was an interesting short clip that related well with what we have been learning.

The part of the chapter that I chose to find a video for what the section on homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body's need for regulation of a constant state. The video I found is of a doctor describing why we cough. She explains that it is the body's way of keeping the airways clear. This is an obvious example of homeostasis. Because the body needs to maintain a constant source of oxygen. If the airways are not clear, then there is no way of obtaining oxygen. There are certain times when we cough on purpose because we have a tickle in our throat, and other times when we cough uncontrollably. All of this are the body's way of maintaining it's homeostasis. The body's homeostasis fits into the most basic need category, the physiological needs. The book describes these needs as the basic things that a person must have in order to survive. An example is that a person can live without buying a new shirt, but they can not live without water. The water supports the physiological need. Homeostasis would help that need. Along with the water example. A person that is dehydrated does not sweat, because the body needs all of the water that is can hold on to. Where as a well hydrated person will sweat because the body has an excess amount of water that it can release.

The part of the chapter that I chose to find a video for what the section on homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body's need for regulation of a constant state. The video I found is of a doctor describing why we cough. She explains that it is the body's way of keeping the airways clear. This is an obvious example of homeostasis. Because the body needs to maintain a constant source of oxygen. If the airways are not clear, then there is no way of obtaining oxygen. There are certain times when we cough on purpose because we have a tickle in our throat, and other times when we cough uncontrollably. All of this are the body's way of maintaining it's homeostasis. The body's homeostasis fits into the most basic need category, the physiological needs. The book describes these needs as the basic things that a person must have in order to survive. An example is that a person can live without buying a new shirt, but they can not live without water. The water supports the physiological need. Homeostasis would help that need. Along with the water example. A person that is dehydrated does not sweat, because the body needs all of the water that is can hold on to. Where as a well hydrated person will sweat because the body has an excess amount of water that it can release.

In chapter 3, we talked about how motivation cannot be separated from the Social Context in which it is embedded, and how the environment incorporates our brains motivational process. The book goes into detail about the hormones released during these times or events that leads our brain to remember the circumstances of these interactions.
The title of the video clip is the NLP Exercise 4. This clip may seem pretty dull, it has no pictures, only word clips that ask you to think about two objects, and a sound clip that is mellow dramatic. Yet, the substance of the video is very interesting. It has an activity that asks you to recall to objects and to imagine them vividly in your mind. Then it compares the differences between these two objects and how our brain motivates us, with invoking an emotion on how you might feel about them internally. This leads to the realization that you are motivated by the emotion or detail that is embedded in your brain.

The other day in class we talked about how people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol depend on the drugs for them to experience natural release of dopamine. When a drug addict quits taking their drug of choice cold turkey, their brain will not be able to produce natural neurotransmitters, and then suffer from withdrawal.
This video is a prime example of a young man who quits drinking alcohol cold turkey due to his friend dying of drinking. He gives a first hand account of the challenges and sicknesses that come with quitting drinking. It's slightly korny at times, but I think the creater gets the point accross quite well.

As discussed in previous comments, Chapter 3 included a discussion of dopamine and its affects on the brain. The book focuses on the affect dopamine has on happiness, but dopamine is involved in many other types of brain signaling. Dopamine neurons are also involved int the progression of Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's disease is marked by a decrease in dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra. This decrease causes the uncontrolled muscle movement seen in patients with Parkinson's disease.

In this short video on YouTube, a simple mechanism for how dopamine affects muscle movement in those with Parkinson's Disease is shown.

This is an example of how one chemical can affect many different processes in the brain - from happiness to body movements.

In chapter 3 the book talks about several hormones in the body, one being testosterone. The book explains that testosterone underlines the matting effort and is associated with a high sex drive. The video that I found on you tube was of a Doctor speaking on a talk show about the signs and effects of low testosterone and how levels decrease as you get older, as well as how the depletion of testosterone and other hormones in your body can have an effect on your overall health.

Chapter 3 talks a lot about dopamine, and this has always been one of my favorite neurotransmitters to study in psychology. The video I found talks about dopamine and how it relates to the frontal lobe through our thoughts, actions, and things that we surround ourselves with.
Dopamine is one of those things we all wish we could just shoot up all the time, especially if we are having a bad day. But it´s so crazy how a chemical in our bodies can make us feel happier. It´s also ALWAYS present in our system, but does vary in levels throughout each day and hour. Dopamine obviously can be a huge impact in how motivated we are in any given day, but also how we are emotionally feeling. If we are sad, we are not going to be motivated to get our homework done, go exercise, and more. So surrounding things that are positive, will only increase dopamine and therefore making you a better, happier person.

This YouTube clip talks about teh psychology of sex and it discusses the evolutionary process of sex like in chapter 4 they talk about the Evolutionalry Basis of Sexual Motivation. Rather than talking about just the physical attraction between males and females, it talks about the human drive to reproduce. How women and men have different ideas of sex and how men are more sexually promiscuous.

Our book mentions in chapter 4 that our body maintains homeostasis through the process of negative feedback. Negative feedback is basically the opposite of drive, and is responsible for keeping our bodies from becoming out of balance (e.g. drinking too much water, eating too much food). Potentially harmful consequences can result from failing to cut off our drive-motivated behaviors.
This video provides an example of what most people think of as 'negative feedback' by showing a clip of American Idol. It then goes on to give a puppet show explaining some of the processes negative feedback is responsible for and how they work.

Chapter 3 talks a lot about dopamine, and this has always been one of my favorite neurotransmitters to study in psychology. The video I found talks about dopamine and how it relates to the frontal lobe
through our thoughts, actions, and things that we surround ourselves
Dopamine is one of those things we all wish we could just shoot up all the time, especially if we are having a bad day. But it´s so crazy how a chemical in our bodies can make us feel happier. It´s also
ALWAYS present in our system, but does vary in levels throughout each day and hour. Dopamine obviously can be a huge impact in how motivated we are in any given day, but also how we are emotionally feeling. If
we are sad, we are not going to be motivated to get our homework done, go exercise, and more. So surrounding things that are positive, will only increase dopamine and therefore making you a better, happier person.

The textbook talks about the influence of testosterone on the person. More testosterone has been linked to increased aggressiveness, a higher sex drive and many other characteristics that are seen as predominantly masculine. What many people fail to realize is that women have testosterone as well, generally just not as much.

This video shows how testosterone differences are displayed, using as an example digit ratio. I have seen digit ratio used as a predictor of reasoning skills as well, it does not necessarily have 100% accuracy, but then what does? I think a lot of times even if there is scientific reasoning behind these findings that they lead to gender stereotyping because people start to think of these findings as the absolute truth when that is simply not true.

In chapter four, the book talks about facial metrics and what we consider to be beautiful. Certain dimensions of the face will tell us whether a woman is particularly fertile or if a man has high androgen / testosterone levels.

In this clip, you will see some extreme photoshop skills being used to create a picture for advertisement. Notice what they change on the woman.

I know it is very fast, but they begin by applying makeup and doing her hair to highlight her natural beauty - while hiding any blemishes. After that, they lengthen her neck, make her neck thiner, make her cheek bones more prominent, fuller lips, and they make her eyes larger and more almond sized.

These are just a few of the facial features that are known to be our definition of beauty.

Here is also a clip of a man.

You'll notice the square jaw, strong cheek bones, larger and almond shaped eyes again, consistent symmetry, and full lips.

I chose a video on dopamine. As discussed in class and in the book, dopamine releases good feelings. Reeves states on page 63 that "people encounter a variety of events, those that signal reward and teh anticipation of pleasure trigger neurons in the dopamine pathway to release." The video I chose talks about how when gambling, scratching lotto tickets, and betting on stock are caused by dopamine in the brain. When putting money in a slot machine and it might pay off, the dopamine goes from 3 times per second to 40 times per second. That is why the person keeps taking the risks of gambling, or betting on a stock. The dopamine that releases is giving off a good feeling of potental winning more money then you already have. But gambling and that sort of stuff is a risky thing to do for most peoples financial budget. A little help from dopamine released from the feeling of being risky is why many of us like the intense part of gambling or putting money into a stock, rather than into a certificate or bond.

Here is the youtube video:

I find dopamine very interesting, especially when it comes to risky things, that can trick your brain!

These chapters discuss a lot about the brain and about dopamine and serotonin in the brain and brain structure so I chose this link about serotonin and dopamine in the brain. This video talks about depression. It states that 20 million people suffer from major depression/Clinical depression. Some symptoms of this depression are sadness, low energy levels, and feelings of worthlessness that lasts for 2 weeks or longer. It then discusses how the brain is involved in people with depression and how the brain can physically change. People with Depression tend to have smaller Hippocampus' and have reduced or decreased amounts of neurotransmitters which can have a big effect on mood.

In chapter 4, environmental influences on eating is addressed. It is mentioned that there can be situational pressure to eat or diet. This reminded me of a male friend from high school who was on the wrestling team. He frequently would skip meals and even make himself throw up to make weight. Hunger didn't control his eating. His coach did. Here is a video about male anorexia. They discuss how it manifests and possible causes in an attempt to raise awareness for what is usually considered a female disease.

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