Causes of Depression

Since we have been talking still about neurotransmitters that affect our bodies and emotions, I thought I would find an article that talked about outside influences that can cause depression.  Listed below are 9 events or characteristics -

  • Abuse. Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.
  • Certain medications. For example, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers or reserpine, can increase your risk of depression.
  • Conflict. Depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends.
  • Death or a loss. Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, can also increase the risk of depression.
  • Genetics. A family history of depression may increase the risk. It's thought that depression is passed genetically from one generation to the next. The exact way this happens, though, is not known.
  • Major events. Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring.
  • Other personal problems. Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can lead to depression.
  • Serious illnesses. Sometimes depression co-exists with a major illness or is a reaction to the illness.
  • Substance abuse. Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.
Chemically, people with depression often times have a smaller hippocampus, which is in charge of storage of memories, but unfortunately if it's smaller, it can have fewer seratonin receptors.  Seratonin is a chemical that is a calming brain chemical, and usually those with depression have lowere levels of seratonin and higher levels of cortisol, which is the chemical in charge of stress.  Lastly, depression has many different aspects of the disorder, but can be temporary and there are many types of ways to treat it, you just have to find the right one with the combination of medication, counseling, and life-style modification.  It is said that depression in passing down through family members.  15% of men have depression and 30% of women suffer from depression, although most everyone in their life will experience some form of depression, and approximately 18.8 million U.S. adults suffer from depressive disorders.  Life isn't getting an easier, but that is why we humans live make life go on.

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