Above is the original website of breast friends, which helps many women deal with emotional pain. It also helps motivate women with cancer to fight. It starts with "First I Cry" which is a message welcoming them to sisterhood. "Inside is a silk screened handkerchief with the Breast Friends logo, along with a list of contacts for area support groups and a feedback card." They are told to pass it on to a loved one, whether that being a family member or friend. Secondly there is a match program which pairs women up with others to help cope with cancer...it is a great support group for someone who does not have a support system. Thirdly, they give out hats for women who are having problems with losing their hair. H.A.T.S stands for Healthy Attitude to Survive. Furthermore, they go to a inmate facility to talk to inmates which is a great opportunity for the innmates to open up about their feelings, fears and concerns around cancer. Lastly, breast friends does a workshop: "Thriving Beyond Cancer" which is a four week workshop after the patient has finished treatment.
To read more about breastfriends and how one can help click the link above.
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