Who has ever tried to lose weight but lacked the motivation to actual do it? Or tried to reach that BMI index that is healthy for their height and weight? Many people have started a diet and exercise program and either succeeded at this program or failed. What could be some possibilities that would get people to stick to their weight lose goals or reach that healthy BMI index? Could you say that it is health wise important, or you will have more energy if you do? How about if it were made a requirement for graduation? At Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, they are making it a requirement to have a BMI index of 30, which is higher than the actual BMI average of 22.
Here is the link to the NPR article http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2009/11/pennsylvania_college_makes_bmi.html
How they do this is have the incoming freshmen get their BMI measured and if it comes back higher than 30 they are required to take the "HPR 103 Fitness Walking/Conditioning" class, or they can't graduate. The other students who took the BMI measurement and passed are not required to take any additional physical tests or classes while attending.
The logic behind this according to DeBoy a chair of the department of health, phys ed and recreation there at Lincoln said, "As health educators we're concerned with the whole student, not just the academic part, but all the components that make up health and wellness."
So as a student whose BMI is way over 30 and is as of my last check up in perfect health, besides some breathing problems that I have had way before I was considered unhealthy, find that this can create a problem. I would just not attend this college if I knew that I would not be able to reach this goal. I also would have a problem with the fact that this can cause some mental health problems for many students who find themselves perfect at their current weight. It initially states that you may be healthy, but you are at risk and to save you, I think you should lose some weight.
What is your thought on this and is it a good start to achieving a healthier America? And foremost would this motivate you if our university made it a requirement for graduation?
I feel Lincoln University has good intentions with the graduation requirements of a BMI of 30. They want to begin creating a healthier America. However, I feel there are better ways to impact students' lives. For example, instead of having a BMI requirement to graduate, the University could require students take a fitness or health class each semester. Also the University could only provide healthy options in the dining areas. I also agree with the problem of mental health problems hurting students. This requirement of having a BMI index of 30 to graduate could encourage eating disorders and/or other unhealthy habits.
I have been lucky enough to never have a problem with my weight. However, this BMI requirement would not motivate me to attend this college. In fact, I would not attend a university that required a specific BMI to graduate. I am too stubborn to let others decide what my BMI should be in order for me to graduate college. On the other hand, I appreciate receiving information on healthy eating and exercising habits. I do not feel forced into a corner. I can decide what I will implement into my life.
I echo meganr's comments about providing healthy options in the dining areas. I also think if a university is really concerened about their students health and fitness they would remove all vending machines. Or, only have vending machines that contain fruit, veggies and water/juices. But, I do not think it is right for universities to dictate the body composition of their students (unless they are on the Biggest Loser campus). Students attend college to get an education and not to audition for a spot on America's next top model. If the university makes a health and fitness class part of their curriculum I have no problem with that. But, it's our rights as American's to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to choose which fast food burgers we're gonna shove down our throats at breakfast, lunch or dinner.
I found this University's decision to not let people with BMI's over 30 graduate very interesting. On one hand, I understand that the university has the student's best interests at heart, but at the same time is it fair to have such a restriction? I know a lot of healthy weight people who could use a fitness class or two, including myself. Maybe it should be required of all students before they graduate, like was required of all students at UNI before budget cuts. I think this rule would deter many kids from even apply at the school, which I would image would really hurt the school, so I'm not really sure of the school's motivation behind the idea. Maybe it was like UNI's decision to ban smoking on campus--you can be fat all you want, but not on my campus? Maybe some students will see this as a motivation to GO to the school. I might be motivated to lose a few lbs if it meant I had to take another gym class! Students might also be motivated by the embarrassment of having to take an extra class because of their weight. I'm saying this is the right way to go about it, but it may be the motivation some students need and even want.
Honestly, I don’t see a major problem with Lincoln University requiring their students to have a BMI under 30. A BMI of 30 signals that you are obese and therefore, are at risk for many serious health problems in the future if you don’t change your lifestyle. Moreover, as college students, we all know that college isn’t the best environment to lose weight but is a great one to gain it. So, it makes sense for them to measure the BMI of in-coming freshman and try to get them on a healthier path at the start of their college career. Our university feels it is necessary for us to take a Personal Wellness class and used to require activities in addition to the lecture portion. Classes and programs like Personal Wellness and Lincoln University’s Fitness Walking are meant to encourage and inform students to lead healthier, more active lifestyles so that in the long run they will have a better life. You said you are in perfect health now but that may not always be the case. People who are obese are at risk for heart disease, headaches, joint pain, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, sleep apnea, etc. Most of these show up later in life and can be connected to obesity, which is preventable. So, the question is why not try to make a change? Lincoln University is attempting to promote change in these students’ lives. They are trying to motivate the students to lose weight and lead more active lifestyles, with the assumption that those with a BMI under 30 do not need this motivation. I do not like this assumption because they are excluding the overweight category and those who have never struggled with their weight and may not lead healthy lifestyles. However, I would not have problem attending a college that required students to weigh in to graduate and take a fitness class to lose weight, if necessary. Our nation is so obese and it needs a kick in the butt. If that means withholding diplomas until someone meets the fitness requirement than so be it. Moreover, being obese could be detrimental in the job market. Students may benefit from becoming more fit prior to graduation and entering the job market, especially in today’s economy.
My first reaction to this article is how overtly discriminating this University's policy is. How could they manage a policy like that in the first place? If I failed to meet that requirement before graduation I would feel even worse about myself, and maybe channel that emotion in a negative fashion, rather than trying to improve my lifestyle. I think the first step to achieving a healthier America is to teach the younger generation the health concerns associated with poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and ultimately obesity. This form of motivator might work for students in the short term, but after they graduate, what happens with most might fall back to their heavier weight? This concept of negative reinforcement seems awkwardly counter-intuitive, from my viewpoint. Finally, I think this subject is best addressed in the home; teach them young and teach them often. Childhood obesity rates are soaring more than in the 21st century. As obscure as this might sound I think efficient time management and family time allocation will help reduce obesity in the United States. And exercise should get thrown in the solution, too, of course. If families eat meals together, they can all contribute to the preparation of the meal, resulting in fewer trips to fast food restaurants, and also fostering better familial relations. But before this idea can reach a consensus among families there must first be a full dissemination of knowledge and education across families in the United States. Teaching families, especially children, to engage in family meals and recreational exercise should help truncate this growing obesity epidemic in the United States.
This topic is really interesting and I am sure it caused a lot of debate. Everyone is aware that in the United States obesity is a growing problem. Many things are to blame raging from unfit parenting styles, fast food restaurants and school food. I can see why DeBoy thought it was logical to implement a program that would hopefully decrease obesity at this campus. However, I don't really think it should be a requirement for graduation. As stated in earlier posts, I think DeBoy took it to far. There are several other options that the university could have tried first. They could offer healthier meals, fitness class for a low price or even free, require they take a course on health education. My freshman year I was required to take Personal Wellness. With this class I was also required to take two fitness classes. I am now a senior and I believe that the Personal Wellness fitness classes are no longer mandatory (I could be wrong). I think this shows that although DeBoy and many other university's have the students health in their best interest they are going about it in the wrong way. Because they get rewarded by being allowed to graduate or not have to take an extra fitness class, these students are extrinsically motivated. It is important to find a task that will intrinsically motivate students to become healthier.