Some people are not morning people.I am the opposite. I'm a morning person. I don't have a problem waking up at seven so I can be in class by 8 AM. However, waking up early has never been a problem for me based on one of two reasons and they are my stomach growling and the possibility of having to go to the bathroom. That's what usually motivates me to get out of bed so early each morning. I have never been the type of person who goes to bed at 3AM and then sleeps till three in the afternoon the very next day. Don't those people realize that they've wasted a perfectly good day by choosing to do an effortless activity such as sleeping?! Anyway, when I wake up in the morning after showering the first thing I do is eat breakfast because if not I feel gross until I do finally eat something.The other people I don't understand are the people who skip breakfast, its by far the best and most exciting meal of the day! By the time I eat and decide what to wear I look at the clock and it usually says 7:45 or after and I realize I better haul you know what if I want to make it on time and not look like a dork walking in late. On the way to class one of the best motivational things besides eating a delicious breakfast is turning on my i pod and deciding what song I should listen to. I usually just end up putting it on shuffle and let it decide for me, since I've never been good at making decisions.Listening to music in the morning is really the best part of getting pumped up for a long day ahead of reading textbooks, studying, and listening to really long lectures.Not only is music motivational, but music has a tendency to boost your current mood into something better. And what a better time to do that than in the morning when you need that extra incentive to walk ten minutes across campus when its five degrees below zero and the wind is blowing snow right into your face. That is the time when music really comes into play, when you have your i pod on your favorite song turned up a little too loud you trick your mind into thinking this wind blowing snow right into my eyes isn't so bad as long as I have my favorite song on at the moment life is good as we all know it can be sometimes. By allowing yourself ten minutes of downtime of listening to your favorite song or artist on the way to class it has relaxed your mind into thinking that everything that you were worrying about the night before and were stressing aimlessly about until you finally fell fast asleep is going to be okay. That fight you had with your roommate, boyfriend, or girlfriend about the most stupidest thing in the world will eventually work itself out and you'll all be friends again in the end, the test that you stayed up all night for strung out on a pot of black coffee you'll probably pass with at least a C, you'll have to ask mom and dad once again for money because SSSHH don't tell anyone but you accidentally rear ended someone while you were texting but you decide not to tell them all the details because they probably wouldn't believe you start to put all your worries aside and tell yourself that everything is going to be has to be okay because its time to put the i pod away and snap back from la la land and into reality because you have arrived at your 8 o' clock class.
The other side: I am one of those 3AM bedtime, sleeps the day away people you don't understand. For the second time in my 5 years here I have an 8AM class, and it's a huge chore to convince myself that dragging myself out of my warm comfy bed is worth it. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a great student. I'm just not a morning person. I don't see it as sleeping my day away. My day starts around noon, and ends around 3AM. It's the schedule a lot of my friends keep, too. For me, there is nothing motivating me to wake up early, since most of what I enjoy doesn't kick off until around 7PM.
As for breakfast, since I likely had a snack before bed at 2ish, I'm not hungry when I wake up. I try to eat something quick because I know it's good for me and will help me wake up, but I'd much rather get another 15 minutes of sleep than eat a big breakfast, since I average only about 6-7 hours, and my body wants 12. My doctor says some people are just built to need more sleep.
I am also one of those people my mother calls "night owls." I love to stay up all night, even with classes early the next morning. Ya, sometimes (oftentimes) the next morning is hell, but I live for the night--whether it's partying, watching movies, sports, listening to music, whatever. I've never really been motivated to wake up in the morning if I don't have to. When I do it makes the day a lot longer, but I never eat breakfast. My sleeping schedule has and always will be messed up I've learned in my four years at college. There's been semesters where 4-5 hours of sleep has been the norm. Don't get me wrong I love to sleep, I just don't see the point until I'm actually asleep. I know there are side effects to that, but still I've managed to earn Dean's List grades every semester. As I'm sure we have all learned, it's much easier to motivate yourself in the morning if you have something to look forward to--unlike the monotony of a school day week after week.
After looking at the "Ten Simple Ways to Jumpstart Your Morning Website," I agree that music is a good way to liven your spirits in the morning. Also going along with the list, I have heard of athletes waking up in the morning and standing under cold water for 30 secs.--which definitely would provide a shock to your system.
Within the website listed below, there are 25 simple ways to motivate yourself. My favorite one was:
13. Don’t fear failure. Instead redefine it as feedback and as a natural part of a successful life. As Michael Jordan said:
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Also, try to find the valuable lesson(s) in each of your failures. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this?
Oftentimes I think people aren't motivated for the day ahead because they dread what is ahead of them and/or what they have to do and accomplish. Fearing they won't accomplish something is a solid way in my mind to hinder any feelings of motivation.
I am a person who can get up early if I have to. I would love nothing more than to sleep in till noon but with my schedule that is an unlikely occurrence between classes and work. However, if I do end up waking up late in the day I feel like there is no time to get anything done. It is as if the rest of the day is rushed. I am also trying to change this about myself by getting up early and setting up a routine. I know with me graduating in May and finding a career, I am pretty much going to be getting up early from that point on.
I found this site that has some very good tips for getting yourself up and motivated in the morning.
I am definitely going to be trying those tips out and hopefully it will be enough to get me motivated to get out of my nice, cozy, warm bed during the winter here in Iowa. Only time will tell.
I feel that my best work is done at night, when everyone is asleep. There’s nobody to talk to, nothing worthwhile on TV, the dogs aren’t going to barge into my room demanding attention (which usually works), and it’s quite. The solitude provides me with the opportunity to work without interruptions or distractions.
Yes, I am one of the night owls. I have been for as long as I can remember, and music usually plays a vital role in my nightly adventures. I love listening to classical music when I study. I heard a lot of hoopla about how it can help improve intelligence and memory retention, so I figured why not? I have an iPod touch – the best invention ever – and I bought an application for ninety-nine cents called “iLuvMozart.” This application provides ten classical hits from Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc. I regularly play this for background music and for the learning benefits.
Throughout the day, I usually have my iTouch in my hand or my pocket. Honestly, it’s a computer in your hand. With access to the internet and the “Pandora” application – which is tied to your Pandora radio account, I have access to an almost unlimited amount of music. On the average day, I wake up and immediately begin listening to some country. My favorite thing about music is when I’m singing to it, and somebody else randomly joins in. This always brightens my day by sharing a common interest with a friend or a complete stranger – which after the song is sure to be a new friend.
I would deffinately consider myself a morning person. I do tend to sleep in a little later on the weekends or when I dont have anything to do in the morning, but I haven't slept past 10:00 in years. What really helps wake up in the morning is having a cup of coffee or someother form of caffeine. It's pretty safe to say I'm addicted to caffeine, as I'm sure many other college students are. Caffeine just puts me in a better mood, and until I have a cup of coffee or something I feel like all I think about is when I'll be able to have some caffeine, and if I dont get my dose of caffeine-its likely I'll be in a bad mood until I do.
I also think that listening to music in the morning while taking a shower or getting ready is a great way to get yourself motivated and in a good mood for the rest of the day. I also think listening to music can put you in a better mood when you are going to do something you dont want to do (going to work, cleaning, doing your homework). Its pretty easy to put yourself in a good mood when you're having a bad day or wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Have a cup of coffee and listen to some good music and usually things will start to look up, and you're able to motivate yourself to get things done or do something positive.
I am definitely not a morning person, but if i have to get up (like for class or work) i can do it. I also do not eat breakfast, more for the fact that i would like to sleep a little longer. If i have to get up really early, i tend to get drowsy in class and not be as productive. I usually get a lot of my studying done later at night, when there is no one around to talk to or distract me.
Music definitley helps me wake up and keep me motivated through tasks i don't want to do. The beat of the song can get me going into my studying. I usually put my ipod on shuffle, or when at work and needing to study put on Pandora or another radio site.