A couple of weeks ago a television show premiered on MTV about 4 guys who are traveling the country trying to complete their list of 100 things they want to do before they die. Each time they cross something off of their list they try to help someone they meet on the street complete an activity that he/she wants to do before they die.
This may be the only show on MTV that has any content that is worth while - personal opinion.
As I watched the show I got very interested in their journey and their list - so I googled the show. According to their website, their journey started well before MTV got involved. Some of the things on their list are silly (scream at the top of your lungs) and some of the things are things that we all probably want to do (fall in love).
It got me to thinking - what do I want to do before I die and will I ever have the courage to actually do any of those things?
They seem to be making an interesting point about actually living your life instead of letting it pass you by.
What do you want to do before you die? Will you ever actually do any of the less significant things on your list?
I have always wanted to ride a MECHANICAL bull - does anyone have any suggestions of where to go to for me to be able to cross this off of my list because I have decided to actually do all of those little, kinda stupid things that I have always wanted to do. I have yet to make a list, but once I do I may be able to motivate myself to accomplish them by the need for competence and achievement. It would be nice to be able to cross off some of my items.
If you want to learn more about their project you can check out their website:
I have never seen this show (nor any "music" on this music television station for that matter) but the concept sounds interesting. I'm kinda picturing this show as that of a lovechild between the movie The Bucket List and the television show My Name is Earl...only with less flannel shirts and wrinkled old dude skin. The only thing on my list to do before I die is visit all 50 states. I've got quite a few crossed off the list and I'm thinking about saving Hawaii for last. The reason being is if I went there now I may never leave.
-Funny vision Brett
This tv show actually sounds interesting. And an improved change from some of the shows out there right now. It seems like it is an encouraging show that would motivate someone to create their own list, add to it, or go out and DO IT!
Some things on my list:
Milk a cow
Have a baby
Find a career that I Love (and that I am good at)
If I do not end up milking a cow when I find my self nearing the end of my journey I don't think it will break my heart, but I think it would be cool experience that I hope to have. I can't say right now that I will cross everything off of my list, but I sure want to try.
Brett said he only had one thing on his list...those guys thought of 100, so what does this say?
Mechanical bull - you could try to stop by the local high school "after" prom (I've heard they have been there in the past...??) [p.s. I believe you have the courage to find and ride a mechanical bull]
I saw this show and thought it looked interesting, I'll definitely have to look into watching it now :)
About the mechanical bull-- didn't they have something like that in the union a year or so ago? Cowboy night? I thought I remembered some friends going with their cowboy hats and coming back with stories from 'the bull'.
Things on my list:
Owning a German Shepard
Live in a different state
and go Sky Diving
If you want an extensive list you can contact me, but those are just some of the things I would like to do :)
Coincidently I’m watching The Buried Life right now (it’s the episode where they sneak into the Playboy Mansion and give an elementary school a computer). I also thought that the show sounded interesting, which was why I decided to watch today. The concept sounded amazing and I think that what they are doing is incredible, a lot different than what is on other reality shows.
A few things on my list include traveling to Italy to see where my great-grandmother lived and to be on Jeopardy. I will eventually travel to Italy and it is definitely a must do before I die, however if I am never a contestant on Jeopardy it will not be much of a heartbreak.
Also, there was a mechanical bull in the Union last year, I do not know if they are having another Western Night this year or not, but it might be something to look for.
Coincidently I’m watching The Buried Life right now (it’s the episode where they sneak into the Playboy Mansion and give an elementary school a computer). I also thought that the show sounded interesting, which was why I decided to watch today. The concept sounded amazing and I think that what they are doing is incredible, a lot different than what is on other reality shows.
A few things on my list include traveling to Italy to see where my great-grandmother lived and to be on Jeopardy. I will eventually travel to Italy and it is definitely a must do before I die, however if I am never a contestant on Jeopardy it will not be much of a heartbreak.
Also, there was a mechanical bull in the Union last year, I do not know if they are having another Western Night this year or not, but it might be something to look for.
I love the idea of the show. Where these fou guys have afew serious ideas (falling in love, finishing college) and then fun ideas (partying at the playboy mansion, sleeping in a haunted house), and then when they cross something off their list they help others. I think its awesome!! :)
I'm not too sure what would be on my list, iI suppose the motivation to have a list and put some things on it tha aren't technically to get them done,but to try and to take advantage of the oppotunities that you may be afraid to have, and then when completing something on your list, it might give you an idea for something else you wanna do.
I'm sure it helped these guys a lot to have MTV along the way with their list. But I love the idea that these four guys had and the ideas on their list are great and random.
When it comes to motivation, I think actually writing a list and having it in hard copy would motivate anyone to want to finish the list and to have the group with the same overall goal of finishing the list motivates them to finish.
While I have only seen this show on MTV once, I found it to be a pretty sweet concept. We have all of these concepts about living life to the fullest and making the most of every day and truly living, but how many people actually achieve these notions? They have almost become cliche in our society today, at least among people our age. Now, I don't think there is anything wrong with that--it's definitely a great motivational spirit of law to live by.
Oftentimes in today's world people focus so much so on making money spending countless hours at work, that they forget to live and experience life's adventures. These experiences or adventures, whether traveling to all fifty states or whatever is on one's personal "bucket list," are part of our physiological and psychological needs and desires. Human nature motivates us through environmental, social, and cultural forces to seek our sense of self and satisfy our evolutionary demands. As it states in our text, "Human beings are curious, intrinsically motivated, sensation-seeking animals with goals and plans to master challenges, to develop warm interpersonal relationships, and to move toward attractive incentives, psychological development, and growth."
Personally, a few things on I would like to do before I die is win a state championship as a coach, tailgate and visit as many sports arenas as I can, go whitewater rafting, livein a log cabin, and visit every state in the U.S. Oh ya, and watch the CHICAGO CUBS WIN A WORLD SERIES :)