Recalling yesterday's exercise where you broke up into groups and came up with various environmental stimuli, the aroused motive, and the resulting motive-relevant behavior, I'd like you to post a comment detailing out an example (one that we did not cover in class). Imagine a comment from someone who did not participate in yesterday's exercise, and someone who did--the person who did should be able to provide a comment that clearly states the example, terms, and links between them as we did as a group yesterday.
Stimuli: Grad school acceptance letter
Motive: excitement, joy
Behavior: call others, smile, jump, scream
Motive: stress/anxiety
Behavior: look for apartments in the new area, call school about funding options, relax/ignore further interest
Motive: achievement
Behavior: continue effort in undergrad, don't try anymore in undergrad
Stimuli: Being in a car accident
Motive: fear, worry
Behavior: stop car, make sure nobody is hurt, call 911, call family/spouse
Motive: Anxiety/anger
Behavior: pacing, swearing, kicking car
Motive: pain avoidance
Behavior: take tylonol, go to doctor
Motive: interest
Behavior: start looking for new car, or a way to get your car repaired
Stimulus: Driving a car
*Caution-Drive slowly(possibly driving with children or under the influence but hopefully not both; the elderly come to mind as well), use proper signals and obey all traffic laws, watch out for pedestrians/other cars, accelerate slowly
*Anxiety(e.g., new drivers unsure of what to do)- drive slowly, pull over and stop (if on a busy highway or bad weather), grip the wheel tightly, uneven acceleration, smoke cigarette(s)
*Panic- slam on the brakes (if sliding on the ice or about to hit something), honk the horn
*Achievement(e.g., NASCAR driver or just drag racing for fun)- drive fast, fast acceleration, awareness of other driver(s)
*Excitement (e.g., a teenager driving their first car)- drive faster than normal, listen to music in the car, honk the horn for fun, fast acceleration
*Attention- awareness of other cars and their relative speed and distance, controlled acceleration, use turn signals properly, obey most traffic laws
*Inattentive (someone who drives often/spending a long time in the car)- talk on a cell phone, send/read a text message, eat food, mess with the radio/CDs, talk to people in the car, reduced awareness
*Annoyance- road rage behavior(if stuck in traffic or get cut off), yell at the kids, yell in general, hit the steering wheel, honk the horn, fast acceleration, smoke cigarette(s)
Stimulus: Boss walks by
Motive: Anxiety
Behavior: Sweat, fiddle, occupy yourself
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: Greet, smile, compliment, converse
Motive: Anger
Behavior: Ignore, walk away, avoid
Motive: Association
Behavior: Greet, converse, follow
Stimulus: First Date before he/she arrives
Motive: Excited/Happy
Behavior: Smiling, getting ready
Motive: Nervous
Behavior: Sweat, pace, figit with something
Motive: Anxious
Behavior: Changing clothes, fixing hair again, finding things to keep busy
Stimuli: Slipped on the ice
Motive: Frustration / Anger
Behavior: Complain to friends, write an angry letter, or make an angry phone call
Motive: Embarrassment
Behavior: Jump right back up, act as if nothing happened, try not to make eye contact with others
Motive: Pain avoidance
Behavior: Go to the doctor, call for an ambulance, take ibuprofen
Motive: Cautious
Behavior: Walk slower, avoid icy areas
Stimulus - Traveling to another country
Motive - Nervousness
Response - butterflies in stomach, cold sweat, insonmia (unable to sleep), unable to concentrate on a book or movie (on plane or bus)
Motive - Excitement
Response - happy mood, smiling, pacing while still, rushing to get there, attentive
Motive - Fatigue
Response - moving slowly, sleeping, lack of energy and enthusiasm
Motive - Worry
Response - fear of losing possesions in transit, jumpy, overly cautious, tense while in plane, train, or bus
Stimuli: Funny smell in apartment
Motive: Worried
Behavior: Figure out what the smell is and decide if it’s harmful
Motive: Annoyed
Behavior: Complain to friends/roommate, clean
Motive: Disgusted
Behavior: Clean the apartment, find source of smell and get rid of it, light a candle, plug in air freshener, wash dishes
Stimuli: Being hired for dream job right out of college
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: spread the news to everyone you know, jump up and down, squeal, plan a party
Motive: Nervousness
Behavior: sweat, anxiety, butterflies in stomach, insomnia, lack of concentration
Motive: Achievement
Behavior: demonstrate "my work is done here" mentality for the remainder of the school year, or work harder
Motive: Interest
Behavior: begin looking at housing options, choose outfit to wear the first day, plan traveling route
Stimuli: At a very crowded party.
Motive: Nervousness
Behavior: Stand by yourself in the corner, sweat, nausea,
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: Drink socially, smile dance, talk to everyone, play games.
Motive: Interest
Behaviors: Talk to girl your interested in, see whats going on inside, find new people to socialize with.
Motive: Panic
Behavior: Hide out, leave the party, anxiety attack.
Stimuli: First date
Motive: Nervousness
Behavior: Being quiet or talking way too much, sweat, nausea
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: get to know other person, smiling a lot, giggling and laughing
Motive: Panic
Behavior: Going to the bathroom a lot, text a friend, cut the date short, not talk
Motive: Worried
Behavior: Legs twitch, sweat, quietness
Stimuli: Going to school out of state
Motive: Nervous
Behavior: Staying in the dorms all day long
Motive: Excitment
Behavior: Venturing out onto campus, looking like a tourist.
Motive: Worried
Behavior: Become anxious about teachers, class and classmates
Motive: Shock
Behavior: Getting use to the culture, weather and small town atmosphere.
Behavior: Move back to your home state due to over shock from culture, weather and small town.
Motive: Saddnes
Behavior: Calling family every minute of the day.
Stimuli: Graduation/Commencement Day
Behavior:Smile, Jump up and down, Arrive early for the ceremony,
Behavior: Sweat, Panic, Pace back and forth,
Behavior: Prepare for job or Graduate school, celebrate by going out for Dinner with family, possible drinks as well.
Motive: Nervousness
Behavior: Checking clock multiple times, Pace, Calling/Texting frantically to see when people are arriving to the ceremony
Stimuli: Seeing a new "blockbuster" movie at the theater
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: get there early, get a good seat, buy the extra large popcorn (with butter of course)
Motive: Anxiety
Behavior: wondering if you just wasted $10 bucks on a movie that may not be worth it
Motive: Interest
Behavior: watching ever detail, listening intently, shutting off your cell phone
Motive: Achievement
Behavior: brag to your friends you saw it before them, get the platic toy from the value meal at the restaurant promoting the movie
Stimuli: See a large dog
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: approach and pet the dog, smile, talk with owner
Motive: Fear
Behavior: panic, run away, cry
Motive: Sadness
Beahvior: cry over loss of own dog, walk away from situation
Motive: Anger
Behavior: give dirty looks to owner, yell at owner, call the city on the owner
Stimuli: Preparing to play for the state football championship
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: Leading the team enthusiastically out onto the field
Motive: Anxiety
Behavior: Butterflies, Nerves, Pacing back and forth
Motive: Interest
Behavior: Research other school's (opposing team's)history and past accomplishments
Motive: Saddness
Behavior: reflect on all the years you've played football that led up to this final game
Motive: Achievement
Behavior: Proudly wear your state championship T-shirt and wear the medal around your neck
Stimuli: Preparing to confront a co-worker
Behavior: plan out "speech" and when to do it
Motive: Nervous
Behavior: sweat, butterflies, practice out loud
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: think that you are finally going to tell them off, the matter will FINALLY be addressed
Motive: Anxious
Behavior: Do it at a very in-opportune time
Motive: worry
Behavior: reflect on past confrontations
Motive: Confidence
Behavior: reflect on past confrontations
Stimuli: Hearing a song
Motive: Excited (if you like the song)
Behavior: Sing along, dance, sway, stay within listening distance so to hear the entire song
Motive; Annoyed (if you don't like the song)
Behavior: Move out of listening distance, try to stop the song, ignore it
Motive: Uninterested
Behavior: Ignore the song
Motive: Curiosity (if you had never heard the song before or if you do not know where the song is coming from)
Behavior: walk towards the source of the music, listen to the song
Stimuli: Waiting in line at a store
Motive: Annoyed
Behavior: tapping toes, sighing, swaying side to side
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: Smiling, looking at the item that is going to be purchased
Motive: Fear
Behavior: Check wallet, check checkbook register
Motive: Interest
Behavior: Looking around at other items
Stimuli: First day of school
Motive: Excitement
Behavior: wake up really early, get very excited to go
Motive: Scared
Behavior: Pretend to be sick, Cry
Motive: Don't Care/Not Interested
Behavior: Act as if it is a regular day
Motive: Interest
Behavior: think about what your new classes and teachers will be like
Stimuli: Seeing a child alone in a store
Motive: Worried/Curious
Behavior: Look around for parents, approach the child and ask were their parents are, tell someone who works at the store.
Motive: Surprised
Behavior: look around for parents, possibly approach the child, or possibly ignore the child and keep walking.
Motive: Annoyed/Bothered
Behavior: Tell the child he needs to go find his parents, tell someone else the child is lost, or ignore the child and keep walking.
Stimuli: Losing a credit/debit card
Motive: Worried
Behavior: Look everywhere in house, car, friends house, etc.
Motive: Scared
Behavior: Call police, call bank and cancel card(s).
Motive: Relief
Behavior: calm down once everything is said and done.
Stimuli: Quitting job
Motive: Nervous
Behavior: procrastinate, make up excuses, cry, panic
Motive: Vindictive
Behavior: Yell "I QUIT!", just stop showing up, hand in dirty uniform, stop doing job while at work
Motive: sad
Behavior: cry, apologize, explain why
Stimuli: Hearing your mother yelling your name
Motive: anxious,affraid
Behavior: Pretend that you're busy, avoid her
Motive: affraid, worried
Behavior: Come clean on what you did wrong, be honest
Motive: Relief
Behavior: Don't keep things from your parents, don't disobey them again
Stimuli: Someone buying you a drink at the bar
Motive: Excited (if you like the person)
Behavior: Cheers them!
Motive: Sick (because you've had too much to drink)
Behavior: Throw up near/on them
Motive: Annoyed (because it's someone you don't like)
Behavior: Take the drink as you walk away/ignore them
Motive: Relief (because you didnt bring any money)
Behavior: Continue talking so they buy you more drinks!
stimuli- running late for class
motive- anxiety
behavior- run to class, worry about everyone seeing you walk in late, worry about what the professor will think
motive- frustration/anger (cause for lateness out of your control)
behavior- walk quickly, mumble to yourself, angrily sit in your seat
motive- neutral/no big deal
behavior- go to class as normal
Stimuli: Party on a Friday night
Motive: excitement
Behavior: go out shopping for a new outfit/stock up on booze
Motive: frustration (because you cannot attend)
Behavior: Don't talk to party host since he or she planned it on a bad day
Motive: curiosity
Behavior: socialize with new people at the party
Motive: Anxiety (your crush is going)
Behavior: Get too inebriated to care/don't go
Stimuli: Spring Break
Motive: Excitement
behavior: shopping, working out, tanning, planning
Motive: Nervous
Behavior: Overpack, work out
Behavior: research the place you are going, start planning months ahead
Stimuli: Moving back home
Motive: Dread
Behavior: Work hard to find a job somewhere else
Behavior: Make plans for the move, talk with parents, etc.
Motive: Uncertainty
Behavior: Talk to others to see what they are doing, find a good job to save money
Stimuli: going on a date
Motive: excitement
Behavior: brush teeth, apply deodorant and cologne
Motive: nervousness
Behavior: change shirts to something new / clean
Motive: Happy
Behavior: do my happy dance
Motive: embarrassed because my roommate saw my happy dance.
Behavior: firmly shut my door and made sure it latched.
Stimuli: Going Back to a Summer Job
Motive: Happiness
Behavior: Greet your old acquaintances, ask them how they have been
Motive: Nervousness/Uncertainty/Fear
Behavior: Ask several different people about changes that have been made in procedure since you have worked there last
Motive: Annoyance
Behavior: Despite learning that your job will now require additional duties to be performed within the same time frame, you find a way to ask questions respectfully to better understand why certain changes were made.
Motive: Interest
Behavior: Make an effort to get to know new employees whom you have not met before
Stimuli-Working at a Job
Behavior- Representing yourself in the way in which the company symbolized, researching the company and matching your values to theirs.
Motive- Social Support
Behavior-Building Relationships with your coworkers and knowing you can count on them for anything
Movie-Financial Stability
Behavior-Arriving to work on time, performing to your best ability, and saving up ones money so they have that stability.
Stimuli-Preparing for a Psychological Stats test
Motive: Anxiousness
Behavior: Study, review, make note card flash cards of terms
Behavior: Sweat, increased heart rate, butterflies in stomach, fatigue
Motive: Achievement
Behavior: Pass the test, get a good grade
Stimuli: Being proposed to
Motive: Joy, Excitement
Behavior: Jump up and down, yell "Yes!"
Motive: Fear, Anxiety
Behavior: Withdraw, avoid significant other
Motive: Anger, Dislike
Behavior: Yell "No", avoid significant other, break up