As college students, we are probably all well aware of our own particular study habits. Within the realm of our own self-awareness there lies that annoying voice that repeatedly whispers, "Do it later, you can do you homework right before class, don't worry about it." To be honest, I have deliberately procrastinated this assignment until I realized I needed at least half an hour to prepare and write my blog entry. Anyway, in preparation for this I stumbled upon a short (4 min) video about procrastination and self-control. Dan Ariely, a professor at Duke University, briefly discusses the impact of the inevitable procrastinating mind.
In the video he emphasizes how our emotions often get the best of us in our attempt to become proactively efficient in our study habits. But, since this emotion sets in, the downward spiral of procrastination and lack of motivation welcomes itself inside our heads and thwarts our initial productive mindset. In his attempt to curtail students' procrastination efforts, Professor Ariely set up a system in which students determine their own personal deadlines for three course papers throughout the semester. However, there are repercussions for tardiness; he docks one percentage point each day that student is later in turning in his or her assignment.
I think this system would work incredibly well for some students and could be a negative influence on others. Some students absolutely need a form of routine, established deadlines, and other linear classroom functions. The others who thrive off this type of setting could flourish and do particularly well, because they might be the ones who procrastinate more than the former group in a traditional class setup. I guess it depends on the relationship between the professor, the student, and the type of assignments and grading criteria the professor has planned.
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you feel that a classroom grading system would enable or disable your procrastination habits?
2. What do you think the biggest reason is for procrastinating on an assignment?
In the video he emphasizes how our emotions often get the best of us in our attempt to become proactively efficient in our study habits. But, since this emotion sets in, the downward spiral of procrastination and lack of motivation welcomes itself inside our heads and thwarts our initial productive mindset. In his attempt to curtail students' procrastination efforts, Professor Ariely set up a system in which students determine their own personal deadlines for three course papers throughout the semester. However, there are repercussions for tardiness; he docks one percentage point each day that student is later in turning in his or her assignment.
I think this system would work incredibly well for some students and could be a negative influence on others. Some students absolutely need a form of routine, established deadlines, and other linear classroom functions. The others who thrive off this type of setting could flourish and do particularly well, because they might be the ones who procrastinate more than the former group in a traditional class setup. I guess it depends on the relationship between the professor, the student, and the type of assignments and grading criteria the professor has planned.
Discussion Questions:
1. Do you feel that a classroom grading system would enable or disable your procrastination habits?
2. What do you think the biggest reason is for procrastinating on an assignment?
I thought this was pretty interesting mostly because I can relate to it pretty well. I agree that it would work better with some students more than others. I think docking points for each day the paper was late would motivate most students to get things done on time and teach them deadlines, but I think for those huge procrastinators it might hurt them because if they have a very difficult time with procrastination their grade might suffer with the docking of points for being late. I think the biggest reason for students' procrastinating is simply because they have so much else going on and I think that most students just need to be taught or shown how to manage their time more wisely. I think they should teach more classes in school about how to manage your time more wisely and how to meet deadlines and prepare and work ahead of time, I think this would help students learn how to not procrastinate as much and get things done on time and not wait til the very last minute to get things done. I think this would also help students get better grades and be a lot more less stressed because it is very stressful knowing something is due and trying to hurry and get it done because you have waited until the last minute.
Unlike most students, I am the complete opposite: I hate procrastinating, and would actually prefer to work ahead. I can relate to what Dan Ariely says about eagerness in the beginning of the semester, as I feel the same way. However, I have learned that the best way for me to get my work done is to take advantage of my eagerness by working ahead during the beginning of the semester.
I dislike his idea of having students choose their paper deadlines, though. I work extremely well when I have strict deadlines. I like structure, and do not do well when professors are loose with their requirements. Although I do agree that every student has different learning methods and that some would do much better with procrastination when they are able to choose their deadlines, I also feel that it's actually not that helpful. Professors are supposed to be preparing us for the "real world" - and having students choose their own deadlines is not realistic for this. How many times are employers going to say, "Hey, I have this big project you need to get done.. when would be best for you?"
I think that there is no right method for teaching or education. Students all have different methods for learning effectively, and it's not realistic to expect that professors can tailor the class to each individual student. I agree with rohloffr that it is about time management, but sometimes there just isn't enough time to get everything done. I've frequently had these discussions with my mom... I feel like it'd be easier to be an employee than to be a student. When you work, you go to work, put your 8 hours in for 5 days, and the rest of the time you don't worry about it (for the most part, there are exceptions). As a student, however, we have to go to class, read, and study - an everyday a week cycle.
I also believe that it's where priorities lie.... I knew that I would have to be going to graduate school for my desired profession, so schoolwork has been my priority. All of my free time is devoted to doing homework and studying. This is extremely stressful, but I'm living proof that studying DOES get you good grades.
I think there are many reasons that students procrastinate, but the major one is that something is just not a priority. For example, obtaining a high GPA is a priority for me, but is not for my boyfriend (his motto during college was "D's get degrees!). He always procrastinated doing his homework, and I don't think I saw him study for a test once - it just wasn't important to him to get a high grade, but just to pass.
Furthermore, I think that people have a tendency to work more diligently and focused when they are under stress... There's no other explanation for how we can write 10 pages the night before a due date, yet couldn't write a paragraph a week before the due date.
I agree with this video a lot. I am always ready to start the semester off different than the last one and keep up on all my readings for class, and then everything starts to get busy and i generally do not. My main reason for procrastination is not that i do not want to do the assignment it is usually that i am busy with some other homework or busy with another task.
I personally like the idea of choosing our own deadlines for projects and papers, because then i can pick when i have a week when i do not have very many things due. I like the option of planning around my schedule. I also think that docking points for each day makes a student take responsibility for the date that they picked to have their assignment due on.