After browsing on I, for lack of a better term, stumbled upon a website called The page I came across is short and sweet, but made me think quite a bit about what actually motivates someone to do something. The website listed the "5 lessons on how to treat people." After reading through them I felt as they were a little sappy; however, not being a sucker for cheesy stories they were still inspiring. The website explains the 5 lessons in a short paragraph.
The first is the story of "Knowing the cleaning lady." The lesson discussed how a person can be a very attentive student or employee and yet have no knowledge or appreciation for all of those that contribute to his or her surroundings. The second lesson was titled "Pickup in the rain." It discussed a story of a young white male picking up an older African American woman who's car had broken down in the rain. In the end the woman ended up being married to a famous musician and bought the man a large gift. The third story was titled "Remember those who serve." It discussed a little boy wanting an ice cream sundae but getting plain ice cream instead because he did not have enough for a sundae and a tip. The fourth is titles "Obstacles in our path." This discussed a story of a King placing a boulder in the middle of the road and waiting to see who would move it. After many people just walking buy a peasant moved the boulder to reveal a purse filled with money and a note that said "Every obstacle presents and opportunity to improve our condition." The last lesson was titled "Giving when it counts." It was about a young boy who gave blood to his sister to save her life. It tells how the young boy thought the doctors would be taking all of his blood and he would die, but he was willing to for his sister.
As I said before, some of the stories are sappy, and some of them may be fabricated. However, it does make you think. What does it take to be the person to move the boulder? Do you acknowledge every person you come across, no matter how small or large their roll in your life may seem?
I, personally, could learn form the meaning of these lessons. A lot of times it is easier to walk around the boulder or past the cleaning lady. However, if you can help someone or make someone feel worthwhile I think that makes all of the difference.
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