Motivation in Online Courses


Throughout my college career I have intentionally avoided online classes because I tend to procrastinate far too often.  When I found out this class would contain a large amount of work online, I was a little skeptical.  Since many other people I know tend to procrastinate as well I thought it might be benificial to research how to succeed in an online class.

The article begins by explaining that it isn't unusual for soemone to become distracted while taking an online class, and that motivating yourself is very important. One way to cut down on distractions is to find a quiet workplace where you can conistently get work done. 

Secondly, it is important to creat both short and long term goals for the day, week, month, and class.  Setting small goals will give you small, but instant gratification while working towards the long term goal.  Be sure to stick to the deadlines.

One way to motivate yourself to reach your own personal deadlines is to create your own personal rewards.  When you accomplish something take an extra long break have dessert, etc.

Ask fellow students and the instructor questions; just because it is an online class doesn't mean you are all alone.

There is the article, and a lot if it sounds similar to ways to succeed in any class setting, not just online.  I think many of the points brought up are good ideas, and it's nice that Dr. Maclin makes it clear when the deadlines are.  Let me know what you guys think are good and bad about the article.  Do you have any suggestions to better motivate yourself and to make online classes easier? 


I find myself procrastinating and falling behind in online classes as well. The tips in this article are helpful. I took an online class last semester that was not set up very well at all. The teacher did not respond quickly to questions, the assignments and syllabus were very confusing; which made me not want to work on things for this class. I think having set do dates and communication lines open, and also rewarding yourself for getting things done are all great ideas.

Author Profile Page Percillia | May 3, 2010 8:59 PM | Reply

Sliding doors is actually one of the movies that I actually truly enjoy, not just in this class but also from previously. This was a movie in my own home collection. I had always enjoyed how it portrayed the what if question in life, what if I had done this or what if I had done that instead. Throughout the movie you see what Helen's life would be like if she had made the train and arrived home to find her boyfriend in bed with another women, or if she had missed the train and didn't catch her boyfriend in the act of cheating. You find yourself feeling sorry for Helen and thinking she is rather pathetic in the route of missing the train, she works two jobs to try and support her deadbeat boyfriend while he is sleeping with his ex-girlfriend behind her back. You also find yourself rooting for the Helen that made the train and found him cheating, her journey of moving on not just in her romantic life but as well as her career. In chapter 14 Reeves states “growth needs- or self-actualization needs- provide energy and direction to become what one is capable of becoming.” I feel like this is a good way of explaining the motivation behind the Helen that made the train. After feeling sorry for herself for a while, which is very understandable, she picked herself back up and started over starting up her own business and moving on with a new found love.

Disregard that previous post.

This is only the second semester I have ever taken an online course during my time here at UNI and I know why, I would classify myself as one of the world’s biggest procrastinators. I am awful, and I mean bad. It would have been helpful if I had read this article in the beginning of the semester when it was first posted, but here I am showing my true colors of a procrastinator and scrounging around at the end to complete the required work for the course. The last time I completed an online course was for personal wellness and that was just about as bad. In that class everything was online and the only time you went to class was to take exams. I didn’t know that it was an online course until I went the first day, much like this class. However in personal wellness the lectures were taped and posted online to view. I not once kept up with the lectures and it never failed that I was watching all the lectures the day of the exam. Much like now, I am commenting on posts that I should have done long ago the night before my portfolio is due. Many of the point in your article were great, but if I could only manage to implement them into my everyday life, but I guess after five year of college and with graduation less than a week away I really don’t foresee that happening any time soon. I feel as thought my greatest weakness and downfall when it comes to my procrastination is that I don’t set short-term goals for myself. I know what needs to get done by the end of the semester but I often don’t look at it week by week. If I would set weekly goals for myself and not reward myself if I don’t met my goal I would be much better off, and I would have modified my behavior to get work done on time long ago.

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