Another wasted Resolution


I found this article while browsing for interesting topics. It caught my attention because this is something just about every single person can relate to. There isn't a single person I know that has not set some sort of New Year's resolution, and like myself nobody I know has ever actually followed through with their resolutions. Most people set resolutions to stop smoking, stop drinking, lose weight etc. I have had many friends and family members set these kind of goals for themselves and start off doing it for a couple weeks and then find themselves falling back into the same routine as before and go back to their old habits. This is a short article that talks about why people break their resolutions and don't follow through and why some people are more capable than others in following through with their goals. It also reminded me of something I learned in one of my Psych classes that I found pretty interesting that the reason people fail in these types of resolutions they set for themselves is not because they can't change or arent motivated enough but because they set their goals too high from the start. It's important for people to set their goals low so they don't set themselves up for failure right away from the start. If they set their goals way too high they don't have much of a chance at succeeding and are doomed to fail from the start. So it is important to take small steps and work your way up when trying to accomplish a long term goal and not trying to do everything right away.



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