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Pay-To-Behave Program (Audio)

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"At Shaw-Garnet-Patterson Middle School in Washington, D.C., students like the idea of getting paid for good grades or for just showing up. They have a harder time agreeing on how much they should get.

"A lot. A thousand dollars," one young girl says. "Two hundred," a boy chimes in, " 'cause I got two A's. When asked how much he should be paid for coming to school on time, the student says it's worth $50."

What do you think about this program? How well does it adhere to the behavioral principles we are studying?

Here is a post one of Kim's students, Michael, in her motivation class put up they did a nice job with it:

You can get class credit if you go to the site and comment hear and additional class credit if you comment on Michaels post on Kim's site.

How would you describe the socratic method using behavioral terms? Below is an article on the socratic methods used to teach 3rd grade students about binary numbers...

Read the article