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"With unemployment in the United States hovering around 10%, hunting for jobs can be a daunting endeavor.

Competition can be cutthroat, and job seekers have been using all kinds of unusual strategies to gain an edge in their searches, from donning sandwich boards advertising their skills to passing out resumes on street corners.

While some applicants have used these unorthodox strategies to secure a coveted position, others have used creative brute force, wielding new technology, unusual online outlets, and brand-new content creation tools to set themselves apart."

Please read through the article and enjoy the different portfolios and ask yourself:

Ask yourself for each of the portfolios: What is this person's contribution? How does this person want to be evaluated? How has this person gone about representing themselves?

Pick one of the portfolios you viewed and critique it in regards to the 3 questions above.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Please read the next three chapters of Walden two and then discuss the following.

How are these more recent chapters different from the previous ones?

What is your view of social enginering? Has it changed since reading the current chapters?

Based on the current chapters, do you think some of the ideas Skinner is using in Walden Two would work in our society? Why or why not?

Please have this done before class on Tuesday if you can.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

What does your text say about punishment?

What is your geberal opinion of punishment?

What is Skinner's general opinion of punishment?

How has your opinion changed since reading these chapters?

These are two very short papers that I would like you to read:

After making your mind map for the two articles combined (1 map with both articles on it), respond to the following questions:

1) What did you find interesting about the articles?

2) What were the main points?

3) Why did the authors write the articles?

4) What was the main point about the articles?

5) How does the text and your reader handle the related material?

6) What do think the impact of this articles was / is?

7) How do these articles relate to the other articles we have read so far?

What I would like you to do for this homework is to find some websites of a topic that was covered in the Walden Two readings for this week.

1) Discuss in some detail how your topic relates to behavior analysis (it should also be a topic in the text). Write a paragraph or two on what your text says about this topic.

2) Visit 3 sites that have information about your topic.

3) Organize your topic into a post that integrates the three sites and what else your text might have to say. Please try to incorporate the behavioral terms and concepts we are learning into your writing.

4) Make a list of course related terms you used in this post (this is to help get you focused on using behavioral terms in your regular writings).

5) Provide the 3 URLs

Week #8 - Walden Two (due Thursday)

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For this homework please read sections 1 to 5 in Walden Two

1) Make a list of the behavioral topics Skinner discusses in Walden Two.

Next visit with your textbook and look up what it has to say about the material you just read.

When you are done:

2) Discuss what you read in the reader. Think about what you learned from the reader. What were the main points the author was trying to make? What were some scenarios he used? What was the most interesting part of the sections?  Don't simply answer these questions; these are just some things to ask yourself before you start writing. I am pretty open to what you write about.

3) Discuss what you read in your text about the topics you listed in #1. How did the author of your text book go about addressing the related material? What did you find out about the topics that might have been covered differently covered in Walden Two? What did you find interesting that was presented in the text? How difficult was it to find the related material in the text? Again don't specifically answer these questions, just use them as a way to think about the material. Feel free to experiment with your own style.

4) After you have had a chance to think about the material - what parts do you think you will remember and what parts do you think might fade from memory sooner.

5) Make a list of the terms and terminology you used in this post.

Mid-Term Suggestions

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Hi Class - we will be having our mid-term the Thursday before Spring Break. I am in the middle of formulating the exam and would like your input on what you feel is fair game for test. I will seriously take your responses into consideration while making the exam.

1) What topics are fair game to cover?

2) What topics are not fair game to cover?

3) How would you like to be tested?

Psychology Club

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Briefly discuss the meeting. What if anything related to the C&L class?

For this homework please read don't shoot the dog. You Do Not Have To Make A Mind Map. Next visit with your textbook and look up what it has to say about the material you just read.

When you are done:

1) Discuss what you read in the reader. Think about what you learned from the reader. What were the main points the author was trying to make? What were some examples she used? What was the most interesting part of the chapter - etc.?  Don't simply answer these questions; these are just some things to ask yourself before you start writing. I am pretty open to what you write about.

2) Discuss what you read in your text. How did the author of your text book go about addressing the related material? What did you find out about the topic that wasn't covered in the reader? What did you find interesting that was presented in the text? How difficult was it to find the related material in the text? Again don't specifically answer these questions, just use them as a way to think about the material. Feel free to experiment with your own style.

3) After you have had a chance to think about the material - what parts do you think you will remember and what parts do you think might fade from memory sooner.

4) Make a list of the terms and terminology you used in this post.

Week #7 - Web Divergence (Due Saturday)

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What I would like you to do for this homework is to find some websites of a topic that interests you and that relates to behavior analysis.

1) Discuss in some detail how your topic relates to behavior analysis (it should be a topic in the text). Write a paragraph or two on what your text says about this topic.

2) Visit 3 sites that have information about your topic.

3) Organize your topic into a post that integrates the three sites and what else your text might have to say. Please try to incorporate the behavioral terms and concepts we are learning into your writing.

4) Make a list of course related terms you used in this post (this is to help get you focused on using behavioral terms in your regular writings).

5) Provide the 3 URLs