
There are plenty of opportunities to do well in the class.

In this class there will be a mid-term and a final. You will be required to post to and comment on the class blog. There will be 3 assignments per week (due Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). And you will be required to build a portfolio of activities above and beyond the homework assignments.

The mid-term and final are worth 25% of your grade. Blogging is worth 15% of your grade. Homework is worth 30% of your grade. Attendance/participation/presentations is worth 20% of your grade. And the portfolio is worth between 10% to 30% of your grade.

Notice that these numbers don't add up if you use the 30% value for portfolio. This is becasue the portfolio can be used for up to 20% extra credit as long as you have worked consistently on it thoughout the class. Keep in mind that someone wanting the portfolio to account for 3 times as much credit must meet with me and demonstrate that they did 3 times the work or effort.

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