"NEW YORK -- High-end New York city retailer Bergdorf Goodman has hired a beagle to hunt for bedbugs - just in case."
How does one go about training a dog to sniff bed bugs? Can other animals be trained - if so what would the need to be able to do? What other things might a dog be able to be trained to sniff for?
I thought this was an interesting photo for punishment...
This was interesting - the Warden was quoted "You don't do 140 executions and then all of a sudden think this was a bad thing."
"With unemployment in the United States hovering around 10%, hunting for jobs can be a daunting endeavor.
Competition can be cutthroat, and job seekers have been using all kinds of unusual strategies to gain an edge in their searches, from donning sandwich boards advertising their skills to passing out resumes on street corners.
While some applicants have used these unorthodox strategies to secure a coveted position, others have used creative brute force, wielding new technology, unusual online outlets, and brand-new content creation tools to set themselves apart."
Please read through the article and enjoy the different portfolios and ask yourself:
Ask yourself for each of the portfolios: What is this person's contribution? How does this person want to be evaluated? How has this person gone about representing themselves?
Pick one of the portfolios you viewed and critique it in regards to the 3 questions above.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
The study, published in the May issue of Pediatrics, adds to evidence suggesting that spanking and other types of corporal punishment set kids up for aggressive behaviors later in life."
Please read and disucss this article
Next how does this compare with the information we know from the text?
How does this compare with Skinner's view of punishment?
HOw does this compare with your view on punishment?
Please read the next three chapters of Walden two and then discuss the following.
How are these more recent chapters different from the previous ones?
What is your view of social enginering? Has it changed since reading the current chapters?
Based on the current chapters, do you think some of the ideas Skinner is using in Walden Two would work in our society? Why or why not?
Please have this done before class on Tuesday if you can.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
What does your text say about punishment?
What is your geberal opinion of punishment?
What is Skinner's general opinion of punishment?
How has your opinion changed since reading these chapters?
You are encouraged to attend this important meeting of the psych club. If you attend and blog about your experiences you can use this for class credit - something that you can add to your portfolio....
Please announce the following in classes, as appropriate:
"The UNI Psychology Club will be holding its April meeting in Room 112, Seerley Hall, at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, April 5. The meeting will feature election of officers for academic year 2010-2011, details regarding the upcoming volleyball tournament (scheduled for April 24), information about the Psi Chi induction ceremony April 11 at 2:00, and the popular "Registration Gossip" session discussing Fall classes and professors (no faculty allowed!). Free pizza and pop will be provided. Any questions should be addressed to President Lisa Hickman: lhickman@uni.edu."
Please read the next three chapters of Walden two and then discuss the following.
What is the reason for Skinner writing this book?
How does Skinner portray social engineering?
What are the behavioral techniques Skinner is using in Walden Two?
Do you think some of the ideas Skinner is using in Walden Two would work in our society? Why or why not?
Please have this done before class on Tuesday if you can.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
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