Recently in Behavior Category

"Visitors to Mildred's Temple Kitchen, a restaurant in Toronto, Canada, are invited to spice up their love life this Valentine's Day with a trip to the bathroom."

How do the restraunt owners get people to overcome social norms to have sex at theor restraunt?

Pay-To-Behave Program (Audio)

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"At Shaw-Garnet-Patterson Middle School in Washington, D.C., students like the idea of getting paid for good grades or for just showing up. They have a harder time agreeing on how much they should get.

"A lot. A thousand dollars," one young girl says. "Two hundred," a boy chimes in, " 'cause I got two A's. When asked how much he should be paid for coming to school on time, the student says it's worth $50."

What do you think about this program? How well does it adhere to the behavioral principles we are studying?

Here is a post one of Kim's students, Michael, in her motivation class put up they did a nice job with it:

You can get class credit if you go to the site and comment hear and additional class credit if you comment on Michaels post on Kim's site.

"Staffers whose health is ranked "platinum" will benefit from a 30 percent discount, while those in the bronze range will get 22 percent. That's a difference of $4 on a $50 grocery purchase. Staff members who opt out of the in-store health screenings still get the usual 20 percent employee discount."

How would a behaviorist describe what Whole Foods is doing here? What might they consider doing to imporve their successes?

Superstitious Behavior Video

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I couldn't embed this so you will have to go look for yourself......

"MINNEAPOLIS -- A urologist has been indefinitely barred from inpatient surgery for removing the wrong kidney of one patient and taking a biopsy from another's patient's pancreas instead of a kidney. Dr. Erol Uke has signed the disciplinary ruling from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, agreeing that his actions justify the board's discipline."

Behaviorally speaking - how is being disbarred a punishment? Is it positive or negative punishment? Does it act as a deterrent? How does being able to get certified in the future alter the punishment? Is suing for medical mal practice a punishment? Is it a reinforcer to the person suing? Lots going on here...


Sniffy the Virtual Rat - Projects

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Project 1- Observing Behavior
Part A:
Watch Sniffy for a few minutes. Slowing him down to his slowest speed 
may help. Then make a list of 4-5 behaviors that you see Sniffy do. Take a shot at operationally defining each of the behaviors. Remember that this is NOT a test. It's a little project to get the ball rolling. Write up your thoughts and post them on the Discussion Forum before Monday's class. We'll discuss your behaviors and use them from an in-class project on Monday. If you have any problems - DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! We'll figure things out :)Have fun with Sniffy.  Please bring your disk (Sniffy) to lab on Monday and Tuesday - we may need lots of copies for a class assignment.

Bed Jumping?

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I thought this was something different when I first read the headliner. These people go to hotels, jump on beds, and post pictures of the act.

How would you describe this in behavioral terms?



Behavioral Adaptation - Presentation Slides

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What do you make of these? How do they relate to what we have been studying? How do they relate to the material in your reference text? Are you familiar with the graph to the extent that you can describe what it is 'saying'?

What is driving these behaviors?

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