Recently in Animal Training Category

NYC Retailer Hires Bed Bug Dog

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Nyc Bedbugs

"NEW YORK -- High-end New York city retailer Bergdorf Goodman has hired a beagle to hunt for bedbugs - just in case."

How does one go about training a dog to sniff bed bugs? Can other animals be trained - if so what would the need to be able to do? What other things might a dog be able to be trained to sniff for?

It's the ultimate way to pull off a sting: Teach a group of ordinary honeybees to ignore flowers and, instead, focus on vapors from explosives used in bombs. Then send the bees off in teams to sniff out terrorists. Or track the molecular trail of illicit drugs, or even point police to a rotting corpse.

Sniffy the Virtual Rat - Projects

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Project 1- Observing Behavior
Part A:
Watch Sniffy for a few minutes. Slowing him down to his slowest speed 
may help. Then make a list of 4-5 behaviors that you see Sniffy do. Take a shot at operationally defining each of the behaviors. Remember that this is NOT a test. It's a little project to get the ball rolling. Write up your thoughts and post them on the Discussion Forum before Monday's class. We'll discuss your behaviors and use them from an in-class project on Monday. If you have any problems - DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! We'll figure things out :)Have fun with Sniffy.  Please bring your disk (Sniffy) to lab on Monday and Tuesday - we may need lots of copies for a class assignment.

Seaworld's InfoBook on Animal Training

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Dr. P's Dog Training

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The Library - presents a detailed outline of the contents of this site & includes:

Photo/Video Collections - see working dogs in action.
Various types of work (individual dogs & topics), agility, hunting, protection (general, individual dogs, police/military, schutzhund, ring, KNPV) & other stuff.

Obedience - competition technique & theory.
Competition related, clicker training, learning theory, & electronic collars.

Assistance Dogs - helping folks with disabilities.
General info, articles/stories (individual dogs, seizure alert dogs, news, others), providers, & lists of providers.

The Nose Knows - dog chores involving smell.
Tracking, searching, & other scents.

Protection & Police/Military Training - martial arts for dogs.
Various types (Schutzhund, ring, KNVP & others), breed info, general articles, police, & military working dogs.

Other Dog "Work" - various sporting/working activities.
Agility, carting & weightpulling, flyball & frisbees, freestyle, herding, hiking & such, hunting, livestock guardian dogs, lure coursing & racing, sledding & such, & therapy.

Misc. Info. & Resources - lots of other relevant stuff.
Acronyms & terms, acting, associations, career info, e-zines, humor, legal issues & bites, names, rescue, statistics, upcoming events, & other stuff.