Restaurants That Let You Pay What You Want

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"It may sound like a recipe for certain failure, but that's how a handful of restaurants around the world operate, including Denver, Colorado's So All May Eat (SAME) Café . At the Denver eatery, wealthy diners rub elbows with the homeless, all taking the time to enjoy the café's delicious organic cuisine. Raise money for this idea and other ideas."

How does this tie into the concepts raised with Walden Two?

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This is very interesting. In Walden two, everyone works together. They all help each other out with what they can. They are one community. This has the same idea. You pay what you can and volunteer how much you can. I feel people would take a negative advantage in this and pay very little to get out of volunteering. This is a great example of something that may be in the community of Walden, but in today's world, with no obvious communities like this, I do not think it would last. I could see it getting vandalized or taken advantage of. However I could see it progressing with those who are willing to help the business out. Maybe one can influence a community with high crime rates. Who knows? Let's make one in the Waterloo community and see what happens :)

The website describes a restaurant that operates using a pay-what-you-can model, diners are free to leave whatever amount of money they feel is appropriate. If the diner cannot pay for his or her meal with cash, they may simply choose to volunteer their time at the restaurant instead. This parallels the community described by Skinner in Walden II very nicely; members are free to all goods and services available in the community. Each member of Walden II is entitled to shelter, food, clothes, entertainment, and all of life's necessities without paying a dime for any of it. In return, however, each member is required to put in 4 credit hours of labor within the community each day. This mutual exchange system keeps the Walden community running much how the exchange of labor for food keeps the restaurant running while providing the homeless with healthy food and a sense of purpose in the community.

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