Revenge on the Roommate

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I watched this a while ago but forgot to comment on it. What's horrible about this is that it makes me laugh. I would me mad if it happened to me. But obviously its more entertaining to the audience. I looked up some other videos of roommates pulling pranks. It seems most of them used the butter or water trick in front of the door.

Here is one I found where a girl sets mice traps and marbles in front of her boyfriends bed. She videotapes him and turns on the light in the middle of the night and tells him he needs to get up because someone is towing his car away...All I can say is OUCH! You gotta watch it.

I would be mad if I was set up like that too, but I think after the humor wore off I would still be mad if I were the first roommate too. Although it was good watching him slip over and over again, it didn't appear to be stopping the undesired behavior. This isn't so much helpful as it is the sweet taste of revenge. I would have to say that video you added takes the cake....I could almost feel those mouse traps. I bet he learned his lesson.

The butter in the morning should have been a good indicator that he slammed the door and it bothered his roommate. I am curious how he went about confronting his roommate previous to this punishment. This seems as though it should have been last resort punishment. I do not think the punishment at the end of the day served a purpose, except for revenge. The second floor buttering act would not help learning. Most likely it would make the roommate turn towards aggressive acts. The second video seems as though it might serve to make the boyfriend extinguish his pranks immediately. He must have really infuriated his girlfriend for her to go to such extreme measures. I thought the mouse trap video was a great example.

I would want to know if the two roommates had discussed the issue of slamming the door early in the morning before this incident. As a resident assistant, I've learned that many roommates seek revenge or ways of "teaching" their roommate how to act without ever really discussing what's bothering them, thus never really fixing the problem. If the two hadn't discussed the issue, it's very unlikely that the roommate associated the buttered floor with slamming the door in the morning.
I also feel that this isn't a good punishment. Punishment and reinforcement is supposed to come after the behavior occurs. In this case, the punishment came before the behavior occurred that morning, again making it difficult for the roommate to understand and fix the issue.
I also enjoyed the mouse trap video. I felt bad for the boyfriend though. That would hurt.

I have to agree that buttering the floor would serve no purpose if the roommates hadn't discussed the door slamming problem prior. I also agree that having him fall before he even touched the door didn't serve a purpose either. In order for this to actually work he would have needed to know what he was doing wrong and why he was being punished. In order for that to work the punishment needs to follow the aversive behavior immediately not come immediately before. I also agree that him falling when he came home wasn't necessary and didn't have anything to do with slamming the door.
The second video was for revenge and revenge alone. I don't think he learned anything from falling on mousetraps. Other than maybe look at the floor before you jump out of bed. The very beginning of the video she even said it was for payback and not punishment of a specific behavior. Both are good videos of people trying to punish a behavior but they didn't go about it correctly.

This is a hilarious example of positive punishment. I agree that there are probably better ways to modify a behavior, but we don't know the entire story. Perhaps a previous attempt to use reinforcement to get his roommate to quit slamming the door failed and therefore a more salient approach was necessary. Although this punishment didn't occur in conjunction with the undesirable behavior, I'm willing to bet that as soon as the guy stops slamming the door in the morning, the negative stimulus of the buttered floors will disappear, he his behavior will have been successfully modified.

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