Mildred's Temple Kitchen, Canadian Restaurant, Encourages Customers To Have Sex In Its Bathrooms

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"Visitors to Mildred's Temple Kitchen, a restaurant in Toronto, Canada, are invited to spice up their love life this Valentine's Day with a trip to the bathroom."

How do the restraunt owners get people to overcome social norms to have sex at theor restraunt?

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The article didn't give much information at all. So we would have to guess on what the restaurant owners did. Maybe they offered incentives through the promotional email. I would not do that. It's like having sex in one big room, with dividers, and other people doing it! Sounds pretty gross to me. Why can't they always keep the bathrooms clean without the sex? Seems like every bathroom I go into these days isn't very sanitary.

I guess that the reason they were maybe able to get to agree is because it allows them to feel unashamed of some of their fantasies. Many things aren't done because people think they are wrong, illegal, or just not normal. If you tell them that it is ok, that it is acceptable, they may be more likely to go along with it. The idea that "everyone else is doing it", makes it easier for you to see yourself doing it. Another possibility is that it may new and exciting. There are couples out there thay may be looking for something to switch things up. This would definitely be a change in pace. Despite these theories I completely agree with Cassy. I find it rather distasteful, but everyone has a different idea of what is erotic and sexy. Im not sure, however, how this would actually work in practice.

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