Week #2 - Don't shoot the Dog

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For this homework please read don't shoot the dog. Make a mind map of what you just read. Next visit with your textbook and look up what it has to say about the material you just read. Add to your mind map. Please use different colors for the don't shoot the dog and the text parts of the mind map se we can see where that particular material comes from. If it comes from both you can indicate with some coding system of your choosing. You have a good deal of creative license on how you want to personalize your map.

When you are done please briefly comment below on the exercise. This will also be used as a time stamp for completing the project.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M


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This assignment was not too bad. When I had a few questions, the text book clarified. But, looking through the index and finding the info took a little more time than expected. But really there was nothing to complain about. It will be easier to talk about these topics next class.

I have to say I really enjoyed this assignment. It ways it was difficult because there were so many different things to connect. I am sure there are many connections I am still missing. Doing the mind map did help me realize how related the things we discuss truly are. I began by thinking of one term from the chapter and before I knew it all sorts of terms, ideas, and examples were popping into my head. I definitely find it helpful when a term means more to you than just a definition. I think during discussion it will be interesting to see the ways other people related these two books to each other.

My reference text book hasn't arrived yet, however, I found that Don't Shoot the Dog has enough material in chapter one to complete a very solid mind map. It will be interesting to compare the literature and see what I can add.

I found the mind maps to be an interesting way to reflect on what was read. It was difficult in some areas because of the numerous connections that can be made and the small space to work with (one sheet of paper). After making the mind map I believe the subject of reinforcement we can relate to almost every area of behavioral psychology. When it came to the book, I felt there was a great focus on operant conditioning and it's effects but those terms could easily be related to reinforcement.

This is a much easier way to reflect on the information read than taking notes or making an outline. I feel I understand the information and after looking at the map I can see what I know more about and what I might need to look at more in depth. Using colored pencils is alway fun too.

This assignment was difficult for me. I like my notes to be linear and organized rather than spread all over the paper. Using the mind map was helpful though. Because I wanted my notes to still be somewhat organized, I worked hard on formulating how everything linked together and how to organize the page before actually writing it all down on my "final draft". Because of this, I reviewed the information multiple times, thus helping myself to understand the concepts even more.

I too found this assignment difficult. I get confused when I make a mind map of my notes, and then try to find a place for the terms from the book. I do not like looking in multiple places for terms/information. It is easier for me to read it all in one place (ex. if all the info was in the textbook including don't shoot the dog info). I think it will get easier as I make more mind maps and get used to looking up terms in two different texts.

Well, it wasn't until Monday night when I realized that this comment was necessary to complete the assignment. After reading Don' Shoot the Dog and reading the textbook, most of the information alined in general terms(Positive/Negative Reinforcement, Timing of reinforcers, Reinforcement schedules). The text gave grater clarification to the terms presented in the reader. The text was also helpful in giving some background information to the terms(skinner associated with positive reinforcer). Upon reading the text book, I could not find information on reinforcer sizes and or Reinforcement application. Overall I thought the assignment was helpful and enabled me to understand the material in the first chapter of the reader.

This being one of the first mind maps I have done I wasn't sure about how to go about it. After finishing I didn't really like how disorganized it felt but I think that it will be a good learning experience for me. I need to figure out a way to go back and plan the mind map out more so that it will look more organized to me. Possibly going on to different pages or going over the concepts an extra time. I do find it much less stressful than making an outline though!

I thought this exercise was very effective. Don’t Shoot the Dog was easy to read and understand. It is also more interesting to read than the textbook. A lot of the examples Pryor used could relate to anyone. The textbook will use examples of rats while Karen uses examples of dolphins, horses, dogs, etc. I like this about her text. I also like having to go back through the textbook and find related material to compare with Don’t Shoot the Dog. Reading material twice and even by a different author helped better my understanding.

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