January 2010 Archives

Is this punishment or reinforcement? Can  you explaing the behaviors in theis video using what we know about behavior analysis?


Don't Shoot the Dog

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"Media reports said Russell Mendoza had confronted a neighbor, Rowan Hargreaves, complaining that one of Hargreaves' 39 dogs had killed his fox terrier. Mendoza and another man, armed with a .22 rifle and a shotgun, later returned to Hargreaves' property and shot 33 dogs, including 23 puppies and very young dogs."


What would cause the people to do this? Is the dog owner partly at fault? WHat could have been done to prevent this?

Pay-To-Behave Program (Audio)

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"At Shaw-Garnet-Patterson Middle School in Washington, D.C., students like the idea of getting paid for good grades or for just showing up. They have a harder time agreeing on how much they should get.

"A lot. A thousand dollars," one young girl says. "Two hundred," a boy chimes in, " 'cause I got two A's. When asked how much he should be paid for coming to school on time, the student says it's worth $50."


What do you think about this program? How well does it adhere to the behavioral principles we are studying?

Here is a post one of Kim's students, Michael, in her motivation class put up they did a nice job with it:


You can get class credit if you go to the site and comment hear and additional class credit if you comment on Michaels post on Kim's site.

SeaWorld's Punishment For Shamu

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Since you'all seem to be interested in punishment. Based on what we know about punishment, do you think this is effective punishment for Shamu?


Watson Breakdown

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Please take a sentence from Watson and break it down into an easier form and then post here. Let me know if you have any questions.



--Dr. M


"Staffers whose health is ranked "platinum" will benefit from a 30 percent discount, while those in the bronze range will get 22 percent. That's a difference of $4 on a $50 grocery purchase. Staff members who opt out of the in-store health screenings still get the usual 20 percent employee discount."


How would a behaviorist describe what Whole Foods is doing here? What might they consider doing to imporve their successes?

Superstitious Behavior Video

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I couldn't embed this so you will have to go look for yourself......

Week #3 - Watson & Rayner

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After making your mind map for the article, briefly discuss the article. Here are some questions that might help you formulate your response. You pretty much have the freedom to respond how you see fit. However please write with some authority over the topic (Let me know if this doesn't make sense).

What did you find interesting? What were some of the main points? Why did the authors write the article? How does the text and your reader handle the related material if any? What do think the impact of this article was / is? How does it relate to the other articles we have read so far?

Here is a good presentation on finding Little Albert http://www.thepsychfiles.com/2010/01/episode-114-video-finding-little-albert/



Week #3 - Web Divergence (Due Friday)

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What I would like you to do for this homework is to have some fun and find some websites of a topic that interests you and that relates to behavior modification. Please try to incorporate the behavioral terms we are learning into your writing.

1) Please discuss your topic in general, why it interests you and how it relates to behavior modification.

2) Post at least 2 links to the sites you visited that were most informative about your topic. For each site discuss what the site is about and the information you found and how it relates to your topic (please don't just say they discussed positive reinforcement - how do they go about it? etc?).

3) Disucss how these sites further expanded your understanding of your topic of interest (kind of like a conclusion).

4) Make a list of course related terms you used in this post (this is to help get you focused on using behavioral terms in your regular writings).


For this homework please read don't shoot the dog. Make a mind map of what you just read. Next visit with your textbook and look up what it has to say about the material you just read. Add to your mind map. Please use different colors for the don't shoot the dog and the text parts of the mind map se we can see where that particular material comes from. If it comes from both you can indicate with some coding system of your choosing. You have a good deal of creative license on how you want to personalize your map.

When you are done:

1) Discuss what you read in the reader. Think about what you learned from the reader. What were the main points the author was trying to make? What were some examples she used? What was the most interesting part of the chapter - etc.?  Don't simply answer these questions; these are just some things to ask yourself before you start writing. I am pretty open to what you write about.

2) Discuss what you read in your text. How did the author of your text book go about addressing the related material? What did you find out about the topic that wasn't covered in the reader? What did you find interesting that was presented in the text? How difficult was it to find the related material in the text? Again don't specifically answer these questions, just use them as a way to think about the material. Feel free to experiment with your own style.

3) After you have had a chance to think about the material - what parts do you think you will remember and what parts do you think might fade from memory sooner.

4) Make a list of the terms and terminology you used in this post.

Positive Reinforcement - The Big Bang Theory

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This is too funny! However, how accurate does the show portray positive reinforcement? How about negative reinforcement? Or is it punishment - if so why?



Week #2 - Don't shoot the Dog

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For this homework please read don't shoot the dog. Make a mind map of what you just read. Next visit with your textbook and look up what it has to say about the material you just read. Add to your mind map. Please use different colors for the don't shoot the dog and the text parts of the mind map se we can see where that particular material comes from. If it comes from both you can indicate with some coding system of your choosing. You have a good deal of creative license on how you want to personalize your map.

When you are done please briefly comment below on the exercise. This will also be used as a time stamp for completing the project.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M


Week #2 Web Divergence

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Spend some time exploring various web sites that relate to what you have learned after completing the first homework for this week (H1). Write a detailed comment about the sites you visited and the material that we present there and how it relates to what you learned (or read) from H1. We should expect to see some time put into this and we should expect to see many of terms and terminology you learned so far in your comment.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M


Week #2 Homework - Jaynes Article

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For this homework read the Jaynes article make a mind map and then read the text about the related material and then add to your mind map. Use a different color of pen or pencil for Jaynes and another for the material from the text so we can see where you got your information. Bring this to class with you on Tuesday when we meet.

"MINNEAPOLIS -- A urologist has been indefinitely barred from inpatient surgery for removing the wrong kidney of one patient and taking a biopsy from another's patient's pancreas instead of a kidney. Dr. Erol Uke has signed the disciplinary ruling from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, agreeing that his actions justify the board's discipline."


Behaviorally speaking - how is being disbarred a punishment? Is it positive or negative punishment? Does it act as a deterrent? How does being able to get certified in the future alter the punishment? Is suing for medical mal practice a punishment? Is it a reinforcer to the person suing? Lots going on here...


Death Penalty Opponents Wooing Conservatives

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"The effort has been backed by Richard Viguerie, a fundraiser and activist considered the father of the modern conservative movement. Viguerie, in a July 2009 essay in Sojourners magazine, wrote that executions are supposed to take the life of the guilty - but noted there are enough flaws in the system to fear an innocent person has been put to death."


What are the conservative issues surrounding capital punishmnet? What are the liberal views? What do they say is a problem with the system? How does this relate to what we are learning about the science of punishment?

It's the ultimate way to pull off a sting: Teach a group of ordinary honeybees to ignore flowers and, instead, focus on vapors from explosives used in bombs. Then send the bees off in teams to sniff out terrorists. Or track the molecular trail of illicit drugs, or even point police to a rotting corpse.


Dossey traces the fear of 13 to a Norse myth about 12 gods having a dinner party at Valhalla, their heaven. In walked the uninvited 13th guest, the mischievous Loki. Once there, Loki arranged for Hoder, the blind god of darkness, to shoot Balder the Beautiful, the god of joy and gladness, with a mistletoe-tipped arrow.



Web Divergence - Week 1

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What I would like you to do for this homework is to have some fun and find some websites of a topic that interests you and post it here as a comment. At this point I am not as concerned with exactly how you compose the actual post for this activity. I am more concerned that you have a meaningful experience searching out and learning about your topic.



Basic Concepts in Classical Conditioning

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This collection of documents aims to explain the systemic part of this approach. It is based mainly on a lecture in comparative psychology kindly provided by Durham psychologist Bob Kentridge. All documents belonging to this lecture are marked as such on the bottom of each document.



Punishments in Traditional China

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Based on what we know about puishment, why would there be so many different types of punishment? Why not just find one that works and use it? Based on what we know about punishment, which method do you think would be the most effective? Why?


Punishment Rules

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Do you agree with the 'rules' of punishment outlined on this page? What is the scienftic basis for these rules? Which rules do you thank are most important from a behavioral perspective?

"Rules" for the Effective Use of Punishment
(of the Positive or Negative Persuasion)


Sniffy the Virtual Rat - Projects

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Project 1- Observing Behavior
Part A:
Watch Sniffy for a few minutes. Slowing him down to his slowest speed 
may help. Then make a list of 4-5 behaviors that you see Sniffy do. Take a shot at operationally defining each of the behaviors. Remember that this is NOT a test. It's a little project to get the ball rolling. Write up your thoughts and post them on the Discussion Forum before Monday's class. We'll discuss your behaviors and use them from an in-class project on Monday. If you have any problems - DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! We'll figure things out :)Have fun with Sniffy.  Please bring your disk (Sniffy) to lab on Monday and Tuesday - we may need lots of copies for a class assignment.  
