I thought this was something different when I first read the headliner. These people go to hotels, jump on beds, and post pictures of the act.
How would you describe this in behavioral terms?
I thought this was something different when I first read the headliner. These people go to hotels, jump on beds, and post pictures of the act.
How would you describe this in behavioral terms?
TrackBack URL: http://www.psychologicalscience.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-t.cgi/285
Wow was my first thought, then why. This site reminds me of another site I was told about recently. www.peopleofwalmart.com Most people can say they have jumped on the bed before and then got in trouble by their mom. Going to a hotel there is no mom to tell us to be careful or stop jumping on the furniture. Mom would have been the punishment, and now the reinforcement is this web site where people can be crazy jumping on beds and post the pictures. This web site reinforces the behavior of jumping. Now people who see this site will be more likely to perform the behavior because they see it is reinforced and not punished.
Well I can't say I haven't done bed jumping pictures before. Interesting there's a blog on it. I have also seen peopleofwalmart.com These type of websites only provoke people to want to do it even more, whether for the thrill, fame, or satisfaction. What do you think about the people who post on this website? Can you tell if they are lying? Some are quite funny I must say.
Jumping on the bed is something that is normally punished and seen as a socially unacceptable thing to do after a certain age. This site gives people the opportunity to do that same thing and turn it into something that not only doesn’t get punished, it gets rewarded. I find it interesting that the site could gain popularity in a positive light when children in general are punished for bed jumping. Perhaps the children of these people will get rewarded for jumping on the bed, not punished.
For me, jumping on the bed is something childish that I enjoy doing. I know it is “wrong” so I only do it when I feel like I’m growing up to fast. It makes me feel good and is very positive for me. It feels rewarding when my mom has to tell me to quit jumping on my bed. I kind of do it to feel like I am rebelling against my mother in a way that is intended to be harmless. This seems to show that the people do it just for attention, which personally I would not find to appealing.