Tension on College Campuses


Maybe you've seen this newsweek article that highlights the disparity between admissions of minority students and graduation rates. http://www.newsweek.com/id/233843

Unfortunately, UNI is directly mentioned "At less-selective state schools, the numbers get worse. During the same time frame (2007), the University of Northern Iowa graduated 67 percent of its white students, but only 39 percent of its blacks."

In my personal opinion, this kind of damaging, national news media needs a swift response by administration to the university community, expressing concern, outrage, explanation, renewed effort, something, anything...

Tension on campuses is increasing (http://www.psychologicalscience.com/stereotyping_prejudice_discrimination/2010/02/racial-tension-on-college-campuses.html) with serious racial incidents at UCSD, arrests at UCI for protesting what is going on at UCSD, violent riots at UCB over tuition hikes.

California might get the fashion trends first, but they trend first in other ways as well...I think we are going to see a lot of unrest on college campuses nationwide, even in polite Iowa.

I'm in no way advocating violent protest. But I am advocating awareness and civic engagement. Going about one's business when campus violence (shootings, racial incidents, and rape) is on the increase nationwide, while tuition increases and programs and services are cut, is in itself an outrage.

UNI has seen an increase in racially-motivated incidents this year with little public attention, scrutiny, or awareness. Sure, eventually, a lot of people heard about these incidents and there has been administrative action. However, I sense little actual concern from the student body and community. More of a shrug, and 'that's too bad.'  That kind of complacency can only lead to trouble.

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