Movable Type

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Some helpful links for managing the professional website template in Movable Type.

Changing name of blog tab:

To change the name of most tabs you just add @topnav to the tag field and the title of that page will be the title of a new tab in the top navigation bar. However, if you want to change the blog tab, you need to go into Design --> Templates, scroll down and click on navigation. Then edit this line where you change the black text 'blog' to the name of your blog:

<li class="<mt:If name="blog_index"> on</mt:If>"><a href="<$mt:BlogURL$>blog/">blog</a></li>

<li class="<mt:If name="blog_index"> on</mt:If>"><a href="<$mt:BlogURL$>blog/">It's News to Me...</a></li>


Getting rid of the rooster (aka modifying the header) follow the directions from the second person, and to get rid of the space left by deleting the rooster header, right before the px (in both spots), delete the numbers and put a 0 (zero).

MT documentation page with info on adding tabs, using your own header image, etc

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