Recently in Memory Category

Activity: Pot, sleep, and dreams


I chose this article because it pertains to a lot of what we're talking about: the influence of drugs upon the body, dreaming, and sleep.  The three subjects are interwoven through the article, and it's interesting to see the direct connections they have upon one another.

The article actually goes into more detail about certain aspects of the subjects that we haven't covered yet, and I found it to be a pretty fun read.

Feel free to look into detail about any of this information.  Sleep cycles, circadian rhythms, the University of Chicago (huge Psychology school) and their sleep research, etc.


Try to make the posts expand on the given information, so someone else might be able to comment about your comment, also.

Finally, have fun.  This is a topic that affects us all.  Whether you only need 5-6 hours of sleep each night or if you would prefer to have about 9 like Kim said, sleep is VITAL to your well being.

That reminds me, you can look into the negative results of not getting enough sleep over a long period of time.

PS - You should probably try to relate this to reducing stress.  I'm trying to make these topics related to each other, so they're all more memorable.  =D



Activity: Brain Training



Hi all,

Call me silly, but I'm a big fan of self-improvement.  Thus this article seemed wroth while to me.

I've actually already been to the site that they refer to - Lumosity, and I bought the iPod Touch app for it.

For this activity, either find more research to support or refute the idea that regular brain training can increase intelligence OR play around on and write about your experience with it.  (It's absolutely free for new members.)

Whether you liked it or not, feel free to post about it.

An alternative would be to download the free iPhone app and try some of their games that way, too.



The Brain Observatory


Interesting website about the brain and memory.

"We are building a library for the human brain, creating the potential to illustrate the detailed design of the brain, how its microscopic structure reflects who we are, and how the relationship between structure and behavior changes as we age or as we face the progression of neurological disease."