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Book Report Guidelines


Book Report

You are required to write a book report for this course. The book report is worth 100 points.  The report should be 2000 words long, typed, and in APA style (1 inch margins, double spaced, citations where appropriate, cover page, reference page).  You will be submitting your book report to where I will verify that your work has not been plagiarized. You will also turn in an identical hard copy to me on the day that it is due.

Here are some guidelines for your book report.

Buy your book early. Don't wait to find out that it will take 10 days to get to you through the mail.

Read your book.

Your next step will be to organize what you are going to say about it in your report. Writing the basic elements down in an outline format (or mindmap!) can help you to organize your thoughts. Your report should focus on psychological factors that are evident in your book. Don't just try to write this off the top of your head, but rather, from your focused effort in applying the principles of psychology (found in your myth book, or your resource textbook) to the book you read. You should only very briefly summarize your book (e.g., less than one page). The remainder of your paper should be focused on the relevant psychological factors inherent in the story or content of your chosen book. Questions? See me.

The Final Paper

1. Spell check your paper.

2. Have a friend read and review your paper.

3. Read your paper out loud.

4. Make any changes that your friend and you have pointed out.

5. Spell check again.


10pts for APA style cover page

10pts for APA style reference page

10pts for APA style throughout the paper

10pts for appropriate length of paper

25pts for accurate and effective presentation of psychological principles/concepts

25pts for writing style

10pts for spelling/grammar

Body Story-Brain & Heart


By Tuesday 9/21 due by 11am

Yesterday, you watched a video on the brain and heart. What is your overall impression of the film? What did you learn that you did not know before? Which aspect of brain function was explained best (to you)? What aspect do you still have questions about?

Post an Illusion (and Why it Works)


Google around (using the images search) and find an illusion that you like. Describe the illusion, post the URL for it, and do some research on why it works, and what sort of perceptual or brain phenomenon it capitalizes on to work. Discuss what you learned.

Book Analysis Selection

Please indicate (by posting a comment) the book you will be doing your analysis on, and the date you would like to turn it in. Please select any non-online class day as your due date.