For this assignment, listen to the Prologue, Act 1, and Act 2 of the This American Life episode #490 called Trends with Benefits. If you have a smartphone or tablet, the easiest way to listen to this, and all the other radio shows for the class, is to download the This American Life app. Once you have the app you can quickly find shows (by title or episode number) and listen right then and there. You can also go to the website and search on episode number. I've found it for you here: click on launch player and listen to the show.
What are your thoughts?
Provide the psychology terms you used in your response at the bottom of your comment.
Jacob Clark
Trends with benefits
Okay, so i am very passionate about this topic. To get all this pent up emotion out isn't going to be pretty. So forgive me, but this will probably be an unorganized blob of personal feelings.
So, first things first. I feel like one of the biggest contributing factors in disability is the “victims mentality”. As time goes on it becomes more and more prevalent. Being taught to more and more kids. Basically this means they are being taught that they have no control over what happens to their body, and that somehow the world owes them something because of this. So naturally they hear about disability and honestly assume they need/deserve it. I call it the “pussification” of our youth. I understand there are some things that honestly need medical intervention and help. However, i think it is a vital part of becoming true men that we learn at some point in our lives to shoulder some pain/stress and do what we have to anyway. There is nothing i hate more than people trying to start a sympathy circus for themselves.
Secondly, i feel like the govt has f&^%#* up so bad, that people feel no guilt in taking advantage of the system. People aren't that dumb. If the govt is giving away “free” money, they will try to get in on it.
Lastly, i'd like to mention those with real disability. Dont get me wrong, still not showing any sympathy. This is because aside from the few people that are disabled through means outside their control, most are disabled through their own poor choices. Our tax money is going to pay for your scooter, because you couldn't stop eating crap food? tell me where the justice is in that.
So, i am very pro personal responsibility and being a true man. Which doesn't leave room for living off of something other than your own hard work.
Terms: Disability, well being, stress
Before listening to this episode my thoughts on the welfare system and disability programs were already negative, and are even more so now. I understand the reasoning behind them, but believe that both systems are set up in a way doing more harm than good. One theory is that there are free loaders out there faking their injuries just to receive the $1,000 check every month. The episode stated how there are 150,000 new jobs every month, but 250,000 people signing up for the disability program. Technology has improved so much over the years that the disability numbers should be lowering, not rising. There is better medical research to cure illnesses, surgeries to fix broken bones, technology with prosthetics and much more that should prevent any reason not to work due to a disability. I personally think that if you have the motivation to work, you can. I know plenty of people that have bad backs, arthritis, and other injuries hurting them, but they continue to work and are the hardest working people I know. These people even continue to do hard physical labor through their pain. They have the motivation and drive to work hard with no excuses. I think that most of the people on the disability and welfare systems lack these qualities and continue to find excuses not to work by cheating the system.
I couldn’t believe the reasoning the general practitioner had for diagnosing people in Hale County with a disability. Asking what grade they finished is NOT a medical question in my opinion. Just because they are not as smart with a degree or high school diploma does not mean they can’t function and can’t learn. He thought that they were disabled because they couldn’t get a job. They may not been able to get a job, but that is not what they disability program is for. From this I learned that not only are patients abusing the system, but doctors are also. Stress and obesity can be a factor of health and well-being, but doctors should help their patients with these issues instead of putting them on the program. Both of those factors can be solved and dealt with, without the disability program. There are all kinds of different jobs out there for different abilities, so I do not agree when people say there is not job out there for them. There may not be in their area, but that reasoning is not what they welfare system and disability program is in place for.
I also couldn’t believe that states were paying companies to find people to move off welfare and into disability programs just so they didn’t have to pay for them anymore, the federal government would have to. Our government should be fixing problems, not pushing them onto other people and departments. When the lady stated how she told her son not to work because it would mess up the disability benefits she gets proves that people are taking advantage of the system. It is teaching kids not to work or get good grades because if they do, they reduce their checks. I think something drastic needs to be done to fix these government systems. These programs need to be more fair and monitored. The welfare system and disability programs should be in place to help people get back on their feet and for the people really disabled beyond their control.
Psychological Terms: motivation, drive, stress, obesity, health, well-being
This radio blog show was about how our disability and welfare systems really work in America. In the beginning, it focused on a town in Alabama who seemed to have everyone one being labeled as disabled and they were all receiving disability benefits. Before listening to this radio blog post, I already had mixed feelings about the welfare and disability system. I never really realized what else needs to be done in order for our disability and welfare programs to be a success.
I thought that the interview with the doctor that kept on saying that these people were disabled was very interesting. At first I thought to myself, “Who does this guy thinks he is, giving our money to people that does not need it?” But then, he brought up some good points like the fact that some of these people never graduated high school and some have never seen jobs that people didn’t have to stand. He made the point that with the mentality that these people had that they could not work in these conditions. The interviewer interviewed many different people and they could barely think of any job that they could even do while sitting down.
Some of the statements in this video suggest that one would choose to pick disability and make only around $13,000 a year compared to a low paying job like McDonald’s where they would actually make two thousand dollars more than they would with the disability. The blog suggest that they choose the disability over the other is because they don’t have to live in fear that they may not know how to do something, job security, and they wouldn’t have to worry about pain.
Another thing I didn’t know about disability is that in America, they do not count people on disability as part of the unemployment rate. I think that that is kind of shady. I feel as if the government should include the disability people as in fact unemployed people and start reevaluating the disability program and offer education on jobs and job training for those who may not have been educated on them.
This talk show was very interesting to me for many reasons. We learned early on that some counties have 20-25% of its population on disability. Hale county is one of those counties. People in Hale county have lots of different reasons why this is. The excuses range from, a lot of them are fakes to the food. They say its hard to find healthy food out there and this leads to them being put on disability. To get on disability all that you need to do is prove to the government that your disabilities prevents you from holding a job. Everyone on disability receives $1,000 a month plus healthcare all paid for by the government. To me it sounds like it is not that hard to get on disability and that is concerning to me. I believe disability should be available to those who need it and can make all the difference in some peoples lives. However, if people keep taking advantage of the system, it will only do harm for those who really need the services.
There has been studies done about why the amount of people on disability has increased so much. Some say it’s because the baby boomers generation has gotten older. With the increase in the amount of older folks the amount on disability has to go up. What is crazy to think about is with all of the new technology that is becoming more available, the amount of people on disability is still increasing. Fourteen million Americans are on disability and that number is doubling every fifteen years. They also pointed out on the show that we never hear about these numbers. Unemployment numbers are always brought up on the news and in the papers, however, the amount of people on disabilities is rarely brought up. This was surprising to me because I had never realized it before. You think you have a good understanding about what is going on and then you hear this and you second guess if you really know much at all.
Another very interesting point that was brought up as that there are 150,000 new jobs being created every month. On the flip side 250,00 people are applying to go disability. This is crazy to me, I have to ask to ask myself if all of these people really need the services. We heard in the radio show a story of a man who was on disability for his high blood pressure and diabetes. The man we talked to also had high blood pressure and diabetes, but the difference is that the second man holds a job. What makes it fair that the second man has to work while the first can just collect disability? They brought up a good point when they said there is no diagnosis for disability. Disability can be interpreted differently depending on who you are talking to. I believe this system needs to find a new way in determining who gets disability.
Terms: Disability
In the beginning, and older couple were interviewed about the disability payments they received. They said it was a different world that it is today, and I agree with that. However, she said that they did things to their bodies that should not have been done, like physical work on the farm. Yes there was more physical labor, but it was not anything that would have been so strenuous that it would cause major problems. Some of the people just lacked common sense in situations that would probably harm them, yet they did it anyway. The number of people receiving the compensation doubles about every 15 years even though we do things to stop about it. I agree with the concept that there is no determinant what being disabled is. It is nothing more than a label. For me, back pain happens all the time. It is something that many people get, and a lot of it can be treated, but many people are too lazy or don't think they can afford to fix it. The people who are on disability get their payments, and that it. They're satisfied and do not try to accomplish anything else. I am not trying to bash on the county, but the large majority of these people seemed to be lacking in education. They had troubles speaking and communicating clearly. It makes me question what the overall population is like. I feel like they are far more uneducated than what I grew up around. I have neighbors back at home that seem to be far worse off than those who were interviewed, yet still climb up ladders, do yard work, and other physical activities on a daily basis. People get desperate and are too lazy to do anything else. Many people do not have the motivation to figure out what they can do. They see the easy way out and have no drive to do anything else. Nobody opposes the person who is trying to get benefits, and so the majority of people who apply for disability get it. This angers me that people take advantage of our system so much. It is so forgiving that no one thinks twice. I understand some people need it and that is why we have the system in place. It does not need to be given to every free loading person that comes in and says that they have something wrong with them. I think there needs to be much tighter restrictions on the system. Not everyone has problems that keep them from doing all available jobs. The well-being of our country overall is going down. The numbers increase nearly double each 15 years? That is unheard of and unacceptable in my mind. WE need to do something quickly before it becomes even more of a problem for the upcoming generations. There is only so much money to circulate and when such a large chunk of people are not earning their share, it takes a toll on everyone.
Terms: education, well-being, drive, motivation, disability
This episode that we were assigned was something that bothered me quite a bit. I had no idea of how many people were “abusing the system” and getting money for a “disability” based on their sob story. Yes, I am aware that there are people who actually need that money, since they do in fact have disabilities, but 14 million people is way too many. Hale’s county sounds like it’s running a huge fraud due to the fact that they only have one doctor, that if he believes a person is not well educated and can get a “sit down” job, then when combined with a good sob story, is disabled. A statistic given in the episode really seemed mind blowing to me, which was that every month 150,000 jobs are being created, but 250,000 applications for disability are received. That has led to the rising rate of the disability statistic regardless of the time era and economy status. People on disabilities do not even show up in the unemployment rate, which means that the rate is a lot higher than we think it is, and the government knows that. Since the people on the disablilty program are basically “invisible,” we are not aware that they are even on disability, unless they are a loved one, or relative. To make matters worse, lawyers and corporations are promoting and helping individuals falsely get into the disability program. In the show a company was mentioned, PCG, that is contracted by states and counties to help save them money by getting people on disability. They call people who they believe are qualified as “disabled” and fill out the application for them and if the individual has no medical document to support their claim, the company gets it for them. This is completely corrupt, it’s basically telling lazy Americans that they can still make money, if they think they are not fit to work. This PCG company is successful 70-75% of the time, a lawyer having a slightly lower rate of success, and a normal rate of acceptance into the program of 30-35% if one chooses not to seek help. To make matters worse, the growing rate of disability members are kids. If a kid is having trouble with school and it is setting him behind, then one can apply for the SSI program. This leads to kids not having a balanced well-being and causes them to be scared of having a real job later in life. All in all disability programs cost the government a quarter of a trillion dollars, that is a lot of money that the government is stealing from themselves, since the lawyers and corporations who represent the applicants, also work to help the government.
All in all, one cannot really tell if someone is really disabled or not, but something must be done about this industry. It is costing the government a lot of money, that can be used in other ways such as: health care, food stamps, etc. It has gone from a good thing for the people who actually need it, to a short cut at life. The people who get in the disability program only get about 13,000 a year, which is considered poverty wage. That leads to the individual’s having less motivationn and drive in life, which could relate to why there are obesity problems in certain counties with high disability assistance. Once one is in the program, the only way out is if they reach the age of 65 and get into another program, or die. I wish the best of luck to the liars that have chosen to take the short cut in life, but experience tastes a whole lot nicer when earned the hard way.
Terms: well-being, disability, motivation, drive, obesity, education.
This american life episode about people getting disability money made me realize how often some people can over use or get around the disability paperwork. ¼ people in the hale county are considered “disabled” and get $1000 checks every month. When she meets with the doctor she finds out that he is a very well off and lives in a poorer part of town so he can assist them with their needs and inform them about applying for disability to help them out. Im the type of person who thinks if somebody can not work and is in pain while standing and such deserves to be under disability. I don’t understand people who think we should all think for ourselves, we all have needs and we’re all people so we should all help each other no matter what happened to them or the mistakes they’ve made in their lives. These people that this girl interviews claim they don’t even know what a job sitting down would be. That’s ridiculous! All these people have extrinsic motivation, they want to be able to say they have a job and can work for a living, but it puts them in pain. Also most of these people don’t have a proper education so it is very very hard for them to obtain the type of job where they can sit and have an easier life. All these people show achievement motivation as well, they would prefer to work and be apart of the economy, but they have to accept the fact that they are no longer useful in the economy. This trend with benefits interview made me realize you don’t always have to be completely handicapped to be considered disabled. It can be a wide variety of issues such as back problems or an accident that caused pain to a person which makes them unable to work. Although there are some cases where people can be considered “free loaders” and use the system to be lazy and get money because they do not feel like getting a job and working, I think it’s more important that we help everybody whether they need or not, you can never be too safe. And if somebody is going to take advantage of the system like that, then that is their issue. Also there is the lawyers that seem to take advantage of the system as well by getting paid more if their client wins the disabilities benefits, but that is their job. Now if they lie about the events that occur that it wrong, but if they do what they can to get the people the benefits they need then what are they doing wrong? It’s their job to twist words if they have to in order to win their case. I know my outlook on this situation seems extremely naive, but I do think it is very important that we help everybody.
Terms: Needs, extrinsic motivation, achievement motivation, disabled, handicapped, drive
Prior to listening to This American Life; Trends With Benefits, I have known that people use the welfare system and disability programs to their advantage. But, I didn’t realize the amount of people do it. For example, in Hale County, 1 in 4 people receive about $1,000 from the government in disability checks. What about the United States alone? I learned that nearly 14 million Americans receive disability checks through mail every month. Unfortunately, some Americans lie about their disabilities because they do not have jobs in order to take care of themselves. They rely on these checks to make it through every month. This can be a large stressor on a family. But, the Trends With Benefits episode mentioned that about 150,000 new jobs are developed every month. In result, the numbers of people signed up for disability programs has risen to 250,000 people. This episode also made a great point about how our technology has only gotten greater. Meaning, the devices that people have developed can improve the health and well-being of individuals possibly causing them to return to work. Unfortunately, there were negative results. I believe that the welfare system and disability programs are set up very poorly and can be changed depending on the individual.
These systems are used in negative ways such as, hoping your child doesn’t improve in school because you rely on the checks, and urging family members not to work because the checks amount will become increasingly lower. Also, the states were paying companies to encourage people to leave the welfare system and join the disabilities programs. It was expensive for the states to pay for them so, in return the government will have to once they move to the disabilities program. This is why I feel like the systems are poorly set up because they can easily be tweaked and the different guidelines are refined. I also found it surprising to learn that some family doctors and physicians automatically have people sign up for disability without prescribing medications or providing little exercises to improve their health. Especially, when I heard about the physician in Hale County. When he heard the patient complaining about pain within their joints or not feeling well, he immediately persuaded them to apply for disability. This physician did not have the motivation or drive to help these people. Ultimately, the government is paying too much money for the disabilities program because a lot of these individuals can work without extreme agony or discomfort.
These systems and programs need to have a more structured foundation and realize when people are lying about their problems or disabilities. People need to realize how different criteria for jobs can be whether it is, standing up or sitting in an office chair. From here, dealing with their disability, they might be able to find a job. But, the way I see it, people are too lazy and would rather live their life off of the disabilities programs. The episode stated, the only way out of these programs is switching to social security for retired individuals at the age of 65 or death. Depending on your age, that is about $13,000 a year and is a long time being on these programs. I find it important for people to get motivated to go out and find a job to help themselves.
Terms: Motivation, Drive, Health, Well-Being
Trends with Benefits blog response
I have my own opinions on welfare, as does everyone else. Most of us only know what we hear, and it is hard to make assumptions based on that small amount of information. Anyone who is commenting on this blog post is pretty privileged. Now I’m not saying that everyone is rich or has an easy time with money, but they’ve found a way to be here, at college, which means they are pretty dang lucky. At the same time, there’s a reason that all of us are here, and it is because we want to make a good future for ourselves, and not to pay for others. With that being said, my opinion is not what really matters. What matters for my purposes is to explain why these trends are happening from a psychological point of view.
If you listen to what the woman on the show was talking about and look back at we’ve learned in psych thus far, there are a variety of answers to why disability is an ongoing trend. The most obvious to me came from the health and wellness chapter we just read. On one of the pages, it talked about how if you had obese friends, you were more likely to be obese. This is not only true for weight gain, but also in the case of this town in Alabama. If 25% of the people in town are on disability, according to this principle, the rest of the town is more likely to end up on disability as well. It is more commonly accepted, people have learned through sensitization that they don’t need to work for their money.
Another thing that could be said about this subject is the fact that it lowers people’s incentives to work hard. Their motivation is hindered because they see other people getting incentives for doing nothing. They feel that it is unfair that they should work to reach their incentives, while others do not have to. Welfare in a sense can become almost like a positive reinforcement. It’s like if you gave a child a piece of candy every time they started to cry. I’m willing to bet that they might start crying a whole lot more, because they want candy. It’s the same as welfare, except that in that case, other kids see the neighbor kid get candy every time he cries, so they decide they’re going to cry so they can get candy too! And it works, so who’s the smart one? The kid or the parents? No wonder so many people are on disability benefits, looking at the rules of positive reinforcement makes it a no brainer.
On the other hand, these people who are on disability and especially those are not in dire need of it, will never really reach any intrinsic goals. They are not working towards anything; they have no internal drive to do well and to succeed, which is quite a sad existence. Most, for that matter don’t have that many extrinsic motivators either. I can imagine that having a part in working society makes you feel full of worth. Not to mention that these people also could possibly miss out on opportunities to be social and feel like they belong. Both of these according to Maslow are part of our pretty basic needs, with this being said, living on welfare can’t be all that glamorous.
Terms: Learning, Sensitization, Incentives, Positive Reinforcement, Intrinsic Goals, Extrinsic Goals
Even before listening to this talk I already had a negative opinion about disability programs. I know a few people in my town who are on disability who are highly capable of going to every sporting event and scream and yell at refs, but are unable to work because of disability of migraines. I think the disability programs in America today are becoming a HUGE problem and listening to this just backed up my thoughts. All that really has to happen in order for someone to be on disability is for them to go to their doctor and complain enough, their doctor fills out the paper work and proves to social security that you can’t work anymore. Then the government pays you $1,000 a month and covers your health care for you to do nothing. I am not saying every person is faking it, because there are really some people out there who need it, but there are plenty who just have no drive or motivation to work and it’s really not fair and only hurting our economy.
The town of Hale County, Alabama had very high disability rates. Every 1 in 4 people aren’t working because of disability!! That is outrageous!! When the reported asked the towns people why they think this is; their number 1 theory was because they were faking it, while others said it was because there was healthy foods in Hale County, there is something in their water, or because they drink and smoke too much here. A lawyer in Hale County told his stories of having to deal with so many disability cases, and he always asks to hear about their disability. Most of them say “I have back pain” or diabetes or high blood pressure, and he says so do I and so do many other working Americans. He expressed his feelings for disability; he thinks it’s a very “squishy” topic. There’s nothing you really have to do to prove your disability, there’s no tests or anything, it’s basically up to your doctor. This part of her research really interested me. Every person she talked to who was on disability went to the same doctor. Doctor Timberlake, he kept avoiding her but finally agreed for an interview. When one of his patients comes in for disability he always asks “what grade did you finish?” While this is no way a medical question he thinks it highly relates to a persons ability to function (part of the information needed for disability). The majority of the people in Hale County did not go to college, which obviously makes it more difficult to get a job, so he categorizes this as a person with little education and poor job prospects so they can’t function. When I heard this it just made me angry. If that’s how everyone received disability no one would go to college, and just know they would be okay financially because they would be able to receive disability. It’s not fair at all that many americans go to school for a long time, to become highly educated and receive a good job while other americans are getting money from the government because they didn’t go to college so they won’t be able to get a good job. In my opinion this is not a legitimate reason for disability.
I think there are many different looks on disability, but I think there should be a more strict test to prove that you are really in need of this. Disability is becoming a huge problem in our world today and it is pretty much just ignored daily. We always hear about unemployment on the news that gives an outlook on our economy, but a big chunk of our money is going to these “disabled” people. And nothing is ever mentioned about them on the news. It’s obvious a problem; today 14 million Americans are on disability, the number of workers on disability doubles every 15 years (even with our advancements in society), and every month there are 150,000 jobs created while 250,000 people are applying for disability monthly.
Terms used: Drive, Motivation, Obesity, disability
To be perfectly honest, my opinion of the blatant exploitation of the welfare system and social security in this country was already less than stellar. Sadly this presentation has done little to improve that. I find the very notion that there are more people being placed on disability every year than there are new jobs surfacing to be frankly jarring if not, a little rage inducing. I find myself coming back to what that one gentleman said during his interview. “Why am I working and you're not?” The afflictions that some of these people describe are hardly enough to exempt you from the work force. Diabetes shouldn't stop someone from having a job, neither should high blood-pressure. I have high blood-pressure, and my aunt is diabetic and she deals with more stress than anybody I know.
Things like this are a perfect incentive to get people to not apply themselves to anything. You relinquish them of their drive to get back on the work force even if their disability becomes a non-issue when you just start handing out free money for being the slightest bit unwell. How does one expect a setup like this to be temporary? How many people are honestly going to walk away from disability to get back on the work force given the option, when they can just sit at home and get free money? And let's not even get into the travesty of turning our children into living breathing checks because they're a bit slow on the draw. That's a whole other argument. So why is this tolerated, nay encouraged!? Why is it that there's a system dedicated to handing out free money for the 'well-being' of the 'financially disadvantaged'? Because it's a business that people can make money off of. Look at folks like Binder and Binder. They aren't getting people on disability out of sheer benevolence, they're doing it because they get paid gratuitous amounts of money from the government to do so. It's a business. I guarantee you that if lawyers and their ilk couldn't make buckets of money from putting people on disability, they wouldn't go near social security, nor would they give a damn about people who are in legitimate need of this kind of program.
It certainly helps that they change people's perception of being on welfare to suit their goals as well. It used to be a stigma to be on welfare (or 'the rack' as it was once known) and it was considered shameful to have to take the government's money. This way, folks didn't try to stay on it longer than they had to. Now people have made it almost a positive notion to be on 'disability'. Almost makes it seem like it's honorable to take money from social security for having an affliction that millions of others probably have, but are still able to work.
The keywords are: affliction, stress, incentive, drive, disability, well-being, and perception.
This episode of American life was very interesting and full of contradictions. Usually this show has a more liberal perspective, but in this episode they veered more towards the conservative side, targeting the gray area of government welfare and disability programs. I, for one, believe welfare and disability programs have good intent, but they end up handicapping the people they provide for more than support and that the systems have come to be abused. I usually feel alone in this opinion, being told I am far too cynical, but this episode of This American Life agreed with me.
In the show, the woman addressed the problem of the increasing number of people on disability checks. She questioned whether this meant more and more people were becoming injured or that they were just being lazy. After doing her research, she found out that the people’s claims seemed pathetic, such as high blood pressure, and they were not in desperate need of the program and could very well continue to work. But she raised the question, just how do we determine what is bad enough? In the video, the doctor stated that he classified people as disabled because he believed they were incapable of getting a job that could support their back pains and high blood pressures due to poor health and stress. He described it as they are not disabled because they cannot work, rather that they cannot work the jobs more fitting for their condition. The woman’s research told her that there truly were no jobs available to these poor, overworked people where they could sit and file papers; everything they could do required standing and physical labor. This makes the disability program like a sponge for it soaks up the desperate people who cannot find work to meet their needs. They lose the motivation to go back to school and become qualified for these ideal jobs, for find it easier to claim a disability and live off checks from the government.
This “easy way out” is encouraged by lawyers for every claim they win for these people fills their paycheck. This causes the people who really do not need disability rights to receive them, increasing the number of people to one fourth of the population. And when they are denied, they appeal to the court and get the rights anyway, for no one is defending the government’s case. Likewise, the agents at disability offices make it easier for people to claim disability for every claim they send through, the more money they get in their paycheck. Because of these rewards, the people have been stimulated and positively reinforced to continue acting in this behavior. Everyone can see the system is damaged, but no one cares enough to fix it because they all get something out of it, whether their situation is ideal or not. The people will continue to claim disability if it continues to be easily obtainable, gets them out of labor work, and results in a nice check each month.
But some people are bored, or dissatisfied with this way of living. They want to feel they are doing something with their life or contributing to society. But the disability contract prevents them from doing so. If they start to make money or get a job, they risk their disability check shrinking or being taken away all together. They can’t be expected to live without it on a minimum wage job, and they can’t be expected to live on it alone comfortably. In this way, it serves as a government trap, trapping the users in a system that they can’t live without, forcing them to support the people who advocate it. In addition to adults, there has been a large increase of children being claimed to have learning disabilities. Though this may be true and everyone learns differently, many parents admit to using the system to get more money. They want their child to do well in school, but the second they start succeeding the funds will be taken away. This also happens if the child tries to get a part time job. So in the end, the parents end up encouraging their kids to struggle in school and not get work in order for their income to remain the same. Because of these downsides, the disability and welfare systems can be labeled as broken. The goal should be for people they support to become independent, and this program stands in opposition of this aim.
Disability, welfare, health, stress, motivation, stimulated, positive reinforcement, learning
This episode on Trends and Benefits is very interesting to me in many ways. During prologue, they introduced many interesting facts such as 1 out of 4 Americans is disabled. By disabled, they mean that people can’t hold the jobs and they are taken by the government including health care. Plus, right now there are about 14 million Americans receiving payments from the government and this number is growing fast regardless how well economy is doing, or how many technology advances we came up with. There are still numerous people apply for disability each month. Some people are faking to be disabled. This is make me angry for the people that are actually disabled.
Disability is just a made up concept. Disability is just a label society stick to people when they hear the story and think that they were suffer enough. It is not fair. But it is confusing by who decided the condition. Some people have the same problems, but still have to go to work. For instance, Dr. Timberlake in Alabama is recommended very person to be on disability and asks his patient weird questions that are not related to medical. The author explains that Dr. Timberlake sees it as with low education so they can’t function, so he fills the paper works out for his patients. Some people were not so desperately in need for the welfare problems, but they were still on the programs.
During her research, Chana Joffe found out many interesting facts about the work force in Alabama. There are actually no jobs available for the poor and low education. Plus, businesses closed, many people lost their jobs. Everyone else had no choice or wanted that choice will not get out of the programs unless they get old and move on to a different programs or they die. It is difficult for people to stay healthy and well-being in the depressing environment such as Heal County Alabama. It is more because of the government did not expect the programs will get this bad.
There are lawyers that work for disability. There are such as billboard, youtube, radio, etc. The way that government set up the welfare program as paying lawyer if they are willing to stand up for the poor. But most of the clients are the people who got denied when they applied for the first time. There are many shocking facts about lawyers making big money and moving people into disability programs without any strict tests. The government never in the hearing to hear about the situation. Just like Bill Clinton, who turned welfare check into pay check with the help of the states. States got incentives for bringing out the program.
I personally think that disability programs are great programs that will help people. However, I do think that there should be some strict tests before agreeing to put somebody into the programs. Because many people are not desperately in needed of the programs. There are many people are not motivated to work, they are just lazy to work. Some people don’t even have diagnostic problems to receive the programs. The government should also establish rules on the company that are moving people into the programs. Those company who made up fake applications for the applicant, and got pay when a person got accepted. More to that, the kids are on disability programs are even worst than adults. The kids only prove that they are mentally and intellectually can’t do well in school. There are kids that can do well in school, but they can’t do well because they might lost their fixed income every month from the government. Kids should be going to school, parent should want children to do well in school and kids should get independent as they grow up.
terms: Well-being, disability, health, diagnostic, motivate, mentally, intellectually. .
I would like to start out by saying this podcast was very interesting. Right off the bat two factors were presented as reasons for high disability rates. Smoking and obesity were the culprits. This has me worried quite a bit. I smoke, as noted in my previous blog, and I have no intentions for living off of disability checks for the rest of my life. Certainly most people, including myself don’t like to work, but I still don’t want to mooch off of my countrymen. Obesity also has a history in my family. I can list off countless relatives effected by the disease. I’m not sure if I buy these two explanations at all though. Firstly smoking will give you cancer which will either kill you or our fine for the most part. And obesity unless in very extreme cases shouldn’t effect if someone can work.
Another thing I found interesting was how back pain is one of the top disabilities in Alabama. I read once that pain is caused by high levels of stress for a lot of people. Of course this isn’t the case for all, but some. I also read that it is just the mind’s perception of stress that causes the pain. Basically that means that there is no physiological causes, rather it is all psychological.
Intelligence is a key idea in act one. Most of the people on disability, if not all had had less than twelve years of formal education. This meant that if injured they could not keep on doing the jobs that they were smart enough to do. All of these jobs a blue collar hard labor. The workers simply did not have the brains to carry out anything else for a career. The whole situation makes me think of the class all-star athlete situation. The accomplished football player that gets one too many concussions, can longer play ball, and learns that he has no real world skills or applications. I myself don’t much fancy schooling, but if it keeps me from becoming one of the people mentioned in the episode, then I’m all for it. This realization has also made me appreciate my teachers more for if they hadn’t motivated me and gave me drive then I could have easily ended up a high school dropout.
All of the right incentives are in place to keep people wanting to get on disability pay. It takes care of their health and well-being more. One option is to hate your life, be constantly in pain, and pay for your own health insurance. The other is to enjoy life, relax, be in pain, obtain free money, and get free health insurance. I know which one sounds better to me. The second on does obviously. I think a way to fix this whole deal is to change the incentives. For example maybe the government could pay for tuition fees or for disabled people to go to night classes and obtain a GED. Sure a lot of people would still take the easy way out but I think with the right motivation anyone could learn to work a better job
terms: health, motivation, education, intelligence, psychological, physiological, perception, obesity, smoking
The week’s blog is from a radio post about the number of people in America receiving federal disability and not working. I thought the radio post was very interesting and a new topic for me to learn more about. The prologue talked about how people who are on disability get paid to not work, and get free healthcare benefits. I didn’t realize how many people were actually on disability, which I, and the rest of the working class are paying for in taxes. I think numerous people are using their disability because they actually need it, but in many cases, I think many others are only on it because they don’t want to work or have the motivation to find a job.
In the post, the woman researched disability rates in a small town in Alabama were a fourth of the town was living off of disability funds. After hearing how many people are not working, I honestly wonder how the town is surviving in that economy. With no one working, the town is getting next to no income. The people of the town had many theories as to why this is happening throughout the country. If I had to guess, I would say many of the people are faking the severity of their disability to get money. Some people interviewed for the research said they were on disability for things such as high blood pressure or diabetes. The post talked about how the term disability is “squishy”. One question brought up was, who determines whether or not an injury is severe enough for disability? There is not a test that tells you whether or not you’re unable to work. Any, and all medical problems are accepted for disability, which is a problem, because many f these people can in fact still work. Although, if I knew I could get free money without working, I would totally take that offer. The money is the incentive in this case. People don’t have the drive to work for their money anymore, if it’s free, why go to the trouble of finding a job? There are many other theories from people of the town. The major one was that people were faking their injuries, but also that they were eating an unhealthy amount of fast foods, or because there was too much drinking and smoking going on. When talking to Dr. Timberlake about what he thought about the rise in the number of people on disability in the town, he said he believed the reason was that people couldn’t find jobs. This theory was very fascinating to me. His reasoning was that many people of the town did not have a great education and there was not a good selection of jobs available in the town. Dr. Timberlake says that some people are not educated enough to function or hold down a job, not because they physically cannot do the work.
This radio post really connected with my life and made me think about disability from a different point of view. My dad is currently receiving some kind of payments for disability. He played basketball in college and has been in the military for 30 years, which has put a tremendous amount of stress on his body. Although he is getting some pension from his disabilities, he still works everyday. Listening to the radio post made me really think about his situation. Although he is in so much pain, to where he should not have to work, he continues to go to his job everyday. I have grown up understanding that working is part of life. If I want something I need to work for it, and I need to have a well paying job when I’m older. I think that people on disability, who do not need it, are just looking for an easy way out. The post talks about when being on disability, you only get a monthly check and free health care. When someone can’t find a job, they think it is alright to fall back on disability. Disability is not like a safety net that helps you on your feet and assists you in find a good paying job, it is a life-long commitment in a way.
Overall, the radio post was a very interesting topic and really went along with chapter ten on health and well-being. I learned a lot about disability and the rising number of people using it, as well as the rising problem this is becoming in the country. After listening to the post, I believe that there must be a better way to determine is someone is well enough to work to support him or herself. I think too many people are taking advantage of disability to a point where the economy is suffering.
Psych Terms: disability, motivation, theories, incentive, health, well-being
Listening to this episode was very interesting and eye opening for me. In this episode, the speaker took a trip to Hale County Alabama to report on the incredibly high amount of people on disability. ¼ of all people who reside in Hale County receive around $1,000 dollar checks from disability each month. Could all of these people actually be physically disabled? That has to be impossible. Chana Joffe visits Hale County and ends up learning way more than she intended. First, she realizes she has arrived into an entirely different lifestyle. One of the residents of Greensboro, Alabama, the county seat of Hale County quotes “Hale County has two things, trees and lawyers. One gets your disability and one keeps you breathing.” I was shocked and pretty angry to hear this. Depending on the person, perceptions on this particular topic would definitely differ. Are these people just too lazy to get up and look for a job? I feel bad for saying that, but everyone must think it. On the other hand, I wonder if these residents of Hale County’s lives are really bad enough for them to all be collecting disability checks. The episode presented a few examples of people from both sides. First was a man who was in a serious accident, severely injuring his back and breaking other bones. Then we heard about a woman who couldn’t work because her back hurt, and her husband who couldn’t work because he had damaged nerves in his hands. You have to feel for the people who actually really need these checks, however; it is hard to feel sentimental for the people who really don’t. A Greensboro lawyer was interviewed during the process of this episode. He tells a story of him and a particular client. He asked where his client worked, and the client claimed to have been on disability. The lawyer couldn’t help but to shake his head. He then asked what the disability was. “High blood pressure,” the client responded. “Me too, what else?” the lawyer responded. “Diabetes.” “Me too, what else?” the lawyer questioned. Moral of the story, there must be countless instances of these people trying to just collect on diabetes checks just because they are ultimately just too lazy to work. Being a lawyer in Hale County must be awfully frustrating. I guess in my opinion, the only solution to this problem is enforcing some kind of test of requirement needed in order to gain eligibility to receive disability money. This sounds like a simple solution, however, how could one modify requirements for eligibility when there are hundreds of different types of injuries, diseases or disorders that could cause someone to apply for disability? The issue is definitely more complicated than it originally seems. I think the majority of people would agree that a solution is necessary. A $1,000 dollar disability paycheck should absolutely not be an incentive to not go out and look for a job. At the end of the day, this is a very tough area to cover. Terms: disability, perception, incentive,
Trends with benefits was a really interesting episode to me. I had absolutely no idea that there were so many people abusing the disabilities act. I also was really shocked and interested about the town in Alabama that supposedly has ¼ of its population on disability! How does that even happen!? That is absolutely crazy to me. I was also really surprised at how hit and miss it seems to the people applying for disability, like some people that actually deserve it and have a legitimate reason for being unable to work don’t qualify then others who are lazy and have dumb excuses can get it easily. I feel like the government needs to make a strict and constant set of standards to determine whether or not someone qualifies for disabilities or not. I have worked with people with disabilities for a couple of years now and most of the individuals that I have worked with are legitimately disabled and would not be able to hold down an actual job. There have also been multiple times when I found out a certain consumer did indeed have a job and I was shocked at a lot of them. But I was so impressed by the fact that a lot of the people I worked with had jobs even considering their differing disabilities. This makes me kind of mad considering how many Americans get paid for disabilities when they are plenty capable of getting a job, often times they are just too lazy and unmotivated to get one.
I found the part about children with disabilities very interesting too. The mom that was interviewed in act 2 did not even have a job, her and her son lived off of his disability pay and her savings account. I feel like this is becoming a more common issue nowadays too. Parents find out how easy it can be to claim your child has a learning disability, and get money monthly for it. I also have heard a lot of controversy about families that adopt multiple children with disabilities, arguing that these parents just do this to get money from it. While I am sure there are many cases where this is true, which I find so sad for those kids, I also know of multiple families that do this and genuinely care about their kids and put the disability money where it is meant to go, towards the wellbeing of the kids; often times it pays for their daycare or group home or whatever.
So overall after listening to this show, I would definitely say that the government needs to set up a way to determine whether a person actually is incapable of having a job due to their certain disability, or whether they are just lazy and wanting to live off the government.
This radio episode really showed how some of the people who are considered disabled but do not really have that much of a problem and receive their benefits when those who have much worse problems have to continue working with crippling injuries. In the opening of the show it talked about how some people had small problems like high blood pressure when others who had some of the same problems that those with the disability had and in some cases had even worse problems but still had to work because they were not considered “disabled”. When listening to the doctor talking about how he would ask those that would come in when they had finished their schooling so that he could figure out if they are able to work with the education they had or if they would have trouble trying to find a new job with their level of education and if not they are considered “disabled”. This kind of problem is what would have the large increase in disability program members, with the large amount of people in his county that are on disability it does not make it any easier when a doctor is telling many of his patients to get disability compensation for things that are not really sever enough to warrant the need for that kind of work release
Part two of the radio broadcast made a very good point on how many of the problems that disabilities claims come from lawyers and those who work for them with advertising. Many days you cannot watch TV without seeing some sort of lawyer or law firm advertising on how they can get you your disability benefits even if you do not have a full disability. This problem has been going on for years and many more people are going to these lawyers with lower and lower reasons for disability and winning their cases because of no opposition. It really surprised me when the host talked about how there were no lawyers or defenders for the government to try and challenge the people moving for disability so there was no real opposition for those who hired lawyers to get it for them. I think that this is a major problem that the welfare system has concerning the use of disability benefits and it going to those who do not need it, I do not think that there should be strict by the book guidelines for who qualifies for disabilities but there should be some sort of process that has to be performed to make sure that those who actually get the benefits are actually disabled instead of those who no longer want to work.
When I was listening to this radio show, I was disgusted because the government is giving these people that are filing for disability a $1,000 a month. I was disgusted because there are people out there that fake their injury, and then take money from the government. I think it makes the people that are actually hurt look bad, like the man that broke his toes and vertebras, and went through a fence, and was a complete mess. People like him that actually can not work because they were actually injured deserve the money because they can not work. The people that do not want to work and want to be paid for doing absolutely nothing are the people that disgust me.
Then when Ethel was talking about how she filed for disability for her back, I thought she was a faker, but then she said that she did not know any other job than the one sitting at the desk working with the people filing for disability because she just has never seen one. When Chana thought about it, she looked around the town and noticed that there are only jobs that require you to stand or lift heavy objects, and the job that filed people for their disability. The new theory that they have is that places/towns do not have a lot of options for people to get jobs when they are only restricted to doing things like standing for a long period of time, or lifting heavy objects, so therefore they can not work and take the governments money. Ethel’s husband’s hands is why he is on disability, and he said that he can not get a job here that you do not have to use his hands. She says that living in a poor community and economy and having a poor education is a disability itself.
It’s spreading around the world that small little towns and big cities are in a poor state and have a major employer close down. I know from experience of living in a small town, and having a big industry plant where everyone works just shuts down because the economy is poor. There are a lot of people in my town that are having to start over at some other place, and maybe not being able to make as much as they were making at the plant that got shut down. This all could harm their well-being and make them very stressed.
Scott was a man that got told, by a place called Work Source, that no one was going to hire him so they were going to “hide” him and told him to take all the money out of them that he could. He then had a heart attack, and he eventually got taken out of that mess, so he could just file for disability.
Terms Used: stressed, well-being
Overall this episode of This American Life was the most interesting to me because I really enjoy the workings of the economy and seeing how things shift within it. It was obviously pretty surprising to hear about a county where 25 percent of the people didn’t have to work to get paid, but at the same time weren’t on welfare and still being able to get paid. It honestly doesn’t seem like the plan is working out like it was intended to. I think that the best thing that they could do would be to make it much harder for someone to be accepted into the disability program. The person in the coffee shop who told the story about being in a car crash and breaking multiple bones, shattering their vertebrae, collapsing their lung, etc. that person has a very good reason, because of the major life stressor that occurred in their life, to be on disability. But someone who is struggling with back pain, unless it is completely debilitating shouldn’t be able to get on this system it just doesn’t make much sense to me. What was also bad was the story about Jaleel and his mother receiving disability for his learning disorder. While she may need the money in order to keep their family afloat at the same time she shouldn’t be encouraging her kids to continue to struggle with school just so that she can get money for them. Holding her kids back will only lead to them being unable to succeed when they are out on their own, which could end up being worse for the family then if she were to encourage them to succeed and excel in school as much as possible. This is an example of the tend and befriend response from Jaleel's mother because in the face of adversity, poverty in this case, she finds a way to protect her and her children, even if in the long term it could end up being worse for the family. I think that part of the problem with so many people being able to be applied to disability may have something to do with the efforts that there are to be healthy throughout the country. Chana Joffe talked about how a lot of the people that were in Hale county were obese which could be contributed to the types of food that were available for the people to eat. I think that it is important to stress eating healthy and leading healthy lives because then these people won’t develop health problems in the future. If they don’t develop health problems then they will still be able to work, which will lower the amount of people that feel the need to apply for disability. By lowering the number of people that are applying for disability judges will better be able to give disability checks to those that really need it which will in turn decrease the amount of money that is being spent on disability every year which will help the economy in the long run.
Terms: tend-and-befriend response, major life stressors
In this video, Chana went to talk with people in Hale county where one in four adults are not working due to being disabled. Most of these disabled people in this county don’t have in my opinion good enough reasons to be living off of the government. There have been multiple times when my dad would come home and have back and neck pain but he gets up the next day and goes to work because you have to provide for your family. Some people are too lazy to get up and go look for jobs and put effort into finishing their education. Forteen million people are disabled and most of these are those people who complain of little pain here and there. I do think, however, that there are people who really are disabled. One of my dad’s good friend’s worked on the railroad and ended up breaking his back leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and is in a wheelchair. This is being disabled. Just because someone complains about pain doesn’t mean they can’t get up and work like everyone else. If everyone were to get disability from the government for back, shoulder, or neck pain probably most americans would be on it if they could. Also stated in the video, 250,000 people are disabled each month and 150,000 jobs have been created each month. In hale county, the same doctor was telling his patients to get disability but first he asked them what level of education they completed. He took in consideration how much education they to help determine if they should receive it. I think this is ridiculous because a person can always go back to school if they really wanted. I understand, however, that some people can’t afford to go back to school but instead they can save up as much money and take out loans and eventually work their way up to completing a proper education. I think some people spend their disability money on things they don’t need like cable, internet, alcohol and the list goes on. A man in the video talked about having high blood pressure and diabetes and he signed up for disability. I know many adults that have both of these and that doesn’t stop them from working a nine to five job. I think in some way, these people want others to feel sorry for them and they more than likely do not want to work for anything instead they want everything handed to them.
This episode really opened my eyes to what is actually going on with unemployment rates, welfare, etc. All this time, I thought that people who were actually disabled and could not work were the only ones applying for disability, but this episode showed me that that it not the case. Many people who have health problems apply for disability, even though their health problems are not really majorly impacting their ability to work. For example, some people who are obese file for disability because they have diabetes, heart problems, back problems, etc. There are many other people who have those same problems, but continue working anyway. Personally, I think that the obese people who apply for disability simply because they are obese are just looking for an excuse to get out of working. Many of the problems that cause their “disability” they have because they are obese, and if they put more effort into their health and well-being, their “disabilities” would go away. Some things that I found particularly surprising and horrible are that the government does not really do anything to stop it and that there are parents who put their children on disability just so they can get more money. When people are denied disability, many people get lawyers and take it to court. Normally, there would be a lawyer representing each party, but the government does not have anyone fighting for them. So naturally most of the people who fight the government for disability win, which means that the government ends up paying the lawyers for defeating it. I thought it was interesting that the state government basically encourages people to claim disability so that the state would not have to pay as much to the federal government, because the states have to pay for welfare and what not. There are even companies and law firms that fight specifically for disability rights, even if the person does not rightfully deserve to be on disability. One doctor in Alabama tells his uneducated patients to apply for disability not because they are truly disabled, but because they would not be able to get a job because of their lack of education. Some parents have children that have disabilities that affect their ability to perform in school, so they put their children on disability. If their children start to do well in school, however, the checks they receive for their disability decrease. So, there are some parents who tell their children to do poorly in school or stop their working-age children from getting jobs. There was one case of this in particular that rather upset me. There was a girl who had been on disability for most of her life. She became depressed, and at one point, she tried to kill herself. She became a tutor for a little while, but then she realized her checks were smaller, so she quit. Being a tutor made her very happy; she felt like she had a purpose in life, and that she was making a difference. She had to quit the job that made her feel better about herself because her disability check got smaller. That made me upset because she was finally feeling good and was getting over her depression, but she needed that money so badly that she had to quit, which could make her depression become worse. I believe that disability is a good thing—if used for the right reason. Only people who are truly disabled should receive those benefits, not people who are not educated enough to get a job or are too lazy to work. There are some people who should not be working but are because they need to, whether they need the money or the confidence.
Words used: disability, obesity, health, well-being, depression
I feel as though the topic of disability and welfare is always a very sticky subject. I think that a lot of feeling can be very hurt, and people can get offended easily. Because of this I think that when it comes to the topics of welfare and/or disability there is not black and white areas, and in fact there are grey areas and one answer is not necessarily right or a quick fix to the situation.
When it comes to the topic of disability I think that whether or not I agree with it varies. I think that there are people who become critically injured throughout their lives and are unable to do any or their original job because of theses disabilities. However, with that being said I also feel as though there are people who are injured that may not be able to do their original job because of their injuries, but they are still able to function enough to another job and just do not do so. I can understand that someone who has done the same trade or profession for years may not have the skills needed in order to jump into another job, but in my opinion, I think that our government should work harder at finding that individual adequate work that they can do, so that will not need to rely so much on the government for money, and even more importantly, they will maintain their self worth by having a job and responsibilities.
When it comes to welfare I believe that it is a subject that is very broad and there are so many opinions on the topic. I think like any other type of assistance, there is always room for people to abuse the system. And as long as there are assistance programs out there, people will abuse it. However, I think that the system we have set up now will not help people to stray away from abusing the system. I think that people who receive certain benefits or money from the government are not given an incentive so that they would not want to strive to be more independent. Right now someone who receives money on welfare make just as much if not more by not working as they would by working a minimum wage job. Although the "right" thing would be to accept whatever work you can get, many people know that they can receive just as much if not close to as much money by doing nothing so that is what they choose to do. I think that there should be an incentive program in place so that it can motivate people to get off welfare and take on their own independence. If we give people no reason to get off easy assistance than the reality is they wont, but if we give them a reason to, then they will.
I think that this topic is super controversial and there is no right or wrong answer. In my opinion I think that innovation and constant review and change is the only thing that will work with our ever changing world.
Psychological Terms: Welfare, Disability, Incentive
In a study by the station, there are groups or clusters around the United States where there are many people with disabilities. In an example there was one spot where the rate of people with disabilities is twenty-five percent. The studier realized that these people are receiving benefits form the government and have health care paid for. The mayor says that fakers are the big reason for this; people fake because they don’t want to work anymore. Another theory is that the food may be bad or there is something in the water that affects them. About fourteen million people are disabled around the world, doubling every fifteen years. Many people have health problems like back pains or herniated parts of the body. When these people apply for disability assistance they can’t al go to the same person, they have to go to different in each area. The doctor in this area that decides whether or not they should be on disability claims that he says they should be on disability because they cannot get a job. He believes that a person should be on disability if it will benefit them, in this case it could help them get a job or money that they are not able to earn. Some of the people in this area are uneducated about other jobs that may not use the body part that is injured. These people do not know about the opportunities that are out there. The main disability is not in the people, but in the work because jobs now require more knowledge and skills so the under skilled people are left out of the work force and when they lose their job there is no place to go. There are so many factors that impact a person’s life. For these disabled people, in way they are not healthy because they are on disability with being able to work. Some psychological factors such as lifestyles, stress, and health benefits change how a person acts or thinks or in this case how a person is educated. Because of a lack in these factors these people are falling behind and are put on disability to keep up with the rest of the world.
According to the episode on This American Life this week, nearly 25% of people in certain population are not working due to a disability. Therefore, government checks are given to 1 in 4 people who are not working. This research made some people very angry. There are apparently lots of theories behind the amount of people not working. The numbers are growing for the amount of people not working due to a certain disability. However, there are services and facilities to help those with disabilities get back on their feet and earn a living. The reporter in this segment stated that many people are not taking advantage of these programs to get better. It seems as though they are taking advantage of the government. It is as if those with disabilities seem to be “giving up” in the workforce.
I am conflicted when it comes to this type of issue. My parents are both employed, they have always been hard workers, they save all of their money that they earn, and they are both contributing members of society. Therefore, I have not been exposed to a world that relies on the government for money. I have heard of this rising issue more and more every day, though. From what I understand from this report, I feel that some people claiming to have disabilities actually are able to work again, but they rely on the government to send their disability checks in the mail. This issue made me think of food stamps. Some of my friends work at grocery stores, and I have heard several of them complain about adults taking advantage of food stamps. Rather than using the stamps on necessary items, like fruit, milk, vegetables, etc., they are buying alcohol, candy, and junk. I want to emphasize that many individuals do not take advantage of food stamps, but some people do use the stamps in the wrong ways. When I hear of this occurring, it makes me think that it is unfair for those struggling with money to be spending government money on unnecessary junk.
As stated earlier in this report, people claim that individuals with disabilities are unwilling to take advantage of programs that will help them return to the workforce. Of course, some situations require permanent retirement from work, and that is absolutely understandable. However, the remaining individuals are simply lacking motivation. This report also indicated that obesity was a major issue in Hale County. The lack of workers and the high rate of obesity in this area are very closely related. This is where chapter ten in our textbooks comes to play. Obesity can be a major reason behind the lack of motivation. People are lacking the drive reduction to go out and work again, simply because their needs are already satisfied through the government. However, this does not seem fair to the rest of the hard-working citizens in society. The bottom line is, it is understandable for individuals who physically cannot work anymore to be using government programs. It is not acceptable, however, when people use these programs as an excuse to give up, when there are opportunities granted to them to get better.
Terms: Obesity, drive reduction, motivation.
This was an interesting show for me seeing as we are just started to talk about policies like disability benefits in my macroeconomics class. My professor said that a majority of the people on disability are simply faking it. As the program said, yes this is definitely one of the reasons. However, I did not realize that these people on disability have no concept of simply holding an office job. That these people think that the only way to make a living is to stand on your feet all day for 40 hours a week. It seems that a small amount of education could get many of these people off of disability and into an actual job in which they work to earn their money.
Something I found particularly baffling about this is just how disabled you have to be to get on disability. It is really interesting that there seem to be little to no standards on what sort of health problems constitute as being “disabled.” One thing that stuck out in the show was the man who asked someone why they were on disability, to which the person answered with a slew of health conditions that the man himself (an employed worker) also had. So why was he working and the other one receiving disability?
Well one thing that explains it is the policies themselves. These policies encourage people to stay on disability. The one program for disabled children is a huge example of this. The program punishes children who are doing well in school and who are getting a job by cutting the amount of money they receive in their monthly check. While this makes sense on paper (obviously if they get a job, they should no longer need disability), it definitely is not promoting the right mindset. These people are more likely to lean towards the stable and promised monthly income that comes from disability than to, for lack of better words, spread their wings and enter the labor force. The fact that this is all with children is kind of disturbing. It is basically encouraging poor children to stay poor all of their lives and to never attempt to pull themselves out of poverty by getting a job.
Basically, these disability checks are creating zero motivation in these people to get a job. There is no drive for them to actually reach out and apply for a career when they already have a stable supply of income. Even for those who have some sort of disability, but one that is not debilitating enough for them to be completely exempt from the labor force, there are more problems. One huge one, geographically, is that these people are unaware of desk jobs. Perhaps with a little education and some redirecting of funds, the US could take these people off of disability checks and get them into the labor market. There is certainly a place in the work force for people with back pain and high blood pressure, it just needs to be actively sought out.
Terms: disability, motivation, drive, education
Some of my thoughts that are discussed in the first couple minutes are how many people in one state are actually on disability. One in four people in Alabama, according to this talk show, in the working age are on disability. This includes the government assistance of $1000 a month and free healthcare. When they interviewed the 70 year-old man Joe about what he sees in his town he describes it as, people going to the doctor repeatedly, faking injuries, saying something hurts so bad that they can’t work and need disability. If the doctor doesn’t give in the first appointment they keep going back until the doctor will finally give in to the lies. Today there are 14 million Americans on disability and growing rapidly. It doesn’t make sense to me, or many others that with the rapid growth of technology that more and more people keep jumping on the disabled ship. If you have knee pain, there are artificial knees or surgery out there that you can use your free healthcare to get. If the healthcare doesn’t pay for your knee surgery then get a job as a secretary, or someone else who is confined to an office all day and then you can sit on your butt, get paid, stay off your “bummed” knee, and put money back into tax payers’ paychecks who actually work for money.
Disability, welfare, and all these other government assistance programs really irritate me as an American citizen. Back home I work at a grocery store and see those who are “disabled” walk to the door from their car, wander around a bit to locate the electric scooter, and plop right down in it, and drive off. A few minutes later the little old man with a cane comes hobbling in, looks over for a scooter, guess who has it? The lazy son of a gun who doesn’t want to walk. I go over and tell him that someone is using it but should be back anytime. I know this because he makes the drive to the pop aisle, hangs a left to the chips, and then the straight shot to the cookies, and what do you know, checks out. Finally the old man who wears his Vietnam Veteran hat, cane, and in need of the scooter can get off the bench and take the well-deserved, well-needed, scooter.
My thoughts on all of this is that if you can work, then work. Don’t fake an injury in order just to make some money. Every time I get a paycheck a percentage of it goes to all of these other government programs so that people who don’t work can get what they want. It isn’t right to take from those who actually need assistance, or actually work hard to make a living and those who fake injury are basically stealing the money of hard-working Americans.
This episode about people getting disability money made me realize how often some people can overuse or find loopholes around the disability paperwork. ¼ of the population in Hale county are considered “disabled” and get a check for $1,000 every single month. Let’s look at the United States as a whole now. I learned that almost 14 million Americans receive disability checks every month. Out of these 14 million, some Americans lie about their disabilities because they don’t have jobs or are struggling to get jobs in order to take care of themselves. This is unfortunate. They pretty much rely on these checks just to make it through every month. This makes me pretty angry simply because it’s not fair.
Chana Joffe visited Hale County and ended up learning way more than she originally intended. First off, she realized she had arrived into a completely different lifestyle. A quote from one of the residents of Greensboro, AL said, “ Hale County has two things, trees and lawyers. One gets your disability and one keeps you breathing.” This angered me as well. Look, I don’t know each person and each of their stories, but I can’t help but think that some, if not most, of these people are just too lazy to go and look for a job. However, I wonder if these resident’s lives are really bad enough for them to all be collecting checks.
This episode showed a few examples of people from both sides of the situation. One was a man who was in a serious accident, breaking some bones as well as injuring his back badly. The others were a woman who said that her back hurt and that she couldn’t work, while her husband couldn’t work either because he had nerve damage in his hands. There are actually some people that really do need the disability checks, and I totally support that. It’s just the people that don’t have disabilities that really bother me, as well as many other people I’m sure.
There was also an instance where a Greensboro lawyer was interviewed in the episode. He told a story of him and a client. He asked his client where he worked, and he responded that he has a disability and can’t. The lawyer asked what the disability was, and the client answered, “High blood pressure.” The lawyer went on to say, “Me too, what else?” “Diabetes.” He then went on to say again, “Me too, what else?” This was kind of amusing to me just because of the ridiculousness of the conversation. This is just one of many, many instances where people who are physically able to do work don’t want to, thus resort to trying to collect disability checks, which many of them succeed to get. This blows my mind as well. I mean, can’t the government do something such as a setting up a physical appointment for each person asking for a disability check? I don’t know how that all works, but one things for sure, being a lawyer in Hale county would be awfully frustrating. So frustrating that maybe some of them quit their jobs so they, themselves, resort to trying to get disability checks to get them through the month. All jokes aside, this is just a very tough area to truly cover. One things for sure, a $1,000 dollar paycheck shouldn’t be an incentive by any means, to not get up off the couch and look for a job. Try to find motivation.
Terms Used: disability, incentive, motivation
In all honesty I never really thought about this topic at all. It was never part of the information that I keep on my mind every day. I never really made a big deal about disability because it was never a part of my life. After listening to this episode of This American Life, I began to think about my mother and how she has reached that age where she is at higher risk for problems like back strain, arthritis, heart disease, and other things. My mother is now at risk for heart problems and she had surgery done on her hands due to the strain she put them through while working at Tyson. People like my mother deserve to receive benefits like disability. Something that displeases me and angers me to a high level is when people take those benefits for granted or if they harm themselves due to their poor choices and decisions. Obesity is a serious problem in which people are at an extremely unhealthy weight, but it can be avoided very easily by eating healthy, exercising, and watching your weight. If a person has a disability which they have no control of, such as physical disabilities, nerve damage, etc. People like that deserve to receive disability, not the people who create the problems they have themselves and then expect to receive sympathy and support. A person’s well-being is a main focus in which people look at to figure out who deserves disability benefits. They need to be able to perform simple tasks, like picking up and putting down boxes and standing on the feet for hours on end in order to be considered physically acceptable. There seems to be a lot of negativity towards welfare as well as disability. I was never a supporter of the welfare program because there are many people that take advantage of the leniency in applying for the program. People say they’re unable to work due to some kind of issue, whether it is family members being disabled or they themselves are. A lot of people fake this and try to get money out of the government and succeed in doing so. Welfare needs to be more careful of who they choose to help.
Terminology: well-being, disability, strain
After listening to this hour long radio talk show, there are many thought that I have on it. I learned a lot about the disability in America and how it’s being used and abused. This episode really opened up my eyes to this problem in America that many are just ignoring and sweeping under the rug. The first thing that shocked me were that 14 million Americans were receiving disability payments each month, which is ridiculous and that number doubles every 15 years, which is equally as ridiculous. I had also learned that 250,000 people were applying every month for disability. The thing is, disability is just a label, and it’s not a real disease or medical problem, just a label so people no longer have to work. And a lot of these people get disability no because they drank, or smoked, or partied, or eat some bad food, it’s because they can’t find a job because they aren’t qualified to do much in this new and changing economy. Many go on disability whether they are disabled or not, they just don’t know what else to do because they can’t get a job. Some don’t get a job because they can’t think of job that doesn’t require physical work or they aren’t educationally qualified. A lot has done with little education in an already poor place which I a huge setback in getting a job. Disability is seen as the sponge that picks up the extras who don’t work or can’t. Take the mill’s guys for example. Every single one of them went on disability because they weren’t eligible for work in this new economy and they weren’t qualified for anything. This really upset me because there are jobs out there that don’t require a lot of previous education but they go on disability instead. Another that upset me was the fact that many go on disability but never get off because some don’t even try to, it’s a steady and reliable check each month. There is little to no help for those on disability and the only way to get off of disability is to either social security or die. And those on disability are poor because their average annual income each year is roughly $13,000, which is basically nothing. You would think that with this small income people would try and find work, especially those who are on disability because of high blood pressure or diabetes. Another thing that was discussed in this episode that really upset me or got me to open up my eyes was in Act Two when they were discussing kids on disability. Kids that get on disability get on it because they have a disability that hinders a child’s progression in school. With these checks that the kids get, it brings in roughly $700 a month. Many of the parent’s of these children don’t work and just live paycheck to paycheck from their child’s disability money. That really upset me because those parents need to work to provide for their kids, not the kids providing for the rest of the family. Also, some parents encourage their children not to work when they get older so they can keep on receiving these payments. These kids need to learn responsibility, learn what they’re passionate about, and learn to be independent and how to make a living on their own, not through their government paychecks.
Trends with Benefits was a very interesting show. It talked about how the number of people on disability is rising. Even with many laws such as Americans with Disabilities Act and medical advantages such as knee replacements the number goes up. This is very shocking and leads to the question, “Why?” this is what the episode talks about. There are 2 main reasons, it is easier to get on disability then to find work that would suit people, and there is a rise in the number of disability case trials won and states instead push to put people on disability than on welfare.
The first explanation, it is easier to find a job than to find a job that would fit the people. The people imply there is no job they could be doing that they wouldn’t hurt. This I don’t believe is true. It is true that it is harder to find a job, but in the video the people interviewed seem to not have any clue on what jobs they might be able to do. They get told by doctors in their county that they should just apply for disability, because they have no other option, so they do. I think then once they are on it they get comfortable on it and don’t see a problem with it. There should be time limits or heavier qualifications and explanations for disability and to get on disability.
The second explanation was more political. First there is a rise in disability trials that get won by the person asking for it. They hire lawyers that to get enticed to counsel these people have government incentives to do it. They get paid if they win by the government and lawyers have taken advantage, which is fine, but the incentives did not see this big of an issue. Then when they get to trial the one who represents the government is also the judge is somewhat weird. The judge then is put in a tough place to make a fair judgment. This would be a tough place to be. This is all just a huge mess that has hurt our economy in this country. I think that this needs to be dealt with and talked about more often than it currently is.
I think that this audio touches a very soft topic that we don’t want to confront in the United States. Since a disability is such a vague term that is practically “made up”, it is hard for the United States to say that someone is not disabled. In many cases it is extremely obvious but then again; why are there 1 in 4 people in Hail County who are on disability. The doctor in the story says that the reason he thinks there is such a high rate of this is that most of them have not finished college and even few have finished high school. He thinks most are disabled because they can’t get a job. He means this because they can’t get a job in which they can’t sit if their back is hurt or get a job that doesn’t use their hands if they have hand problems. In my opinion, I think that this is peoples stress response to a hard time. They don’t have the knowledge to get a “good” job and with the experience of daily hassles they think, “Oh hey I can get out of work! I’m not qualified for this economy anymore.” I’m not saying that no one deserves disability; but there are a lot of people who have disability payments that should not have them. I think that it is stupid that the people are not somewhat rehabilitated to allow them to return to the workforce. The only way out of disability is to die or to live old enough to switch to Social Security payments. I think that people lose their motivation to work and see the easy way out of disability. But; in reality this path gives them an average income of $13,000 a year which is extremely low for an income. So the easy way out is really a way to become poor fast. When I heard that the government doesn’t have a lawyer for the cases against it for disability I was appalled. This is absolutely ridiculous. The person is armed with an attorney which is helping present his/her case and can stretch the truth. Imagine the amount of people who can be removed from disability if there was a lawyer to make the “disabled” PROVE that they were disabled instead of them just throwing out their view on being disabled. I think that the government needs to use a different problem solving method of getting these people off of disability. Obviously this method is not helping rehabilitate the people who are able to rejoin the workforce. Some are beyond saving but others can return; just need the motivation and drive to get a job that is for them. To me there are many stereotypes of people actually being disabled; however, I was deeply surprised by the amount of people who were not the stereotypical disabled people. People who were not “disabled” at all in my opinion. In my opinion; the mind is a powerful thing and if you have the drive to do something; you will make it happen. I know many people who have REAL disabilities (such as muscular dystrophy) who work every day and get a paycheck instead of sitting on their butt all day doing nothing but taking money from the state or federal government.
Psychological terms; stress response, daily hassles, motivation, problem solving, drive.
In this episode it was mentioned how disability, by definition is a broad and “squishy” term. It is incredibly subjective and what is disabling to one may not be to others. Whether or not an individual considers himself or herself to be disabled is dependent on many factors including their resources, environment, and educational background. So it’s hard to make general decisions on the subject. However, according to the show 15 million people in the country were receiving federal disability at the time of the episode’s recording and that number seems only to be rising, it is obvious that there must be an issue here that needs to be dealt with. Disability and well fare is a multifaceted issue that touches on everything from economics to sociology and psychology. It affects much of life here in America and therefore is a pretty touchy subject among most people.
This episode mostly dealt with trying to find an answer to why the number of Americans receiving disability checks is growing so rapidly and what factors are playing into it. It didn’t outwardly talk about the psychological aspects involved, but while listening I found that almost all of it was connected to subjects that are dealt with in our textbook. Specifically, with the county in Alabama that has such an alarming ratio of citizens who the government considers to be too disabled for work. One in four people of working age in that county are considered disabled and are not working because of it. When citizens started noticing that many of their neighbors were receiving checks from the government due to disabilities that inhibited them from working, many of said disabilities being ones broadly experienced such as back pain, the incentives and motivations for those individuals to work must have gone down, even subconsciously. When a person isn’t feeling properly motivated to do a task (such as work), they will most likely find ways around completing that task.
Something else that comes into play here is the environment, it was mentioned that many of the people in Hale county wanting to apply for disability had low levels of education. Now, instead of getting all riled up and equating their low education level with laziness and trying to find a way out of work, consider the environmental, social, economical and psychological factors that affect these citizens’ ability to finish school. Something interesting brought up in the episode was how the availability of certain jobs affected if a person felt disabled enough for the program or not, this seemed obvious to me. Of course if you are only exposed to jobs that require you to stand all day and you have back problems you are going to feel unable to work a job.
While listening to this episode, I found myself connecting it to the section from our last chapter on how our personalities and emotions affect our physical health. To me, it seems that there must be a lot of cases involved in this issue of the federal disability program that are connected to individual personality/life outlook. Say you are in an accident and are unable to work for quite sometime, you maybe begin to feel poorly mentally as well as physically and your behaviors reflect that, such as eating your eating habits (binge eating-anorexia) and experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety which in turn also effect your heart health. You are physically deteriorating in ways that are furthering you from being able to maintain a job which affects your income, which again affects your mental state – it seems to me a vicious cycle. I would also like to note that those who try to survive off of disability checks are probably considered to be below the poverty line. They are poor, struggling to make ends meet, which puts them at greater risk of mental illness, which according to our book also puts them at greater risk for further physical ailments.
Overall, this is a difficult subject for me to develop a solid opinion on. I did find this episode to be interesting and insightful, though I did find myself disagreeing with how the reporter worded things and approached her research. Specifically when she went around asking people on disability, “Well, did you ever consider maybe having a job that didn’t require you to stand/use your hands/etc.?” I found it insensitive and degrading toward the individuals. What job could that man do without his hands? I’m sure he wished he could think of one, but only having access and resources to a limited job market of course would make that seem impossible.
Psychology terms: disability, incentive, motivation, subconscious, binge eating, anorexia, anxiety, stress
While I was listening to this audio recording, there were many questions that came to my mind while I was listening to the recording. In the beginning of the recording, it talks about how people in Hale County, Alabama were filing for disability so that they could get money. My first thought was how are so many people getting on disability at one time. There has to be something going on in this county that is not right. It says that there was like one out of four people that were getting on disability. That is a crazy stat to think about if you live in Hale County. My first thought was that people are just getting on to disability so that they don’t have to work and then they can have free money. The recording also talked about how people may be getting on disability because they are obese or because they are just cheaters. Then I thought about the other side about getting on disability. What if there are people that are on there because their health is not all that great? There are people in the United States that are on disability and other things because their well being is being affected and they need help. The recording goes on to talk about a major reason why so many are getting on disability. The recording talks about how the baby boomers are getting to that age where they are going to be going into retirement. That may be a reason for why so many are getting on disability. As they were talking about this, it made sense what they were saying because this is about the time when all the baby boomers are going to start retiring. Towards the end of the recording, it talks about what organizations are doing to help people get on disability. They are calling people up that want disability and doing the form over the phone with them. The organizations are asking the people what their issues are for why they should be put on disability. I think this is good that they are doing this because then the organizations know whether these people need disability or not.
Terms: health, well being
Listening to this episode confirmed many things are already knew, so many people take advantage of the government whether is intentional or not. In the talk show they specifically talked about Hale County, where one in four people are considered disabled. This is absolutely absurd, especially if you consider the fact that being disabled isn’t even counted into the unemployment rates since they are not in the labor force. Channa talked to many “disabled” people from this county to try to figure out why they have such high numbers and she got traced to the one and only doctor in town, Doctor Perry Timberlake. When talking to the doctor who deemed so many in this county disabled she discovered that he was asking people about the level of their education. Many of them had completed high school but few graduated from college. In his eyes, little education and poor job prospects are equal to having a disability. In another instance in Hale County, a woman had never seen a job where people sit down besides in the social security office where there was a lady handing out the disability checks.
All of these things make me really sad and really angry. First of all, it makes me sad that so many people abuse the system when there are people out there that actually are disabled. The people that abuse it give the system a bad reputation (for good reason) and ruin it for the others. But mostly, I get angry because I see people like my mother who works three jobs to support our family. She puts in nearly 80 hours a week, wouldn’t you think that she is in more pain or more disabled than some of the 14 million who receive checks in the mail every month? I can think of one example of a friend of mine who’s parents are both on disability and get workers comp because of their previous jobs and they are only in their 40’s but yet they are still living better off than my family where all of us a hardworking taxpayers, probably paying for their brand new house and cars their driving around in while they waste their days away.
The most flawed thing in the whole episode was the part where our own government had people trying to convince others to go on disability, if the government can’t help itself, then how is anyone else supposed to help or care? The people losing out the most are the hardworking people who pay for those abusing the system.
Psychology terms: disabled. unemployment rates, labor force
To me this was very interesting. I got some new information. I never really thought or questioned this things about disable people. If you are disable you get a free health care and a $1000 check every month. There are 1 in 4 adults that are disable. There are multiple theory why that is, the first one is that many of them are fakers they say that there back hurts, the second one is that many of them do not follow a healthy diet, which can than lead to obesity, many thinks that they are not provided with clean healthy water. Many also thinks that they live at a fast pace, they work very hard, they drink and smoke a lot as well. So that could be because of stress. When people are in stress they do smoke or eat unhealthy to cope with stress. So these are the things do not match up for what should be a good and healthy well-being.
The doctor thinks that 1 in 4 people are disable because they can not get a job. I started laughing. Doctor Timberlake in Heale County, Alabama decides the disability based on the patients education level. This should be pretty clear, I mean you are disable or you are not. There is no test that is done to see if a person is disable or not. It is just a label. The government gives fourteen million dollars every year to disable adults. The number of disable has doubled in last fifteen years. This number should be going down, because of all the technology we have today. To make things even worst lawyers and are also helping people get into disability program in a wrong way. This was very socking and is extremely unethical for them to do that. They are doing this to make money. The government created this program for people that are actually disable and some people are taking advantage of this and are abusing it. Even if the government makes it harder to get disability pay cheek, I still think that they will find some way around that and still get money that they do not deserve.
People like Ethal and her husband are not very educated and have not been expose to different jobs that are out there. I do agree when she said that poor education is the disability itself. But I do not think that if you are less educated you automatically should get money, I think that we should educate them and help them find way in life and not just sit there. This is what there kids will see and will grow up like this. So we are not setting a good example for the future generation.
As I listened to Trends With Benefits I was shocked to find how many people apply and actually get disability funds every year. According to the talk show the people obtaining disability funds every month is doubling every 15 years. Along with this, 250,000 people apply for disability every month. So as I wondered what would cause this I thought back to Chapter 10. Although the reporter said a lot of people were thought to be faking it, it was still noticeable that Hale County, the county she was doing research on had problems with obesity, smoked a lot, and also drank. When you connect this symptoms with your health it is apparent why people would have to apply for disability. According to Chapter 10 being obese can cause major physical and psychological health problems which can be measures by the body mass index. The body mass index is the ratio of a person’s body weight according to their height. Chapter 10 also talks about how smoking is the leading cause of death because it can cause heart disease, various cancers, and also respiratory ailments.
Although this is not all why Hale County’s population is mostly on disability. The doctor there asked many patients what grade they went through. At first I was confused because this is nowhere close to a medical question but as he explained I found it shocking. He said that if they had little of schooling how would they be able to function at a job so he continued to give them disability. Although I was shocked and little upset of why a person would do this, as I thought about it doing this made sense. Because of this it explained why ¼ people have disabilities in Hale County because they can’t get jobs.
As the talk show went on they went over how many people who are denied disability eventually start a lawsuit and go to trial. Although when they go on trial the government isn’t there. I found this shocking how many people can gain disability by doing this. Also, the people that file don’t pay for the lawyers they hire but people from the government. Also, I thought it was amazing how much a person will gain from applying for disability and how many of them will be jobless because of it. Another factor from the talk show was how households use their kids in order to get money from disabilities. IF a child has an impairment that hurts their child from learning the government will send them money in order to help this out.
Key words: obesity, body mass index, disability, smoking
My first impression of this article was pretty negative. My reasoning behind the article being so negative was because that a lot of people abuse being on disability. Its one thing to actually be hurt and not able to work and still need money, but its another thing to abuse this. America has become to lazy and just don't want to work. Its not like the olden days where everyone worked and everyone had a job and worked as hard as they could. The part that shocked me was the part where it said that about 14 million people are receiving payment for disabilities and that the numbers are doubling about every 15 years. That is a lot of people. One part that I thought was interesting was that they don't ever publish the numbers on the news. I thought this was interesting because you would think that you would want to make this information known to other people. One thing that they mentioned was that 1/4 adults are disabled and you know this because think about how far away you have to park sometimes because there are more and more handicapped spots. Disability is so common now unlike it was before. Half of the time you don't even know if someone is on disability or not. There is no diagnosis for disability, they mentioned that the definition is “squishy” Its a label that we give people in our society. One thing that I thought about while listening to this talk show was that since so many people are on disability and abusing the system that they lose the ability to set goals for themselves because our society is becoming more and more lazy. People have essentially because just lazy and don't feel like doing things anymore. People just don't have any motivation to go to work and just expect people to give things to them. Even though there can be other options for jobs with other people, most of the people that they talked to on the show gave her weird looks and just never even really considered it and just decided to give up on work all together.
Some psychological terms that I used were reasoning, abuse. disability, and goals.
Before listening to This American Life, I have thought about welfare, disabilities, and unemployment rates. Most of the people that can’t work due to disability, are simply faking it. 250,000 people want to be on the disability list each year, and this has been happening for the past 30 years. In Hale County, Alabama one in four adults are on the disability list. Disability is made up, there is no test to say if you’re disabled or not. A lawyer from Greensboro, who was interviewed during this episode, tells a story about a particular client he had. He asked what this individual’s disability was. He replied, “High blood pressure.” The lawyer responded, “Me too, what else?” “Diabetes.” “Me too, what else?” This being said many people have disabilities, some just work through what they have. I believe that there are really people that are disabled and do deserve to collect unemployment.
I grew up in a farm community. I was raised that we work hard day in and day out. If you’re hurt too bad, the work needs to be done. My parents are both employed and work hard for their money. I’ve had a job since I was sixteen years old, and so has my brother. I work hard for my money and the fact that someone can take my hard earned money because they may or may not be disabled.
Although there are some people that are actually disabled, and those people really do deserve to get disability. But there are also people that are faking it, people that don’t deserve it. This being said, the people that really are disabled go through psychological factors, they go through stress and health changes.
Terms: disability, stress
Trends With Benefits. This episode was very shocking to me. I say this because it gave me knowledge on how many people are on Disability for the Health aspect and how many people that there are many that are using disability as an excuse not to be able to find jobs instead of finding a job that doesn’t involve using there disabled limb. Some part of me wonders if these people are doing it on purpose or are they trying to find jobs but using disability as a help to keep them stable until there is a job offered. This episode had a lot of statistics to help my argument. In a Hale County, Alabama 1 in 4 people are disabled and because of that their banks are open later the first and third week of each month. There were many things that shocked me like one lady was asked by an interviewer if she could pick a dream job with her disability what would it be, at first it took her a while to think of something but just as the interview was over she said that it would be to sit and read women’s names that don’t need disability income but the interviewer came to a conclusion that the interviewee just said that to make her think that she doesn’t just use disability as a way to get money; all she wanted to do was sit down. An interesting thing I heard was that being poor in our society has become a disability. Bill Clinton hated that people took advantage of disability so he made a statement that in two years 2 million people will be off welfare. In act two they shared a really important part about welfare. There are Disability Lawyers that advertise all over such as on Television, Radio stations, YouTube and many other places, this was shocking. What’s was more shocking is the fact that the government ways the lawyers if they win a case standing up for the poor but technically they are standing up for a person who was rejected disability when they first applied. I think we need to be stricter about who get disability and ask more relevant questions like their well-being, motivation and how they can work without hurting their disabled parts.
Terms: Disability, Well-Being, Health, Knowledge,
I found this episode to be very interesting. I thought that it was interesting because people who are considered disabled and don’t have a major problem, like back pain, receive their benefits, while people who are actually disabled have to continue working no matter the condition they are in. It kind of sickened me because people could easily fake how they are disabled and could receive benefits for no reason at all. The people who legitly cannot work because of their injuries should be the ones receiving the benefits, not the ones who have a minor injury or are faking it. It just sickens me that the people that do not work or do anything for their lives for no reason at all get the money. I thought that the story of Jaleel and his mother was very interesting. How he had a learning disability and received benefits which helped their family out a lot. It bothered me how the mother kind of encouraged her kids to struggle in school just so they could receive money from the government because of their “learning disability.” So even though it is keeping their family out of poverty for now, it definately won’t help the kids in the future when they are grown up and are supposed to live on their own. they won’t be able to rely on their mother and the money, and they will have to learn on their own, which they never knew how to do when growing up since their mother never encouraged it. So all together, these benefits that people are receiving are causing people to have no motivation to work at all. They think that they are well enough off since they are receiving money, that they don’t need to do anything else. So they won’t go out looking for a career, which most people who actually want to be successful need to do.
Psychological terms: motivation, disability
This episode of This American Life was a really interesting one, and one that is kind of hard to comment on without people becoming upset, but this is how I feel about it. One, it’s very unreal to me that there is a Disability program like this available. There are many people who have high blood pressure, back problems, diabetes, etc. that work for a living instead of getting put on disability. Disability is a program present in Dale County that represents ¼ of the population. The program pays $1000 a month and receives free health insurance, without having to work. Even though some of these people may want to work, for example the men who worked at the mill that had closed down, they choose the route that gives them around 12,000-13,000 dollars which is only a couple thousand dollars away from a minimum wage job. I don’t agree with this program because of the fact that there are others who actually have serious, physical or mental disability that makes getting a job close to impossible, but others use it simply because they want an excuse to stop working. There were many people who had opinions on who gets put on disability and why. Some say they are faking it and others have some sympathy because of their past mistakes, like smoking or drinking, has caused them to be incapable of working. The lady who said that was an excuse, her husband chimed and to that he stated that many people have done those same things when they were young outside of Dale County and are working just fine. Many of the people in Dale County who apply for disability see Dr. Timberlake, who asks them “What grade did you finish?” This, to me, was an odd question, but Timberlake uses it as a disability because without a degree, you are incapable of getting a good job. Which yes, is true in most cases, but I feel as though instead of rewarding them with money for not finishing school, a better plan would be to create a system to help them either get jobs or try and get them back into school. Another question Timberlake asks is “What exactly is painful to you?” From there, if he considers it a major problem that allows them to be incapable of working, like back problems for example, he puts them on disability. Chana Joffe-Walt interviewed a woman who is on the disability program because of a physical injury and when she asked the woman about trying to find a job with no physical labor, the woman said nothing. That, to me, seems as though the woman is happy with not working and yet still receiving a monthly check.
Another problem I had was when it was brought up that the disability program has made kids scared to go work. There was a 27 year old who lives off of disability checks but had a small side job tutoring, but when the government saw that she had brought in extra income, they lowered her check. Immediately after she saw that, she quit her tutoring job because of the anxiety she encountered after that lower check balance. To me, the disability program is making kids and even adults lack any motivation to work and provide for themselves, and that is very upsetting.
The psychological terms I used were: disability, obesity, anxiety, and motivation
I think there are two different types of people; people who need disability and people who have it and do not need it. In this country I think that people abuse the power of welfare and disability. People in the United States do not understand the difference. If someone is in a wheelchair and cannot walk does not mean that they cannot use their hands to have a job, but they are just too lazy to do so and they see being a wheelchair as an excuse and use it in their power. It even makes me more mad when people who work their butts off every single day make a lot of money and get half of it taken away for people who just do not want to work. People on disability do not take care of themselves. Most of them usually smoke and do not take care of their bodies and have a good well-being. Some of these people on disability physically cannot work because they are majorly disabled, someone who needs disability in my eyes are people that cannot move their arms or legs, but the government is giving disability to people have depression, anxiety, one non working arm. It is ridiculous because people with those disabilities are on disability.
Another thing that was talked about in the podcast was welfare. I believe that welfare should not exist and the podcast made me believe that even more. Now a days it is very easy to either get welfare or disability without even truly needing it. Ever sense president Clinton changed the law about disability and welfare it is now much easier to get welfare or disability. I think that welfare is the same as disability that it is ridicules that people work everyday to provide for their own families and it gets taken away from the people who work very hard and doesn’t even think twice about their families and their needs.
Welfare and disability in America can go two ways good or bad. I believe most the time it is an excuse for people to receive money. Even kids in the United States are being able to get on disability. Why do kids at the age of ten needs a disability check? They are not even old enough to have a job. Their parents are suppose to provide for them while the kids are at school instead of keeping them at home all day and getting money of their disabled child.
People today abuse the power of the government giving welfare and disability so easily out to people. The government also gives it out to easily. People in America also know how to abuse the power of welfare and disability, which is just, not right what so ever.
Disability Well-Being, Anxitey
The episode that I listened to was about how many individuals are getting disability and it is unknown as to if they should be getting it or not. My thoughts on this episode are all over the place. I think this has been an issue that has been going on for a while and people are just now either noticing it or just not caring to speak up and say something. I think that there are many people that falsely use our government system to get disability. Many towns all over the country are just like Hale County where most of the people are getting assistance from the government when they don’t really need it. When people misuse the system like people in Hale County then I feel like it actually takes away from the people that need disability. Most people like in Hale County are just lazy and don’t want to do anything for themselves. I think they feel that the economy is not good and it is hard to find a paying job that gives them the amount of money or benefits that the government can give them.
On the other hand, I do think that there are many people that are not capable of working because of disabilities that are not noticeable. I think people that have disabilities like learning disabilities are the ones that should get disability because it is something that are out of their control. They would not be capable of having a normal paying job. I really was not aware of how many people were actually on disability. Every 1 in 4 in Hale County is a lot of people to me. To make matters worse, this is not the only county that has encountered such a high number like that.
What I think is that people should have to go through some type of physical or mental test to prove that they are uncapable of holding a job. I also think that the government should not just grant them the disability so easily. If I were the judge, if you could walk, talk, and add up numbers and read and right then you would not be getting disability. I don’t think that people should get disabilities because of minor aches and pains. I think that is life and they should be able to deal with it. I actually don’t blame people for being on disability. If the government says they will pay for you to do nothing and pay for your health care while you sat on your butt all day then why not take it? Yes a good moral person wouldn’t do that but everyone in the world isn’t moral. They have too much trust in the citizens to tell the truth and to be honest about something so minor lie if they can work or not.
Cassandra Rutledge
Trends with Benefits
People with disability is not a disease that a doctor can diagnose you with. There are many people that are on disability that are able to work with their condition. People with high blood pressure can actually work more than a person who has been in the a severe accident that can physically make them in able to move in work conditions. I believe that people with a disability that does not affect their mobility should not be on disability. Bringing my problems into this, I have had migranes everyday since the sixth grade. I got whip-lash playing in a volleyball game. Ever since I have been diagnosed with this cronic migrane I have often had a dizzy spell, in fact I had one today, Wedsnday, had a dizzy spell during work. Does that mean that I should be on disability because it affects my work? People who want to be on the disability should be completely in able to work at all. I would hope that people who are able to deal with the disailities that can move will take responsibility for their ways and not take away the spots from the people who really need the disability.
Terms: conditions, diagnose, disease, mobility, problems, migranes, disability
For this assignment, we were to watch another episode. This episode was hour our disability and welfare systems work in America. Towards the beginning, it focused on a town in Alabama. Everyone in this particular town was labeled as being disabled and that they were all receiving the disability benefits. Another country that was mentioned in the episode was Hale. Hale is country that has around 20 to 25% of its people on disability. I mean I do understand that there are people out there that are struggling day by day to get food, but then there are also those people that just take advantage of the program. As you can tell, I have mixed emotions about this subject. To get on disability, one must prove that the disability is preventing them from obtaining a job.
Back in the olden days, you hear that people worked all the time. They worked hard enough to support their families. People today tend to be more lazy. In the beginning, when they interview the older couple, they said that the world is much different today. I totally get they should be receiving the disability, because they put in the time and effort. They also did the work that they should have never put their bodies through.
One of the statistics that jumped out at me the most was that, every month there are 150,000 jobs that are being created but at the same time 250,000 applicants for disability are received. The unemployment rate is quite high. Actually its higher than what we all think. The people that are on disability actually do not show up on the unemployment. Those people that are on disability that shouldn’t be are taken advantage of us that do work. We work hard just to pay to suit their needs
Personally, I think they need to have better or tighter restrictions in order to receive the benefits. The well-being of the country is going down. However, the numbers increase nearly double about every 15 years. That is crazy! I think the government needs to do something before it becomes an even larger problems for the future generations.
Terms: Disability, welfare systems
After listening to This American Life episode Trends with Benefit I found myself a little upset. Like what is this world coming to? I realized it was bad, but the numbers really got me. I just got done listening to the radio show and the first thing I did was go to Google. I was really curious. If I were to type in the word disability what would pop up? The things that appeared on my screen were ‘Disability Application – Do You Qualify For Disability?’, ‘Disability Benefits Now’, and ‘Benefits for People with Disabilities.’ These were the exact results that I expected. I proceeded to look up the actual definition of disability and this is what I got: A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. As said in the show the definition of disability is a little bit of what we would call squishy. Really this term comes down to what our society makes it out to be. That being said, the overall well-being of the people who are on disability to me personally is a joke. The fact that the government is paying people around a thousand dollars a month is incredible. I mean they might as well start growing money trees so everybody can pick off of them. I understand that some of these people are actually disabled and not healthy enough to fulfill a job, but the people who are freeloaders and fakers don’t deserve that check every month. These people’s motivation levels are at an all time low. There drive to do anything in life just isn’t there I guess. As I’ve grown older and became more and more interested in social work, family services, and psychology I‘ve learned that people today no how to work the system. They will do anything that allows them to not have to put in much effort in the long run. Accidents happen. Major life stressors come into play. It’s those cases where children are involved that really get to me and put a knot in my stomach. My heart goes out to the children like Jaleel. His family is literally living off of him. He has potential to be an amazing person when he grows up. He obviously loves school and even in the radio show they said he has a lot of catching up to do, but there is hope for him (only if his mom allows it). You see since she is living off of him and a little of her savings I feel as if she doesn’t want him to do good in school even if she says so. What is she going to do if he does find a job? Who’s going to pay for her and the rest of the family? That adds so much stress on to her that she potentially doesn’t want. I literally can picture this gap-toothed ten year old in my mind. He seems so happy and excited to just be alive. He loves school. I feel as if he wants to overcome his own disability and be his own person. I’m not even going to lie I went back and listened to him talk multiple times and my heart seriously melted. The way our society works today is hard for me to understand. The mother probably asks herself do I want my child to be successful, or do I want money instead? All in all I have mixed emotions about this topic. I would love to see where this goes in the future. I think this is a serious problem that our government needs to consider making a change to. The psychological terms I used were well-being, healthy, motivation, drive, emotions, major life stressors, stress.
For this blog post I listened to This American Life episode #490 entitled “Trends With Benefits.” This episode talked about how federal disability payments have almost doubled over the last 15 years. The episode began talking about a town in Alabama where 1 in 4 people are on disability. These people are on disability for reasons such as injury, but some think there is more to it. Many believe that a lot of the people on disability are simply uneducated or suffering from obesity, or are just plain lazy. It has been a big problem for a long time now and doesn't seem to be getting any better.
In my opinion, although many people on disability actually need it, many of them don’t. I think some people have started to confuse pain and injury with stress and lack of motivation. Maybe they really are just to lazy to work and become to stressed from work. The stress on some of these people may be high because they are living from check to check off of the government. This stress could effect their overall well-being and make the situation even worse. I think people need better proof that they are actually in need of disability because these days people have found many holes in the system which opened up many opportunities to live off of the government. In my home town I know arrests have been made because people were caught collecting disability while still holding down a job. That kind of thing is uncalled for. If people are able to do that then laws concerning disability may not be strict enough. Another thing that comes to mind when pondering this topic is the amount of money people on disability receive. I don't think people receiving disability or ANY kind of money from the government need any more than they absolutely need to live.
I just have a hard time siding with people on disability because I really don't think there is ever a need to resort to it ESPECIALLY for a long period of time. If you are in desperate need to make money I'm sure there are plenty of ways to go about it. People work out of their home sitting in an office chair every day. People attend college online in their PJs every day. There are ways to get it done! These are my thoughts after hearing episode #490 of This American Life.
Terms Used: Disability, Obesity, Stress, Motivation, Well-being
One response that I have is a little bit of anger. People are not really disabled. The show gave a good example. There was someone who was working and there was someone who was disabled. The person working asked the other one what were his disabilities and the person working had the same things. That is what kind of makes me mad. You cannot really get too mad because the person that is not working could have it really bad, but my first though is being a little mad. Since these people are disabled it could be like a major life stressor. There stress response could be to get disability. Having something like a disease is not easy to deal with. You got to do something about it. One thing people could be doing is going on disability. They could be stressed about having to do what they need to do with there disease. The people who are working and have a disease like the example form the show could take it as a daily hassle. There response is to work. They do not have as much stress.
Another thing that was kind of sad was that when kids were put on disability. The example in the show was sad. The kid had a learning disability and his mom needed the money she got from it. The hard part is what the show talked about. It talked about how you want you kids to do well. If the kid in the show did well then his mom would have not gotten the money. The money is important. I am not sure what I would do. If your kid does not do well you get money. If he does you do not get money that is important.
When the show talked about when states were taking people off of the welfare and putting them on disability is kind of like emotion-focused coping. They were trying to get them off of welfare so they did not have to pay for them. They are not getting rid of the problem they are just making them not there problem. What they could do is have problem-focused coping. They would not be making them a problem they would be getting rid of the problem. This is what needs to be done it is always going to be a problem until you get rid of it.
Major life stressor, stress, daily hassle, stress response, emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping
I am very opinionated about this topic. It rubs me so wrong, probably because of the way I grew up. I know I’m not the only one to think this way either. Granted, for people that legitimately and physically cannot work, this is okay. But for all of the lazy people that decide they don’t want to work at the job that they are at that moment because they are “disabled” from some bullshit excuse is bullshit in itself. In the prologue they talked about how there are fakers everywhere, they go to the doctor and complain about their so called pain that is restricting them from working. One lady in Act 1, when she was asked what her dream job was that she could do without her back hurting, she said she hadn’t even thought of that idea that there could be another job out there. These people that are put on disability have a sense of laziness to them. In the prologue they stated that there are 100,000 new jobs each month, but there are still 205,000 people applying to get disability checks each month. What is this? And that is adding to the already 14 million Americans that are receiving disability checks each month, averaging out at $1,000. I suppose this is such a heated topic for a few reasons. My family grew up surrounded by sports, where you were bound to get injured and have physical health problems, but we fought through the pain. We would play that next volleyball game and not complain the whole match, or my brothers would play that whole next Friday football game without a complaint during the game. My boyfriend’s dad’s ex-girlfriend was on disability. Every time I would come over to their house, she would be sitting down watching a soap opera. I had normal conversations with her, she never showed any mental disabilities. She sure didn’t show any physical disabilities; she would do yard work, clean, cook all when she needed too. There was nothing stopping her from going and getting a job that she could do with her “disability”. She was a faker that is all too common and angered me every single time I went over to his house and saw her sitting on the couch, watching his dad struggle to put a decent meal on the table for her un-working self and her lazy son whom also could have gotten a job but didn’t. They didn’t have any motivation or ambition to do anything that was considered a “job”. I feel like there were no goals present in her life besides just to get by and have her boyfriend of the time struggle to pay for her.
As it went on in Act 1, with the older man that couldn’t work because of his hands, it came clear that the ones that actually need disability checks were people like this man. He was poorly educated and living in a rough place of a poor state. His hands were physically incapable of use, and they didn’t smash grapes around their town so he literally and legitimately could not work. In his case, disability systems are a good thing, but not for all of the lazy fakers. Qualifications of disabilities should be renovated and made more strict, so not just anybody and everybody can get these monthly checks. And I realize that there are possibly no jobs that actually disabled people can get because of technological advancements that have been made, taking away small jobs that these people, at one point, could have gotten.
Terms: motivation, ambition, goal, disability,
I had a lot of mixed feelings about this episode talking about disability. I think it's very sad how easy it is to get in a rut or a cycle, and not get out of it, and also to hear that there is no REAL training to help people who are disabled to get jobs that are adequate for their needs in certain areas of the country. Though I am happy we are learning about this, and learning about something that we should know about! I think a lot of people on disability abuse it, which screws up the system and the opinions about the system for people who actually need it and rely on it. I am so glad I have been raised that things don't get handed to you, you have to work for them. I cannot believe that while 150,000 new jobs are created every month, 250,000 people apply for disability every month. Ever since I got a job I there hasn't been a time where I haven't had a job. I have too much pride and a feeling of independence to ever want to rely on something like that, unless my health was failing or got laid off. My dad never went to college. He didn't even finish high school, he got his GED. However he is the most hardworking man I know. For over 40 years he has worked for the secondary road department and is not afraid of hard work. He could probably be put on disability if he really wanted to; he has aches all the time and when he sits down after work it is difficult for him to get up again. I mean jeez, he's almost 59! But he is hardworking and would never "stoop" to not be able to provide for our family by having to rely on the government.
I do feel for the people that live in Hale County. With almost every job being labor work, it could be very hard to find a job. And even if they did find an office job, it sounds doubtful that they would even be qualified for the job. I think it is pathetic when people go on disability just because they are too lazy to find a job, but this episode was different and pointed out that some people really can't find job that they could get, so they play it safe and try to get disability.
I wish our government would have more guidelines and regulations to be able to get disability, and more actual training to help people who were laid off. When a factory job that you've been doing for the past 20 years suddenly gets eliminated from your life, it would be hard to find another job if there's nothing similar in the area, especially since most manual labor jobs don't require higher education. So, the person who got laid off would be screwed because they never got anything past their GED or diploma. It is a very vicious cycle.
I also feel so terribly for the families who rely on the checks from their kids. I've seen that before back where I live, where a family would take on as many foster kids as they could for the government checks. It was pathetic, but at least they treated the kids decently. I feel as though it makes the child feel nothing more than dollar signs, and they would feel pressured to not better themselves. Because why risk it for the biscuit when you already have a guaranteed source of income? I understand it can cause stress, having a smaller check than what you're accustomed to, but I feel as thought people should want to experience the independence of not having to rely on it.
My mom works with disabled adults for a living, and they go to a place called Options where they provide work for these disabled adults. I feel as though if adults with mental disabilities want to work for themselves and can find work, so should physically disabled adults. However I do understand not every place in the US has the opportunities these people do. It's just really sad how our country is getting more of the entitled "gimme gimme" mindset instead of hard work pays off.
Disability and other government programs were intended for good purposes, but I believe that they are abused.
disability, health, stress
My thoughts on the listening we had to do are what I believe in personally and what my family taught me growing up. My mom has been a role model to me because she has a disability and you would never know she had it. About twelve years ago or so she had a major back surgery where they went in from her stomach and put in a metal plate in her back. She was working at a factory and that is what caused her back to be so bad. She could have given in to the disability she had or she could suck it up and deal with it and make the most of it. The doctors told her that she could risk more damage if she did not take caution. She took caution but my mom is a very out-going person who hates being inside doing nothing. She was back working in the factory within only 6 months of her surgery. She could have quit just because she has a disability but she didn’t. That is why I believe that people misuse their disabilities just to get out of work. I think that many people do have disabilities that they physically can’t do anything about and they can’t help it. Then there are those people who just are plain lazy and will do anything to do nothing and get paid.
I think that people can avoid their disabilities too. If they focus on the well-being of their body they can avoid some disabilities but not all. For an example a disability that can be avoided and one that can’t is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is most cases can be avoided with healthy eating and exercise. While Type 1 diabetes cannot be avoided. My girlfriend has Type 1 and she doesn’t consider herself as disabled. She plays a sport in college and still maintains healthy levels of blood sugar. Too much stress could lead to disabilities but if you can control your stress and learn ways to deal with it then it won’t be a problem.
Key terms: well-being, stress, disabilities
I thought that the podcast was very interesting. This is a topic that I did not know a lot about or really ever think about. I have never thought about what technically classifies someone to be disabled, and how people can have the same symptoms, but not both are qualified for a disability check. I did not realize how many things affect health and well-being that we never think about. I also did not realize how small the job market can be depending on personal skills and education. I could not believe that one of the women in the podcast could only think of one job that did not require standing and working on her feet all day. It really shows the huge gap in job opportunities available. Many people go onto disability because they feel like they have no other option and that they have nothing left to give to the economy. I think that it would be really hard to hold a government job that required me to decide who is deserving of the many disability and welfare checks that are given out each year. One doctor said that he asks his patients how much education they have when deciding if he is going to put them on disability or not. He said that it makes a difference in what jobs are available to them, so it is relevant. I thought that this was interesting because I would not have ever thought that doctors would take education into consideration when granting disability. I am interested in know the difference between emotional and physical disabilities and the checks going out between them both. I thought it was crazy listening to the section of the podcast about the lawyers and judges on disability cases. I could not believe how many people were challenging the government to get disability checks and that the government does not fight back against the lawyers and questionably disabled clients. The lawyers just fight to get their clients on welfare and get paid and the government does not even show up to the court room. I also did not know the difference between welfare and disability, and that the federal and state governments do for each of them. I think that if people can work, they should, so I did not like the part that discussed when people would call and try and find disabilities in themselves. I think that if you are already working and do not think that you are disabled that people should not call and fill out disability forms for you. I could not believe that some people make their living off of this job. After listening to this podcast, I do not really know how I feel about these checks and clients. I do not like that the government has to pay so much to so many people, but I realize that there are some people who just have no other choice. I think that before I could form my own personal opinion on the matter I would have to do more research on both disability qualifications and how the government plays a role.
Terms: Disability, Health, Well-Being, Education, Emotional, Physical
This episode of This American Life radio show was very interesting to me. I didn't really thought about disability before I listened to this episode. I'm not sure how much people in my country get when they have disability but I'm sure that it is much smaller than $1000 each month plus health care expenses. This amount of money people with disabilities get in US, no wonder that the number of unemployment due to disability is growing dramatically over the years. The fact that in Hale County, Alabama 1 in four working age people are not working shocked me. Moreover it is not only one city like that; there are more towns over the country. The memorable part from episode was that we do not have any medical criteria such as blood pressure, that people can go through and it will show if this particular person are disabled. People are deciding by themselves to apply for social security program and get money for staying at home. There is no diagnosis called disability. The numbers of people have been applying for disability program is astonishing. 250000 people each month are applying for disability. Is that really so many people are not healthy enough to work?
Although they are a lot of people with serious health problems that cannot work and totally deserve this program, some people are just want to be disabled because it is easier way to survive. Moreover there are people with physical, cognitive, emotional, mental and sensory impairments are deciding to work. For example, there are a lot of special programs that helps blind people perceive information, so they have chance to work. Work is one of the important social aspects in our lives. We earn money; find friends or just having social interactions with other people. For people who prefer being "disabled", it may bring more negative consequences. For example, the chances of getting major health problem such as obesity increase, which may lead to more serious physical and psychological consequences.
However, some people applied for disability not because they are lazy and do not want to work or cheating, because they cannot get a job. These kinds of problems are common nowadays. For example in episode, where small town such as Aberdeen in Washington state lost its main industry (mill) and people are get faired. Even there are lots of retraining programs and agencies; people have small possibility to find a job. Scott from the episode was older than 50 or something and he lost his stable job. One of the workers from retraining programs said to him that nobody going to hire him and they are just hiding them. He get heart attack after closing a mill and so he had chance to apply for disability program. So he doesn’t need to worry about this problem. Thus, people sometimes just have only this option.
On the other hand some people are making big money on disabled people. Disability lawyers with clear slogans “get the money you deserve” are helping people to get disability benefits. They do it not because they are so kind and want to help people with any kind of impairment. They are doing it because they are money from that. Also in courtroom there are no government representatives on the other side of the room, who will the public interest. Lawyers are making money moving people onto disability. Also there are other parties who are making money on people with disability; public consulting group is the company that offers welfare to disability services. They identify people who have criteria to being labeled as a disable, and then they help these people with preparing all medical documentation for applying. Every time they succeed in winning a client disability, PCG get money. This is huge business which progresses rapidly.
Disability programs become major problems and country spend huge amount of money by paying people with disabilities. It does not mean that it wrong. It is very good that government care about their citizens, trying to improve their well-being. However they could help them with other ways, for example create more work places so people have higher chances to get a job.
Terms used: Disability, health, well-being, physical, cognitive, mental etc. impairments, blindness,obesity.
I have never really believed in disability benefits. I think that, unless it is an extreme case, we can find work for each person. I believe that money, benefits, and rewards should all be earned. Listening to this blog really just reassured me that my beliefs were correct. The area that they were specifically looking at was in Alabama. In this county, Hale, nearly 25% or one in every four citizens are on disability. The scary thing is the numbers are only rising. An excuse that seemed to be extremely common was back pain. I can think of more jobs where they can sit down and be comfortable, than those where you have to stand all day. Some of the jobs I can think of off the top of my head all include some sort of office job. I honestly believe that the majority of these people have the ability to do some sort of job. I wonder if people move to this county because they know they can get away with not working. Otherwise, I’m not sure how the statistics are so high, besides the local doctor. This doctor seemed to be very well known around the county, Doctor Timberlake. I’d like to think of him as the lazy peoples’ doctor because he was definitely an enabler of these people not wanting to work. He would just write doctors notes when someone would come in with minor problems and allow them to be on disability. I think some people may not want to deal with the day-to-day stress of a typical blue collar career. This could be some sort of poor excuse for not wanting to work. I’m really not sure why some people just feel entitled to the government’s money. In some cases, I feel like people would want to be in bad health just so they don’t have to work. I don’t understand how the disability money can even be enough incentive to be lazy because why only get $12,000 a year, when you can get so much more money. My belief is that time still goes by at the same rate, if you work and make a lot of money or if you lay around and make little to no money. My thought, is why would you choose to just be handed minimal survival resources, in this case money. I thought it was really funny when the lawyer compared his “disabilities” to the “disabilities” of a man who wasn’t working. The results were exactly the same. So the question really is, where can we draw the line? What conditions are considered too terrible to stop one from having the ability to work? What disabilities can one work with? I believe it is all based on drive and whether the person is driven enough to earn their money or just receive it.
Psychological Terms: disability, stress, health, incentive, drive
This American Life episode #490 called Trends with Benefits taught me many things such as the government, welfare systems, and disability checks. The episode starts off discussing Hale County, Alabama. Here the percentage of people who receive disability checks is 25 percent. These people all receive about 1,000 dollars a month plus health care benefits. Different people have different theories for this statistic. Many people in the county believe that these people are “freeloaders”. They believe that they are faking their disabilities to receive the free benefits. “Doctor my knee hurts, I can’t work.” Another theory is that it is hard to find healthy food there. They have got plenty of McDonalds and not enough farmer’s markets. There is lots of obesity in this county. Obesity takes a toll on bones and muscles which makes it harder for them to work. The last theory is that there is only one doctor in this county and is putting people on disability as some sort of scam. However this man is Dr. Timberly and he seems to be a “classic bleeding heart” who just wants to help those in need. He says that he always asks his patients their education level. It is very rare that his patients finish college, let alone high school. This lack of education prevents them from receiving a less labor-intensive sit-down job.
There are currently 14,000,000 Americans who are on disability. This number is growing. This episode tries to explain why. A man named Scott was interviewed. He worked at a large mill in the town he lived in. The mill closed down due to the economy and Scott was left jobless. Scott was a little over middle aged and had not been to school in quite a few years. His options were limited; he could either go back to school, which he hated, or he could “check out” and accept that he is no longer useful to the economy and receive the benefits of disability since he had a heart attack. Scott became “invisible” as many Americans on disability do. This is because they do not show up on unemployment. Disability is not designed to help people get jobs or rehab, rather it gives them a “better” option than working a minimum wage job.
In this episode I learned that the government actually pays lawyers to defeat it in court cases regarding disability. There are many disability lawyers out there. The largest and most familiar is Binder and Binder. Last year they had 30,000 clients. When people are denied disability they seek a lawyer to help them get it a second time around. Out of their 30,000 clients, Binder and Binder made 68.7 million dollars. The question is “who pays for this?” Well, the government does since the person on disability cannot. So the government is actually paying lawyers to defeat itself. The government will often get defeated easily since it does not have a lawyer for itself. Instead, judges have to play a dual role which can be incredibly uncomfortable and stressful.
States also play a large role in putting people on disability. States of course want as much money as they can receive. States have to pay for welfare checks, however they do not pay disability checks. These checks are federal. To save money states will try to get people who receive their welfare checks to switch to a better option for both the state and the people: disability.
I think that the problem doesn’t lie within the people of America, rather that the problem lies within the government. The judicial system in particular should be examined. In court cases where the government does not have a lawyer against a “disabled” person it should. The government of course would have to pay for this lawyer however it seems that in the long run money would be saved because not as many people would be receiving disability checks. I think that companies like Binder and Binder should be targeted in particular. If anybody is taking advantage of the government it is these guys. 68.7 million dollars they made last year out of the government’s pocket. In Scott’s case I feel a bit uneasy. I think that the majority of people in his situation would have done the same thing. He had a choice to make however he took the easy way out. As technology is changing it is going to constantly become more difficult for older people to find new jobs. Many of times these people do not care to learn these new technologies, they just want to continue what they were doing. It is unfortunate that many jobs were lost in similar circumstances due to the economy but I do think that it is important to remind ourselves that taking advantage of the system is wrong. It would have been best for him to try really hard to find a new job, but who could blame him? Maybe it would be possible to have different amounts of disability checks where people like Scott would receive less money and people who literally cannot walk recieve more. Maybe a greater difference between disability checks and a minimum wage job would pressure people into searching harder for a suitable job for them.
Psychological Terms: theory, disability, health, stress.
People faking disabilities disgust me, they're lazy and can't face their lives. They dug their own graves and try to bring the rest of the people who work hard for a living down within them. They are ruining the economy, making it worse than it already is. There are legitimate people out their who are actually disabled and still work their ass off to make a living, then there are the people who just didn't take care of their well-being and let themselves sink into a lazy black hole. Taking care of our bodies does not only better our lives, but also helps people around us because we are able take care of ourselves and let the people who actually need help get that help. I see people all the time who are way over their BMI, but do nothing to improve it. It was awesome when she asked Ethel what her dream job would be. She wanted to be at a desk where she could weed out the people who did not actually need the disability route. Being poorly educated and lazy is becoming the new “disability”, which I have never thought of until I listened to this podcast. There are people who are dropping out of high school and becoming lazy until there is absolutely no hope left for them. When people feel they are no longer useful to society, they pull the disability card and just accept their fate. The future we have entered and are heading towards is not the brightest future. America is not what it once used to be, and that is definitely a fact. There are so many factors that play into the downfall of America, but one of these factors are in fact the people who are abusing the label of “disabled”. There are people who do face daily hassles and cannot run away from it, but then there are the people who just have no motivation at all to do anything with their lives and head down a bad road. There are so many things wrong with our government, and there are very little things being done to stop this decline. The “Middle Class” is slowly disappearing and this is because of all the people out there who are digging a 10 mile grave to throw the rest of us in. I could go into to so many different topics, but the one we are talking about is the abuse of the disability rights. The rich get richer and the poor get nothing. If the people who fake their disabilities were face to face with people who are actually disabled, they would get their world rocked. There are so many people who wish they could walk or function normally, and these fakers are absolutely disgusting. It's sad how actual disabled individuals are more determined and hardworking than the people with a perfectly normal body. That is why I love working out, being able to take full advantage of my perfect healthy body because I know there are people who are out there that don't have the opportunities that I have because of my normal functioning body. I live for those who would kill to have my legs or have normal working hands. I know I have back pains sometimes, but that would never stop me from doing something. When they mentioned giving disabled kids living in poverty assistance, that sparked a flare of hope in my mind. Kids are our future, and the way we are taking care of them right now will never get us to that bright future that we constantly seek. They are the ones who need help, not the people who fake an injury just to get out of doing a little work. The only thing I can do as a person in order to prevent the decline of our country is to work for greatness, and earn every ounce of it by working as hard as I possibly can to achieve those goals. If I didn't take care of the advantages given to me now, what would be the point of even going to college? People are worrying about Ebola taking their lives, but ignore the number of deaths brought by obesity, lung cancer, and drunk driving. All of these things are easily preventable if people would just gain the determination to get up and do something about it. Laziness is becoming a disease in itself, and that is one disease I will not let get hold of me.
terms: well-being, BMI, daily hassles, disability
When I listen to this radio episode, I have thought problems of welfare state today. In this episode, about 1 in 4 people that live in Hale County, Alabama are on disability and the rate in disability is rising sharply. They who are labeled as disability are getting disability benefits, such as disability payments and health care coverage. The problem in this phenomenon is that people are not trying to work hard and get a job, but rely on this disability system. As well as, problem in the disability system is that someone can get these benefits easily by reason of like high blood pressure and diabetes. Of course, there are people that really need this disability system because their body can’t move and they have psychological disorder. However, more people actually are abusing these benefits. If we don’t restrict the system, in the future welfare states will be declined sharply because people are becoming more and more lazy and they don’t have any motivation and goal to work hard in their life, and in the end, this phenomenon lead our economy recession. When I think these problems, this issue is appearing all over the world. In Korea, we also have this disability system and there are people that abuse these benefits. To prevent these problems, the welfare countries need to have strict restriction
Terms: welfare, disability, psychological disorder, motivation
Honestly, this is sad. So many people need to be on disability and they don’t need to be disrespected by the people who fake their disabilities and take advantage of the system. There is no reason to give up on finding a job in order to mooch off others. Disability is a great program to provide for those who truly need it because nobody should be left behind. People who are well and able to work should do so; if not for the government, then for themselves. I personally find working to be fun when I do something I enjoy. I enjoy getting to talk with my coworkers, my boss, and the clients. It is also fun to be able to set a goal or challenge and overcome it. Work is rewarding if you look at it like it is something that you can achieve. I consistently achieve a cleaner lobby every time I work because I find it nice to come into a clean workplace. I would not give up my job to sit on my butt and have the government spoon feed me throughout my life. From what I gather from this episode is that the people who really need Disability wish they were able to work and not have to be supported. Another matter is that people who really need to be supported get the help they need and not have to go to court just to get on the Disability they so desperately need. This world needs to find a good way to determine who needs to be on Disability and who does not and also have consequences for people who try to pull a fast one on the government. I’m glad to hear about this because often times I forget that these are real problems that need a solution and I hope we the people figure it out soon. I hope I never need Disability but I also hope those who do need it get it. The psychological terms I used were Disability, challenge, overcome, support, and consequences.
This topic is has been very controversial. Everyone has an opinion about government benefits. There are people who honestly need these benefits because they are not able to work due to their disabilities. And then there are some people out there who do not want to work and want to get paid by the government. As a society, we don’t want to encourage people to think they deserve handouts. Since there is no clear definition of disabilities, it is hard to judge what categories people fall into. It was shocking to hear that 1 in 4 people in Hale County are receiving $1,000 a month. If this statistic was applied all over the United States, we would have more people on disability then people actually working. I think this is a huge problem because we aren’t capable of supporting all of these people. Our economy would collapse. The welfare system needs more of a structure of who is getting benefits, for how long and offering other options for jobs. Since most people will keep receiving disability benefits their whole lives, job training should be offered.
Many of the peoples’ stories that were shared were people who don’t have a higher education and have never heard of jobs that aren’t heavy lifting or have to stand on their feet for hours at a time. And I thought that was really sad to hear. They don’t have any other options but to apply for benefits even if their disabilities aren’t completely crippling. Maybe starting a program that will help educate or help these people find other jobs that they are able to do with their disabilities.
It was also shocking to hear about lawyers and campaigns that are encouraging people to apply for benefits. This is completely not the way we want our country to go. We don’t want more people to be encouraged to get benefits just because they don’t want to work. Especially if it’s taking away benefits from those who actually need it. It’s crazy that this is even legal and something that should be stopped. Overall, this is a problem that has been around for a long time and it doesn’t seem to have an end to anytime soon.
Psychological terms: disability,
This episode made me think a lot about people who are disabled and can’t work. I understand if a person has a severe condition and literally can not work. However, if a person claims they are disabled so they do not have to work, that is a problem. If a person has a minor condition like a messed up back or their feet are always sore there are solutions to help with it. My mom has severe scoliosis and she is working as a CNA. She helps lift people who may be heavier than she is, but she buckles through it. I believe that my mom is very strong. There are days that her neck will hurt because of her back, but she doesn’t let this stop her from doing her job. I believe that people who are not disabled are rude and selfish people. There are soldiers who have come home severely injured, yet they work hard everyday for their family. These are the people we need to look up to.
I feel that everyone should be motivated to do their job. If you have a job that you absolutely hate, try finding another job that you will be happy at. If the job you have is the only option for you, then I would say try to make the best of it. Life will only be as bad as you make it.
One part of the episode I found surprising was that people on disability didn’t make much a year. How are people supposed to make a living off of a small income, especially with children. I also found it interesting that children can file for a disability. One child that was mentioned in the episode had a cleft lip which affected his speech. His family would receive a check once a month to help out with expenses. If the child were to grow up and find a job that paid minimum wage, the disability check would be smaller. The child would always have a cleft lip, so why would having a job make the check amount smaller. I also don’t understand why so many people want to be on disability. People would be better off finding a job that they would be comfortable with and working. They would make more money and be able to support their families in a better way. I also believe that the people who are obese and want to be on disability, should really rethink their idea. If their wish comes true, will they lose weight? Are they actually going to try living a healthy life? I feel that these people should be motivated to lose weight and get a better paying job instead of one that will pay them to sit on the couch all day eating food and watching television. The people who do not try at all make me mad. It is life the rest of us have to do a lot of things to make ends meet while they can sit back and enjoy the ride.
This episode in general made me mad because some people are so selfish and think that small problems are worse than someone else’s major problems. I wish the disability program could be better and only allow those who are seriously disabled file. If we let anyone file for disability, then there would be no one working.
Term: healthy, motivation, obese, disability
Before listening to This American Life, my opinion on our nation's welfare and disability policies was poor. Aftering listening the the episode, my opinion on disability policies is even poorer. I have no sympathy for those who leech off the government. I was not raised that way. I feel in order to get something, you must work to attain it, not mooch off other people’s hard earned tax money. The people on this program are just lazy. They have no interest putting effort into anything worthwhile so they acquire a “problem” and attain disability. I feel that the government must issue drug tests for all funding associated with welfare and disability. I don’t feel it is fair that they can get free money for drugs and have fun all day, while the hard working individuals like myself and those around me must work and in a way, pay for their habits. I am not saying all on disability and welfare are on drugs, because it isn’t true. The concept of disability and welfare are nice, but there are too many patches and holes in the system that scumbags have to take it away from those who are genuinely disabled.
Psychological Terms: Disability, Welfare, Drug
After listening to this radio broadcast by This American Life I have multiple feelings and emotions. My emotions are all scrunched together. I am mostly angry and sad. The first act of this radio broadcast made me angry. It made me angry because I think about all of the people that actually need disability and then the people who do not need disability who are using it to their advantage. I find it very interesting that the lady researching this could not get the doctor that submitted all of these people to apply for disability would not talk to her. Eventually the doctor talked to her. Keep in mind he is the only doctor in town. This made the reporter question why the only doctor in town is suggesting to all of these people to apply for disability. Finally the reporter was able to interview the doctor. The doctor talked about the different procedures and questions he asks. One question that the doctor said he always asks is how much school they completed. This question that was being asked seemed strange to the report as it did to me as well. I thought to myself ‘Why would he ask them about their education?’ After continuing listening to the broadcast it made sense to me that he asked them this because many of them didn’t have many choices for jobs because they did not have a great education. I thought about what the doctor had said about how their job options are limited because of their low level of education. I understood where the doctor was coming from but is that really a reason to suggest them to apply for disability is the real question. I do not believe that is a good reason. Yes, it is sad that their job options are limited but what that isn’t a reason to apply for disability when there are people who are truly disabled who need it more. Thinking about this makes me very sad because I picture someone who needs disability still working and someone being on disability mainly because they have a low education and can’t find a high quality job. Many of the people from this small town discussed how they have back pain and can’t work because it hurts their backs too much. I know plenty of people who have very severe back pain, my mother included, but this doesn’t make her qualify for disability.
After listening to this broadcast all of the way through it made me think about why some people who don’t necessarily need disability get it instead of pushing through and trying to find a different job that accommodates their needs more. One potential answer came to my mind, lack of motivation. I wonder if lack of motivation and drive could partially be the reason people settle for disability rather than trying to find a job. Another thing I possibly wonder is laziness. Laziness could also have an impact on why society is turning to the disability route. Perhaps people do not have the intrinsic motivation to go and pursue a job that fits their needs because it doesn’t matter to them very much.
Psychological terms used: motivation, drive, intrinsic motivation, need
In this week assignment listening to Trends with Benefits on the radio station the discussed People who are faking their own ways to get on to a disability list. When I heard this and like anyone else I became some what upset with the nation and doctors out there who are believing all these lies. Many people who want to be on the disabled list are all doing it for one reason free money with out working. The federal government pays for you to sit on your but so lazy people in the nation take in action of that benefit and use it in a negative way just because they are lazy. These horrible people who my family and myself as well are paying to have them sit at home. These peoples well-being described in chapter 10 have not been met at all. They lack motivation, the act of setting their own goals, and clearly they have some mental problems affecting their health to think that’s an okay thing to do. The reason why this radio talk was brought about is because the amount of disability people found in Hill County where 1 in 4 people have a disability. Just from listening to people who offered to be brought onto the radio I find their slag to become uneducated not fluently finishing their vowels and constants. I know that kind of judging a book by its cover kind of thought but you cants tell me you don’t agree ether. I think the disability list is an amazing federal free money subscriber because there are people out there who need money but can’t work due to their disability. The people who are on that list and don’t need it needs to be caught and filled for a federal probation.
Terms: Health, motivation, goals, well-being, disability
This radio show about people going on disability somewhat disturbed me because I have previous experience seeing people who abuse the system and get disability when they are not actually disabled. There are some people who have zero motivation to work and just think that since they can get around the system and just get paid to do nothing. I have done some time job shadowing with doctors and seen a few cases where people were trying to get disability. There were some people who would complain about pain and go in for a required exam, usually after seeing multiple physicians for disability, and there would be nothing wrong with them from a medical standpoint that the physician could find. Then there were very few instances were we actually found something extremely wrong with a patient that would require them to be on disability. It seems like there are very few people these days that actually require and need disability but rather people who just don’t seem motivated to work and want to be paid to do nothing. During the show it also discussed back pain a lot and how they required them to be on disability, which I found to be ridiculous. I have had a dislocated disc in my spine and I performed normal everyday functions such as going to work that required me to move around constantly as well as many others various tasks even with extreme pain. I feel as though these people are less motivated and seem to be looking for a way out and use a minor injury as an excuse. The story about Hale County did seem pretty ridiculous that they couldn’t think of a job where they would sit down but I would agree that most jobs that only require a high school education do tend to require standing a lot but there are very many jobs that allow workers to sit or make accommodations. Many jobs that require sitting just require people to have specialized training which might deter people because of the lack or motivation to go through the training or further education. Also the section in the story where the doctor would fill out the paperwork and get patients on disability seemed to be very unethical. It seems like he is just trying to help out since he chooses to live in a very poor area and wants to help them but to me the way he goes about getting people on disability looks more like he is helping them cheat the system since he asks about their education. Overall I believe that the disability system has lowered people’s incentives to work hard and be motivated to work because they see it as an easy way out where they can just get paid by not contributing to society or the economy. The section about Scott Birdsall also seemed like organizations and groups that are supposed to help people get better training and find new jobs don’t help the situation at all. Since they see those who are unemployed and looking for a new career that are older, age 50 or so, to be undesirable for a job that they refer them to applying to disability. To me this is not helpful because they just want to avoid more people being on unemployment benefits because it makes the government look better when unemployment is down. The welfare system needs to increase their qualifications for disability and do a better job at looking at the applicants to weed out those who don’t deserve it. Just by giving it to any and everyone decreases our countries motivation and our incentives to work hard as well as damage the well being of the individual and our country as a whole as well as increasing other peoples drive to get on disability.
Terms Used: Motivation, incentives, well-being, education, disability, drive
Ricardo Garza
This particular radio episode I found to be very interesting. I say this because I have family members that deal with the topic of disability. Growing up my grandmother and I were walking around the house and she attempted to walk up the stairs but as soon as she reached the middle of the stair set she fell. She broke two ribs and fractured her wrist. She was rushed to the hospital and she was taken care of. But as soon as she was let out of the hospital, she was expecting a disability check, but received nothing. She waited and waited and still nothing. But a friend of my mothers had a torn ligament in her back and she was immediately granted a disability check and she was set for a while. This sort of situation was talked about in the beginning of the broadcast while some people were interviewed about how they did or did not receive disability from the government. Personally I think that there should be an obvious line between whether or not someone should receive help from the government because of an injury.
Along with disability issues, there are also issues regarding welfare that were mentioned in this broadcast. I personally think welfare is definitely a big deal here in the United States. People develop this idea of a poverty line and socially we need to live with this idea. I think that if we develop a better system to help our nation get out of debt, we can succeed as a nation. The broadcast states that as time has passed, the government has not really done much to change and jobs are being lost, but now volunteers go out to help. Lawyers always try to get people to invest in their law firms so that if someone who is disabled will try to go into the firm and make the money that they deserve.
Near the end of the episode the broadcast mentions how people actually survive off of disability checks. These people are basically on welfare and with this check from the government families are able to stay alive. Rather than people who waste the money, some people advocate the idea that disability should be because you are seriously injured. One particular person who was interviewed stated that she actually feared working because of the fear that the government would take away money from her disability check. A person like this woman, usually tend to struggle psychologically. I personally think that this is the wrong way for people to think especially since this economy is struggling. With trillions of dollars in debt, the government needs to focus on who they are giving their money to.
Terms: Disability, Psychological, debt, welfare, investments,
The welfare system thats exists in the United States is a very tricky subject. There is a large group of people on welfare. Many of these people need this money and truly are deserving of it. For many other people this is an easy way out of having to go to the trouble of finding a job is spite of their disability that prevents them from doing some jobs. For some people this is a scam to get money from the government without having to work. For this reason I have a very difficult time forming an opinion of the welfare system. I do want this program to be accessible to the people that really need it. The hard part is for the government to decide who really needs it and who doesn't. There is no perfect solution to this. Instead of the welfare and disability programs simply giving out money I think they should help individuals find jobs suitable for them while providing money in the mean time. This podcast mentioned that there are 150,000 jobs created every months so I do not this this would be such a difficult thing to do. In one case a woman named Ethel was asked what her dream job would be with her disability being back pain. She said she would like that job of the woman that sits at the desk at the welfare office because that woman is able to sit at work. The government should provide Ethel with jobs that she can sit and require her to fill out applications and work towards finding a job to be self dependent.
I think another reason so many people are on disability is because there are doctors that refer disability to anyone and some that refer people for the wrong reason. The doctor that was talked about in the podcast was referring people to the program due to lack of schooling. That has nothing to do with disability in the first place. I think that government doctors should exist specifically to determine if someone should qualify for welfare. Ones personal doctor would refer them to this doctor. The government doctor would access only a person's physical ability to work and would be the one to prescribe what types of jobs that person should apply for and if they are able to apply for any job.
There is no perfect solution to the debate on welfare and disability and I think this is because so many people have different opinions. This will always be something that has to be rethought and improved as our society and economy changes.
Psychological Terms: disability
My thoughts on this radio show are a little jumbled and are mostly made up of other questions. The biggest one being: How many people are getting away with this? I understand that getting hurt at work can take you away from work and disable you but I believe that the persons personality is what will either speed up the disability or slow it down. My manager at where I work in my small town worked herself until she was sick for a week and had to have both knees replaced. Is this stopping her? No. Does she think she has a disability? No. She just keeps working even though most days it hurts her. She still lifts things even though she isn’t supposed to. This makes me think that these people are simply just lazy and don’t want to work for their money.
At the same time though, these people have got it all figured out. Even though they are going to live a poor life, they don’t have to actually work for anything. 13,000 a year for doing what? Sittin’ on your ass sayin’ that your back hurts or your hands ache. It made me even more angry when I found out that lawyers were in on this. Lawyers are sharks looking to make a penny anywhere. I believe that the job of a lawyer is to uphold the law and do what is just. So in my eyes these men and women aren’t real lawyers, they are just greedy. They are as greedy as the people who want money for not actually doing anything.
Terms: disability
Many people have motivation to work hard and earn money. Well if you can make money some other way what is the point of working? It is sickening that people say they have disabilities just to get money from the government, when they are still capable to work just at a different position, even though their well-being is fine. Disability is for those who are not able to do any sort of job anymore due to natural causes or an accident. This is not for those people who fake on disabilities to get money. Not having a job should not mean they get money. I understand people get hurt at work and things but it is possible to get another job where you don’t have to use that body part. Many people don’t understand this concept. They just want an easy way out and not have to work and get free money while the rest of society works their tail off to earn their money. It is not fair that people are realizing they can get this ‘free money’ and use this tactic so they don’t have to work. In the radio station some guy who worked at the Mill went on disability. He liked working at the Mill and made sixty thousand a year. He was able to not work at the Mill and still make money every year. Those people who are on the disability act become invisible.
However, if you are on disability you do get money without working. That is a good thing. Who wouldn’t want to not work and still get paid? Not having a job results in more time to do things you want to do and less life stressors. A stressor is an environments event or stimulus that threatens an organism. Also you may get special insurance because they you are disability that you may not get in the job you recently had. Many commercials try to persuade others to get on disability and get a lawyer to help get on disability. If you can get incentives by not doing as much, you might as well do it. Then it teaches other people around them to do it too.
That train of thought, though, should not even be though of. As many people go to school to get a better education and, not wanting, many student loans. Then the people who go to school now go to work for the rest of their lives paying off these loans.
Our government is ridiculous because it does teach how you don’t have to work to survive. The woman with the son on disability is receiving checks because of her son and doesn’t have to work. Granted that he would be more work and more expensive because doctor appointments. The son, however, loves school and all the subjects. If he is improving and the disabilities go down, the money on the check goes down too. So the mom in a way does not want him to succeed so she can get more money. Also, if she gets a job her amount of money received every month goes down too. So why should she get a job? This system and our government are not doing a good job with this idea.
Key Terms: Stressor, drive, disability, incentives and well-being
The topic discussed in this radio episode, Social Security disability, is a topic that I am familiar with in my own experiences. My father has had 5 knee surgeries, 3 shoulder surgeries, has no meniscus and has Hep C. He works 9-10 hours a day, 5 days a week at a feed making plant that requires a lot of manual labor. When he married his current wife, she brought into their family a son. This son's father would not pay child support or even help him out with getting to doctor appointments. Instead, my father and to pick up the slack. The son's father used the excuse that he was disabled and could not do anything and had no money. The problem is he only broke his foot 15 years ago and since then has fully recovered and has received no more injuries, yet he still will not work or attempt to find a job. He says that he has no money to help his kid out yet he goes to the bar almost every night and drinks. The even bigger problem is that my father has tried to get disability more than 5 times and every time he is denied. Why is this? Why does one lazy person who broke their foot 15 years ago get to receive disability benefits while someone who 's body is utterly broken down can't get any? I do not have an answer.
My father, in my min, is more disabled than many people I know who are on disability. Despite this, he has an overall good sense of well-being. He recently quit drinking and his motivation to work has come back. He has also recently gotten a diagnosis from the VA that he has Hepatitis C. This has a big impact on his physiological well-being. He has only a GED and thus cannot get a job outside of the manual labor workforce and because he cannot get disability he has no idea what to do. His health is deteriorating and he does not want to keep on working a factory job to support his wife. The collection of these factors have led to my father becoming depressed and unsatisfied with his life. Due to his recent soberness, I don't want these factors to lead him back to the bottle. I have a high disdain for how the government sees some people, especially when the person is question for disability is a veteran. To me, it is the most disrespectful act the government can do. They are making their veterans suffer while lazy people are getting free money for injuries that happened 15 years ago.
Terms: disability, motivation, depression, physiological, well-being
This topic honestly just makes me really mad. To hear that so many people are faking disabilities so they don’t have to work is just wrong. Leaching of the government is not okay because they are too lazy to get off their butts and get I job. I know people who screw the government over acting like there daughter is mentally handicapped, when she isn’t so they can get money for that and it sickens me, that’s a whole other subject but is going off the lines of leaching off the government. They make their daughter believe she isn’t going to be able to do anything for the rest of her life and that’s just wrong. I’m so confused on why they don’t check on people to make sure they aren’t faking it so they don’t have to get a job. People disgust me, you won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t want to work for anything. If your back or leg hurts get a desk job, or take some aspirin. I’m 18 and have back problems and I have never thought of sitting home and doing nothing because I have slight scoliosis, not to mention the blood pressure problems I have that cause me to get dizzy a lot. My aunt has serious health/body issues and does need to be on disability. But with people lying about it, it may make it harder for those who actually need it, to get it.
Technology is getting better so the disability numbers should be going down, but it’s the opposite. The disability numbers are going up. All of these people just believe they can’t work a job and that’s self fulfillment. If you say you can’t, you can’t. They need to be motivated to do it. I think people need to realize they can’t freeload off of the government for the rest of their life. The money that is being used for ‘fakers’ could be used for other things that are needed, such as health care or given to those who actually need it.
Disability, self fulfillment, health, motivated
I was surprised that 1 in four are receiving disability. That number is ridiculous. My first question is how many of these people are really disabled and how many are being just plain lazy. I agree that the environment can help with peoples obesity. In smaller town with not much to do or chances to show off one’s body then they care a lot less than somewhere that has a beach. When all there is to do in a town is go out to eat or get together and eat that is all people are going to do instead of doing something healthy. Disability is a label that we give some people as a form of pity, once we hear their story. I do not see why people handicap themselves because one one minor injury instead of using that minor setback for a major comeback. If we as a society and the government put better restrictions on who is eligible for disability and government assistance. We have so many jobs that are being unattended because so many functioning adults see themselves as disabled.
There are so many older people who get so set in their ways and refuse to go out there and start over. How can someone just so casually tell someone to just go home and accept unemployment or disability. That is coming out of our hard earned tax dollars. I feel like that trainer basically told him go home relax I’ll take care of you.
There is way too many advertisements that loure people into filing for disabilities. Silly enough I have heard of Binder and Binder many times from television commercials. He is responsible for Billions of dollars being distributed in disability aid. The economy needs to make welfare checks into pay checks. I think the states would be willing to help more people get a job if they had to pay for disability services in edition to welfare recipients. The PCG customer service representatives are babying the communities, when you are out in the real world no one is going to remind you to make a meeting, send in your paperwork. or call you and fill out the application for you. PCG is ridiculous, I personally did not know what PGC was until this radio system. I can not believe they are in search for adults and Kids just to make a check. Labeling someone as disabled too early can ruin their future. After listening to this I have just been astonished as to how many people use the system instead of better it. It sickens me to know that this system is being taken advantage of so much.
Terms used: Wefare, Disability,System, Assistance, Government, PCG
These two acts from This American life, really made me think. When you live in a poor town, there’s not that many jobs to choice from. With just living that life it is very stressful. Being very stressed out, alone can affect your health and well-being, which eventually that gets bad enough could make you get in to the disabilities act. I really do understand why people are going into the dishabilles act, but is it really right. To explain, to me, disabilities mean you can’t work at any job, or even work your way up to any job. I do feel bad for the people with back pain and can’t do too much, but I also know that you should never give up. Move to a new town and be a receptionist that involves a lot of sitting. I know its ruff with what hurts, but think about all the people that really do need that. People that physically can’t move because their brain doesn’t allow them, or people who have autism, to me these are the real people that need the disability act. Also, another thing I want to point out that I think really needs to change are the lawyers and agents that fill out the paperwork. We need to really change this, they set up saying that one you win at with a person that wants that act, and you get money. I realize they did this to make you want to work harm no matter what they look like and act like, but when they set this up, how did they not know that the lawyers were going to try their best to get them in, even when they shouldn’t be, they would get more money, the client gets what it wants, all is good. And when they go into court, there is no one defending the government side. So why wouldn’t the judge say yes, when all the opposing they had are the lawyer and client that want the disabilities act. To me that feel like it should be an easy win. For example if someone is wrongly accused and the only person there was the lawyer with the client accusing him, then that someone will probably go to jail to jail for no reason. The reason I showed this example is should we really lets something that’s not right really go by? The people getting money with the disabilities act, do you really have to have that money and are not able to do any job? It’s not fair to the others that really do need it and you lynching onto it. Two have lots of friend that work enough with the same symptoms as many they said in the program like, diabetes, low or high blood pressure, shattered ankle, and my parents have hernias. These people I know all still work a job enough though its ruff, just remember to never just give up on yourself. Believe that everything will work out. Terms: Stress, health, well-being,
I have always found disability payments to be a load of BS. I apologize ahead of time for anything offensive that I may say during this blog post. Now I understand that there are people out there who were born disabled and can’t help it. In these cases I find it less outrageous that our hard earned money goes towards them. However, there is no way that every single person on the disability payments list is truly in fact disabled. I believe that many of them are faking it. Take what Jon Jay said in the prologue, people will repeatedly go to the doctor complaining about some sort of ailment that prevents them from working. They keep on going back until the doctor finally puts them on disability. These so called fakers and freeloaders infuriate me. They take advantage of a system set up to help truly disabled people, not lazy bums who don’t want to work. Also, I don’t believe that obesity should be considered a disability. People are not born fat. Yes, they may be born into a household that consumes junk food and have a higher chance of becoming obese, but they have the ability to change that. It is not fair to somebody who was born without a leg for instance, or two arms that are extremely short or deformed, that a fat bum is to lazy to get off their butt and workout or start eating healthier. It is also not fair to the hardworking citizens of the United States who have to pay for the scooter so that freeloader can make it to the buffet. These people are not disabled, it is their choice to be this overweight. For example, my family and I used to be fat. However, we changed that. We started eating healthier, eating less, and working out more. Being obese is a choice, not a disability. Now I am not trying to single out obese people, that is just the first one that hopped to my mind.
Now, the practitioner who asks what grade they finished or how educated they are should be flat out fired or stripped of his credentials in my opinion. What grade somebody finished is not in any way shape or form a medical question, nor should that count towards being disabled. He also believes that somebody who is not able to get a job classifies them as disabled. I realize why he asks this due to what is on the paperwork for disability, but I still don’t believe it should count towards a disability.
I now understand though why some of these people look towards disability. When she explained how where some people live they are able to go their whole lives without seeing a job that can meet the need of their pain. In this case they feel that disability is the only way out. It is also not totally their fault, in a sense it is the disability programs fault. The program does not help them look for a job or help them in any way except for paying them monthly. I still believe that disability is often abused and is still a crock of crap. However, I can see how people see that the disability program is their only option.
Key Terms: Disability, Obesity, Education, Health
After listening to the episode "Trends with benefits" I learned how our disability program works in America.
It seems that more and more people each day get to qualify for disability and it just keeps rising. Depending on your
health and well-being the government will step in and help you if you find it hard to work due to your health. While it seems like a good deal in theory it leaves a wide open door for people to abuse the system so they do not have to work as hard.
A good example the show gave of the rate which people are applying for disability would the the Alabama town Hale County. One in every four people are not working because of disability. The general consensus was that most people were faking their disabilities to receive the benefits. Things like diabetes, back pain are nothing more than excuses to get out of a working job. Plenty of people live their daily work lives with those diseases, Some people are even trying to use obesity and smoking to their advantage by claiming disability. A lot more and more people see these disability programs as incentives to find away to quit working and live off the government.
Terms Used: Well-being, disability, incentive, smoking, obesity.
I think that there are people who do need Disability, but I think most probably do not need it. To change that, I think we need to start with education. From listening to TAL, I think that the people in Hale County Al who are on Disability could have had a better life if they had gone to college. College may be really expensive, but if you want a sit-down job, you most likely need to go to college. We need to help people to get the education they need so that the government has to support them for the rest of their life. I think that the government should be spending money for children to go to school all the way through college and even adults to go back to school. College would be a much more economically beneficial way to spend our countries money. Schooling only lasts for a few years, and life is decades of payments. With more education there could be less crime, and maybe even create more jobs. You could create more jobs, because people could create their own jobs from their interests and there wouldn’t be need for some jobs, like nursing, because there would be enough people who have the education. I know that there are people who really do need Disability, because of an actual disability. I think that they should go through more strict regulations to get Disability, and not just say that their back is sore. I know plenty of people who have health problems, but usually they are the hardest working people I know. It is hard to see people who are working so hard in their job and being in so much pain, and then seeing people who do not have chronic pain who are just sitting on their couches and watching T.V. all day. There are people who probably need disability, but are still working and not complaining about how they cannot sleep at night because of the pain. I have worked at Hy-Vee and I have seen so many people who are getting help from the government, when they do not need it. I am definitely not a rich person and my parents are extremely hard working and who are providing for me to go to college. It is so hard to see people, who are lazy who are getting a good amount of money and not actually working for it. A lot of people I know in college come from good families, but most families I know are struggling to pay for college. I think the government should give more money to people who are going to college than helping the lazy people sit around all day doing nothing.
The terms I used were: Disability, needs, and educations.
After listening to this episode of This American Life, my viewpoint on the disability and welfare programs has changed quite a bit. I knew that there were already many people who tried to take advantage of these programs, but I wasn’t aware of how big of a problem it really is. There are many people in this world who need the disability due to actual injuries which are restraining them from physically being able to work again. I thought the story of Hales County was extremely interesting. First off, there is only one doctor in the town of Greensborough which is the first problem. The next problem is the way they handle disability in Hales County. The doctor said he would ask his patients what grade they finished before anything else. Most of the time, the people had only a high school diploma, if that. Not many of the patients he talked to went on to pursue a college education. In this place, it is extremely rare for people to have a sit down job, therefore the chance of becoming disabled on the job becomes more likely. I thought it was very disappointing to hear that a doctor is being an advocate of people taking advantage of the system. The system is called disability for a reason. If someone has a severe disability where they aren’t 100% able to do work, they deserve it. People who are able to work, but declare for disability need to be kept out of the system. People abuse the system by using the excuse that they have manual labor jobs. Just because someone may have a lack of education and therefore, have to take on a manual labor job is not an excuse to be categorized as “disabled.” When Bill Clinton was president, he attempted to cut back on the number of people on welfare and disability. He wanted people to receive pay checks rather than welfare checks. His attempt was quite the success, but it didn’t last long. It is a hard problem to be solved because there are so many way around the system that people can use to take advantage of it. They talked about how disability lawyers are one of the huge problems holding back the downfall of the disability program. I feel like it is very true because I have seen the commercials and ads on tv and the internet. I could definitely tell how some people attempt extremely hard to get disability by the representation of the lawyers. One of the lawyer’s ads was, “Don’t give up. If you’ve applied and been denied call lawyer Ed. He’s local, he knows your doctors.” I feel like this is extremely obvious how the system is corrupt. If someone is truly disabled, they won’t be denied disability. In this case, the lawyer talks about applying and being denied as well as saying don’t give up. I feel like people in our world have no motivation or self-desire to work. This is a problem because in order for America to run efficiently, every citizen must do their share. This episode definitely made me oppose the system and I believe that it is very important that we find a solution to this growing problem.
Terms: disability, motivation
What are my thoughts?
I quickly glanced at the topic before listening and saw that it was about rise of disability recipients. I have a fairly anti-government political mindset, so my natural first course of action was to go outside and grab my pitchfork and torch in order to properly board on the disability hate train that I thought was about to depart. What came next was fairly surprising. I thought that Chana (weird name by the way… maybe I’ve been in Iowa too long) did an excellent job of reporting on what she found and taking a genuine and relatively unbiased approach to assessing the situation in Hale County. What she found there was not simply lazy people who claim disability so they can get paid to do nothing, but instead was a population constrained by education and opportunity. Yes, there were several people who were definitely beating the system and collecting a paycheck even though they were perfectly capable of working, but there were also a lot of people who actually needed the assistance. The testimony from the man who worked at the local mill (it might have been a mine, not sure) was really interesting. Hearing that he wanted to work if the mill was still open was a surprise. It was refreshing to hear that he tried going back to school to be trained for something else instead of simply giving up immediately. I can identify with his struggle in school and lack of will to follow through, but I think that it is partially due to the fact that disability is so readily available for people like him. While this is just a theory, I think that he would be more likely to endure schooling if he didn’t have disability checks to fall back on instead.
The next interesting part was the Doctor. Chana’s initial description was exactly what I expected of a Doctor that handed out disability; probably some cheapskate who was out to screw the system and be a Doctor with the least possible effort required. Then her interview surprised me. This guy was genuinely trying to help the people in his county. He knew that they could never work a desk job and that this would probably be their only way to survive. I actually put away my pitchfork at this point and started to think that there was a problem in this county that went beyond laziness and lack of motivation. I think that there is literally no opportunity for a lot of these folks. The one lady had trouble even thinking of a job where she would sit at a desk instead of doing manual labor. For me, all I have ever aspired to is a desk job. It is so weird to think that an entire group of people grow up knowing that they will have no opportunities, poor education, manual labor, and eventually disability in their future. What bothers me even more is that I have no idea how to fix it.
Terms: Disability, Motivation, Laziness, Education, Opportunity
In this episode of American life, they were point out some big facts about disability, such as 1 out of every 4 Americans are disable. By being disabled, they classify them as people can’t hold the jobs and need to taken care of by the government. There are about 14 million Americans receiving disability payments from the government and this number is growing fast regardless how well economy is doing, or how many technology advances we came up with. There are still numerous people apply for disability each month. Some people are faking to be disabled. It upsets me for the fact that people are actually disabled and need that government support but then again it open my eyes because everyone on disability is on there for a reason. Some people were not so desperately in need for the welfare problems. Some of them don’t even want to be on there but they just need that steady income that they can’t find anywhere else.
Disability is just a made up concept, a label society stick to people when they hear the story and think that they were suffer enough. Some people have the same problems as people who are still working. For instance, Dr. Timberlake in Alabama is recommended very many person to be on disability. He asks his patient weird questions that are not related to their medical health. The author explains that Dr. Timberlake sees it as if they have low education, than they can’t function. Which leads him to filling out the paper works out for his patients.
There are lawyers that work for disability. They advertise themselves everywhere, such as on billboard, youtube, radio, TV, etc. The way that the government set up the welfare program as paying lawyer if they are willing to stand up for the poor. Most of the clients are the people who got denied when they applied for the first time. There are many shocking facts about lawyers making big money and moving people into disability programs without any strict tests. There’s no one who represents the government in the hearing.
Key Terms: Disability
This episode was really eye-opening. In the news, I always hear things about welfare and unemployment, but nothing about disability. I understand that there are people would need to be on disability because they cannot physical or mentally work. However, I do believe that there are a lot of people out there who are on disability, and can work. That raises the question, “Why don’t they work?” The answer can be summed up in one word, motivation. What motivation do people have to get off of disability? Sure, they can make more money, but they would have to work a lot harder for it. It would be interesting to see how the person’s highest level of education does play into if they are on disability. If a person has a four year degree, I think they would be more motivated to find a job that earns them more than $13,000 a year. They should have a lot of prospects in the job market. However, if they only have a high school degree or less, they may not have as many options. For them, disability may seem like a better choice. They may not have that motivation to work or even search for a job.
Like I said earlier, my family owns a small business. It is a manufacturing business with a lot of heavy metal and welding. Until last year, we had a man who had worked there for almost fifty years. He would still grind the metal plates, and be all hunched over. He couldn’t walk upright, or very fast. He was past the age of retiring and gaining social security, so why was he still working? They work wasn’t easy, and he didn’t sit down a lot. I was always curious and I asked my dad about this one night. He said that the man needed more money for retirement. He wanted more money than he would get on social security, so he was going to work until he felt like he had enough to live off of.
Is money the only reason people are staying on disability? I think it is a good reason that lawyers are trying to get people on disability. Is there a better way to “weed out” those who don’t really need it? There are so many questions that this episode rose. Now I just have to know more.
Terms: motivation, disability
The first fact that jumped out to me that was that in one county there was 25 percent of people in this county are on disability. That is outrageous to me and I think it shows that there are too many people out there who claim disability when they are really not disabled at all. This is going to ruin the country and that’s just my honest opinion. Too many people are out there fake being disabled and are basically living off the government. It also surprised me to learn that the government takes care of their health care even though they are basically being handed $1,000 a month. The people out there who live off the government are just selfish and rude. I worked at a grocery store in high school and I can remember when people would come in and complain that they spent all their money when I can recall them coming in and spending almost $100 dollars a week on cigarettes and alcohol. I remember being so angry with them because I knew they were going to walk home and do absolutely nothing. I was 16 years old and I had a job and would go to school, practice, and then I would go to work. As a 16 year old kid I was doing more than these people were. This episode made me pretty upset in all honesty. I didn’t have respect for the welfare system in this government before hand but after listening to this episode I have lost even a little more respect for the system. The system needs to be overhauled. It needs to change. People need to start proving that they are truly disabled. I also think that people who receive welfare should have to take drug tests in order to stay on welfare. I also think they should be able to find jobs that will not affect their “disability”. They should have to prove they are actually looking for jobs and be able to prove it. That’s just my opinion though.
After listen to this episode of radio blog, Trends with Benefits. People are rely on the whole welfare system way too much. The social security disability program is making people become lazier day by day. Let’s think this way, why would you go to work when there a welfare program that have been provided by the government for disabilities people who cannot go to work and earn the living by their own. People would fake disabilities to get to that welfare program where they get money from the government and they do not have to work to earn that money. All they do is to sit around at home and take the advantage from the welfare. Most of people in Hale County are having a poor well-being because they do not get enough of physical activities where they get a job and earn money by their own hands. People would prefer a job where they get to sit most of the time that they are at work. People are lack of motivation for physical activities are often have an unhealthy life with a high chance of obesity. It is hard for people to get out of the public assistance program once they get into it.
Terms: well being , motivation, healthy, disability , obesity, physical activity
This radio show was about people collecting disability. The disability rates have increased dramatically recently. Since 2009, 150,000 new jobs were created a month but 250,000 people filed for disability a month. I never really thought about this problem before listening to this show. I always knew some people worked the system to collect disability but I had no idea that there were this many people on disability. To start the radio show there was a survey that focused in a town in Alabama that had 25% of the adults disabled. In an interview a lady, with back pain, said she couldn’t do any job. After a while she said she could be the person who sits and weed out all the people the people that don’t deserve disability. She didn’t even want to be that person she just wanted the job so she could sit all day and that was the only job she knew that sat all day. Also in part one of this show they were talking about a company shutting down and everyone going on disability. Many of the people working there are now on disability but they said if it was still open they would be at the company working. There is a problem with this, it seems like people that have the smallest “disability” claim for disability because there aren’t any jobs where they live. In the section portion of the radio show it talked about how lawyers make ads to people that have been denied for disability so they can help. When these lawyers go to court with their client there isn’t a government lawyer there defending the government. Also in the second act of the show they talked about how states now have to pay for people on welfare. To save money the states hired people to find people that could be on disability. If people went from welfare to disability the states wouldn’t have to pay for them. Doing this it could save a state about 80 million dollars with all the people they convert to disability. After listening to this there is a big problem with this country about who gets to be on disability. After all disability isn’t a diagnosis it is a label that society gives people when they hear their story we decide they have suffered enough and decide they don’t need to work anymore. We need to look closer on who really needs to be on disability and not people that just want to be on it. Terms used: disability
Trends with benefits
What is happening to the world that we live in? Where is the motivation to do better, to not give up? Frankly, this show upset me. This specific topic on This American Life was extremely alarming and is predicting a downturn in the society. Our society has become one that has settled with sticking their hand out for help, rather than helping themselves. There is obviously a point where a person is seriously disabled, physically, and cannot work, but I don’t believe that being uneducated makes a person disabled. I know from my own personal experiences, too many people sit back and accept something that could be changed.
If I decided that drawing disability was better than actually working for my earnings, my well-being would be seriously compromised. I would not feel any sort accomplishment. The incentive for working should be the fact that we are independent. There is serious reward in knowing that I have made a contribution to society. I understand that there are exceptions. For instance, someone who is chronically ill, bed ridden, or mentally incapable, but I am a strong believer in “If there’s a will there’s a way”. Many people who sit at home become depressed. They have no co-workers to interact with, their health could be compromised from inactivity, and if they are like me, their self-satisfaction wouldn’t exist.
Our nation also has a problem with obesity. Could this be from the result of inactivity? If most of our citizens are on welfare or disability then there are a lot of people who are not staying active. It is an unending cycle. Those who become obese then experience a downfall in their self-perception, which in turn deters their motivation, and motivation to go out and make a difference, like to get a job.
It was disturbing to hear about the judge who experienced a case where a man was drawing disability because he had high blood pressure and diabetes. Those are two “disabilities” that should never qualify a person as unable to work. The court of law is also contributing to an outbreak in this terrible trend. There are lawyers who are fighting for disability against the government. The weirdest part is that the government doesn’t have anyone to represent them in the court of law. The decision making is all put into the hands of the judge. Talk about having stress. The judge cannot judge the opinions of two people like what would normally happen, rather he has to make a judgment against himself and the lawyer.
I don’t like where this trend is going. It is causing bad personality traits in our people, and is costing our nation an insane amount of money. We need an incentive to work, not an easy way out of work. Something definitely needs to change.
Terms: self-satisfaction, incentive, well-being, motivation, health, depressed, obesity
I really related to this assignment and I had a strong opinion before the show ended. My step father is on disability and it has saved our family. My step father, Terry, suffered from a brain aneurism back in 2011. He had surgery to remove it, and the surgery was thankfully successful, but he was never the same afterwards. Before his surgery, Terry had been working at the same job for sixteen years. He was a hard worker and his motivation to work was always present. He never called in, loved going to work, and was always willing to work over time. When he was diagnosed with his brain aneurism, which almost killed him, he was devastated. His health had been slowly declining but the doctors could never figure out why until one day when he fell down the stairs after passing out and they did a CAT scan. Once they found the aneurism which was on the right side of his brain, he was whisked off to Iowa City for surgery. After his surgery, he was off work for a few months. When he finally was able to return to work, he could barely do it. He became extremely stressed and angry with himself. He was constantly having migraines, and even passed out a few times. He also had trouble with his short-term memory. He could barely remember important details at work. After a month of his troubles at work, his boss let him go. Our family was scrambling to find a solution to the problem. My mom began working two jobs to try to make ends meet. Someone then suggested that Terry apply for disability. He did, and fortunately received it two years after his first application. Since then, our family still struggles, but the disability has helped us out so much. That’s why I appreciate the social security system. I’m also aware of the fakers and cheaters that use the system. It’s unfortunate, especially for those who actually need disability benefits and don't receive them but yet people who are perfectly fine receive it because they're a little overweight. I think with any system like social security, you’re going to have those who take advantage of it. But I understand why people need it. My step father’s disability benefits has really saved our family financially, but that doesn't mean that I’m not aware of the low lives who take advantage of it. I find the whole social security system to be a great idea, because they are so many people in this world who are unable to work, and after listening to this radio show, I’ve realized that with all good things comes a price, and that price is the low lives who take advantage of disability.
Psychological terms: health, motivation, stress, disability, well-being, memory, short-term memory.
After listening to this I was in total disbelief. Before this I had little knowledge on disability. My grandma almost died a few years ago, they found out she had congestive heart failure. She was no longer able to work, so she was put on disability. I knew that meant that she got about $450 a month to live on (if I’m remembering correctly). I had no idea that 14 million Americans were on disability. The issue with disability has been unfolding for 3o years. There are 150,000 new jobs available every month and 250,000 Americans applying for disability each month! I am shocked by that because you would think that with all the new technology we have such as computer readings for those who are blind, advanced hearing aids for the deaf, hip placements so people can walk, among many other things would make the disability rate go down. 100 of billions of dollars are being spent on this issue and no one is aware. I think people are stating to rely on welfare way too much. I think there thinking is, why work and be successful for myself when I can apply for disability and the government can give me money to live off of. How wrong is that? All those people on disability can’t even look to see how the economy is doing, or being affected. I think by now more disabled would be working. Now don’t get me wrong there are very many cases, such as my grandmas, that you have to be put on disability because it is the only thing you have to rely on. But the people, who just have some weird reason, like their leg hurting and getting put on it because of that is ridiculous. This video has opened my eyes, and changed my view on disability. I feel the people who have motivation, need to get motivated in a better way than relying on disability when there are so many others out there who actually need it.
TERMS: Disability, motivation
In this blog assignment we listened to the “this American life episode number 490 trends with benefits. In this blog they talk about people who want disability verses the people who actually need it. Some people think its ok to walk into the doctor and say oh my knee hurts or oh my shoulder hurts and ask if the doctor will put them on disability so they don’t have to work. Its not because they cant work its because they don’t want to. Some people who are put on disability don’t necessarily need it but are actually to lazy to go out and work for a paycheck to pay their bills. Others on the other hand can not physically work to pay for their every day needs, these would be people with a mental disorder, paralyzed, or not able to support themselves for long periods of time resulting in not being able to actually work a full time job. These people are the ones who truly need disability not the ones who are just to lazy to go get a job or keep one because they are too tired or their body hurts to much to work so they need to quite their job.
The podcast stated that countries disability rates are twenty five percent of its population. Some people say its what people eat that allow people to think they need to be on disability when they really don’t have to be others say that there is something wrong with their body and they just cant handle all the work that comes along with getting a full time job.
Getting on Disability is quite easy. A person only needs to prove to the government that a personal disability is preventing them form doing everyday tasts that involve working and is preventing them from maintaining a steady job to pay their rent and other bills such are water, heat, and ect. Each person receives a certain amount of money a month and health care paid by the government alone. I feel this is a problem because for the people who actually need disability it may not be there for them. All the people who are taking it when they really don’t need to be are the ones who should feel bad because when someone actually needs it to survive they might not get it because there is not enough from the government because of all he others using it already.
Most of these people who are using the disability don’t have a well- founded education. Most dropped out before they could finish high school because of something that came up or they were just to lazy to go to school everyday. This makes it very hard for them to keep a type of job where all they do is sit and do their work because most of these people can only find jobs that are for non graduated students such as fast food or retail, something that allows them to be on their feet all day long with only a short amount of time for a break instead of having a well paying job that would pry allow them to take breaks every now and then instead of being up and running around all the time. I feel like the government should take a better look into giving someone disability before they do because a lot of these people are cheating the system and taking it from people who actually need it.
Terms: disability, well-founded
After listening to this episode called Trends with Benefits by This American Life I have learned a lot of disability and the disability programs. Listening to Ira Glass, who spent six long months covering health care, talk about what she learned through her experiment, I have many questions about disability. I thought it was very interesting how one in four people who are not working are on disability and how those people are not really disabled. For example, John Jay the mayor of Hale County Alabama says that many of the recipients are on disability because of high blood pressure or they have bad cholesterol. This is not right, how these people are on disability while some like Dane Mitchell, who is twenty three years old, is on disability because he was in an accident and cannot work. After listening to Dane Mitchell’s story and how he got hurt I think that disability needs to get more strict on who gets into the program because people who have bad cholesterol or high blood pressure can still work, they should not be able to get money from the government just because of that. Another thought that I had while listening to this episode was how there are different theories on why people get disability. One theory was fakers, I think this theory is true. For example, in Hale County a doctor was saying how some older people come in and say their back is hurting just to get on disability because they can’t find work. I think that people who cannot find work because of no reason should not be able to be on disability and how they should not fake it. They shouldn’t fake it because they are taking a spot that could otherwise be used on someone who really needs it. Another theory that was said was that older individuals get on disability because they are obese and how it is hard to find healthy food in Hale County. Obesity is a huge problem all around the world and we need to get some type of hold on it to get more people in shape and get them healthier.
In this episode it talked about how disability is growing and keeps on growing. For example there are one hundred and fifty thousand new jobs every month but there are two hundred and fifty thousand people who are applying for disability every month. I think this is ridiculous because there are so many individuals who are trying to get on disability because they cannot find a job, but in reality they are just not looking at the right place for a job. Another thing that caught me by surprise was how disability is the worst welfare there is because there are only two possible ways to get out. The first is if you are old enough to get out and get a new welfare program and the last way is if you die. I think this is insane and I also think that there should not be and more disability because people on disability are poor the rest of their lives because of it and they can never get out unless for those two reasons. In the end I think disability either needs to stop and they need to have better regulations.
Psychological Terms: Disability, Health, and Obesity.
I think there is a lot of issues surrounding the disability payments people are receiving. The seventy year old man from Alabama who spoke in the prologue is right when he mentioned how people try to fake an injury to take advantage of the system. He can be very understandably upset because it sounded like he was from an area and a time where you worked hard, and it’s simply just what you do because it’s the right thing to do. People today are becoming increasingly lazy and looking for the easy way out, which is sad because it gives off the impression that everyone is like that and we as a society are losing the ability to put in a hard day’s work. Fourteen million people in our country are getting disability payments, and it’s hard to believe that all of them can be justified. Situations like Dane Mitchell’s, where he was thrown from a car and broke several bones including vertebrae, are the ones that deserve these payments. There are also stories of herniated disks to just general back pain, and these people claim to be disabled, while people with the same conditions are working very hard and overcoming small pains. Chana went around and interviewed people with ‘disabilities’ like back pain and asked questions such as why don’t you find a job where this ‘disability’ wouldn’t affect you, and the people would answer that they had simply not thought about that. All this says to me is that if people can get free money from the government without working, there is absolutely no motivation to find a job they can do. I find this to be dishonest and flat out lazy. Laziness also comes into play when people rely on disability payments because they cannot land a job due to their education level. These people would have dropped out because they hated school or refused to go back to get more education because school just wasn’t for them. This is a choice, and if people don’t make the effort to have a better life in the long run, the consequences should be on them and not on the government. I think it’s safe to say the majority of students today do not enjoy every part of their education, but they know it is necessary in today’s economy to suck it up and get a degree. Obesity is my biggest problem when it comes to people thinking they’re disabled. In rare cases, genetics can make the struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle a challenge, but it is almost always a choice when it comes to how much a person eats and works out. Things like stress cause an excess in eating, and I suffer from this too sometimes. But it is up to the individual to know that their lifestyle is a choice, and becoming obese is not a disability, but more of self-harm and negligence to their health.
Terms: Motivation, stress, obesity
This talk show was very interesting to me. My mind was blown when they announced that 1 in 4 people, or 25%, are on disability in Hale County. What was even more surprising to me was some of the reasons why people are but on disability. The reasons were I have high blood pressure, I have diabetes, or even I have pain in my back and/or shoulder. I thought it was interesting and weird that a lady that was in an accident was put on disability because she has a herniated disc but than the reporter works with someone who has a herniated disc. So why does that lady get unemployment but not the co-worker of the reporter? Everyone who is on disability receives $1,000 a month plus their healthcare is paid for by the government. I believe that disability is both a good and bad thing. It is a good thing for people who have been in accidents like the soldier who was thrown 165 feet from a vehicle with a lot of broken bones but to be put on disability because you have high blood pressure or diabetes is not acceptable to me. I believe that disability has a bad side to it as well because like the man at the beginning of the talk show said he knows and can point out to you in Hale County that are faking disability for the benefits. Why are the people who have disability not being checked on frequently to make sure they are still unable to work? In the interviews with the reporter when asked about their situation they always brought up the name Dr. Perry Timberlake. The talk show said that he is asking people what is the last grade they finished and a few people can say they actually finished high school, but not many, and maybe a couple people can say they finished college. He said he asks his patients this question because if they have a low level of education they are not going to find a job anywhere, therefore they will not find a job. Dr. Perry Timberlake’s theory is: Little education + Poor job aspects = put on disability. 25% of the people on disability are on it because they cannot get a job. People can get a job anywhere; they could work at McDonalds, a gas station, anywhere. These people are just choosing not to find a job when all they really need is the motivation to find one.
A statistic that just blew me away is the number of people who are on disability. 14 million Americans are receiving disability and that number is growing rapidly. But what is very confusing to me is that 150,000 jobs are being created per month but 250,000 people are applying for disability per month. Why? How? The reporter found out that every 15 years the number of Americans receiving disability DOUBLES in size. The last thing that really sticks out to me from this talk show is when asked what her dream job would be so she would not have any back pain, the lady answered she wants the ladies job at the social security office. At first I was thinking yes she wants to get rid of the fakers but no, she wants that job because she gets to sit all day, not for the reason that we actually need.
The psychological terms I used were disability, motivation, and education.
Trends with Benefits
This topic was very interesting to me. Hearing about the town where people have about ¼ of its population on disability didn’t seem right to me. As I kept listening to what she interviewed the townspeople with, I got a sense that most of them were on it but did not actually need it. Some of the disabilities in Hale County were ranging from minor things to a lot bigger problems. The minor ‘disabilities’ allowed townspeople to somehow be considered eligible from disability benefits even though in other places in our country, we do not consider them severe enough. One example she gave was when she talked to the judge and he was assaying how he had asked a man applying for disability to explain what the disability was that he had. As it turned out, the man had exactly the same things that the judge had, but the judge was still working. She realized as she talked to the townspeople about wanting to get disability benefits, they all had the same doctor that recommended that they apply to get them. After I heard this, I did not think the doctor was doing the right thing by having these people take the money if they don’t need it. As I continued listening to the interview though, I realized he had a point when he said that they did not have the right education to get a good enough job to make the money they need to survive. Also the fact that some of those townspeople had never even seen a job where you don’t stand was very interesting to me. I didn’t get that certain places, even within our own country, would not see the same types of things that we see or know things we know.
Then they mentioned the company where they call numerous amounts of people during the day and convince them to apply for disability benefits. This seemed really odd to me because they were extremely pushy and I didn’t like it. They would sit and call people and literally fill the applications out for them and call doctors to get medical records and things like that. They did everything in their power to get them to apply and be accepted. This was how they got their money and how they got paid. They would get money from the state whenever they got a person accepted into the benefits for disability. This did not seem right to me because of what she said in that when people get disability benefits, they are not counted towards any of the major categories that we consider when doing the nation’s economy and such. Overall, I do not really like the idea of giving out benefits to just anybody. I feel that if you really need it then you should get.
Key Terms: disability
William Thomson
Wow is all I have to say about this podcast. I’ve always thought negatively about stuff like disability programs and welfare, but now they are at an all-time low. Hearing about the town in Alabama where most of the people are labeled as “disabled” just so they can get extra benefits is awful. They are taking away real opportunities from people that actually need it. That is sickening to me, and that’s not right. I’m passionate about this subject because two of my cousins have spinal bifida. They are in a motorized wheel-chair and have to be fed and taken care of constantly. I love them to death, and that’s why I would never do such a thing like some people are doing. Everyone on disability receives $1,000 per month and healthcare is paid for by the government. You can see why people are taking advantage of the opportunity of getting these rewards. Something needs to change, and maybe that should be the process of labeling someone as disabled. If you even have the slightest suspicion that they’re faking the injuries. Than they should be put to jail, or just banned for life from disability pay. The main examples for people who would do this are people with obesity, people with the lack of motivation, and people who think they don’t have enough money to support themselves or a family.
Some facts that they talk about on the show are shocking. How the government has created 150,000 jobs, but over 250,000 people have applied for disability in that time. Now I know that most of these people actually are disabled, but I can bet that they’re quite a few that don’t really have an injury at all. Another fun fact was that disability numbers are doubling every 15 years. How crazy is that! With the increase in technology and new and improved medication. You would think that the number would be staying the same, or only having a slight increase. I’ve thought that the increase in how long people live now adays does contribute to the number rising also. But for the number to double every 15 years is ridiculous. I don’t agree with that at all.
This is a story of a person who our whole town knows is faking disability. He was in a work “accident” over 25 years ago around the age of 30. He broke his leg and did mess up nerves. The doctor scheduled him to go back to work in about 6 months, but he never did. He still claims to this day that his leg won’t work properly and that the money he is receiving is well deserved. The man goes fishing almost every day during the summer and even has the nerve to go and work out at the fitness center. If you’re able to run on a treadmill, than I believe you should be able to go and stand on an assembly line for a couple hours. My ranting is over, but now you should see how strongly I feel about this topic, and why things need to change.
Terms: Disability, Obesity, Motivation
I agree completely with Chana when she explains that our society has created the definition of disability, and it differs between people and isn’t always correct. Yes, most cases are bad, but are they bad enough? That is the question that I think people need to ask themselves when they apply for disability, along with the general practitioners that refer and approve them for disability. I think it is really unfortunate for the citizens who really need to be put on disability because the ones who could function without it are taking it away from them. I don’t agree that one in four people in Hale County, Alabama are put on disability because of the simple fact that they can’t get a job. Even if their level of education only reaches the 12th grade, they could try harder to find a job that suits them. I believe that the requirements for disability could be a little more strict. With the economy recovering from the fall in 2009, people should be worker harder to find a job that will work for them instead of working hard to find ways to be able to be approved for disability. I think we should stop advertising disability and welfare, and start advertising schooling and the workforce.
Disability attorneys are working hard at representing citizens who have been denied at least once, instead of representing people who are in actual need of these benefits. These lawyers are getting a portion of the back pay, which comes from the government. I don’t understand how there could be such a huge gap between what should be “right and wrong”. I am not seeing how our disability program is such a positive thing for our society. I would expect people to find a job that works for their life despite of what they think if a injury worthy enough to put them on welfare. To me, I just see those type of people as lazy. So, I do not think it is fair that a big chunk of our society is working as hard as they can to make sure they are financially stable and have everything they need.
I understand that we can all point fingers, and say that this and this is wrong, but our society still won’t accomplish anything. The past of our economy over the past few years hasn’t been very promising for our generation and generation that will soon come right after us. I believe that our country’s disability program should be revised so that a higher percentage of people will be benefited in a positive way. If our social security benefits, welfare, and disability are reformed, our society and economy could take a turn for the better.
Psych Terms: Disability, welfare, social security, reform,
This week on This American Life we don’t hear very much from Ida like usual. Instead, we listen to Chana Joffe-Walt and her studies on how America uses the disability program. At first I thought that the disability program was just another name for the welfare system, but in fact it’s a program that covers and pays people who are too “disabled” to work. I put quotations around disabled because many Americans take advantage of this. While many could work, they choose not to. When Chana was in Hale County, Alabama asking why there were so many disability (about ¼ of this area was on disability) she found many different factors that played a role. It was surprising to me that it was not just the patient’s fault for going on disability, as I had thought in the past. I figured that we as Americans have just gotten extremely and grossly lazy and just didn’t want to get jobs. No, it was not only the patient’s fault, but their doctor as well! I’ve never thought through the process of obtaining a “disabled” status, but it was no shock to me that those applying need to go see a doctor to determine to get the disability claim. What was shocking was what the doctor in Hale County had to say. He asked non medical questions such as, “Did you finish high school?” This is in no way a medical question and should NOT be a factor in giving a patient disability or not. What I got from this doctor was that he felt sympathy for those in the county who “couldn’t work.” This royally pisses me off. To me you can always find some kind of work. And if you can’t, you move to find a place that can give you work. If you can’t do that then you’re about SOL and should start begging. Unless you are physically impaired and incapable of working then yes, you should get the disability program’s benefits. If you have back pain, though, as many of the people in this county did, you can deal and find another place. But, going off of that, there was another interesting point in Hale County that Chana talked about in Act 1 with an interview with a certain woman who had back pain. During the interview, Chana asked the woman what her dream job would be. The lady responded with wanting to be the person in charge deciding who gets disability and who doesn’t. Why did she want this job? So that she could sit. The woman couldn’t think of any other job where she could sit, and when Chana interviewed the woman’s husband, he couldn’t think of any job where he couldn’t use his hands (he had damaged hands). This is hard for me to wrap my head around: that there are people living in the United States of America who don’t know the different jobs that there are to offer that could not only benefit the work force, but help them individually as people too. Chana says (in her own words) that living in an impoverished area with a poor education has become a disability on it’s own, which to me is very sad.
Not only are doctors and patients to blame, but the government has a big role in giving out disability. First off, we have money grubbing lawyers who can make literally millions off of people wanting disability benefits. Now, lawyers like this only get paid if their client gets the disability “okay” from the judge, but there’s no one in the courtroom arguing against the lawyer. The lawyer, the client, and the judge are the people in the room, and even one judge told Chana that it felt weird not having another party in the room. No one is defending the government, which makes it that much easier for the lawyer and client to win. Now, the part that disgusts me is next. States are encouraged to get people off of welfare and onto disability. When someone is on welfare that money comes from the state. Disability is funded federally so if someone is on disability the state does not have to pay that individual. To me it’s sick that the state would pawn off those who need welfare to the disability program. In this way, the disability program is getting people who don’t need it. They have agencies that go out and seek for people to be taken off welfare and onto disability. In the story we hear examples of what people from these agencies would ask the clients. Some “disabilities” that I heard were things like high blood pressure and diabetes. I’m sorry but people live every freaking day with all sorts of shit like that! Pardon my language it’s just very frustrating to me that that example can be counted as a disability. It’s sick. But to me, that wasn’t even the most perverted thing that people do to get disability benefits. No, the most disgusting thing to me is to use an innocent child to obtain a disability check. From what I understood, if a child is educationally impaired then the parents can receive a disability check so that they can better their life. The sad thing is that so many families “depend” on this check that they keep their kid in the lower education in school so that they can still recieve it! This is just wrong. Parents are holding back the educational potential in some children so that they can receive government money. It broke my heart to hear Jaleel's story. And this wasn’t necessarily a devastating story, but it’s still sad. Chana talks with Jaleel, a 10 year old with a learning disability, and asks him what his favorite subject in school is. Jaleel responded by rattling off his whole day at school. It made me so happy that a child with a learning disability still loved everything about school. The way he talked about it made it seem like school was his favorite place on Earth. Chana then explains that Jaleel could be able to overcome his disability and do well in school without the help of it. To me this seems like a great thing. A child breaking out of his chains that hold him down and set free to excell in his own education. But this wouldn’t be ideal for his family who depend on the paycheck they get for Jaleel’s disability. Now, it’s not the disability that is holding this child back, yet instead his own family. Family is suppose to be a support group. No money can compare to a child’s potential. It’s wrong that money can come before a child’s education. They said that the families depend on that child’s disability pay check, but when Chana was interviewing Jaleel’s mother she said that this was one of her only sources of income. She did not have a job. I really don’t know what else to say except for people who do this to take advantage of the system for the government’s money are some of the biggest pieces of shit that I could imagine. It’s plainly and simply wrong.
The American public and government have perverted the disability program and the way it was (and should be) intended to be used.
Terms: Disability, Welfare, Perverted
At first before being educated was ever mentioned in the show, I thought that these people were on disability because they do not have the skills needed to obtain a job that is not laborious. Many people are on disability because they have been working at a physically taxing job, they make low wages so they are not able to spend money on healthy food, and they may have graduated high school but it is not enough schooling to progress in the workforce. This wasn’t the most exciting This American Life episode to listen to but it did help remind me why I’m spending so much for secondary schooling. In the past few days I’ve been stressing about fees and some of the loans I have taken out for attending UNI, and after listening to the consequences of what could happen if I had not gone to college I became more motivated to finish my schooling because I do not want to be working my body to the point where I cannot stand because of back pain or do enjoyable things that cost money. I think the worst thing about being on disability is the psychological stigma that comes with it. If I were on disability some people might think that I’m not really disabled, some people might think that I’m just lazy and don’t want to work, or I am not smart enough to get a white collar job. That would put a bunch of stress on me, and after a while it would start to show in my body and become depressed. Plus it seems like people are almost disabled even more while being on disability because the person become dependent on getting the check. Which is understandable because if someone is on disability for so long and then is given the opportunity to get a job his monthly paychecks would be taken from him. Knowing the flip side of what could happen if I don’t get a degree gives me a drive to reach a goal of getting a secure job that will not injure me. We don’t live in a world anymore that what we need to know to survive has gone beyond knowing how to hunt and pick berries. Now we need a stronger crystalized and fluid intelligence to perform a higher level of thinking.
Also I read an article a while ago that had to do with how the older generation of people who have worked blue collar jobs all their lives are going back to school so that they can get a job working at a desk or something that sounds mundane but is nice because the worker gets to sit down. It is crazy to think that there are two totally different sides of the spectrum because people those working at desk jobs want to move around and be active while those standing up all day in a factory just want to sit down. The video also reminded me of my friend who is Chinese and her grandfather who is close to a hundred years old lives with them. Not many Americans take their parents in to live with them once they get old, but in other countries that is the grandparents’ retirement plan or disability check. It makes me wonder if the rates of people on disability would go down if families took care of each other more.
Terms used: Motivation, stress, fluid and crystallized intelligence, drive, depression
I am very shocked at the information that I was just told. I did not realize that this was something that was going on in our world. I think that all of us are so fortunate that we live somewhere that does not have to worry about those types of things. If I think about the areas that this was about I realize that in those areas it really does make a lot of since. The living conditions that they have and the only positions in those types of areas that are available would seem like disability for so many people makes since. I never would have thought that there was a place that nobody knew about jobs were you could sit the whole day. Coming from Des Moines where all these huge insurance buildings are where everybody sits all day long doing their work it is some weird to not think about sit down jobs. I think that for the people that live in these areas that have the high disability rates it is a good thing for those people. It just seems like we need to be doing other things for these people though as if they are on disability they live in poverty for the rest of their life. I believe these people should have the option to move to somewhere that has work they are capable of, or those types of jobs should come to them.
While I think that some people in these bad living conditions deserve to be on disability I also believe that the state governments cheating the system is absolutely unacceptable. The government pushing these people onto disability is a terrible thing as they talked about there are really only two ways to get off disability. When they push these people onto disability we are not helping these people without jobs to be more successful we just teach them to be lazier. This also puts a huge cost on our federal government that is already in a lot of debt. If we were able to get the people off disability that don’t really need it and in to the work force our economy would be so much better off. It is terrible that these agencies that find people that could possibly get on disability are getting so much money for just one person. These people are making millions of dollars for the wrong things.
While listening to this Podcast I learned a lot and it is very interesting to think about a world that I don’t get to see or live in everyday. When the podcast started and the narrator and reporter were talking about all of these families that are living under disability, I was shocked. I didn’t know so many people were living with disability and with such a wide variety of reasons as to why. When the reporter was hearing testimonies as to why these people have filed for disability, my initial reaction was to think that a lot of these people are faking it or cheating the system. I don’t know why I thought that, but maybe my idea of disability is someone who isn’t able to function at all really without assistance. Than the reporter started talking more about how these people are working in unfit jobs that are painful for them. I started thinking about how some of these people have to be feeling long term effects due to their full time employment. I understand that these jobs must not be that “glamourous” to work in, but it pays the bills. My mind set quickly changed when the reporter started saying that these people under-educated living in a subpar community. When the reporter said that these living conditions may be considered a disability I was astonished. I had never thought about it like that, and my mind had been changed. The fact that many americans are living in a place that almost sets them up to apply for disability is rather heartbreaking. I think that this is something that could be changed, but there is a lot that would be involved. Than the podcast started to talk about people who are influencing the idea of applying for disability and then it all started to make sense. People hear and see a great deal of advertising a day. When lawyers are specifically targeting a group that could fall into this category of applying for disability you realize how easy applying may sound. If I personally lived in a poor community, and my job was painful enough for me to recognize it as a problem and I have no benefits, applying for disability would be an option and the advertisements about it would probably enforce my thinking. I think it is crazy to hear that lawyers are pushing disability and I find it morally wrong given the circumstances while listening to the podcast.
When listening to act one and two of tends with benefits, I had a lot of different thoughts about the true meaning of disability. Before listening to the act, and I was to describe what I thought disability was, I would say it is someone who is truly affected by either mental or physical conditions that stop people from performing their daily life. Well when Chana Joffe- Walt spent the six months reporting on the rise on disability it made me question what people thought disability was now-a-days.
She was interviewing people with disabilities, that was diagnosed by a certain Dr. She made him a visit, and asked what they needed to be able to be considered disabled. Most of the patients had back pain. Which to me that is barley a psychical condition. Some people are paralyzed, have no legs, or arms, that have no mental function to even move their body, but you have slight back pain. It doesn’t make sense to me. He also said that people with very low education are disabled because they have the inability to work or get a job because half the people didn’t attend college, or make it past the 12th grade.
When I related this part to phycology I thought about the chapter in the book learning. Some people learn better than others. Some people learn better by the standardized test, or others have cognitive learning skills. They learn by their surroundings, back ground, and personality. People with learning disabilities can’t process information, or some may be dyslexic. Dyslexic is getting letters and number mixed up making it hard to read or do problems. The Dr. was assuming that these patients with back pain, also had learning disabilities because they had very little education, so he thought that they would not be able to handle a job.
Chana interviewed Ethel Thomas. She had two jobs, but then she had back pain, and got disability. Chana asked what her dream job would be, and she thought about it for a while. Her dream job would be a job where you can sit all day.
In act two it is related to the disability, but the money part. When people are on disability they can receive money. Binder Binder was to help people that were denied of disability. 30,000 people were denied and this guy helped them get the money they needed. It was like people were living off the money they received. For example a young boy went to school and had a learning disability. His family had little money. The mom had no job, and other children. They got a seven hundred dollar check every month and this is what they lived off of. 68.7 million dollars was needed for disability that year.
My thoughts on that was yes people have disabilities, but some hard not as chronic as others, and people are getting so dependent on the money they get, and Dr. and lawyers will help them with to get the money. It seems selfish, but I get that some people have things wrong with them, but a women was capable of a job, and got some of her check money reduced so she freaked out and quit. If the women can work she doesn’t need the money that actually people need. This made me think about a lot of people to use disabilities to an advantage instead of it being and issue.
Terms: disability, learning disorder, cognitive learning
I personally have always had a negative view of people on disability because I tend to doubt their need. I understand why we have disability but it makes me mad to see that people just expect the government to fix their problems for them. With this in mind I am fully aware that there are people who deserve to be on disability.
In the beginning of this episode I was shocked to hear the actual numbers of how many people apply for disability each month. Its shocking, 250,000 people! Of course in the county they were studying there were many factors, smoking, obesity, low education, lack of healthy food, or places of work where you can sit down. Listening to these people, its seems like it's not a lack of motivation but, as though, they felt disability was their only option.
In the end it seemed to me that the government, not the people on disability were the problem. I understand the states wanting to save money, and put people on disability which is a federal programme. But people need to realise, that no matter how people get money, the other people are paying for it, everyone pays for it in their taxes. This is what makes me angry, not at the people, but at the system. I feel like we need to come up with a better way to deal with people who can't work.
Terms: disability, obesity, education, motivation
Listening to this podcast surprised me a lot. It’s hard to believe that there are so many people living with disabilities in our world that we don’t even think of. We don’t even realize how lucky we are to have all the things that we have and that we are much more fortunate than many other people in our world. When I think of a person with a disability I automatically think of them having a mental illness or serious injury. I never really think that there are other factors that could be contributed to having a disability. I know that there are some people in our world that cheat the system and fake or exaggerate having a disability just to get welfare checks and not have to go to work, which is very unfair. We are paying taxes that are going to these undeserving people. I think it is completely wrong that people have the nerve to take advantage of the system when there are families out there that actually need welfare to be able to survive for legitimate reasons.
This episode was about disability and welfare. It starts off by talking about disability and how there are cheaters who are on disability for stuff like diabetes. The problem with our system is that the classifications for being disabled is so hard to tell. For example if you are a 50 year old and slip a disc in your back, and are unable to work, you should qualify for disability. But say you are 35 and slip a disc, should you still qualify for disability? Questions like these are really hard to tell because where do you draw the line? It then goes on to talk about how people get on disability because they cannot find a good job because they did not go to college and or did not graduate high school. I do not think that everyone should have a sit down job, I mean I don't even want a sit down job. I hate the way our society is, you can find handouts all around like welfare. I was raised in a family where my dad basically worked his way up through the system from being poor and a laborer to where he is now as the VP of a corporation. I also should note that he did not go to college, he just started work as a construction worker straight out of high school. I feel as if everyone had a mentality like this we would not be stuck in this situation. You have to build your way up to that sit-down job you want so bad, by proving yourself. I believe in order for you to collect disability you have to be incapable of work. If you are capable and just cannot find a job you need to get out there and make something happen. You need to find some sort of motivation to make you want to succeed.
Terms: motivation, disability, welfare.
Before listening to this I have had a slightly negative outlook on the welfare and disability system. This radio episode hasn’t changed much out my outlook but it did educate me as to what is wrong with the system. I grew up in a small town and the only examples I have seen with the disability system is people taking advantage of the system.
I have a membership to the local gym and often times when I go to work out there in a man named Zach lifting in the back of the room. He lifts large amounts, he is very loud, brags about how much he can lift, and he is constantly checking himself out in the mirror. Zach is an overall jerk. I was talking to my dad about him when I discovered Zach was on disability, for back problems! I was in such shock. He couldn’t work but he could cause a ruckus at the local gym. He has supposid back problems but rides his fourwheeler to an intense workout.
I have an aunt who had surgery on her feet. She works long days and spends most of this time on her feet. This pain was legitimate. When she finally got the surgery she went on disability and took a leave of absence from working. This was over a year and a half ago. She is still receiving disability payments. To make matters worse, she doesn’t follow the doctors orders to take care of herself. She doesn’t want to get better, she would rather sit at home and receive a disability check. My aunts well being is fine, she just does not have any motivation to work.
The idea behind the disability and welfare system is nice. But as a society, citizens have taken advantage of it. The lawyers who are working for people seeking disability only get paid when they win a case. Of course these lawyers are working hard to get people into this system. There isn’t a person in the room making the governments case so its really hard to not win the case. The radio show then went on to talk about a company called the PCG. This company does all it can to help people to get on disability. They help them to fill out the paperwork over the phone and see them through the entire process of getting on disability. These employees, just like the lawyers, only get paid when they win a case. This doesn’t seem right for me.
As mentioned in the radio show, people on disability are invisible. They don’t show up on labor force statistics. This is scary for someone, like myself, who is planning to go out in the workforce and find a job. Unemployment numbers are going down but these numbers don’t account for people are are disability. Receiving a check every month without working sounds great but that isn’t exactly a perfect situation. Signing up for disability is signing up to be poor, probably forever.
This radio show really opened my eyes to the problems with the disability system. I do believe that these people are taking advantage of the government but I can understand way in most cases. The economy is changing and education is more and more important to be able to get a job and its hard for some people to catch up. Disability is an out for most people. Personally, I want to work. I like to work and I wouldn’t be happy to live on a monthly check. I now see the reasons behind some of these disability checks and I am more empathic and sympathetic to their situation.
Terms: disability, motivation, welfare, well being, disability
I strongly believe mentalities and attitudes like the ones from people in this episode are strong contributors to the welfare society we have in America. Even though disability isn't a welfare program it is a government program that indirectly inspires people to not do anything for their monthly paycheck. I know as a society we do need some program to protect people who are actually disabled to the point where they physically or mentally can't work, but the way it is conducted now doesn't work.
I was shocked at how people from Lane County, Alabama were completely unaware of anything outside of what they had seen in their small area around them, one woman could only think of one type of job that allowed people to sit while doing it. This ignorance is one reason people are collecting disability, they think they are unable to perform any job because they think every job requires some kind of physical labor.
I think some groups of society are being conditioned at a young age to perform poorly in school and in the workforce, so they can receive their paycheck. It appalled me that some parents thought of their kids as successes if they had a disability so they could collect money from them, but if their child wanted to improve them self their parent wouldn't allow them because it would put their monthly check at risk. These behaviors are learned by kids at a young age, so when they become adults they continue to collect disability and the vicious cycle continues.
Programs like disability are necessary for a nation as diverse the United States because we do need to help the people that actually aren't able to work, but we aren't using these programs correctly. Law firms everywhere that they can win a disability case for you, and because their opposition, the government, isn't able to defend itself. This is the biggest problem with how the program currently functions because there is no one to oppose the statements of the "disabled" party. One way to start repairing this broken program is to have government lawyers oppose them at every disability hearing, so it isn't so easy for just anyone to collect disability.
Alberto Sveum
I know some people personally that receive disability. My mother is one of them. Even though she receives disability, she still holds a job as a home health aid. My mother has a few different conditions that contribute to her receiving aid, and frankly, I don’t know how she accomplishes all that she does. While I definitely believe some people genuinely can’t work, I also think the numbers discussed in this podcast were kind of hard to believe. One in four people seems to be an outstanding number to me.
One part of this episode I found interesting was when the fact was brought up that there is no real test for disability, it is only a claim based on other factors. Really, a universal test for disability is probably impossible, just because you can be qualified as “disabled” for a multitude of reasons.
The older man in the podcast talked about the fact that he is 70 and is still able to complete work and he thinks many people are lying about their inability to hold a job. My grandparents, though retired, still do some things just to keep busy. My grandpa is a custodian at his local VFW, not the most demanding job, but it is something. Not everyone that is disabled could perform the actions of a custodian, and based on the area someone lives, there might not be a lot of working options available. I think the government should work to change this, to regulate the job openings for disabled people. I don’t know how this would be done, but I think many people aren’t exactly exuberant in the fact that they must receive government assistance. My mom, for one, despises it.
Finally, I almost found it hilarious that there are people on Youtube that work as specifically disability-claim lawyers. I think the fact that these people are so numerous in amount, I think it said Binder and Binder serves 30,000 clients a year, really shows something. Not that people are lying, but that if you had even the slightest ailment, it is relatively easy to get on government assistance. I think that even a slight deficiency could hinder the drive needed to work. A better evaluation method should be put into place to decide overall well-being and working capacity.
Psychological terms: drive, disability, well-being
I think there are certain people who should be on disability and there are certain people who shouldn’t. I think a lot of people take advantage of it. I feel the same way about welfare. I think that welfare can be a great thing for people who are in need of it. For instance single mothers. I was surprised that states were paying companies to find people to get off welfare. To put them onto disability programs just so that the government didn’t have to pay for them anymore. This would make the federal government have to pay for them. I was also shocked to hear about the town in Alabama, in the beginning, they had a lot of the town on disability. 1 in 4 people were not working because of disability. To me I do not think that it is right. I feel like people were taking advantage of it. People think that their theory was because the people were faking it. Some people said there is something in their water or because they drink and smoke too much in the town. I think that the rules for welfare should be more strict and they should come down hard on people who are taking advantage of it and have been on it too long. I think they should be forced to work if they are able to. I was surprised when in the podcast that when the mill was shut down that they all went on disability. I do not understand how that is acceptable and how that is allowed. When they say people that are on disability are invisible. They don’t show up in labor force statistics. Also when people go on disability they often don't come back. Once on disability there are two ways out. When you real 65 you are on a different government program for senior social security or you die. I think the government really needs to step in to get people of disability. They are just sitting back and doing nothing. Clinton pressured people to move off it and nudged them off. They were successful by getting over 2 million people off of it. If we could do it then why cant we do it now? We can we just are choosing not to.
Terms: disability, welfare, disabled,
This episode of This American Life was very easy for me to connect to because my brother was born with a severe physical disability, no arms or legs. That's a disability that would be hard to fake. The things that makes me the most angry is that the people who apply for disability leave because they are unmotivated lazy and don't want to work. My brother is the most motivated person I know and would give anything to be in the position of a "normal" person. He lives on campus at college does everything for himself that any other person can do, but a person with a "bad shoulder" or something similar are automatically allowed to just sit around and take advantage of the opportunity to be lazy. It makes me sick how people take everything for granted and on top of that try and cheat the system that is in place to help people with real problems who really can't work. My brother applied for many disability scholarships and even to get money for not being able to work since there isn't many jobs that he can do with his disability and the process was much different than what was described in the episode. A lady came and pretty much just observed what he did in a day and to make sure that he was actually disabled, although one look would probably be sufficient. There needs to be a system in place that can separate the people with real disabilities and people who are just to lazy to do something with their lives. It doesn't help that there are all kinds of ads on tv and youtube tell people that they can get them disability even if they have been denied for it. They are able to overturn the ruling by showing that the person has a "disability" and then even more people benefit from the cheating of a system. Granted that there are people that really do have disabilities, there is definitely a large group of people that don't need to be on disability.
Psych Terms: Disability, motivation
I honestly do not know much about the welfare systems and disability programs. So this recording taught me a lot about the programs just in the prologue at the beginning of the recording. I found several things very interesting. But what stuck out to me the most was that every fifteen years the amount of people who apply for disability programs doubles. I found it very ridiculous how people can be put on disability when all they have is high blood pressure and diabetes. Now I understand that high blood pressure and diabetes are problems that people need to take medicine for to help control the issue. But that is what technology has done for us. Technology has provided us the ability to treat a lot of the problems that people had said they have in this recording. At one point there was a man who talked about being in an accident and all the bones he had broken. Broken bones such as broken ribs, broken arms, shoulder injuries, and other injuries that could prevent someone from completing a task. I agree with people who have injuries like this to be placed in the disability programs, but I think that the people who decide if they go on disability programs or not need to talk with a doctor and keep in touch that way they know how long the injury will last and how long they think the person whom has the injury should be out for. The people who fake having disabilities I think of as humans less than that of a little kid. We all have family members who have kids around the age of six or we know of a little person around the age of six or younger. Kids like to run around and play get messy and do risky things. Think of playing with that kid who is six years old or younger, and being outside playing tag with them in the late spring or early summer. Your running around with them and they trip and fall and have scrapes on their hands and knees. You feel bad for them. And you fix them up by putting Band-Aids on their scratches and make them feel better. Soon they will stop hurting and will want to go back outside and play tag again. Compare these little kids to the adults who are faking injuries to get $1000 a month without working. I think these little kids need to grow up and work, especially if they are this concerned with money. If you work 40 hours a week, which are 8 hour days from six in the morning until three in the afternoon with an hour lunch you can make $340 before tax and for the month make $1360. If you’re an adult trying to support a family and pay off student loans and other loans your most likely going to make at least 9.50 and hour working a decent job. Not everybody likes to work, and we all understand that, but if money is the issue for these people to fake injuries, it should not be an excuse and is not acceptable.
In this episode of TAL, the topic is something that is burning up in our American government: welfare and disability systems. I never really have paid attention to this issue or any other political issue because I absolutely cannot stand listening to people argue and talk over one another. This topic is always brought up or bitched about during family get togethers. My family is heavily republican and are more than tired of hearing about people receiving welfare and disability paychecks. I know that obesity was a theory in this, but I firmly believe that it is one of the largest causes of the rise in disability and welfare applications. The reason the majority of those people are in so much pain in just standing is because they are heavily obese and not able to stand like most people to complete a job. The welfare and disability systems are an easy way out instead of trying to get healthy and live a better life.
For me, it is difficult to draw a line at what is disabled or when a person is no longer able to work. I think each case needs to be looked at individual, but there needs to be some sort of more special qualifications and a time limit in which certain people are able to be on disability. Granted, some are too disabled to ever work again, and which case, a time limit would be futile, but if we as Americans are ever going to beat obesity and this freeloading lifestyle, we have got to stop giving free handouts and letting all those around us cut corners. It only creates animosity in our nation and only more rivalry (as if we needed more). I do believe that a disability and welfare system is necessary to for the well being of our nation, however, it should not be so easy as to say “Oh, I have high blood pressure. I cannot work anymore.”
This cutting of corners not only undermines our people and our reputation as a country, but effects the children we are raising today. It shows them that in a sense, they do not really have to do their homework or do their best in anything. Some one will always have your back and you do not have to try at all. A similar situation is that no child is left behind or when you do not have to try out for a team or sport. It is in a sense raising a generation of losers. Not everyone should be on a sports team. Not everyone should be put into rigorous classes in school. Everyone has their own niche and if they cannot find it, then that is no ones fault but their own.
But I do digress, haha. Our country has got to find a black and white line and get all general practitioners and doctors on the same page when admitting people into the welfare and disability programs. We are losing countless dollars that we do not have due to a lack of drive and ambition that founded the country we have today.
Listening to the episode it mostly talked about welfare and how people are on disabilities and they way it affects them. I grew up being surround with people using the government and letting them paying for what they need. They did not work and only limited within their means. Society I feel somewhat uses the system to cheat their way up the status bar and freeloaders so they don’t have to work. That makes people to believe altogether that everyone is “faking it” their disability and won’t believe the people who actually have a disability. Obesity plays a huge role in people’s lives that cannot work because of not being able to move, not walking, or just having to rely on someone to help them with everyday tasks.
Towards the ending of the show, I felt disappointed in the people who used the welfare system for their own benefits. I feel the government should start fixing problems instead of causing more. The previous chapter reminded me of the well being of others and how our whole overall affects everything in our daily lives. One mother in the shoe talked about convincing her son to not get a job because she wanted to have great benefits and to not get them taken away, if he makes more money. That opened my eyes of how desperate on wanting the government to pay you to sit on your butt and do nothing all day. If our government is giving out money, they need to dig a little deeper and find out if the person they are giving the money to really need it.
Terms: well-being and obesity.
I remember sitting in my high school government class senior year and we had a debate on this topic, welfare and mainly disability. The teacher told us what kind of things you could get disability for, he said he could be on it for a few things but chose not to be. He then told me I could qualify for going deaf in one ear and having back problems for an injury I had. I do relate to the back pain they were describing in the piece but I personally do not see a reason for getting it for myself in this time. I thought it was crazy when he told me that because I know I am physically capable of working, so I will continue to work and make my own money.
I think they need to re-evaluate the qualifications of disability. We all have issues, we all have some sort of pain we encounter or conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. It is becoming more common, so does that mean the majority of America will stop working and receive disability? If you have a disability that you physically aren’t able to work, especially in jobs where you are on your feet all day or things that are hard on your body like construction or having a bad accident or incident that forces you to take time off unpaid at work, it helps out a little giving them some money to get by, in that situation it’s being used what its there for. I think it is a great thing for those who are in need but it is the things like the faking or taking the lazy way out to take advantage of it is what ruins the program and gives it a bad reputation. If people know they just need back pain to get $1000 without having to work then why not take advantage of it, it kills the motivation to make people go out and work which is why people are so against the program. I wonder if they changed the standards to where it would be harder to cheat the system that it would help obesity and laziness, if people were just to deal with it and go to work instead of take the money, I don’t think obesity should be a disability because that is preventable and could improve health and well-being if they lost weight. I don't think something like high blood pressure or diabetes should count unless it would severely affect work, it is so common now in America. LIke they brought up in the show, it doesn't make sense when two people have both conditions, one works and the other is on disability. How would that be fair to the guy who deals with both and still provides for himself and his family? I think it could start a pattern for the next generations, if you're parents learn out to cheat it then their kids might as well as they get older because they might not see it as a problem or see it as cheating since they grew up with it. Hopefully not, but never know.
I was raised by parents to suck it up, so therefore, I am a very motivated person. I am the person that will not miss school or work unless I am very sick. I related to the back pain they described, it hurt to get out of bed every day without crying yet I still got up everyday and did everything I had to get done for that day. Personally I think I became a stronger person and have a stronger pain tolerance from the injury but it annoys me when people have a smaller incident and automatically feel everyone owes them something. After the injury, I don’t think I am a very sympathetic person to smaller injuries either. My neighbor broke her toes and expected everyone to drop everything for her, get out of working and gym class, when I still lived my whole normal life with the most excruciating pain i've ever encountered, to this day four years later it still bothers me, especially when I stood my whole shift at work. I figure if I could manage it as a teenage girl why can't other people?
I know many people who get disability, most deserve it because they are physically unable to work due to circumstances they face medically. The fact that everyone’s tax money is paying for millions of people who don’t deserve it is uncomfortable. In that government, we learned how some people who could really use it can’t get it, which is really messed up if you ask me. Maybe because we live in a different situation than those people we truly don't get it and thats why the government doesn’t restrict much but the fact they know people cheat the system but don't prevent it is what makes people so upset.
Disability is conceptualized as the interaction between barriers and impairments. Impairments may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. Barriers may be physical, like stairs or attitudinal, like bias and may differ depending on context. For over 60 years, the Social Security program has been one the most successful domestic government programs, providing economic protection for US citizens of all ages. The Social Security is more like a set of programs, designed to provide income and services to individuals in the event of retirement, sickness, disability, death, or unemployment. Such programs were originally enacted in 1935. As Americans we know that Social Security is very important for people with disabilities, people with families and for children who have lost a parent. However this program also has a variety of disadvantages as well. As people work, they have to pay taxes that are sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through this process people earn "credits" that count toward eligibility for future benefits. Nevertheless, there is a maximum of four credits per year that can be earned. Eligibility for benefits depends on the credits required by each category. The Social Security consists of mainly five categories. Disability, Family Benefits, Survivors, Medicare and Retirement are these major categories. This type of division has converted the Social Security in a very successful program providing fair benefits to many Americans. These benefits consist of a monthly check depending on the five categories. One of the major roles of the Social Security is to help the people with disabilities. For this reason the federal Disability Insurance (DI) is one of the trust funds of the Social Security. This trust fund, that receives .85% of the Social Security tax, has provided with hope to many of citizens that are in a misery as a result of a their disabilities or other reasons. According to the one of the policies, the benefits are given to those who have enough credits and have a severe physical or mental impairment that prevents them from working for at least one year or that would result in death. Usually this people would receive earnings of $500 or more per month. More than six million workers and family members get disability benefits and the statistics also show that 3 out of 10 younger Americans will become disabled and 1 out of 6 will die before reaching the retirement age. I think most of the fraud in disability falls back to the doctors, some like Dr. Timberlake have lower tolerances for allowing disabilities. Disability fraud can be harder to detect than other forms of fraud, as the majority of people receiving disability payments (at least 90%) do not use a wheelchair or walker, while at the same time, many people who need wheelchairs would not qualify for disability payments. Since most disabilities are "silent" (meaning that they cannot be seen by others), it is not easy to visually determine if a person receiving disability is not disabled. Such people are often able to perform physical activities, but have some other underlying cause of their disability. It is therefore common for people to believe they must report a neighbor who they see, for example, climbing on the roof while collecting disability payments. But this is not always the case. I think there should be a reform to the disability rules, a more straight forward set of rules. But we are talking about the government, where things are never straight forward.
This radio show was about how our disability system is a little bit twisted, or even unfair and unethical. After listening to this show, I have to admit that I was a little upset. I did not feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for these people that spoke of their “disabilities.” I know several people who work very hard on a daily basis who have far worse disadvantages than the people who were on this radio show. My dad being one of them. My dad is the hardest worker that I know, and probably ever will know. I live in a very nice neighborhood where there are lots of big fancy houses. With that being said, I also live in a big fancy house. The reason I am saying this is not to brag or boast about the things that I have, but to explain how I ended up having the privilege to have these things. As I said before, my dad is the most hard-working man there is. He busts his ass every single day to give our family nice things, and I am convinced that he will continue to work until he psychically can’t anymore. And when I say can’t, I mean can’t. He will work until his bones are so brittle that he can’t walk. We own a farm a few miles from our house, and my dad farms over 400 acres of land all by himself. Not only does he farm, he has a full time job. He wakes up at 5:00 in the morning, works at his job until 2:00 in the afternoon, then heads to the farm where he works until after dark. After he is done at the farm, he comes home, goes to bed and wakes up at 5:00 to continue with the same routine. The reason I am relating my dad to this radio show about disability is because when I was 11 my dad broke his back. The hardest working man I know, broke his back. He had to have several surgeries if he was ever going to be able to walk again, much less do hard psychical labor. After having back surgery multiple times, he was finally on the road to recovery. During the time of his back injury, it was a very hard time for our family. We could all see the pain in my dad’s eyes, but the reason he was in pain wasn’t because of his back injury, but because he couldn’t work. When he was finally given the OK to go back to work, he was ecstatic. I have never seen someone so eager to work in my life. Eventually, he was back at it, working long hours and hardly having time to even sleep. A year after my dad was back at work, he needed knee surgery. After he recovered from his knee surgery, he broke his wrist. Imagine the stress this put on him. It wasn’t that my dad needed to work as much as he did, but he felt like it was his duty as a father and a husband. After having all of these medical issues, my dad is still the hardest working man I know. Nothing can stop him, and that is why he is my role model. I hope that some day I will marry a man who works as hard as my dad does. So after listening to this radio show, I got upset about the people who take advantage of the disability system. To me, it isn’t fair. Someone who should qualify for disability should have a disability that literally prevents them from working. So in my opinion, having a “bad back” doesn’t qualify. Hell, my dad broke his back and is still working today. I am thankful every day for my dad and how hard he works to give my family nice things. It’s not every day that you find a man like that.
Terms: disability, motivation, injury
Terms: Disability, Cognitive, sensory, Emotional, developmental.
Before listening to this program, I assumed that getting put on disability was a grueling process in which some government representative must come and see whether you are truly deserving of disability or not. I assumed that there would be a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get disability, and I also assumed that there are certain definitions as to what "disabled" means. I feel very conflicted about this radio show because a large part of me agrees with the way Dr. Timberlake acted and protected his neighbors. A different part of me thinks that Dr. Timberlake is merely an excellent illustration of how messed up this system really is. It shows how much power single doctors have to change or ruin people's lives. When my grandmother was sick, she went to the doctor in order to get pain medication. After a while, she became used to having the pain meds and continued to refill them. My grandmother's doctor put her on several medications that were completely unnecessary and she ended up dying from complications related to prescription drug addiction and abuse. That's why when I hear stories like this, it makes me wary as to the doctor's intentions. I also really don't like the way getting put on disability has become so institutionalized and normalized to the point where everyone either knows someone who is on disability or is on it themselves. I believe getting disability should be something that is more difficult to get simply because of all of the money being wasted on it annually.
This episode was very interesting I thought. Knowing now very much on the subject this episode really enlightened me of what it means to be disabled, be disabled and receive social security disability, and to be on welfare. These three situations seem to overlap with each other. In Hale County, Alabama there is a large population of people who are receiving disability, not working and most times never planning to work. The first though I had was that these people are cheating the system and are freeloaders who are trying to get on disability just so they don’t have to work. Although that isn’t an impossible situation it wasn’t the most common one. The biggest over-all problem I understood was that people are misinterpreting what it means to be disabled. To me I thought it meant that something you can’t control is hindering your body or well-being to prevent you from doing a job. But to a person who could only imagine having one job a disability could discourage them from ever working again. But social security disability wasn’t made for people who can’t get a job because it doesn’t intend on people ever finding a job. For a lot of people this is giving up a working life. For children especially who receive money for a learning disability this is seen to discourage them from working and gaining experience because it could mean losing a check from the government. Disability is showing a counter-productive effect because it is almost scaring people into staying out of the workforce.
Terms: disability, social security, well-being
I personal did no think this topic was interesting. Its just another arguing topic that doesn't interest me. I am on the fence about who should get disability and who shouldn't. I know people who are disability and I personally believe they should be working. I also know people who have disabilities and are working. I get stuck how can someone tell another person there not in pain unless there a doctor. If I doctor is telling someone you should be put on disability then you should because that's a medical opinion. But if your a person who isn't willing to go get checked and sits and complains enough to get it then you don't deserves it. I feel like get disability with some people just a matter if opinion.
I think this episode was very interesting and it showed the flaws of our disability system. It talked about a town in Alabama where most of the population are all on disability and not working and for the most part have no plans of working. This is unfair because some people are putting themselves on the list so they don't have to work and are getting money from the government even if it is not much there are people who really need it more then others. The definition of someone who is disabled is very unclear which is a problem. If a doctor puts you on disable and you are feeling pain then I think it is ok because that is a professionals word. But if you are complaining and don't want to work but you really can then you should work because there are people out there who do have a serious disability that cannot work. It seems as though there is too much uncertainness about who should be on disability and we need a system of who can get accepted in to disability no work programs and who can continue to work because right now it is too much opinion.
Key terms: Disability, well being, disabled, welfare
The radio episode mentioned early on that the disability numbers are not watched by the American public like unemployment numbers are. Those on disability are, in effect, “invisible” because both the numbers aren’t reported and the population on disability aren’t included in the employment rate. Therefore, as the number of people on disability increases – and it certainly is –, the public falsely rejoices at a decrease in unemployment. According to “This American Life,” this phenomenon has been occurring for over 20 years. What really might cause some head scratching is that this is taking place despite what might have decreased those who must rely on disability to support themselves: the Disability Act.
At this point in the episode I was only mildly intrigued. So people are lazy and don’t want to work – so what? I’ll throw in some terms like drive and motivation and whip out this blog comment, I thought. And then I was surprised. When the episode started to get deep into the investigation of Hale County’s high disability rate and it was discovered that a slight physical impairment could truly prevent someone from working, I could hardly believe it. Tying it into when a major industry closes in a small town, one man was even told that he no longer had any marketable skills, and that he should apply for disability.
But can a lack of skills in this example, or a lack of education to get a non-standing job in Hale County, really classify someone as DIS-ABLED? Doctor Barry Timberlake argued that “being poorly educated in a rotten place – that in and of itself has become a disability.” But the ability to get an education is still there. The ability to teach yourself some skills is still there. Must the response be to give up? Especially if we look at one of the closing statements of the podcast: when someone applies for disability, they lose the social and psychological benefits on their well-being that they would have by being employed.
Rather than people learning new skills, however, they are learning how to stay on disability. Indeed, the young woman who quit her job as a tutor to keep her disability check – a prime example of her adjusting her behavior based on negative punishment. Just think about that: PUNISHMENT for finding a job you can do. Shouldn’t people get paid based on the severity of their disability, and do whatever they can to better themselves, no questions asked? Or even provide some incentive for getting off of disability, like a lump sum comparable to a certain time period’s worth of disability checks? Better yet, shouldn’t we just be more strict on who qualifies for disability – maybe have the government have a voice in disability hearings –, and then we wouldn’t have to manage the funds so closely?
Drive, motivation, well-being, negative punishment, incentive
This topic was very shocking to me. I have heard from many people about how there is a large majority of the population that is on food stamps, and feels like they have been cheated in every way humanly possible. This also transfers over into the world of welfare, but what I found to be so shocking was that the crazy density of 1 in 4 people in the town that was mentioned were on welfare. I was amazed because I didn’t think it could even be possible for there to be that many people on disability, who honestly could not work because of something that had happened to them. Obviously not everyone could be that way, and like the show mentioned, there had to be a lot of people faking it, because it was just a better option in their eyes to receive money from the government, rather than work for it. It’s definitely not in my work ethic to cheat in that way. I value hard work, and earning something for what you do, and I find it ridiculous to take advantage of a program simply for being either lazy, or the fact that you don’t like your job, and it’s just easier to get disability than to work. Using the fact that something is “hard” as an excuse really rubs the wrong way with me. I have had to deal with an enormous amount of struggle and pain in my life time, much like a lot of people, and I get very worked up when someone gives up on anything, or simply quits because things got tough. That is just 100% not okay with me, and yes that is my opinion, but I also don’t find it fair for people to take advantage of it because it is in no way helping our government with anything. It’s definitely not helping us pay off any debt either. I think that a lot of this way of thinking has to do with stress, stressors, and coping mechanisms. Because some people are just more resilient than others, and can bounce back from a bad situation, or carry on with their tasks in life more so than someone else. For someone who is not that way, it would be very hard for them to fight through things, especially if they had developed a depressive state where they became sluggish and non-motivated. That would only make disability an easier option to grasp, and therefor would provide a less lengthy goal for someone like that to achieve. All in all I felt like this topic was very interesting, and it was enlightening to hear that there were actually companies dedicated to sifting through files for states to find people who could potentially go on disability to save the state some money. To me that’s very corrupt and just doesn’t sound right.
Terms: Stress, Stressors, Coping Mechanisms, Resilience, Depression
Before listening to this podcast I didn't know much about disability programs but my opinion was swayed negatively. I do not know of anyone who is on disability but I have heard talk around at family events when the politics come out and disability programs is one to come up and not one that has positive light ahead onto it. I think that the programs here in america are a problem that need to be fixed thought the government. Not all of these people need to be on it, its seems like a waste of money. Some facts it told us in the podcast is that it is relative easy to get onto the program because all you need is a doctor to fill out a script and the paperwork to prove you 'cant work' anymore. Once they do that you receive money from the government monthly to cover health care, and you do nothing. I believe that it is not fair, and it is hindering our economy
In this podcast a woman addressed the problem of increasing number of people on disability checks. She went around the us and questioned wether the number was increasing because the amount of people becoming enjoined was going up or that people were finding a way about it and being lazy about finding a job. After some research shes found that it was the second one, people being lazy. She went to the town of Hale County, Alabama to do some interviews. She found out that 1 in 4 people aren't working because of some sort of hindering disability. This fact is crazy, and why our economy is hindered so much by it. When the woman reporter asked around what are the problems that they were having the number one theory was because there was something in the water, or that when they were younger they went to hard (smoke and drank too much) and thats why they are where they are today. A lawyer in Hale County told his tories of having to deal with so many disability cases that that was his primary reason for being there. He stated that most of that people that came in to file for divisibility had “ back pain or diabetes or high blood pressure and this made them not able to work. In my thoughts those are common things to have and if controlled very easy to work around if they have a good well-being and motivation. This brings up another problem with the disability services. There is no set 'outline' that you have to fit to get to have it, it is a very loose services. They do not have any test, or prove your disability. You basically have to talk to doctor and get it that way.
A part I found to be very very interesting is when Dr. Timberlake would ask his patients that came in what grade they finished. This is not a medical question but it did hinder what types of jobs they could get making it a 'disability'. The reported stated that most people in this town did not go to college and some did not even finish high school which is the first problem, because without that education you would have a very hard time getting a job anywhere in the United States not just in Hale County because you aren't mentally up with everyone else in that field. But because of this education hindrance the doctor categorized a person with low education as not able to function so put them on disability. This part kinda made me mad because it is not fair for those who did push themselves to go to college and work for a higher good paying job to have to pay for those who just did not feel like it and did not push themselves. I feel as if that is not a good enough reason to be on government services.
Do not get me wrong, I do thin that the program is a good service to those who need it but I believe there should be stricter guidelines and tests before they are put on to the program. Many people are not in desperate need for the programs but just are too lazy to go out and look harder. Some people don't even have a ligament problem are are on the program. I believe that the government should also establish rules on doctors that are putting people into the program. Eliminate fake application and ones who get paid when a person is accepted. This was a very interesting topic for a podcast, I found it to be very enlisting
Well-being, disability, health, diagnostic, motivate, mentally.
For me social psychology is on one of the most interesting chapters in this book. Our planet populated by over than seven billions of people. Regardless of distance, cultural boundaries, ages, sex people tend to fall in love, make friends, form impressions of strangers, stereotype other people or help them and many other behaviors in society. So this scientific study explain how people's behavior, feelings, thoughts are influenced by implied or actual presence of others. All topics in this chapter come together to describe how people are influenced by others, how they act in society, how people become not self-aware in different situations, or what forces them to change behavior. For example some studies such as Milgram's Shock experiments on obedience are trying to describe what factors influence people to follow orders given by authority. These factors may help to understand why German citizens willingly obeyed orders to injure or kill innocent people during World War II. Thus, social psychology may explain even some historical facts.
My understanding of social psychology totally changed since I read the chapter. For example, I did not think that people are usually more affected by situations than they realize. We make attributions about other people. When a person act kindly, we assume he/she is kind person. As an example when a stranger will help people in accident, we tend to think that he/she is super kind and heroic person. Of course it is a very heroic action. However, firefighters, police officers, military almost everyday risk their lives to save others. Attributions are our explanations for events, or actions including other people's behavior. There are two types of attributions: personal and situational. People's explanations for why events or actions occur that refer to peoples internal characteristics such as abilities, traits, or moods are personal attributions. Situational attributions are explanations that based on external factors such as the weather, luck, accident and so on. One of the interesting facts that knew now is that when we make attributions about ourselves, we tend to focus situations rather than personal characteristics. For example, when we fail the exam we usually say that it was too hard, questions were tricky and the exam itself was unfair. However, when explaining other people's behavior we tend to overemphasize the importance of personal factors and underestimate the importance of the situation. For instance, if someone failed the same exam, we might say that he/she just did not study. From the standpoint of Social psychology, it happens because we know less about situations of other people and we tend to think that what happened was based on their personal traits. In contrast we know more about situations that we are involved in.
One of the most interesting topics in this chapter was stereotypes make us feel and act in certain ways. We tend to create mental stereotypes because they are fast, easy way to think about social information. However they are always correct and sometimes may have negative consequences. When stereotypes are negative, they may lead to prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice involves negative feelings, opinions, beliefs associated with a stereotype. Discrimination is inappropriate and unjustified treatment of people as a result of prejudice. There are different theories which have explained why stereotypes lead to prejustice and discrimination. For example one of them is saying that people discriminate against others to protect their own self-esteem, or according to another theory people threat others as scapegoats to relieve the tension of daily living. Also one of the interesting facts was about ingroup and outgroup bias. We are powerfully connected to the groups we belong to. For example during big football games we are wearing team’s colors, cheering ourselves hoarse, or doing silly dance. Sometimes we are not only cheering for them, we fight for them or even can die for them. Sometimes football or any other sport fans act aggressively to show that we are belonging to particular group. Those groups that we belong to are called ingoup. Those that we don’t belong to are outgroup. Our group membership is important part of our social identity. Ingroup favoritism is one of the negative consequences of categorizing people in ingroup and outgroup. It happens when we are more willing to do favors for ingroup members or forgive their mistakes.
One of the most memorable parts was about deindividuation and how society may negatively influenced our behavior. Deindividuation is a state of reduced individuality rediced seld-awareness, and reduced attention to personal standards. It usually occurs when people are part of the group. The most memorable example was Stanford Prison Study by Philipp Zimbardo. The participants in the experiment were 24 male college students. Some of the students were randomly selected to act “guard” and other half of students were acting as “prisoners” in the mock prison. The results were unexpected. The guards began displaying cruel and sadistic behavior toward the prisoners, while the prisoners became depressed and hopeless.” They continually humiliated the “prisoners” and forced them to engage in pointless and monotonous tasks. Although the study was scheduled to last 2 weeks, it was stopped after only 6 days. So this study shows how quickly ordinary normal people could be transformed into the social roles they were playing. When people lose their self-aware, it typically causes them to act in ways they are not consistent with their values and beliefs.
Terms used: Social psychology, stereotypes, Milgram's Shock experiments, attributions, personal and situational attributions, prejudice and discrimination, ingroup and outgroup bias, Ingroup favoritism, deindividuation, Stanford Prison Study, self-awareness.
The issue of people acting like they are disabled so they don't have to work is increasing rapidly over the years. It has grown so much in the last 30 years as they say in the radio show. They say 1 in 4 adults are disabled, people can be lazy and live without working so they fake being disabled. The judge asked one disabled person who came into his court what his disability was and he had high blood pressure and diabetes and so did the judge so it was just that the judge was willing to work while the other person was lazy. People should not take this benefit from the people who actually need it. People can be so selfish and would do anything to make their lives easier.
There are many people who have back pains as well, Back pains can be caused if a person is unhealthy and lazy. It even causes some people to not be able to work. Some people believe that people should get disability if they cannot find a job and some The doctor would ask people about their education and give them fill out their paperwork if he felt they couldn't get jobs.
Ethel wanted a dream job where she wanted to sit but all the jobs she saw were standing. So Ethel couldn't conceive a job where she can sit.
there are many Americans who do not have the education to be able to thrive and get a good job. They need to be educated and be aware what to do. Disability should only be given to people who are deserving of it and need it.
terms: Disabled, Unhealthy, Education, disability