Your Goals


I'd like you to consider the following four categories:


Low Importance

High Importance

Low Motivation







High Motivation






What are some tasks (of low importance and high importance) that you have low and high motivation for? For example, you might have low motivation for cleaning your apartment, but it also, personally, may be of low importance to you, etc. I'd like you to come up with several tasks for each category.

Next, i'd like you to take it to the next level, and consider the following grid:


Low Importance

High Importance

Low Motivation







High Motivation






For the previous grid you thought about tasks that you do and your level of motivation for them. Now, I'd like you to consider the various goals you have for yourself and reflect on your motivation for them and their level of importance to you.

Describe your experience reflecting on these tasks and goals, your motivation, and their level of importance to you. Has doing this assignment clarified any issues for you? If so, how and in what way?


Jacob Clark
My goals

low importance
high importance
Low motivation
cut wood, pick up cans
get gas, clean apartment
high motivation
buy healthy food,

low importance
high importance
low motivation
do laundry everyday
sell a lot of products
high motivation
6 pack, giant giant quadriceps
increase cardio endurance, clean diet

I enjoy doing assignments like this. I have always been good at organizing what is important to me. However, it is always interesting to go over it at random points to see how things have changed. Suffice it to say, not a whole lot has changed this year. As far as my main goal and focus goes, I am very taken with my fitness. Sure, i know i need to do the little things like laundry and keeping things clean. But, im never that motivated to do so. I just know that it needs to be done. But when it comes to fitness, it is very important, and i have a lot of motivation to get things done on that front. I especially want to increase my cardiovascular endurance. Obviously i really want to increase muscle size and what not, but cardiovascular endurance plays a very important role in overall health. That, to me, is very important.
As far as clarifying issues to me, not much has changed. So, things have been pretty clear for awhile. Always good to dwell on these things though. I am kind of interested to see how things change in the future. For the last couple years, things have consistently revolved around fitness. It will be interesting to see what comes to the forefront next. If anything ever does.
In retrospect, I have been doing some thinking on why i hold fitness in such high esteem. I think its because i have been so out of shape for so much of my life. Once i started climbing out of that “hole”, i believe i became addicted to it to some extent. I became addicted to the idea of always improving. To always be going in the right direction. To be honest, i get kind of depressed when i think i am losing progress, Just a thought on this assignment

Low Motivation & Low Importance: getting gas, making bed
Low Motivation & High Importance: homework, making food, going to class
High Motivation & Low Importance: cleaning apartment, going shopping
High Motivation & High Importance: working out, getting and internship

Low Motivation & Low Importance: make bed everyday, don't wear sweats everyday
Low Motivation & High Importance: increase cardio endurance, read 1 ch. every night
High Motivation & Low Importance: wash floors and vacuum once a week
High Motivation & High Importance: eat healthier, go to ripped twice a week

I liked doing this assignment because I am a huge organizer and like planning ahead. I always write in my planner and get things done by their due dates. However, this assignment made me realize things about myself I never noticed. While filling out these charts out I had more things I had low motivation for than high. This was surprising to me because I always get things done that I need to, but I realized I get them done because I have to, not because I’m motivated to do so. I also realized that my low importance tasks and goals were much easier. These tasks I tend to do more of than high importance goals and tasks. My high importance and high motivational tasks and goals are tended to be my long-term goals and tasks. This is because they are harder and require more motivation and drive to get done. A lot of my low important things were my daily activities. I think this is because they are required everyday, but if I don’t get them done, they will still be there for me to do tomorrow. My high important items were things with dead lines and are more critical to get done and require more effort and motivation. From working on my fitness I have noticed that my motivation to go work out gets easier the more I do it. It becomes more of a routine, rather than a chore. From working out all summer and coming to college not having as much time to work out I became irritated. My motivation for working out and going on a run was so high and highly important to me that not being able to bothered me. From experience, the longer I wait to work start working out again, the harder it is to gain that motivation back. From doing this assignment and reading chapter 9 I think that if you meet your needs and are desired to do something you can do anything as long as you have motivation. Something that is highly important to one person might not be for another person. Also, people are motivated to do different things, which shows how different our personal preferences are because of our desires and needs.

-Low motivation and low importance: doing laundry, cleaning dishes daily, taking out trash daily
-Low motivation and high importance: studying, completing homework, going to work
-High motivation and low importance: playing games, listening to music, looking at social media
-High motivation and high importance: running, sleeping, eating healthy

-Low motivation and low importance: keep room clean and make my bed daily
-Low motivation and high importance: do homework before procrastinating and look for better jobs
-High motivation and low importance: buy a nice car or truck and go to as sporting events at UNI as I can
-High motivation and high importance: attend all classes and pass all classes and have a good job before I’m out of college

This was an interesting assignment. It really made me think and I sat looking at the computer screen for awhile and had to focus to come up with tasks and goals. The results were really interesting. My tasks did not seem to be as important overall compared to my goals. The tasks almost seem kind of silly looking back after completing my goals section. I struggled a little bit more to come up with goals though. It was kind of sad how I was more motivated to to less important things than to do low important things. For example in my tasks I had high motivation to play games and look through twitter; however I was not motivated to study or do homework when those are rather important. It is kind of an eye opener, and I feel like this should help me to motivate myself to do more important things. I believe part of the reason I chose what I did for each category had a great deal to do with incentives. Doing laundry and cleaning does not have as significant of an incentive as playing games or sleeping for me. The incentives will change for different people, but for me it is high for these tasks. This assignment made me think about myself and what is important to me. Like I said before, I hope that it will help me to resolve issues and help give me more motivation to do things that are more important than something that I am more motivated to do. It is kind of scary to think about what some people are motivated to do that are not important at all. It may be more enticing to sleep in and skip a class, but what if there is a random quiz that could boost your grade? or extra credit just for showing up? These are things that I will ask myself when faced with a decision like that. This assignment will hopefully help me to follow through with that too.

I drew out the grids and in my low motivation/low importance box I found that there was a lot of stuff such as cleaning and doing laundry, putting it away. I hardly ever do that stuff, nor do I think it’s very important. I find it much easier to throw all my clothes in one drawer and search for it later! The next box was low motivation and high importance, and this box consisted of studying and good grades. I do think good grades are very important, but studying is a lot of work and lots of thinking, plus it is very time consuming and most of the time netflix sounds more appealing. The third box was high motivation and low importance. I do like to draw, but I’m not going anywhere with it and I put hanging out with my friends in this box. I love hanging out with my friends and spending time with them so it is very important to me, but I have a lot more things I should be doing with my time. The last box is high motivation/high importance and in that box I put it going to the gym and lifting! I love to workout and use it as my stress reliever! If I don’t get to the gym at least once a day you can tell, I become cranky and irritated so to me it’s a very important thing in my everyday life. For the next grid the first box was low motivation and low importance tasks, My goal is to join senate and get an executive position. I'm involved with our house council which is like a senate for 5th floor bender and I go to senate every other monday! I do like to go, but if I miss it I don’t really mind. The second box was low motivation and high importance and again I had getting all A’s and B’s in my classes in this box. I do think it’s really important to get good grades and If I have a motivation, I don’t mind studying! The only problem is it’s hard for me to find a drive to study. It’s very rewarding when I get good grades and it makes not only me, but my parents very proud of me! The next box was high motivation and low importance. In this box my goal was to keep making new friends. I love meeting new people, going out, and hanging out with my friends. After all, it’s all about who you know isn’t it?! But my parents would disagree, I think meeting new people is important, but i’m not really allowed to think that so I would consider it to be something I have a high motivation for with a low importance. High importance and high motivation is the last box and my goal for this box is to become a personal trainer some day. I really do love to workout and I already help my friends out with eating habits and show them workouts they can do. It’s an awesome feeling when somebody tells you they are making progress because of you and seeing all the transformations. Working out makes me feel good and I love to do it so its very important and high up on my list of things to do in my daily activities. After doing this assignment I noticed I need to get my priorities a little straighter. I tend to do things I like more as opposed to the things I should be doing like homework instead of hanging out with my friends. I think this is a very common issue for kids, especially college kids. I do notice I have different priorities than some people as well. Most people don’t like to workout or go out. I have a motivation to do most things, I just need to find better drives for things and maybe throw in some more incentives for studying and maybe I'll actually do more of it!

Your Goals blog response


For this assignment, I really had to think a while, about all the things in my life that I do, and all of the things that I would like to accomplish. For the most part, that was a fairly easy task, but I believe the difficult part was determining importance and motivation levels. For me, if I have a goal or a task at hand, it is important to me and if I know I need to get it done, I can usually conjure up some motivation to get it done. To complete this assignment I definitely had to go out of the box and really think about what these charts and categories meant to me.


Low motivation/ low importance: making my bed and keeping my room picked up, talking with my family everyday, weight lifting
Low motivation/ high importance: drinking enough water throughout the day, maintaining my weight, eating healthy, making more time for social activities
High motivation/ low importance: doing abdominal exercises, having toned muscles, buying new clothes, having extra spending money
High motivation/ high importance: working out in some shape or form, being healthy, maintaining my relationships, having friends, enjoying myself, finding time to relax


Low motivation/low importance: doing extra credit work in my classes, getting a 4.0 in college
Low motivation/ high importance: eating more vegetables, flossing my teeth, wearing my retainers
High motivation/ low importance: getting all A’s in every class, having a nice body, being in the best shape I can.
High motivation/ high importance: passing every class and earning a decent GPA, staying active, getting enough sleep, being healthy.

As I said before, I really had to think deeply to come with answers for some of these questions. For me it was easy to distinguish what was of low importance and low motivation because those are all tasks that would probably be nice to accomplish but I don’t necessarily need to do them and I don’t particularly care about them. I struggled somewhat with the low motivation and high importance, but what eventually helped me list some items were things that I knew I should be doing, but I hated doing them and they don’t always get done because of that fact. The hardest category for me though was high motivation with low importance. I did think of some things to write down, but this is not the way my brain normally functions, in almost every situation, if I enjoy doing something, and I really want to get it done, it ranks as important to me. It was hard for me to say that the things that I work really hard towards weren’t actually important. For high motivation and high importance, I put all the things I try to accomplish and reach for everyday, things that I really want to happen and because of that I work hard towards them.

Even though it took a little digging, I think that assignment did clarify some things for me. It helped me to see the things that were really important in my life. The category that I think will effect me the most is the low motivation/ high importance category, because in order to accomplish something you don’t want to do you have to keep bringing it to the front of your mind. You have to make yourself think about it until it finally just gives in. Also from this assignment I think it’s become really clear to me that I am the type of person that is mostly motivated by intrinsic values and goals. The majority of my goals and tasks had something to do with the external world, but I was doing them because it was what I wanted and because accomplishing them makes me feel better about myself.

Terms: Goals, Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation

Low Motivation/Low Importance: making my bed, buying snacks
Low Motivation/High Importance: papers, essays, reading textbook
High Motivation/Low Importance: playing soccer, going to the movies
High Motivation/High Importance: Showering, staying organized

Low Motivation/Low Importance: putting on contacts, shaving weekly
Low Motivation/High Importance: doing homework ahead of time, studying for exams early
High Motivation/Low Importance: watching YouTube videos daily
High Motivation/High Importance: being nice to everyone, keeping my side of the room clean in the dorm.

After doing this assignment I realized that one thing stuck out to me. I tend to have little motivation for a lot of things and high motivation for few things and those few things aren’t exactly “important”. I was somewhat surprised because I always do everything that is assigned to me and all pass most of my exams that I take. I understand now that not having motivation to do something doesn’t mean that you won’t do it. I have finished everything for my classes, either on time or early, but I didn’t “want” to do them, meaning that I could have easily been doing something else. I knew, however, that my classes were more important than going on Twitter and Facebook, whether I liked it or not. Going over what I wrote down, I realized that I like to be with a group of friends a lot and do things together even though it isn’t that high of an importance but I enjoy doing it. Being clean and organized are two traits that I have grown to consider extremely important. I am a very clean person and my roommate is not. This creates a lot of problems because I always come in to the room and there are always multiple things on the ground, form shower sandals in the middle of the floor, to dirt-like marks on the desk. I lose my mind seeing these things. My roommate is lucky that he isn’t in there when I notice these things. With the organization, I like to keep everything in order, from my clothes to the stuff in my backpack. My clothes are either folded nicely or are hanging, nothing on the ground or thrown in to a corner. My backpack is ordered by size and all of my notebooks are together, my folders together, and my binder is behind the folders. This never changes throughout the entire school year. Now looking at the motivation for my goals, I find being a good person overall is an important goal in my life. I have grown up with people in my life that have done very negative things in their lives, from drugs to breaking laws. My mother and sister have been the defining characters in my life in shaping the way I am and how I would want to live my life. I want to be a good person to everyone and not discriminate. This motivation doesn’t really rub off on my desire to do homework and study. I really don’t like to do homework and study but it is an important part in becoming the person that I want to be when I get older. Developing in to this person that I want to become will be somewhat of a gift to my mom and sister, showing them that I have become what they have always believed I would be. None of this can be done, though, if I do not have the motivation to do so. I need to have more motivation to do homework and study so then I can continue to strive in school and life so I can eventually achieve my dreams.

Low motivation, Low Importance: doing the dishes, dusting, laundry
Low motivation, High Importance: homework, studying, going to class
High motivation, Low Importance: finishing a series on Netflix, going home every weekend, watching tv, go on drives
High motivation, High Importance: donating plasma, seeing friends, calling, sleep
Low Motivation, Low Importance: watch less Netflix and TV; don’t drive as often (to save money)
Low Motivation, High Importance: doing laundry, clean dishes after using them, keep my room clean
High motivation, Low Importance: going home but less often, hanging out with friends after homework is finished
High Motivation, High Importance: finishing homework in a timely fashion, study in advance, go to all classes scheduled, donate as much as possible
When I had to think about filling out this chart, I literally had no motivation to eve do that. It’s hard to think of all the things you wish to improve on, because I basically drew a blank for a solid five minutes. I knew that for the high motivation and high importance box I had to fill out homework and studying because I have really been slacking in that area lately. The plasma is also high in importance and motivation for me because as of right now I don’t have a job and that’s the only way that I’m making money. I knew I shouldn’t watch Netflix and TV as much as I have because it’s always been my biggest distraction and I avoid doing work as much as possible. One thing that I love to do is drive around at night or whenever really because it helps me clear my mind, especially on a clear night when the stars are out. I need to drive around less because one, it’s a waste of my gas and two, because it’s just another form of procrastinating for me. I also noticed that I need to go home less often because it’s a waste of gas and money and I also need to make more connections here if I want it to be a good school year. When thinking of these things I realized that I had a problem with my motivation level before doing this assignment. I knew I needed to change some of my Netflix binge ways if I wanted to well in school in the future. This assignment has clarified a few issues that I have though. I didn’t realize how often I really don’t do my laundry until I run out of clean clothes to wear. Back at home I used to on top of that kind of thing so I need to do the same here. I also realized that I should probably keep my room clean a majority of the time, just because it’s a pain when you constantly lose things in your room. I thought that this assignment was helpful because it made me realize things that are more important than others. Also, it made me put things in perspective and that I need to change things if I want to succeed here.

Some goals I have that are set at a low importance for me and I have low motivation to do them are: organizing and deep cleaning my room, reading a book in my spare time, and coloring my hair. Some goals I have that are set at a higher importance, yet I have little to no motivation to do them include: practicing my speech due on Friday and working out. A couple examples I have of low importance to me, but I have high motivation to do them are: cleaning my dorm room and making it look nice and getting on social media multiple times a day. Lastly, some goals I have that are very important to me and I have a lot of motivation to complete them include: studying for my quiz tomorrow and doing homework that is due tomorrow.

I definitely realized that I need to have higher motivation to work out. I really believe that working out is part of living a healthy lifestyle and that is very important to me. It honestly is a struggle for me to get up and go workout because I can find a million excuses why I shouldn’t work out, but the one reason I need to is of higher importance to me than all of the other little excuses. My low importance, low motivation box should be filled with the kinds of things I have in there, I think. If there were 50 hours in a day, I think most things would be of higher importance to all of us, but thinking logically, it’s not possible to get everything done in a day. I like to do my most important things first, even if I have no motivation for it, if it’s important, that means I need to set a time to do it. I think the things that I have high motivation for sometimes come above the more important things, even though I know it’s wrong. I just always feel like what I have motivation for are the not-so-important things in life, like watching “Friends”, “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, painting my finger nails, etc. If I have time for these things in a day, then I won’t feel so guilty for doing them, but when I have things to study for or work to do, it makes me feel guilty if I choose these over the more important things.

I think the things that are important to me are things that will effect me. If I miss an episode of “Friends”, it won’t effect the outcome of my life, but if I fail a test, I might fail the class. If I fail the class, I might have to change my major. If I change my major I will have a different, maybe even a lower paying career in the future. The thought of the future is always scary, so as long as I keep my priorities straight, it can keep me on the right path and help me to be successful.

Sorry, I forgot to add in the first paragraph. Here is my final blog.

Some tasks I have that are set at a low importance for me and I have low motivation to do them are: organizing and deep cleaning my room, reading a book in my spare time, and coloring my hair. Some tasks I have that are set at a higher importance, yet I have little to no motivation to do them include: practicing my speech due on Friday and working out. A couple examples I have of low importance to me, but I have high motivation to do them are: cleaning my dorm room and making it look nice and getting on social media multiple times a day. Lastly, some tasks I have that are very important to me and I have a lot of motivation to complete them include: studying for my quiz tomorrow and doing homework that is due tomorrow.

Some goals I have that are set at a low importance for me, but low motivation are: keeping an organized room and start reading books in my free time. Goals I have that are set at a high importance level and low motivation are: not procrastinating on my homework and working out on a daily basis. An example for low importance goals yet high motivation is doing laundry every Saturday morning. Goals I have that are highly important and I have a lot of motivation to do them are: become a teacher, have the perfect family, and being a strong follower of Jesus.

I definitely realized that I need to have higher motivation to work out. I really believe that working out is part of living a healthy lifestyle and that is very important to me. It honestly is a struggle for me to get up and go workout because I can find a million excuses why I shouldn’t work out, but the one reason I need to is of higher importance to me than all of the other little excuses. My low importance, low motivation box should be filled with the kinds of things I have in there, I think. If there were 50 hours in a day, I think most things would be of higher importance to all of us, but thinking logically, it’s not possible to get everything done in a day. I like to do my most important things first, even if I have no motivation for it, if it’s important, that means I need to set a time to do it. I think the things that I have high motivation for sometimes come above the more important things, even though I know it’s wrong. I just always feel like what I have motivation for are the not-so-important things in life, like watching “Friends”, “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, painting my finger nails, etc. If I have time for these things in a day, then I won’t feel so guilty for doing them, but when I have things to study for or work to do, it makes me feel guilty if I choose these over the more important things.

I think the things that are important to me are things that will effect me. If I miss an episode of “Friends”, it won’t effect the outcome of my life, but if I fail a test, I might fail the class. If I fail the class, I might have to change my major. If I change my major I will have a different, maybe even a lower paying career in the future. The thought of the future is always scary, so as long as I keep my priorities straight, it can keep me on the right path and help me to be successful.

At first, I didn’t think this assignment would be hard at all; however, I found myself struggling to sort out all of things that are most and least important in my life. I had a pool of tasks and goals, but figuring out where they went was a little bit of a struggle for me.


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Making my bed, keeping my room completely spotless
Low Motivation/High Importance: Studying, doing homework right after it’s assigned, staying organized at all times, getting a campus job
High Motivation/Low Importance: Always checking social media, watching TV, going to movies,
High Motivation/High Importance: Showering, body cleanliness, getting good grades, keeping up on laundry


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Getting straight A’s in college, having the nicest, most expensive clothes, having nice shoes
Low Motivation/High Importance: Eating healthy foods all of the time, staying active, staying in good shape
High Motivation/Low Importance: Going home often, going to professional sporting events
High Motivation/High Importance: Pass all of my classes, graduate college, manage money so I’m financially stable after graduation

Completing this assignment took more work than I thought, but it gave me a good opportunity to sort out what is really important to me, and also what is the most important in life. I found the “tasks” section easiest to complete because I could just take a walk through my everyday life and pull out aspects that are important. As far as which category in ‘tasks’ impacted me the most was the High Motivation/Low Importance box. Checking social media, watching TV and going to the movies are all things everyone does, but are also things everyone could cut back on. Instead of wasting my time on those things that won’t help me in life, I would be working on schoolwork or something more important. Completing the “goals” section was definitely more eye opening for me. This section was definitely tougher to complete, but assisted me in realizing which parts of my life should be more important and deserve more attention and which parts shouldn’t. I think the High Motivation/High Importance box really helped me figure out what really are my priorities in life. I leaned that getting straight A’s in college isn’t the most important, and that passing classes with good but not perfect grades will get you the same degree. Like I said before, I enjoyed completing this assignment because it helped me sort out my real priorities in life.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Do laundry, clean my dorm, make my bed
Low Motivation & High Importance: Go to class, do my homework, staying organized
High Motivation & Low Importance: Go shopping, watch Netflix, going home
High Motivation & High Importance: Call my family, keep up my GPA, get enough sleep

Low Motivation & Low Importance: keep my room clean, wear retainer daily
Low Motivation & High Importance: keep spending to minimum, keep up on homework
High Motivation & Low Importance: keep in contact with friends, practice drawing
High Motivation & High Importance: pass all classes, go to work, making friends

After doing this assignment and really thinking about each one, I have learned a lot more about my motivation. I am not motivated to do very important aspects in my life. School should be one of the most important things to me right now, and it’s where I have the least motivation. I’ve learned that I really need to think more about these important things and get motivated in some way to do them, before I end up failing or being super stressed out. It was easier to write down things that I had a high motivation for, with low importance. I think this was easier because I was motivated to do these activities, they we pleasurable to me. I think that it’s the opposite for the low motivation and high importance. I do not have fun doing these activities, so I am not motivated to do them. I get them done not because I’m motivated, it’s because I have to get them done or there will be some kind of repercussion. This blog post has made me better understand that what I have written down as low importance but a high motivation for, are actually what are important to me, in a way. I have a high motivation to do these things, so they must have an impact in my life. It’s a weird way to think about it, but I like having this idea in my head after doing this blog.

I thought this assignment was interesting and really made everyone sit down and look at their life and what was important to them. I think we should all do this, I think it helps understand what we need to work on. I’ve always known my motivation needed some work, but this blog really opened my eyes and now I know what I need to work on.


Low Importance/Low motivation- Talking to family member's everyday, making bed, cleaning dishes everyday,

Low Importance/High Motivation-Hanging out with friends every night, clothes shopping, spending extra money on items i don’t need

High Importance/High motivation- eating healthy, do well in my class and only miss classes when I absolutely have to

High Importance/Low Motivation- working on homework everyday, study for tests ahead of time, maintaining a workout schedule, go to bed early, keeping my room picked up


Low Importance/Low Motivation- try to make my bed as much as I can and clean dishes when needed

Low Importance/High Motivation- Spend money more wisely, set certain times to hang out with friends, study first then spend time with friends

High importance/High Motivation- keep trying to eat healthy, try my hardest in all my classes

High importance/Low Motivation- try and stay focused on homework, put my phone and computer away while studying, work out when it works best in my schedule

This blog opened my eyes in the way that some important tasks I need to accomplish and the ones that I don’t need to do every single day. This blog helped me see the type of things that I really need to complete during the week. I wish I accomplished more of my important tasks but sometimes I get distracted by the things under my low importance and high motivation section. All of the important tasks I need to accomplish and should want to accomplish fall under high importance and low motivation like completing homework and studying enough time in advanced instead of cramping. It’s so much easier and more fun to complete the activities in my low importance and high motivation because spending time with my friends, watching tv and looking my social media is way more fun than studying, however, I need to focus and complete my important tasks before I can do the fun things. This blog helped me realized I should focus a lot more on my studies, working out and basically planning more ahead of time so I can fit everything into my schedule even if I don’t want to complete certain activities. I think what would help would be studying and seeing and hanging out with my friends afterwards should be my motivation to get things completed. In one of my classes the professor mentioned study for an hour and take a little break to “reward” yourself and keep going on with the task. I think this would help, however, taking a five minute break would turn into an hour for me. It’s been hard stay focus on homework here in college vs high school because there is so many new distractions and so much homework and studying to do. So far these couple of months have been a complete shock to me and I’m still learning how to manage my time with every activity that needs to be done and the activities I want to do.

Low Mot./low import.= Clean the sink
Low Mot./High import.= Book report in another class
High Mot./low import.= Weight Lifting
High Mot./High import.= Study for Business Stats test
Low Mot./low import.= keep room super clean
Low Mot./High import.= Get good grades
High Mot./low import.= Be really strong
High Mot./High import.= Smell good/be clean
I picked these things to be the way they are because some things are important to me. The one about weight lifting and being strong are important to me because I like to weight lift and I think it I fun so that is why it is important to me. The couple with grades and classes are important but they don’t always drive me to be motivated. Some classes aren’t exciting to me and therefore I am not motivated but they are still important. Keeping my room isn’t important all of the time because I try to clean it often but sometimes it gets out of hand and it becomes important. No matter how dirty my room is though I am not motivated at all to clean it. I like to keep myself clean so I put that as highly motivated and highly important because I don’t want to smell bad for the ladies. This assignment helps me more define each category and how they work. It makes more sense because I can see how they apply to me and when I can apply stuff to me, it makes sense. I like to be organized, if you looked in my closet you would see my shirts are color coded and this in a way helps me plan for what I do with my day. It also surprises me the way other people rate things on their list. I looked over a few of the others to see how they did their charts and I was surprised by how they felt about some things that I don’t think really even matter. I also found it somewhat challenging to reach the 350 word limit.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: making my bed, sleeping inside my covers, getting a TV remote when it’s far from me, looking for a missing thing, taking out the trash.
Low Motivation and High Importance: going to soccer practice, getting off my loft to go to the bathroom, studying, doing homework, going to the Rialto, getting a haircut, getting a job.
High Motivation and Low Importance: playing video games, going out on the weekends, staying up watching Netflix, cycling through apps every few minutes, online shopping, and vacuuming my dorm.
High Motivation and High Importance: running, keeping up in classes, staying healthy, keeping in touch with friends, making new friends, checking my grades online.
Low Motivation and Low Importance: keeping room clean, making my bed, getting a girlfriend.
Low Motivation and High Importance: doing homework, instead of procrastinating, get a job, get an internship.
High Motivation and Low Importance: buying a new car, going to school events, having a nice body, making millions, having an attractive wife.
High Motivation and High Importance: getting a good job before graduating UNI, getting an internship sometime soon, making my parents proud, having a successful future, having a healthy family.

While looking at this assignment and thinking of what things to put down for each grid I managed to waste an hour, for being too distracted at times by either the TV, phone, friends, music, etc. However, once I figured out what I wanted in each grid is was a lot of fun, as well as interesting to see what I think of some of the stuff I do day to day and also in the future. Each task and goal regardless of the motivation and importance level has opened my eyes to see what I need to work on in order to accomplish some of the goals I have set for this year and every year after this one. For example, exercising has been a big issue for me since coming to UNI. I am so used to having a workout partner that would push me, but the people I hangout with are not motivated enough to exercise. As a result, I have started to gain some weight, which I don’t mind since I was kind of skinny, but if this keeps on going then I am going to start to have a meltdown. Although, in the future everyone becomes very busy with work, their family, etc that working on one’s motivations can help to keep an individual healthy, in shape, happy, etc.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: cleaning my car, laundry

Low Motivation & High Importance: going to class, going to work, homework

High Motivation & Low Importance: watching Netflix, eating junk food, shopping

High Motivation & High Importance: exercising, showering, sleeping


Low Motivation & Low Importance: keep my room clean, read more books

Low Motivation & High Importance: make new friends, eat healthier, become organized

High Motivation & Low Importance: travel the world, become an RA

High Motivation & High Importance: getting good grades, be involved at UNI, be fit,

This assignment really helped me open my eyes to what’s really important in my life. Since transitioning from high school to college, I've had a lot of new responsibilities in my life which have become difficult to manage at times. When I was thinking of my tasks and their order of importance, I realized that I have many tasks that I find to be quite important. Some included basic survival tasks like eating and sleeping, while others are going to class and doing my homework. I also realized that even though I may not have much motivation for certain tasks, I still do them because I know it’s the right thing to do. I can honestly say that I never have motivation to go to class. I don’t wake up in the morning and think, “oh man, I am so happy I have to go to class today and learn!” I usually dread class and look forward to the weekends. Even though my motivation is low, I know that these certain tasks are extremely important so I push myself to go anyway.
When I was thinking of my goals, I realized that I have some big dreams! The first goal that came to mind was to travel the world. That has always been a dream of mine that I am determined to fulfill. Some of my other goals included basic things like getting good grades and cleaning my room.
When making my tasks and goals, I realized how determined I am. When I wrote down all of my tasks and goals I knew I would achieve them someday. I will not stop at anything to become prosperous and happy. I never realized how motivated I really was. I always imagined my goals as dreams, but since entering college, I’ve realized that these dreams can and will become reality. I have what it takes to be successful and this assignment helped me see it. By writing out my tasks and goals that lie ahead of me, I realized how much work I have but I also realized how determined and eager I am to fulfill these tasks and goals.
This assignment also made me realize that I don't always have the motivation that I wish I had. There’s days where I want to do nothing but sleep and relax. I don’t want to do chores, homework, or associate with the outside world. By completing this assignment, I better understand my lack of motivation. Everyone experiences it, just in different ways. Before I began my own chart, I browsed other people’s responses to see how their charts differed from others. I was surprised to see people were motivated for different things and found them at different levels of importance. It reassured me that everyone is different when it comes to motivation and not anyone will be the same. This assignment helped me understand what it important and what’s not.

Low motivation:
Some tasks that I have low motivation and low importance for would be cleaning out my car or my room even. A task that has high importance would be getting all of my homework done even though I have low motivation for it I know that it is important to do. Another task that is very important is to constantly stay hydrated because it is important for my health.

High motivation:
Some tasks that I have high motivation for but are of low importance would be to watch a netflix show and to read a book for fun and both of these things are not important but are things that I just like to do and make time for. Some tasks that I have high motivation and high importance in my life would be working out because its good for me and my health.

low motivation: Some goals that I have low importance would be to not look like a bum everyday. A goal that I have low motivation for but it has a high importance would be to study a little bit of biology everynight.

High motivation:

A goal that has high motivation but low importance is to clean my dorm room once a week and alternate with my roommate. A goal that has high motivation and high importance would be to get all of my homework done so I don't get behind in my classes.

As I was coming up with these different tasks and goals I realized that I manage my time pretty well but my biggest problem comes to procrastinating especially when it comes to homework. Another thing that I realized when doing this assignment was that I get distracted easily, but when it comes down to focusing on my stuff I know what to do. Something that I do to help with this is I make myself a list of all of the things that I need to do and I prioritize them by whats most important first and doing that before everything else. My motivation differs for different things, I know what it takes for me to get motivated and I am able to get everything done even if that means staying up all night doing homework. Overall I thought that this assignment helped me clarify my motivation for certain things and I will definitely take that into consideration when it comes to doing things from now on.

Low Motivation/low importance.= Cleaning my dorm room
Low Motivation./High importance.= Doing assignment
High Motivation./low importance.= Going to the gym every day, Contacting with friends and family, looking around Facebook page
High Motivation./High importance.= Studying English, Practicing speaking English
Low Motivation./low importance.= keeping my dorm room clean
Low Motivation./High importance.= Getting good grades, getting scholarship
High Motivation./low importance.= losing weights, keeping health body
High Motivation./High importance.= Communicating with foreign friends naturally
This assignment was interesting for me. By thinking what is important for me and which motivation I have, I can know well about myself. At first, in tasks, I have low motivation in cleaning my dorm room and doing assignment, but two tasks are different in importance. Cleaning my dorm room is not important for me, therefore I can postpone this task later. In contrast, if I don’t do assignment because I don’t want to do it, I will have problems in my grades and doing assignment is important thing that I should do as a student. Also, I have high motivation like going to the gym every day, contacting with friends and family and looking around Facebook page although these are not important tasks for me. My important task is studying English and practicing speaking English, at the same time these tasks are my high motivation. By thinking this chart, I realized that all the while I have focused more on thing that has low important though it is high motivation than the most important thing that is also high motivation. For example, I always look around Facebook page that is not important for a long time, but I have not invested my time in studying English. That is, I have not considered what is more important for me when I spend my time. I think that for a while I didn’t manage my time efficiently.
I have a lot of goals in my life, but these goals differ in importance and motivation. I have low motivation in my goal, such as keeping my dorm room clean, getting good grades and getting scholarship. However, in comparison with these goals, getting good grades is more important for me than keeping my dorm room clean. And a goal that has high motivation but low importance is losing weights and keeping good body shape. In contrast, a goal that has high motivation but high importance would be communicating with foreign friends by English naturally. By thinking my various goals, I can figure out which one is to be prioritized and how to manage my time to achieve my important goal. For a while, I have forgotten the most important goal for me because of minor goals. As well as, I could know that my motivation differs in each my goal and affects differently. This assignment makes me classify and realize my real priority from various goals.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Shaving, Making bed
Low Motivation and High Importance: Homework, Making Dinner, Work
High Motivation and Low Importance: Watching Tv., Shopping, Napping
High Motivation and High Importance: Get good grades, Graduate

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Shave every other day, Make bed everyday
Motivation and High Importance: Due homework the day it is assigned, Eat healthier meals, Work hard to make money
High Motivation and Low Importance: Limit TV watching, shorten naps, Stay active with my friends
High Motivation and High Importance: study, attend all of my classes

This assignment was very helpful in many different ways. To start off, I had no idea how difficult it would be to come up with things that would fit in each category. I had a lot of trouble coming up with things that would fit in the Low Motivation and Low Importance as well as the High Motivation and High Importance categories. I believe this is because the things I like to do most, had low importance, and things that I know I need to do, I have little motivation to do. This assignment was helpful in the sense that it helped me organize my thoughts and see what I need to change. Organizing task from importance helps me notice the priority in which I should do things. It also made me come up with goals that I should be able to reach for each of my task listed.
Before doing this assignment I had never thought about categorizing everything I do. After this assignment, I realized the importance of having a plan and getting your priorities straight. I realized that I waste a lot of time doing things that I like to do, but they have very little importance. Things like watching t.v, and napping I seem to have high motivation for while I need to move all of that motivation to things such as school work, grades and work. School, and work will get me a lot further in life then napping and t.v. Overall this assignment was very helpful and I believe it has the potential to help me stay organized into the future.

Low importance & Low Motivation: Making bed, laundry, trash
High importance & Low Motivation: going to class, waking up, cooking
High Motivation & Low Importance: clean apartment, listening to music, reading
High Motivation & High Importance: Making money for rent and spending, being health

Low importance & Low Motivation: keep room clean daily, Expensive clothing, keeping in trends
High Importance & Low Motivation: Keeping physically active, eat better
High Motivation & Low Importance: Going to music concerts, vising family in town, going to sporting events at UNI
High Motivation & High Importance: Graduate from college, stable job once graduated, pay back loans after college

After looking back on these goals I don’t really think that many of them has changed over time and even if they have they have always had either the same end goal or was something completely new. The tasks that I believe are both low on importance and motivation are those tasks that can be completed in small amounts of time and even if not done will not completely ruin your day. The goals that I have had a large motivation for have never really changed since High School, I have always loved listening to music and listening to the different kinds that make up the activity even though I have not been able to go to a music concert in the past few years I always liked going to them and listening to my favorite bands live. Personally I do not think that this assignment has changed any of my goals or made me look at them in a new way at all, I have always had clear goals of what I wanted to do after I get out of college and move on with my life and see what ever comes once I am out in the world alone.

Low motivation and low importance: Making my bed
Low motivation and high importance: Eating healthy and meeting with my counselor
High motivation and low importance: Making sure my room is clean and going shopping
High motivation and high importance: Good grades and staying active
Low motivation and low importance: Doing extra credit when it is given
Low motivation and high importance: Eating healthy and making sure my body is recovering
High motivation and low importance: Talking to my friends and relatives
High motivation and high importance: Getting good grades and running well in Cross Country and Track
After thinking about goals and tasks that I thought were important and were not I realized what was the most important to me. But while I compared that to my level of motivation I found that the things listed that would help me succeed more in life were the most important and had the highest motivation. Also, when I compared my tasks versus my goals I saw that they were pretty much the same for me. This just demonstrated to me that I have the same values and want to do everything I can to succeed and ignore the things that I do not find essential to succeeding. After looking at all this data though I realized what I need to improve on and to take more seriously. Also, I learned that my high importance goals and even tasks need to be done in order to help me succeed even if I do not have any motivation to do so. This will help me with stay up to date with my high motivation goals. Although, even with my low importance goals and tasks I realize looking back at them that I also have to keep them in check because although they are not as important they are still factors that affect my life and which I still need to do them.

Looking at my tasks with low motivation and low importance are things like doing laundry. School is something that I have low motivation for, but it has high importance. I have high motivation for things I do in free time, but these are not important. I have high motivation for keeping my faith and that is important. With my goals I have low motivation for things like chores and these things are not important. I have low motivation for doing the best I can and making it to nationals with the Ultimate team, but these are important. I have high motivation for getting free time and that is not important. I have high motivation for my faith and that is important.

Some of that tasks and goals match how important they are and how much motivation I have for them. I need to change my motivation levels. The things that I have that are low motivation and high importance need to have high motivation and stay at high importance. One of the things that is important but I have low motivation for is doing the best I can. This is very important it is just that it is easier to not do the best you can. I have to find some drive that helps me move doing the best I can form low motivation to high motivation. Another thing is going to nationals with my Ultimate team. This has low motivation and is important. It is almost like I do not really want it. If it really is important shouldn’t I have high motivation for them? It does not really make sense to have something that is important to you but you do not want to do it. The problem I have is that I do not have a drive to put these things in high motivation. I think something that would help and something that I read about in The 7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens is making goals. I think that making goals will give me something to work for so I can have some motivation to do it. I think this explains the problem of having something that is important but you do not want to do it. You do not have a drive. The drive is the goals that you make. The goals give you kind of something to go for. I have a friend who was talking to me earlier this year and I was asking her if she does that best she can on what she does and she said yes. I asked how I could do this and she said to pick something and make a goal. The goal is the important part it is what gives you the drive. I have a lot of things tell me that same thing. I just have to do it and it will help me.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: make bed, take out trash
Low Motivation & High Importance: writing these blog post bi-weekly, reading the whole chapter well
High Motivation & Low Importance: find a cool Halloween costume, free read every day
High Motivation & High Importance: calling family/ girlfriend often, study for test

Low Motivation & Low Importance: clean sink, vacuum room
Low Motivation & High Importance: Eat healthy, learn a second language
High Motivation & Low Importance: Catch a UNI squirrel, get a lot of favorites on tweets
High Motivation & High Importance: Get good grades, make new friends
This was hard for me to do. Personally I have a hard time looking at myself objectively and that is exactly what this assignment asked me to do. I found it hard to category what was of low or high importance. I knew my motivation for everything right away, but putting task over other task is a hard thing for me to do. The more that I thought about it the more I gained insight on myself. Since I struggle with this, I often do task and go for goals that I have high motivation for. I can’t decide what is most important to do, so I just end up doing what I want to do. I think that I will have to do an exercise like this more often to help me determine what I should be doing first.

Low motivation/ low importance: Take out the garbage, Make up my bed every morning, vacuum, clean the stove, and wash dishes, keep locker clean in locker room
Low motivation/ high importance: feed my fish, do my homework, cook dinner, wake up early for practice, get gas, drink water, shoot extra everyday
High motivation/ low importance: working out in the mornings, going shopping, social media, get pedicure once every two weeks
High motivation/ high importance: practice every day, eat healthy foods, and talk to mom every week

Low motivation/ low importance: stop biting my nails, see all the episodes of LHH.
Low motivation/ high importance: Receive 3.5 or higher this semester, have a perfect attendance, save money, stop shopping
High motivation/ low importance: grow hair longer, get into shape, and receive an award for basketball, get on academic board in locker room, get out of study hall
High motivation/ high importance: Stay healthy for basketball season, search for job for after college, graduate in May.
My experience with this assignment was actually quite interesting. I never sat down and thought about goals and tasks that I have for myself it seems like they are all just in my head. I think this was a good assignment for me to actually do because now that I have had to think about the goals and tasks that I have for myself and the level of importance that they have then I can see it on paper and actually start to do some of the things. I think that this assignment teaches you to organize your goals which is a good thing in the long run. Doing this assignment has clarified issues for me. Like I said before sometimes I forget about the goals and tasks that I have to do and how important they are. I think by doing this it has showed me that I do have some things that are more important than others that I should do. I think this has made me more motivated to complete the more important tasks that I have written down even if I have low motivation to do them.

Low motivation/low importance: taking out the trash, doing laundry
Low motivation/high importance: homework, studying
High motivation/low importance: listening to music, watching TV or YouTube videos
High motivation/high importance: sleeping, eating food

Low motivation/low importance: keep room decently clean, dress nicer more often (less sweats)
Low motivation/high importance: Do my homework as soon as possible to avoid procrastination, go to my workout class, practice my band and choir music more, and eat less snacks
High motivation/low importance: Go to more events around campus (besides the ones that I have to go to for classes, band, choir, etc.), meet more people
High motivation/high importance: get good enough grades to keep my scholarships, eat healthier

This assignment helped me focus on what I should be doing. While I actually have managed to avoid severe procrastination, doing things such as watching YouTube videos and TV have distracted me from sleep. Being so involved in music has prevented me from going to other on-campus activities and has made a bit lazy, because my motivation is completely gone by the time I get home from rehearsals, so I do not want to leave or move. I knew that that would happen, so I signed up for a workout class at the beginning of the semester and am trying really hard to get into shape and eat healthier. I know that I should be out and about rather than laying on the couch watching TV. This really made me think about my goals, as I had not really thought too much about them before; I just knew that I had to do my homework and study so I can get good grades, and that’s pretty much the only goal that I had made. Getting into shape is one goal that I really want to achieve. I have had exercise induced asthma for about five years now, and I have always been afraid to push myself for fear of an asthma attack. Taking that fitness class has helped me realize that I can handle more than I thought, so I should be working out more and working to improve my cardiovascular strength. Doing this assignment and reading this chapter have helped me understand how important motivation is when it comes to getting things done. If a person does not have motivation or desire to do something, then it will be harder for them to do it. It will probably take them longer and they will not enjoy it. But when a person does have motivation, he or she will perform a task quickly and efficiently. When it comes to my own list, I have noticed that it is easier for me to do the things that are of low importance. I think this is because the high importance tasks and goals require more effort, and generally people do not want to do things that take a lot of effort.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Make my bed, sweeping the floor, and organizing my desk.
Low Motivation and High Importance: Wash my dishes, planning out my week, studying.
High Motivation and Low Importance: Texting and snapchatting my friends, texting my boyfriend, browsing social media.
High Motivation and High Importance: Getting my homework done, getting my boyfriend’s birthday present, shopping.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Make more friends at school instead of relying on those from high school.
Low Motivation and High Importance: Eat healthier and try to cut desserts out except for on special occasions.
High Motivation and Low Importance: Take as many weekend and day trips as possible.
High Motivation and High Importance: Ultimately do well in school, keep up a strong relationship with my boyfriend who lives an hour away, and stay healthy by working out a few times a week.

This was an interesting assignment in that it forced me to look at what I am really striving for and maybe what I should be striving for better. One thing that I have recently really been focusing on is my health. I have always been that one person everyone knows who can eat anything they want and never gain weight. However, I recently realized that this can only last for so long, and that I need to start eating healthier and working out to be truly healthy, inside and out. Working out has become something that I am very motivated to do. I am only 19, I should be able to run a mile without getting winded, and now I can! It is something that I’ve become really proud of.
Something that I definitely need to focus on is studying more. I do all of my assignments, but after I do those I feel like that’s all I need to do. Like somehow I am justifiable exempt from studying since I do all of my assignments. However, recent escapades in my midterms have shown me that maybe I should put as much time into studying as I put into doing assignments. I’m doing fine in school, mostly A’s and B’s, but I know that I can do better!
However, I am really struggling to see the importance in making new friends. While I have definitely met at least four or five new people that I talk to on a regular basis, I do not really hang out with them (with the exception of my roommate and my friend’s roommate). I have a really strong group of friends from high school, and a majority of us all happened to end up at UNI. Usually we go home on the weekends and all hang out with those who were left behind. I do not see us breaking up in the near future, seeing as we are all staying in touch really well.
Reflecting on my tasks and goals has definitely clarified that I need to study more. I have the time to, I may as well use it. I really need to leave my phone alone while doing so, too. Even though I hide it while I do homework and study, it always ends up in my hands. I am still unsure about the importance of making more friends here. I think the people I have met and those my friends are meeting will be sufficient enough.
I think that I am doing very well with my high motivation and high importance goals. My boyfriend is a huge part of my life, but we both have agreed that school needs to come first. I am also in two fitness classes at the WRC. Over the summer, my boyfriend and I have plans to jog together. I think I am doing pretty good!

Low Motivation & Low Importance: making bed every morning, doing laundry
Low Motivation & High Importance: doing homework, grocery shopping, going to class, going to work,
High Motivation & Low Importance: watching Netflix, going on social media, shopping, napping, going out on the weekends
High Motivation & High Importance: sleeping, eating, showering, spending time with friends

Low Motivation & Low Importance: keeping room clean, doing dishes after using them
Low Motivation & High Importance: start eating healthier, work out more, look for an apartment for next year
High Motivation & Low Importance: travel, buy a new car, clean apartment every day
High Motivation & High Importance: getting good grades, move up in current job, save money

After putting a lot of thought into this assignment, I realized what is really important and what isn’t so important. I tend to do the things that I am more motivated to do, because I enjoy them, which are often not the most important things. For example, for the Tasks grid, I put watching Netflix as High Motivation & Low Importance. I am very motivated to watch Netflix, even though I have other things that I should be doing, like my homework, which I put under Low Motivation & High Importance. This really showed me that I need to set priorities. There are times when I finally convince myself to do homework, but rather than actually doing the homework, I get it out, open it up, and go on social media instead. I often get distracted by things that are not substantial to my well-being. Facebook and Twitter wont help me get good grades, and in turn help me to get a high paying job, studying will. I think this assignment really opened my eyes to what is going to help me succeed in life and what is not. I was actually laughing at myself when I was coming up with the list for things that I considered to be High Motivation & Low Importance. It makes you realize how silly some of the things that we care about most can be.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: cleaning fish bowl, cleaning guinea pig cage, taking the trash out
Low Motivation and High Importance: working out, eating healthy, doing homework, studying, always going to class, going to work, get enough sleep, study for tests ahead of time
High Motivation and Low Importance: watch Netflix, online shop, check social media’s, spend money on dumb things, going out
High Motivation and High Importance: staying organized, do the dishes, keep things tidy, doing laundry, check grades

Low Motivation and Low Importance: lose weight, keeping up with the expensive trends, take trash out when necessary, clean pet’s homes every other week
Low Motivation and High Importance: study daily for tests and not just the night before, don’t procrastinate, get more sleep
High Motivation and Low Importance: keep room clean and organized with my bed made
High Motivation and High Importance: raising my GPA, no C’s this year, don’t sleep through work

Looking at the tasks part of this assignment is pretty clarifying and a little motivating to me. It is obvious that I need to reevaluate some of my priorities. I can also see I need to try and be a little less of a clean freak and maybe direct that time towards more important things like working out or doing homework earlier so that I can get more sleep at night. Looking at the goals section is not as shocking to me because I am aware of most of this. I keep reminding myself of how badly I want to do better this year as opposed to last, grade wise specifically. I would like to increase the importance of working out regularly and losing weight so that is something I see I need to make more time for. Doing this assignment has mainly just reminded me of my goals that are important to me. It also opens my eyes to things I should worry less about, like Netflix, social media’s, spending money, and so on.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Making my bed, Putting away laundry, shaving
Low Motivation & High Importance: homework, going to class, Writing a paper
High Motivation & Low Importance: Eating food, learning how to knit, Learning how to use light room 
High Motivation & High Importance: working out, getting good grades, Getting into the business school 

Low Motivation & Low Importance: To shower every day, Pick up my room 
Low Motivation & High Importance: Finish my paper, Read a chapter for classes, stay head in classes
High Motivation & Low Importance: Draw once a day, Take a photo a day
High Motivation & High Importance: Go to WRC at least 4 times a week, Get good grades in classes

I had to really think about theses answers because its not something you do every day to figure out what needs to be done and what is important and whats not. I was hard to put things that I actually enjoy doing in the low importance, but they are. I have realized that I have very low motivation to do homework and finish papers.. but that is a actually really important for my high motivations and high importance because I would like to get good grades and get into the business school. Therefor I need to work on getting my motivation up to achieve those goals and work on doing better in that type of tasks. This also layed out for me how I get distracted easily, because all of my high motivations are things that I do instead of my important tasks like keeping my room clean and doing well in classes.

Tasks: Low motivation, Low importance; Going to Wal-Mart to get more Oreos.
Low motivation, High importance; Doing accounting homework
High motivation, Low importance; Watching reruns on TV
High motivation, High importance; Going to workout
Goals: Low motivation, Low importance; Don’t wear boots everyday
Low motivation, High importance; Study so I don’t fail more tests
High motivation, Low importance; Spending time with friends
High motivation, High importance; Getting stronger
My first task of going to Wal-Mart to get more Oreos is low motivation, low importance because I already have Oreos in my room, can never have enough though, but the walk to C lot decreases my motivation. Something I have low motivation and high importance is to do accounting homework due to the fact that once you get behind, it is a struggle to get back on top of things. High motivation, low importance is watching reruns on TV. This is what usually ends up happening for me rather than doing the accounting homework which is a task that shouldn’t be relevant. Finally something I have high motivation to do, and a high importance is to workout. It is important to go out and be active to live a heathy life, work off those Oreos as well, and also get your mind off of school work for a couple hours.
There are many other goals in life I have, but at this point I have low motivation and low importance to wear boots every day. Over the summer and back home I wear them daily, but here at school it really doesn’t matter if I wear them or shoes. Something for low motivation and high importance is for me to study more so I don’t fail when it comes time to testing. This is a good goal for me because I often become distracted or not motivated to do so. High motivation and low importance is spending time with friends. This is in high demand for me because it veers my thoughts about school, and more on having fun. Yes having fun is important, but getting good grades is more important. And finally high motivation with high importance is getting stronger. This is on high importance because being in shape or feeling confident with your body is good for the motivation of being social, outgoing, and having more fun in activities.
This assignment has taught me to organize my priorities more and not focus on the little things that have no impact on my life. I do have OCD which means I am organized and like things to be in place so I know where everything is, but it doesn’t always organize activities in daily life, distractions, that block the path to achieve my desired goal.

Low motivation & low importance: Keeping my side of the room (mainly the floor) clean, organize my drawers/shelves, picking up dirty clothes.
Low motivation & high importance: Studying without distractions, stay in shape, walking to different classes.
High motivation & low importance: Catch up on Netflix, repaint my nails, check Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, or Pinterest.
High motivation & high importance: Finish required homework, keep in touch with family, get enough sleep.
Low motivation & low importance: Stop chewing my nails due to stress, have a free reading book, do more scrapbooking.
Low motivation & high importance: Study without Netflix, don’t get distracted by friends, don’t put off studying.
High motivation & low importance: Finish my coloring book, finish Friday Night Lights on Netflix, watch Star Wars by the end of the semester.
High motivation & high importance: Study class notes before the next class so I’m more caught up, have my marching band music memorized at soon as possible, work out at the WRC, find a job.
I never really thought that there was a big difference between tasks and goals. While they do go hand in hand, they are also slightly different. A task is an everyday thing that needs to be done for that day. A goal is something that one hopes to accomplish in their lifetime. This assignment helped me reflect on myself and how motivated I am to accomplish certain things every day.
I realized there are many tasks I need to do every day. For example, I absolutely need to study, do a required piece of homework, and keep myself away from distractions. However, my motivation level for those tasks are not as high as my motivation to accomplish other tasks, such as catching up on Netflix. Because I enjoy Netflix more than I enjoy studying, my motivation is different when it comes to these tasks. However, this assignment helped me realize that I do have low motivation for important tasks. In order to succeed in college and in life, I need to help myself get more motivated to study and accomplish important tasks every day.
It was only slightly more difficult to think of my goals that I have for myself. I know that I have a few goals, like working out more and succeeding in college. When it comes to important goals, like earning high grades in college, my motivation has always been high. I never let myself fail a class. However, other important goals, like working out, are less motivating to me. Although they are important, I never seem to try very hard. Some of the goals that I listed as low-importance include finishing a TV series, finishing a coloring book, and read more. As I was listing them, I realized that these are simple, easy goals to accomplish. I have high motivation for goals that are fairly easy to accomplish. I also realized that I had lower motivation for the more important goals, just like with tasks. Each of my goals listed are of great importance to me, but it is difficult to find high motivation for some of the tougher goals.
I would say that this assignment has really clarified some issues for me. I learned that the more difficult the task or goal is, the lower motivation I have to accomplish it. I feel like I should find a way to help myself become more motivated to actually accomplish more things. I could definitely do more, but I just need to push myself a little harder in order to actually achieve something. Tasks and goals are very important, and I must find a way to have high motivation to accomplish them if I really want to succeed in life.

Low Motivation Tasks:
Some tasks I consider myself having low motivation for are getting up on the weekends and getting up from a nap. Waking up, however, is highly important to me because I need to get to class on time and be prepared for the day. I pay a lot of money to go here and get an education, so I should not squander it by sleeping in. Sometimes I have low motivation to make myself look nice for the day because I’d rather sleep in longer. This is between the middle of low and high importance for me because I really want to make a good impression and feel presentable, but it is college and half the people here wear sweatpants/pajamas to class. I have low motivation to do my Theater homework and it has low importance to me because it is not graded or checked. Though enjoyable, I feel the need to prioritize my most important homework first. Another thing I have low motivation for is studying. I will spend hours and hours studying and creating study guides but I hate doing it and will constantly look for ways to put it off or distract myself. It has high importance to me, but it drives me crazy to have to do it.

High Motivation Tasks:
Some tasks I have high motivation for are recreational events such as swimming, coloring/drawing, writing, reading, watching TV, playing videogames, and messing around on my computer. I have high motivation for these tasks because they are fun and relaxing and help me to get my mind off of the real world. However, they are of low importance to my career, but of high importance to my personal lifestyle. I will stop studying or working on homework for an entire hour if my show is on. I will even refuse to hang out with friends. The show is just that important to me. High motivation tasks that have high importance to me are working on projects. If a project is due in three weeks, you can bet I’m working on it the week it is assigned. I hate procrastinating and always want to stay on top of the project. I enjoy getting it done early and being able to relax while everyone else is stressing out and scrambling to get done.

Low Motivation Goals:
I had a goal to get great grades in high school and graduate as honors and with the white cords, but I was lowly motivated to get through each class day. By my senior year I developed what is known as “senior-itis” and I rarely paid attention in class and took poor notes. I stopped caring about getting things done because my classes were so easy and graduation was getting closer and closer. Another low motivation goal I had was being well known and liked, but this one was low importance. I cared for a while what people thought of me and tried to be nice to everyone, but after getting tired of being pushed around and exploited I put up walls and defended myself. This caused my reputation to suffer and I was labeled as “stuck-up” and a “try hard”. Even though I still cared that some people didn’t like me, I stopped trying to be on everyone’s good side and focused on the relationships with my true friends and family. Another low motivation goal that had low importance was my ACT score. I really wanted a good score on my ACT, but I was unwilling to put the time and effort into studying and preparing for it. I basically just showed up and relied on my previous knowledge to get me through the three hour test.

High Motivation Goals:
I was highly motivated to get a 4.0 GPA through all of high school so I could graduate with honors and earn the white cords. This was the sole important goal I had for myself and I worked very hard and took every class seriously in order to achieve it. I did achieve it and felt proud and dignified when I walked across stage and received my diploma. Only about fourteen people earned this honor, and I was one of them. Another high motivation goal I had was to get a good part in the play. I got the lead and had a spectacular, unforgettable time. This was of high importance to me as well, but in retrospect of low importance for it was just a hobby and not something I was going to transfer onto or help my college and professional career. Another high motivation goal that is lowly important is being in a relationship and having kids. It is defiantly something I want to do in the future but it is not something I am too concerned about now. And finally, a high motivation goal that has high importance to me is getting my degree in English teaching and becoming a teacher. I am very concerned about how I am to achieve my major and have been staying on top of all the projects and papers I need to do and fill out to stay on track. I have met with my advisor and gotten help from him as well. I even had a breakdown due to fear that I was falling behind. This is a goal that has high importance to me because it is something I desperately want for my future.

For this assignment, I had to talk about tasks and goals I’m lowly or highly motivated for that hold low and high importance to me. I found this exercise interesting and different from what we have done before. It helped me to look at my character in new ways and understand my priorities better. I found the goal section strange, however, for I feel all my goals are important to me. I tried to think about how important they are to my imminent survival instead to better grasp which tasks and goals I need and could live without. Overall, this assignment helped to clarify the issues of low and high goals. It doesn’t matter how motivated you are to do something but how important it is to you. For example, I didn’t want to study for my test but I still did it and put the time in to get a good grade. Motivation is not something we can just control, to turn on or off. It has to do with how your body and mind work together and how your experiences and interests influence your lifestyle. As long as you get your priorities straight, you don’t have to worry about not being enthusiastic about a project when everyone else is.

Low Motivation/ Importance: Wake up early
High Motivation/ Importance: Go to class
Low Motivation & High Importance: Homework
High Motivation & Low Importance: Clean my room
Low Motivation/ Importance: Study/prepare for test
High Motivation/ Importance: Lose weight get fit
Low Motivation & High Importance: Get book report done
High Motivation & Low Importance: Drive home for the weekend

I started to motivate myself to get my works done by using those two charts for the past four days and it was kind of helpful to me because it helps me to be more organize about what I need to do and what I want to accomplish. To me filling in the low motivation categories were much easier than filling in the high motivation categories. It was really easy to mix up between what I need to get done and what I want to finish. Most of the time my motivation about getting my homework done is really low because I get distracted very easy. I not a morning person therefore waking up in the morning is a big deal for me unless if I can loose weight every morning, then waking up early would not be a problem to me. Go to class is being listed under high motivation, If I miss one class then there is going to be more work for me to get done plus I like going to class. Homework, no one like doing homework and other school related works that including me. Homework is important because that is how we earn our points that is why homework is listed under the low motivation and high importance category. Since after I move away from home I became a neat freak, it irritated me when I see something is not in the right spot and I hate to see my room unorganized therefore it motivate me to clean my room every night. Study and well prepare for test is one of my main goal because I need to pass in order to graduate but this is similar to doing homework this is kind of like a long term goal and the distance from where I'm standing to my goal is very huge and I easy get distracted along the way. I really concern about my weight and get upset when gaining weight therefore my motivation is really high. I sign up many fitness class as I can and try to stay active and I really enjoying doing workout that's why it listed under high motivation and importance because it make me feel good but because of the differ in strength, sometime it make me feel unmotivated. Getting book report done as soon as possible is one of my goal because if I can get it done fast then I don't have to worry about it anymore but reading is not my thing therefore I still finding motivation to finish the book. I have so many work to get done it take more than 6 hours to drive back and forth therefore I don't drive home every week because I need that 6 hours to get things done and I really want to go home that's why it listed under High motivation. This assignment make me realized how unorganized I am and if I keep being like this I will not get a chance to graduate. I have to find motivations to increase my interest in doing homework.
Terms: Motivation, needs, differ in strength

Low Motivation/Low Importance: doing laundry, picking up my room
Low Motivation/High Importance: studying, going to bed earlier
High Motivation/Low Importance: watching Netflix, going out on the weekends
High Motivation/High Importance: working out, hanging out with friends

Low Motivation/Low Importance: keeping my room clean for more than one day
Low Motivation/High Importance: save money, stop shopping, doing homework
High Motivation/Low Importance: watch all the episodes of “Friends”
High Motivation/High Importance: get good grades, having a good job

This assignment was difficult for me. I really had to think what my goals were, what I really wanted to accomplish. This experience has reflected where my priorities are. Keeping my room clean isn’t a big priority to me right now, but getting good grades is my goal right now. And because I know what this goal is I’m going to work hard for it. With this being my goal I know that I can’t skip class to sleep in, I have to be there and take good notes while I’m there. It also made me realize that instead of watching Netflix or “Friends” or going out, I need to do more important things like work out and study. This assignment really made me take a step back and realize the importance in everything.

Cassandra Rutledge
Your Goals
Low Importance
Low Motivation
Cleaning Dorm Room
Doing Laundry
Packing Clothes
Organizing my stuff
High Motivation
Reading book from IPod
Taking a break from School
High Motivation
High Importance
Talking to My Advisor
Checking Emails
Doing My Checkbook
Doing Homework
Figuring out my future
Getting Good Grades
Passing Classes
Planning My Future
Calling My Mom
Low Importance
Low Motivation
Netflix Binge On A Weekend
Getting family gifts
Staying connected with Friends back home
Cleaning my Dorm Room

High Motivation
Lose Weight
Dress Up once in awhile
Getting rid of zits
Earning money so I can buy new boots
Break from school
High Motivation
High Importance
Passing Classes
Studying for my last Midterm
Staying caught up with homework
Getting good grades
Catching Up On Sleep
Finish My scrapbook
Getting rid of my headaches
Making a list of what I need for this weekend
While I was working on the tasks I realized it was easier for me to coming up with the things that I had to do for today and the following days. When I was doing the goals it took me a little longer to figure them out because I have not had the time to just sit down, and think about what is important to me at this very moment. This has shown me that I need to start thinking about what is more important for me to do right now: like getting good grades and talking with my advisor. The things that can wait are Netflix, cleaning, and organizing, etc. This assignment helped me organize what I need to do first and so on.

I do many tasks regularly everyday or every week. One of the most important things that I have low motivation for homework, but it is high importance. As in homework I mean readings, worksheets, online assignments and other random projects. I also have low motivation for cleaning, but it me that’s high importance because I like living in a clean environment. Another thing that is low motivation but high importance is laundry. I hate doing my laundry because I have to sit with it because I am scared someone will steal something. I hate doing it but I have to so I have clean clothes to wear. One last thing that I have low motivation for but it is high importance is grocery shopping. I do not like grocery shopping because it takes forever and putting grocery’s away is one of the worst things, but I have to do it otherwise I will not have food to eat.
One thing that I have low motivation for and it is low importance is getting my car washed. It takes forever and who cares if your car is clean? I just get it washed if my parents pay or it is hard to see out of my windshield. Another thing that is low importance and I have low motivation to do is getting my eyebrows waxed. I hate doing it and I have no motivation to do so. I only do it if I absolutely have too. Shopping is something I have low motivated for and it is not very important to me. I do like getting news clothes, but I hate going. I will only go if my mom makes me otherwise she still buys me all my clothes. The last thing that I have low motivation for and it is not very important is taking cans back. My dad makes us do it, but I take the longest possible time to do it. I will only do it if my dad starts yelling.
Something that I have high motivation for and is important to me is working out. I love working and it I am always motivated to go to CrossFit and work out everyday. I have high motivation for seeing my family and it is important to me. My family is very important and I love seeing them and hanging out with them. Another thing I have high motivation for and it is important to me eating healthy. I am motivated to eat healthy and I like doing it because I see a result. The last thing that I have high motivation for and is important to me is organizing my work everyday. I love organizing and it is important to me, so I know what I have to do for the day.
One thing that I have high motivation for but is not important is doing fun things on weeknights. I always really want to go have fun with my friends but it is not very important unless I have all my homework done. Another thing that I have high motivation for but is low importance is watching Criminal Minds. I am so motivated to do so all the time, but it is not very important compared to a lot of other stuff I have to do. I am very motivated to nap but it is not very important. I try not too, but sometime I cannot help it. One last thing that I have high motivation for but it is not very important is sleeping in. Who doesn’t want to sleep in but it is not very important if I get to or not.
I have a goal to compete in a CrossFit competition and I am very motivated to do so. I go to class everyday and get strong this is something that is very important for me. Another goal for me is after I graduate is to go get my masters. This is a very important goal for me and I value it tremendously because it is something I have always wanted to do. I feel that all my goals are very motivating and high importance to me because if I wasn’t motivated to do so and it was not important than it wouldn’t be considered a goal in my opinion. This assignment clarified a lot for me it made me realize what really is important to me and even if I don’t have high motivation for something it is important to do which makes me a little more motivated to do so. It also made me realize that every goal I make

Low motivation/low importance – putting my clothing away, making my bed
Low motivation/high importance – working out, reading, sketching in my sketchbook, making new friends
High motivation/low importance – netflix binging, indulgent eating (going out/sweets), social media
High motivation/high importance – homework, going to class, maintaining my relationships, relaxation

Low motivation/low importance - put clothes away today (insert any day of the week), going to all of the club meetings I’m involved in
Low motivation/high importance – buying new music/updating my music library, exercise at least 3 times a week, read 2 books a month for personal enjoyment
High motivation/low importance – updating my wardrobe, watching tv. shows weekly
High motivation/high importance – passing all my classes with at least all B’s, sleep at least 6 hours a night, eating enough each day (3 meals), communicating and connecting with someone every day

This assignment really got me thinking about the tasks and goals that take up my daily life. I thought deeply about why I do the things I do and what is important to me. I’ve always enjoyed sorting things of this nature into lists, when I flip through my childhood journals they are filled with lists of things that were important to me. Although, for this particular assignment I experienced some difficulty determining what exactly the idea of importance meant to me and how it, in turn effected my motivation levels. Lately I’ve been feeling the quite perplexing emotion of inadequacy in the things I say I love, I find myself thinking, “why don’t I put more the things that are important to and interest me?” Then when I begin asking myself questions like these, I start questioning if I’m really interested in what I think I am or if I’m just a big phony. This assignment helped me sort out an answer to this conundrum. I found that it’s not that I’m lying to myself about the things that are important to me, its that I’m having difficulty balancing out everything that is important to me with the time and energy I have.

To me, there are tasks and goals that I know are not highly important in the greater scheme of things are, like buying new music, keeping up with a certain tv show, or preparing a Halloween costume, but they are important to me on a personal level. Naturally, I tend to me more motivated for tasks that are important to me, but as I went through and thought hard about what I really do with my time I realized that I procrastinate/have low motivation for certain important activities. I think this is because, I have different levels and groupings of “high” importance, there are activities that I have to do/am held responsible for/need to do (like school work and maintaining relationships) that I hold important and then there are activities that relate to my personal interests that I also hold up to be very important. However, I only have so much energy to keep me motivated though out the day and it is hard to balance out my more personal interests with the more professional and social tasks. I find that I tend to gravitate towards dedicating much more of my motivation to things such as schoolwork and trying to maintain a semblance of a social life, so when it comes to personal things like reading for fun and making art I don’t have much energy left to motivate myself to do them, even though they are things I hold important.

I think the reason that there are several things that show up in my high motivation/low importance category for both goals and tasks relates to the amount of energy I have to devote to the more important tasks. When I feel more warn out and unmotivated, a different type of motivation/drive kicks in that gives me the desire to spend my time doing things I don’t really care about like watching dumb shows on Netflix or mindlessly scrolling through social media websites.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Wash my dishes, making my bed, cleaning my dirty laundry.
Low Motivation & High Importance: Write my Blog for Psychology, finishing my report, donating plasma for money.
High Motivation & Low Importance: Run after my classes, lift weights, play video games.
High Motivation & High Importance: Study for my biology test,

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Keep my room clean throughout the whole week; Do my laundry once the hampers full.
Low Motivation & High Importance: Get good grades in all of my classes, get my home work two days in advance.
High Motivation & Low Importance: Produce a six-pack of abs, Step up my shoe game by buying more shoes.
High Motivation & High Importance: Study a week before each test so I can get a good grade. Giving back to my community.

I found out that this assignment was very helpful for my self in a variety of ways. I always had goals and task I wanted to do but once you put them in words and on paper it’s a whole different perception of view. This made me evaluate my self on why I haven’t met the tasks or goals I wanted to do. Lately my motivation has gone down due to certain things affecting my personal life, which is one reason why my task and goals are taking longer then what I hoped. It has effected my motivation to the point that I don’t care as much about anything anymore. The only way I really picked up on my motivation going away was because of this assignment. When I started it I began with the tasks and with in the task I began with the lowest motivation and lowest importance which I wrote down washing my dishes, making my bed and doing my laundry. These tasks are somewhat important to me but not as much as other things Id like to have done which is why my room is mostly messy all the time. The next task was low motivation with high importance I decided writing my blog for this class went into this category because I always wait last minute to do it but it needs to get done. My high motivation but low importance is the category I like most because its all about me and I never have to worry about anything else when I’m doing these task that’s why its so relaxing when I’m performing them. My goal are a whole different story then what my task are. I haven’t really given my self enough time to think about my goals and really sit down and put them into motion. Starting off the chart with my first goals that are low in motivation and importance is keeping my room clean for a whole week. It’s a great goal because no one wants to see a messy room but I don’t have a problem with what people think about it because no one usually comes over. My next one is low motivation high importance for this goal its very had for me to do I just can get my self wrapped around the fact that I need to study every day to get good grades and that’s why I put getting good grades in that category. Once again the same category for my tasks I liked the most is the same I like for the goals. The high motivation low importance staying fit honestly makes my life much happier and I think almost should be the most important thing to do in life. Now a days we have to work hard financially to become some what happy with our lives back in time staying fit eating right working hard at chores is what people did to become happy some what the rolls have changed. Lastly my high motivation and importance is to get the best grades as possible just as anyone else would not only I’d like to do that but id really love to give back to my community at home because they did so much for my self growing up in such a wonderful town. This assignment has declared a few issues for myself. I need to really sit down and figure out my schedule a lot better so I can study every night and still maintain a fun life. Studying will help me in and out of the classroom also seeing improvements on my grades would be a great feeling.

Low motivation tasks:
Everyday, I have to do many low motivation, plus low importance tasks such as making my bed, folding clothes after laundry, putting my books away after reading them. I personally don’t like doing those tasks, so I often consider skipping through them as one of my options. Not only low motivation and low importance, but also low motivation and high importance involves doing homework, studying a tests, doing laundry, etc. For me, those tasks are not motivated, but I have to perform it to keep up with life.
High motivation tasks:
Speaking of high motivation with low importance, tasks I have included a lot of those tasks into my daily life such as listening to music, watching a new episodes of Black is the New Orange on Netflix. Those tasks are not important, but somehow, they are highly motivated once I got to my dorm room. And then high motivation with high importance tasks are eating good breakfast, taking showers, keeping in touch with family, etc. These high motivation tasks are getting done every single day of my life whether it is high motivation or low motivation.
Low motivation goals:
Low motivation and low importance goals to me are making beds, putting stuff back after using them. And for low motivation with high importance goals are eating healthy and drink more water. To me, these tasks are difficult to be done because the level of motivation they are. I don’t usually look at how important the goal or the task is, but I often look at it as how motivated am I in doing this task or achieving this goal?
High motivation goals:
For high motivation and low importance goals, I immediately think of getting in shape for the summer. It is highly motivated me, but the importance level is not so high. Not that getting a shape is not important, but there are more goals that should be more important. And for high motivation with high importance, I would like to passing classes with decent grades for all of my four years of college.
While doing this assignment, I looked at the instruction and immediately think of what to write because it involves in my everyday life. There are tasks that are not motivated and high or low importance that I have to do. Same with high motivation tasks, I have to perform them in every day whether they are important or no. But I have a little struggling thinking of what my goals are because I have a lot of goals that I set for myself, but I don’t know how they’re going. To me, every goals were the same amount of motivation and importance. But if compare them with each others, some is a little higher motivation and higher importance in my school and career success.

For this assignment I had to really think deeper into what I do and it importance and how motivated I am to do those things. To complete this chart I had to really think outside my box and put things that I have once thought about but forgot about.


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Making my bed and washing dishes
Low Motivation/High Importance: Reading for class, going to class
High Motivation/Low Importance: Buy shoes, eating at fast food restaurants
High Motivation/ High Importance: Going to Church, eating healthy


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Making my bed every day, eating at fast food restaurants
Low Motivation/High Importance: Read every day, work out
High Motivation/Low importance: Having spending money, buying new clothes
High Motivation/High Importance: Studying, eating healthy

I enjoy doing these types of assignment they let me get involved in more than just reading and answering questions. It seems as if I am more focused on being lazy looking at my tasks than I am in my goals. For my goals I tend to want to eat healthy, workout and do better in classes and the reading assigned. It’s easy to say that I want to become more fit in that being in college can out a few pounds on your body as well as stress. I am very interested to see how my tasks will change to my goals and if they so how fast might that happen. This assignment clarified so much like how lazy I am and how I need to have more goals set.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: print off stuff, going to work
Low Motivation & High Importance: getting homework done, doing papers
High Motivation & Low Importance: watching TV, making sure everything is put away
High Motivation & High Importance: sleep, eating

Low Motivation & Low Importance: making my bed, not wear the same clothes
Low Motivation & High Importance: vacuuming, meeting new people
High Motivation & Low Importance: exercising, having fun at college
High Motivation & High Importance: going to bed at a reasonable time, completing college

This was an interesting assignment for me to do. It really shows what you as a person thinks is important and where every ranks when you put it into perspective. When I was thinking about task and goals, I thought about them in separate ways. I found tasks to be more of things that I would be doing everyday and stuff that needed to be done daily. On the other hand with goals, these can be things that are daily goals at the same time or goals that you have for yourself in the future. When looking at the tasks that I wrote down, some were more important than others. One of the most important tasks for me that I have to do each day is eat. I love to eat and if I am the least bit hungry, I will find something to satisfy my hunger. There are other things that are of high importance that I should get done, but I never have any motivation to do them. I do not really like to write papers but if I want to meet my goal of completing college, I know that I have too. There are also things that I am highly motivated to do but they are as important like watching television or putting things away. There are many goals in my life that are goals that are daily goals, but I also have a few that are in the future. Trying to not wear the same clothes is hard for me because I don’t like to change things up that easy but it is one of my goals to achieve that. Completing college has always been one of my lifelong goals so that I can go on to get a good job and live a happy life. I also have goals for meeting new people and having the time of my life at college. This assignment has cleared up some things about me that I may not have known about myself. It made me think about what was important to me and make me write it down.


Low Motivation, Low Importance: making my bed, doing the dishes

Low Motivation, High Importance: doing homework on time, getting up for classes in the morning

High Motivation, Low Importance: keeping room clean, working out

HIgh Motivation, High Importance: working, donating plasma


Low Motivation,Low Importance: watching t.v., not wearing sweats all the time

Low Motivation, High Importance: going home more often, not spending money on things I don’t need

High Motivation, Low Importance: doing dishes after using them, hanging with friends more often

High Motivation, High Importance: doing all assignments on time, going to bed earlier during the week.

When doing this assignment, I had to really think about the tasks I do and what level of importance they were. When I get up in the morning for my 8 A.M. class I never have any motivation to make my bed. I know that I will be sleeping in my bed that night and figure that making the bed would be too much work. Whenever I use a dish, I never wash it right away. I usually am in a rush to get somewhere and tell myself I’ll do it later, but that never happens.

I have to be honest and say that I don’t have high motivation to do my homework, although it has high importance to me. I either am too tired after classes or I procrastinate and watch many t.v. episodes on Netflix. I then realize I still have a lot of reading to do for class the next day, but it is already 10 at night. I also have low motivation to get up in the morning and get ready for class. I am always tired and I always tell myself I can sleep for five more minutes. This usually leads me to rush getting ready because those five minutes turned into twenty.

With my high motivation for the low importance I put in keeping the room clean and working out. I like having our room clean so when friends come over, they don’t see a mess. I always try to keep my stuff picked up and organized so the room doesn’t get too messy. I also like working out, but this is not a high importance for me. I try to work out a least once or twice a week, depending on what events I have going on during the week. For my tasks with high motivation and high importance I put working because I know I need a job so I can afford to buy new things. I only work on the weekends so I can get all of my studies done during the week. The last thing in this category is donating plasma. I really want to keep donating because it is a great way to help out other people and easy to make money.

I hope to work at my goals and make sure I can accomplish them. I would like to go home a little bit more and see my family. I have only gone home three times this semester and I live about an hour and a half away. I also want to stay ahead in my classes and make sure that I accomplish all of my homework. I procrastinated with homework in high school and I do not want to procrastinate in college. I know that I need to work hard so I can graduate and get the degree I need.
This assignment made me realize that in order for me to be successful, I need to be motivated to accomplish my goals. I need to start adjusting how and when I go my assignments. I can not wait any longer and keep telling myself I’ll start next week. I need to start today. The sooner I start, I know I will be on the right path and will be successful.

Low Motivation – Low Importance: Do Laundry, Wash Dishes
Low Motivation – High Importance: Reading, Studying, Homework
High Motivation – Low Importance: Play Xbox, Watch House M.D
High Motivation – High Importance: Make girlfriend happy, Call Grandma
Low Motivation – Low Importance: Work out more often, Eat Healthier
Low Motivation – High Importance: Volunteer more, Study more
High Motivation – Low Importance: Save money, watch less TV
High Motivation – High Importance: Become a Doctor, Keep up grades
While doing this assignment it was somewhat hard to come up with tasks for me for high motivation and high importance. I have never really thought of what I do during the day that I was motivated to do and was important to me. Then I went through my day and very early it hit me. I also had a problem coming up with low importance goals. I think all of my goals are very important, and I could separate them easily based on just importance. I did then rank them somewhat and put them in the chart the way I thought was most fitting. Overall I really enjoyed this experiment and it got me thinking about what I do in my daily life for tasks, and seeing if I was doing things to meet those goals.
Looking at all of my tasks and goals you can see some correlation. I have a high motivation to keep up my grades, but in my tasks I show I don’t have the motivation to study. Also I have that I should study more. This is a problem I have seen by doing this exercise. If I want to keep up my grades I am going to have to improve my motivation to study and read. This will help me reach my goal I have high motivation to achieve. I probably am not the only one who doesn’t have a lot of motivation to study, but wants high grades, but I need to first identify that and that is what this exercise pointed out to me. I will have to do other things to raise my motivation to study.
Another thing this helped me see is that my tasks and goal for the high motivation – low importance section were opposites. I want to watch less TV, but yet I have high motivation to do so. I think this is very weird. I did this without thinking about what I put for my tasks, so seeing this after was kind of strange. I know I should watch TV and play Xbox, but I do it anyway. It is a stress reliever and you do need to do that, but I must think I don’t need to as much when I want to achieve these goals.

TASKS: low motivation/low importance: making my bed everyday, getting a car wash, getting ready for classes
low motivation/high importance: doing laundry, studying for tests, doing homework every night, waking up for 8am class, shaving
High motivation/low importance: going shopping, watching TV or Netflix, looking at social media
High motivation/high importance: working out, passing my classes with A or B, talking to family members
GOALS: low motivation/low importance: keep my desk organized
low motivation/high importance: stop biting my nails, getting homework done quicker without my friends around
high motivation/low importance: Travel somewhere new every year
high motivation/high importance: Get A’s or B’s in all of my classes every year
TASKS: (low motivation/low importance): I have very low motivation to make my bed everyday because to me it seems like a waste of time. I know I will get back into it either after my classes, or when I go to bed that same day. Also getting a car wash regularly. My car is a 2004 Xterra and as much as I love it, I don’t treat is as my prized possession like others may, and I don’t want to spend money for it on trying to make it look perfect when I know I’ll be driving it every day. Lastly, I have little motivation to put on make up/ dress nice for class because I know I will sit and either take notes or a test and I would rather feel comfortable in sweatpants, than look nice while doing it. (low motivation/high importance): I don’t like doing laundry because it takes a lot of time to sit and wait for my clothes but it is something that needs to be done. I also don’t enjoy studying for tests/doing my homework but I know I need to if I want to get the grades I want. Along with that, I am not a morning person so I hate waking up for 8am’s, but I need to so I can know what I need to study to get a good grade. Also, every girl and even guy knows how annoying shaving can be, but it is something that needs to be done. (high motivation/low importance): I always am motivated to go shopping, but I don’t have any money and I know I have plenty of clothes, so it isn’t something that is very important. I also want to watch TV/Netflix whenever I can, but I also know that studying is more important than watching TV. Same thing goes for social media like Twitter or Instagram, whenever I am bored I find myself checking my phone for a while when I could be doing something more productive. (high motivation/high importance): I enjoy working out and I think it is important to workout during the week to stay healthy or even to relieve stress. Talking to my family members is also something I enjoy doing and it’s important because they help me with dealing with stress. The stress comes from schoolwork, but I want A or B’s in my classes this year and I think that is very important.
GOALS: (low motivation/low importance): Keeping my desk organized is something I want to do because I use it to get onto my bed, but even if it’s not perfectly organized, I can still use it. (low motivation/high importance): I have a bad habit of biting my nails and I want to stop because I know it isn’t a good habit, but I have little motivation to do so because I’ve had this habit for a long time. Also, I like to talk to my friends as much as I can but it doesn’t work very well when I’m trying to do my homework. So it’s important for me to do my homework alone to get it done faster and better, but I don’t want to not be with friends. (high motivation/low importance): I want to learn more about other places by traveling and seeing the world but I know that it isn’t something I need to do to survive. (high motivation/ high importance): It’s very important to me to get good grades throughout my college experience and by wanting to reach that goal I have more motivation to get there.

I found that it was hard to think of goals being low importance because you set goals for a reason, big or small and I think all of them are important. I also realized that the more high important goals are long-term goals that I need to focus on wanting to be able to accomplish. My goals have certainly changed from now since even last year. For example, I put working out under high motivation, but in high school I never focused on “working out” because I played sports, however I’m realizing that working out is more important to me now because I can’t stay in my high school body my whole life. This assignment took longer than I expected it to, but after sitting down and doing it I think I have a better understanding of priorities in my life.

Your Goals
The table was kind of difficult for me to fill out. I’ve never really sat down and thought about how motivated I am. Unfortunately, when it came to thinking about my low motivation tasks, a long list of things came up. One of my low motivation tasks with high importance is doing homework. Even though I have low motivation for it, I force myself to do it. I think part of the reason that I push myself through homework is the incentive to learn and get a good grades. I think that the reason I have low motivation for homework has to deal with stress. The more stressed that I am, the harder it is to do my homework. I get so overwhelmed with tasks that my motivation for it the slowly declines.
Even though my low motivation high importance list of tasks is long, my tasks with low motivation and low importance seems to be fair amount smaller than the first. Some of the low motivation, low importance tasks for me include the everyday tasks like making my bed. It seems unimportant to make my bed. No one ever sees my room and unmade bed besides myself, and an unmade bed doesn’t bother me. This category was the hardest for me to identify. I think this is because they of low importance to me, therefore I don’t even think of them. They are all simple and tedious tasks that I would rather do without.
Another list that was difficult for me to identify, were the low importance things that I have high motivation for. This was also a short list. I try not to spend too much time on things that have little importance. Typically I am so focused on my tasks with high importance, that I don’t have any time to waste. When I reach a really high stress level, I have a strong motivation to take a break and watch a movie or tv show. I have a high motivation for these only once in a blue moon. The things that I have high motivation for and high importance include my work. I spend a lot of time at my job. I am motivated to go to work because I like my job, and it has high importance because I have bills that need to be paid.
My goals with low motivation and low or high importance don’t exist. If I am not motivated and they are not important to me, they are not a goal at all. That goes the same for a goal with high motivation but low importance. If I consider myself having a goal, they are all important to me. I have high motivation for my goals, and they are of high importance to me. One of my biggest goals is figuring out where I want to be in the workplace. This is why I put so much work into tasks like my homework. Even though sometimes I feel like that goal is really far away, I push through it anyway, making myself a stronger person. Thinking about my goals and tasks is a very regular thing for me. It is what it takes for me to get through a day sometimes. I have a pretty good mind set of what I want and life, and reminding myself what it will take to get there and how far I have come helps motivate me to keep working hard and refresh my attitude.

Low Motivation/ Low Importance- Cleaning my room, making my bed, taking trash out everyday
Low Motivation/ High Importance- Doing my laundry, Studying for a test, working out
High Motivation/ Low Importance- buying new clothes, buying makeup, social media
High Motivation/ High Importance- Sleeping, attend all my classes, staying organized, call my mom once a day
Low Motivation/ Low Importance- stop painting my nails a different color every other day
Low Motivation/ High Importance- learn how to cook, Eat healthy
High Motivation/ Low Importance- going home every weekend
High Motivation/ High Importance- Getting good grads, graduate college, enjoy my time while I am here in college

First when I read this I did not think that this assignment was going to be hard. I though that I will do this fast, but when started doing it took me so long to think of all these things. I did not have anything I just say there for ten minutes, not a single word come to my mind. Through this activity I learned that it was difficult to come up with task then the goals. I also learned that if I do not have motivation to do something, then I will not do it, it is that I just do not feel like doing it. But I get my work done. Doing this assignment it gave me a clear picture of what my goal are. I now know what I need to improve on. It gave me an idea of what I like to do and what I do not. I know what are some of the things that I need to work on to reach my goals and be where I want to be in life.
Some of the task that I need to complete is keep my room clean and organized. I do my laundry but I do not enjoy that task. I also need to start to work out. I know that it is very important, but I just have a low motivation to do that. Once in a while I get the feel to go to WRC and workout, but it is not Constance.
Some of the goals that I need to achieve is not going home every weekend. I have not been home for past two weeks so I am improving. I just miss my mom. I also need to learn how to cook. I hate doing kitchen work.


Low Motivation & Low Importance: making bed, doing laundry

Low Motivation & High Importance: going to class, going to bed early

High Motivation & Low Importance: looking at twitter, hanging out with friends, playing PS4

High Motivation & High Importance: working out and practicing everyday, turning in daily homework assignments, getting enough sleep


Low Motivation & Low Importance: getting straight A’s in college, taking out trash

Low Motivation & High Importance: eating healthy all of the time, not procrastinating about homework

High Motivation & Low Importance: staying in touch with friends, keeping room clean

High Motivation & High Importance: managing money, passing all my classes, graduate

After doing this blog, it really put everything into perspective for me when it comes to my motivation for some things and my lack of motivation for other things, both important and not important. I really enjoyed this assignment to say the least. I think lists like this can really say a lot about a person, and I think this did for me as well. Basically when it comes to my tasks, I enjoy socializing with my friends as well as on twitter, even though it isn’t that important at the end of the day. I’m also highly motivated for working out and going to football practice, just because I like sports and being active. This I find very important, and I think a lot of people would agree. When it comes to a lack of motivation, it would definitely be making my bed and doing laundry, but I don’t think it’s as important as going to class, and going to bed at a decent time. One thing that I can probably go off of this is to go to bed at an earlier time, as well as going to all class. I just need to find the motivation for these things. My goals could be fixed too, such as eating healthy food every day, and not waiting till the night before to study for exams, as well as writing papers. If I just fix these highly important things, life should go a lot better and smoother for me.

Low Motivation/ Low Importance: Keeping my room clean, getting an A in every lac class

Low Motivation/ High Importance: Keeping up on readings for classes, working on projects for studio classes that I don’t like, working as many hours as possible, get outside.

High Motivation/ Low Importance: Watching Netflix, online shopping, working on poster designs for student organizations that aren’t for class,

High Motivation/ High Importance: Working on my art everyday, working on projects for studio classes that I like, transitioning to a vegan lifestyle

Low Motivation/ Low Importance: be a less messy person

Low Motivation/ High Importance: try to be social and reach out to people even if it scares you

High Motivation/ Low Importance: have nice “things”, be a top designer in my class,

High Motivation/ High Importance: find a graphic design job after school, travel to new places, try to remember to be kind to everyone, be happy and healthy and love myself unconditionally.

I loved this assignment because it really got me to think about and reflect my personal goals and what I believe to be important in life. It was actually a lot harder than I had first imagined it to be, and when I began I found myself staring at my screen when I couldn’t figure out or decide what to write. The tasks were definitely a lot easier than the goals where for me, just because the tasks are things that I do or think about almost everyday, and they are small things mostly. Figuring out what tasks went into each category helped me to reflect on how I spend my time and what I need to change. It has made me realize that I spend far too much time in my room and not enough time outside either with people or just by myself but exploring the world and looking at nature, which is something that I love to do but never do it enough. The goals part was a lot harder because I couldn’t really decide what goals where most important and less important, or even how much motivation I really had for them, which is sometimes hard to figure out truthfully. After some thought, I finally realized that my most important goals, that I am really motivated about aren’t as much things that I can “get” or “achieve” like a house or a car, but my goals are being happy, accepting and loving myself, being a genuinely kind person, and just exploring and traveling a world that is full of new people and experiences that mean more to me than any physical “thing” really could.

Low and Low
Cleaning off desk in my room, vacuuming, taking out the garbage
Low motivation and High importance
Homework, surgery for knee, the four experiment we have to do for psych
High motivation and Low Importance
Having fun times with friends, eating at restaurants, shooting guns
High and High
Lifting weights, donating plasma for money

Low motivation and Low importance
Have a clean house, fix the grill, grow out my hair
Low Motivation and High importance
Getting good grades in my classes, better cardio, study better
High Motivation and Low importance
Be able to shoot 90% of clay pigeons
High Motivation and High Importance
Getting stronger in the weight room, smarter player on the field, being a good friend to those in need, have everything scheduled out for classes

I actually found it extremely hard to think of the tasks and goals. I found this hard because the only things that I really think about are “important” and need done. This made me think about how “important” some of these tasks and goals were. I found out that just regular tasks that did not really contribute to my goals were something that I did not particularly care to do motivational wise. I also found out that the tasks which helped my goals tended to be in the same category of motivation. For example; my motivation and importance for doing homework was the same as it was for goals of good grades in classes. This can seem to be a problem for me because my motivation to do homework is not very high which could prevent me from doing my best. Hopefully I can somehow work on my motivation and this will help me do better and achieve my goal of good grades. However; in aspects of my life that I love to do; lifting and football, the tasks and goals seemed to be high in both categories. This is probably because I see it important and I like doing it so my motivation is high for it also.

Low Importance & Low Motivation: Stocking My Fridge, Doing practice homework assignments
High Motivation & Low Importance: Watching Arrow on Netflix, Playing Video Games
Low Motivation & High Importance: Studying for my Humanities Exam, Reading assigned text book chapters
High Motivation & High Importance: Going to church every weekend, Getting Exercise daily

Low Importance & Low Motivation: Keep my desk and school work organized,
High Importance & Low Motivation: Eating healthier, Keeping up with all of my school work, Getting 8 hours of sleep a night
Low Importance & High Motivation: Get better at basketball
High Importance & High Motivation: Find a job for second semester,

This assignment was tough for me to do, because when it came to thinking what goals I had for the short or long term I had trouble coming up with any, so right from the start I realize that I need to start setting more goals for myself. Another thing that I noticed is that when it came to school work I always put that into the low motivation category, whether it was of high importance or of low importance. This really hit me, because I need to make it a priority to have motivation to do my school work if I don’t then I will have lots of trouble getting good grades. In my goals section under high importance and low motivation I put eating healthier and getting 8 hours of sleep. This isn’t really that surprising to me just because staying up late and eating unhealthy foods are so much easier to do when you have no real reason to not do them. I think if I were to start gaining weight or something I would be able to gain the motivation to make sure that I ate healthy, but so far that hasn’t happened so it just doesn’t seem necessary for me to eat healthy. I noticed that I have high motivation for things that I find fun, which makes sense because I want to do things that are fun like play basketball, but I don’t want to do things that aren’t fun like school work or eating healthy foods. Overall I think this just showed how I need a wake up call to make me get my priorities straight, because right now I would say that they are not.

Low Motivation/Low Importance: cleaning my dorm room
Low Motivation/High Importance: going to class everyday
High Motivation/Low Importance: going to the gym everyday & being as fit as I can
High Motivation/High Importance: having a job and making money

Low Motivation/Low Importance: keeping my room clean and making my bed everyday
Low Motivation/High Importance: make it to every class no matter how lazy I feel
High Motivation/Low Importance: be in the best shape i can-not gain the fresman 15
High Motivation/High Importance: pass my classes so I can get a successful job and make a lot of money

While doing this assignment, it took a lot more work than I thought it would. But it was in a good kind of way. It helped me sort out what is really important in my life and help me figure out what I need to do more instead of things that are less important that I do more of. Like I go to the gym a lot, so I should be studying more and trying to get better grades instead of going to the gym everyday of the week for a couple hours a day. It is important to me, but it won’t be as important as my grades in the long run. I think the most important category for me was the High Motivation/High Importance. It showed me that these are the things that I really need to be successful in so that I can have a successful life. That passing classes in college and attending classes is really important so that you can pass college and actually have a successful career someday, so that you can live a happy life. These are the most important things that I should be focusing on, although they are not the funnest things to do.

One low motivation that I have is doing my homework, but it is a high importance for me. Something that is a low motivator for me is cleaning my car and is low importance to me also because i never really drive my car since i’ve been up at college. A high motivation for me is sleeping, but actually is a low importance compared to homework which is a high importance. Something that I have that is a high motivation and high importance is working out because it helps me keep in shape and healthy.
Next is goals that I have. A goal of low motivation, but low importance is getting good grades in college because I don’t think I am taking college as seriously as I should be doing. It’s also something that I am not used to doing because I hardly had to study in high school to get good grades. My goals that I as a low motivation and high importance is probably eating healthier and starting to wear my glasses and contacts more so I can see. Something that is of high motivation and low importance would be getting my homework done, getting A’s in all of my classes or at least try to, and staying in shape. Lastly, a high motivation and a high importance should be getting enough sleep and not taking naps throughout the day so I can actually go to sleep at night, and making sure I stay in shape and going to the WRC a lot more than I am right now.
I personally thought that this assignment was kind of difficult just because I had to think of everything for awhile in order to answer the questions because I do not actually think about them when I am doing them. That is why this assignment has clarified some issues for me. I need to realize that I should be taking more of my high importance and make them into high motivation. For example, I need to start taking school more seriously and get a tutor when I need one. I also need to start not worrying so much about the low motivation and low importance so much. I will make sure to reevaluate my life and get it back on track because of this assignment.

low motivation & low importance: making my bed, doing laundry, taking out the trash/recycling
low motivation & high importance: getting a job, studying everyday, eating healthy
high motivation & low importance: going to class, listening to music, looking at social media
high motivation & high importance: working out, sleeping, completing homework assignments

low motivation & low importance: make my bed everyday, keeping desk organized
low motivation & high importance: studying everyday, looking for a job
high motivation & low importance: clean dorm, vacuum every 1-2 weeks
high motivation & high importance: work out everyday, eat healthier

This was an interesting assignment. I enjoy doing assignments like this. It helps me to prioritize the things I need/want to get in an appropriate order. I always tell myself I need to do certain things by this time or a specific date. It was easy to come up with tasks to do because they are things that always need to get done. Filling out the chart made me prioritize what needed to be done as soon as possible and which things that can be held off a little bit longer that the rest of things on the list. For the goals, it was more difficult to come up with. The important things that needed to be done, it was a little difficult to come up with. When I was filling out the chart, I realized I need to have more motivation to get the most important things done. The things I have high motivation for are the things that are low importance. This assignment has clarified many issues for me. It clarified that the high importance things have low motivation and the things with with low importance have high motivation. I like to build up to the things that need more motivation. I don’t like to start off with the most motivated things. If I start with the high motivation things, then I won’t was to finish anything else. When I work my way up to the things that need the most motivation, I feel like I have accomplished something in the mean time.

Morgan Sowers


Low Importance/Low Motivation
-Making my bed

High Importance/Low Motivation
-Going to class, work, the gym

Low Importance/High Motivation
-Experimenting with cosmetics

High Importance/ High Motivation
-Spending time with friends, family, boyfriend
-Being outside


Low Importance/Low Motivation
-Keep desk clean and organized/find somewhere for papers
-Put away laundry immediately
-Acknowledge that not all dishes need to “soak”

High Importance/Low Motivation
-Go to the gym every other day
-Clean as I go (don’t postpone)
-Watch less Netflix… once I finish the series I’m on
-Budget money
-Don’t overwork myself

Low Importance/High Motivation
-Finish the Aeneid
-Start journaling again
-Paint my room

High Importance/High Motivation
-Spend more time outside
-Go to sleep earlier so I won’t be so tired during class
-Manage my time better

Listing my tasks has helped me analyze my behavior. I have discovered that high importance/low motivation tasks are things I don’t necessarily like doing but I always feel better after I’ve completed them, low importance/low motivation tasks (with the exception of doing dishes) are things I rarely do because 1) I don’t want to do them, and 2) I don’t need to. However, when it comes to organizing I would like to improve but making my bed will probably never happen again, throwing my blanket over the top is good enough for me. I also realized that high motivation/low importance tasks are made up of things I like to do when I am overwhelmed and looking to avoid responsibilities, generally the ones from my high importance/low motivation list. It was difficult to come up with high motivation/low importance tasks because I usually focus my attention on the most important task starting with high motivation. With being in school full time and working three jobs I find that I don’t have much time to do the things I want because I’m so busy doing things that I have to do, which is why managing my time is one of my high importance/high motivation goals. My high motivation/high importance list consist of the things I enjoy most but I tend to feel guilty indulging in them when I have other things I have to do, such as in my high importance/low motivation list. I think it’s odd how I feel guilty enjoying things from my high motivation/high priority list when I have things to do in my high priority/low importance list but I don’t have a problem doing things in my low importance/high priority list, probably because they don’t seem like I’m slacking as much (even though I am) because I’m not really doing what I want, which I could probably remedy by fulfilling some of the high importance/high priority tasks to satisfy me long enough to get some actual work done. I think my goals respond well to my tasks and I believe them to be reasonable. I’m excited to get started ☺.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: cleaning my room, doing the dishes, laundry, and walking the dog.
Low Motivation and High Importance: reading textbooks, studying for exams, and working out.
High Motivation and Low Importance: staying caught up on TV shows, finishing your leisure book, and having a Netflix marathon.
High Motivation and High Importance: finishing you assignments on time, going to work, and getting good grades.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: staying fit, giving the dog a bath more often, and quitting bad habits.
Low Motivation and High Importance: stopping eating fast food, reading my textbooks, and keeping the house clean.
High Motivation and Low Importance: putting my clothes away after I'm done washing them, doing the dishes when its my turn, and watching Netflix.
High Motivation and High Importance: Getting good grades, getting to work on time, and going to class everyday.

From this grid I feel like my goals and task are almost similar. My highest motivations had to deal with school and the less motivation had to deal with chores and studying. I know that my studying needs to improve and some days I am more motivated then others.

Like the example for low motivation, it take a lot for me to get up and clean my side of my dorm room. At home it’s even worse. It takes my parents yelling at me and taking away my weekend plans for me to do it, and even then I get bored and watch tv. If we don’t have anyone important coming over to the house I don’t see the point of my room having to be clean. Even if we did have someone coming over if they aren’t going in my room I can shut my door and they would never know if my room was clean or dirty. Another thing that is of low motivation for me is walking to my car. My car is parked all the way in R lot, so walking out there is a hike and I’m definitely not looking forward to it when it snows. Even though my car is far away it’s important to have. Without it here going home and getting to the stores would be a lot harder and I’m not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to learning the bus schedule or system. Getting an apartment for next year was something that was really important to me. I wanted to make sure my friends and I were ahead of the ball and signed early so we got a nice apartment. My roommate and I are living together again next year and we were put in charge of contacting the girl and going to look at her places. Now that we have it all figured out I can’t wait to get out of the dorms and living in my own apartment. I couldn’t get up early to go to my 8 am the other day, but waking up for that was exciting and I couldn’t wait to go look at the places. Something of high importance but low motivation would be looking at social media. I am an addict to instagram and playing candy crush, and that’s such a bad thing to admit. I spend so much time on social media sites that I could be putting towards my homework or studying.

Obviously being in college I have one major goal in mind which is of high importance and that is getting good grades and getting into grad school, and that takes at least a 3.5 gpa. Although it takes a lot for me to get started to do my homework, I know I have to do it to get good grades and be in good standing so I get into grad school. A goal that I have that is high importance but low motivation I would say is working out. I have always been in sports, and now coming to college it’s weird not having to do anything like that after school. I say to myself all the time I want to go work out, but I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day. I know that if I tried a little harder that I would be able to get my ass up and go do it, but like my car, it’s a far walk. Another goal I have for myself is to read Gone Girl before I see the movie, I don’t have a lot of free time because I feel like all I do is homework so I haven’t even started. Although it isn’t really important, I’m passionate about reading and would it’s something I’ve wanted to do since I knew the movie would be coming out, but just haven’t gotten around to it. I think again another goal I have that is of low motivation and high importance goes along with me wanting to get good grades it would be doing my homework. I have always been the student in high school that got A’s and courses just clicked to me, but in college it’s completely different. I don’t get A’s on all my homework and it’s really frustration, and I am slowly starting to see that I stop doing it. Like for instance I didn’t do a homework assignment for the 8 am on Tuesday so I just didn’t go to the class. That would have never happened to me before, but now I just don’t have any motivation to do it because I know that I’ll be going home for Thanksgiving soon and I’m more excited about that.

Looking back at this assignment I realized that I should probably get my priorities straight. I realized that two of my excuses for doing things are because they are too far away, and that just isn’t a good excuse. I think I’m going to start cleaning my room because it is a representation of me and I wouldn’t want someone walking in and judging me because my room is messy, because I’m really organized when it comes to like my notes or desk. I have come to the conclusion that I am lazy when it comes to things that I don’t think are fun. I need to change my mentality and as excited I am for Thanksgiving break I should put that into getting my school work done. I want to make my parents proud and I know that if my mom found out I didn’t do some assignments she would be upset. Luckily it’s only my freshman year and it’s only my first semester so I’m just feeling things out. I have more than enough time to get things under control, and it’s not like it’s even that big of deal.

Low Importance, Low Motivation: Clean Room
High Importance, Low Motivation: Physical Chemistry Homework, Organic Chemistry Homework, Exercise
Low Importance, High Motivation: Drama Team Script
High Importance, High Motivation: Microbiology Homework

As I look at the tasks above a common theme starts to appear for me. The things that I have high motivation for are the things that I enjoy doing. I love drama and microbiology. I really, really don’t like doing organic or physical chemistry at all! There is also a pattern with the things that are important to me. The mostly involve getting good grades, but exercising is also important to me because it makes me feel good. I don’t have high motivation for it, because I really don’t enjoy it.

Low Importance, Low Motivation: Stop Procrastinating
High Importance, Low Motivation: Lose Weight
Low Importance, High Motivation: Be in a relationship
High importance, High Motivation: Go to Grad School, Get Better Grades

The two things for the high motivation, high importance are related, because to go to grad school I have to get better grades. the “be in a relationship” goal is something that I really want to happened, but it’s not something that I’m going to go out a do something about. I just want to wait and let it happen.

Reflecting on my goals has cleared a lot up for me. It has made me realize that I really need to be more motivated to do all of my homework in order to achieve me goal of going to grad school, even if I don’t find the homework enjoyable. I also think it is funny that losing weight and exercising are both important for me but I have low motivation for them. Maybe if I was able to find a way of exercising that I enjoyed, I might have higher motivation for those activities. I think a big thing to help increase my motivation for the things that matter though looking at how they will help me reach my goals. Being able to define my goals like the way I did above, will help me realize what everyday tasks are really important to me.

Low Motivation/Low Importance: Watching TV; Dating
Low Motivation/High Importance: Homework/Studying; Eating Healthy; Working Out; Sleeping; Drinking Water
High Motivation/Low Importance: Social Media; Listening to Music
High Motivation/High Importance: Cleaning Room; Friendships; Church; Talking to Family Frequently

When I was evaluating what I am motivated to every day, I quickly realized that there were not a lot of things that could go into the low importance/low motivation category. This is easily the category I spent the longest time thinking about. I finally decided on watching TV. I really haven’t watched TV or Netflix since I have moved to Cedar Falls. I am always doing something or hanging out with other people, so I do not have to opportunity for this, and I think that’s okay. I also put dating into this category because I literally spend no time dating (or trying to go on dates). It is something that I don’t really have interest in doing right now in my life. The next category was low motivation/high importance. This category was much easier to fill. I put homework/studying in this category because even though I do spend a lot of time studying, I spend even more time trying to study. I also put eating healthy, working out, sleeping, and drinking water in this category. I know I should be doing these things to improve my health, but I just have no motivation or time to ever get it all done. Something that I have a high motivation for is social media; however, this is of very low importance. I spend way too much time on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Tumblr than I should. If I put my all the motivation I use on social media towards homework, I would have more time to sleep and do other healthy activities. Finally, the last category was high motivation/high importance. Unlike a lot of people (of all ages), I put cleaning in this category. I absolutely cannot live or be in an environment that is dirty. I don’t know why, but I can’t stand it. I also put family and friends in this category. I am definitely an extrovert, so relationships are super important to me. Church was the last thing I put in this category because faith is also really important to me, so I am very motivated to stay involved there.

Low Motivation/Low Importance: Watching TV
Low Motivation/High Importance: Marriage
High Motivation/Low Importance: Shopping; Doing Cute Activities with Friends
High Motivation/High Importance: Graduating in 4 years (or less); Event Planning; Church

When I started reflecting on goals, I found it hard to separate them out into these categories; however, I eventually fit at least one thing into each of the categories. The first category was low motivation/low importance. I put watching TV in this category in the goals section, as well. A small part of me would like to watch more Netflix, but not to the point where I would alter my current schedule. The second category was low motivation/high importance. I put marriage in this category because someday I do want to get married, and as you read above, I have very low motivation as far as dating goes. If I want to get married in the future, I should probably work on my motivation to start dating. The next category was high motivation/low importance. The first thing I put in this category was shopping. I can go shopping any day, anytime. This is not only ineffective because of my lack of money, but time. When I have free time there is plenty of other things that I could be doing, but a lot of the time I choose to go to Target or the mall with my friends. This brings me to the second item in this category: doing cute activities with my friends. I like to take pictures and bond with people, so I always want to participate in on campus activities or do things that we can take pictures at, but there are other things (that are more important) that I could spend my time on. Finally, the last category was high motivation/high importance. The first thing I put in this category was graduating on time. College is really expensive, so it is very important to me that I stay on track and get everything done as soon as possible, so I can join the work force. I really want to go into event planning. This was also placed into this category because it is truly my dream job. I also put church in this category because growing in faith is important to me, so it falls in both categories.

After doing this assignment, I think that I would say I am on track for the most part. I procrastinate my assignments and studying sometimes, but what college student doesn’t? I am going to try and reevaluate my time management skills and slowly work on getting better at studying in advance and thinking about what is important in order to accomplish my future goals.

Tasks Low importance High important
Low motivation Taking the trash out Cleaning my room
High motivation Watching Netflix Going to class
Goals Low importance High importance
Low motivation To work out everyday To wake up in time for class
High motivation To have an hour of relaxation a day To do all my homework

For this activity I thought it was very beneficial and it was important for me to look at my common goals and tasks. I think it helped me to realize what is important to me and what isn’t as important. Some things I would like to change and others I would like to keep the same. I think that it is very important to go to class every day because that I why I am here, to get an education. I should really stop watching so much Netflix and I try and motivate myself with an incentive to get my homework done so I can watch Netflix. I think that my importance could be higher to working out, but my motivation for putting leisure time into my day is more important so I don’t get as stressed out. I think it helps me though to do all my homework because I want to succeed in college so I have a good job opportunity in the real world. This chart has made me think what is really important to my life right now and what I am working towards. It has made me realize the important things in my life to help me reach out and strive for my goals.

Ricardo Garza

Some tasks that are of low motivation and low importance are vacuuming my room, dusting the room, napping, watching television, recycling, shopping, and eating out. Some tasks that has low motivation and high importance are completing homework, taking out the trash, cleaning room, going to work, working out, and going to class. Some tasks that have high motivation and low importance is playing video games, hanging out with friends, playing sports at the WRC, partying, watching Netflix, and listening to music. Some tasks that have high motivation and high importance is to eat healthy, make good friends, apply for jobs, learn, and focus on class assignments.
Along with tasks, I also have goals. Some of the goals that are of low motivation and low importance are to jump higher, have a complete set of movies, have a clean set of clothes, and maintain a clean room. Some goals that are of low motivation and high importance are getting double my strength by the end of the semester, having a healthy meal four times a week, and drink nothing but water. Some goals that are of high motivation and low importance are go to the gym every day after my first class, learn new moves for basketball, learn new tricks on the skateboard, and find new bands. Lastly, some goals that have high motivation and high importance are succeeding in college, maintaining a good grade point average, attending all classes, passing all tests, and graduating.
My experience while completing the assignment was mind opening. I say this because as I began to think of my tasks and goals, I learned that some of the things that I do on a daily basis are not actually as important or are seen as being more important than they actually should be. Doing this assigned clarified issues for myself by how I now realize some of the things that I am doing wrong and how I should prioritize my life.

Low importance and low motivation ||||| high motivation and high importance.
Eating breakfast working out
doing laundry getting to class
getting to sleep early handing in homework
hitting the alarm clock studying for tests
getting dressed get to work early
getting homework done early hanging out with friends
getting lunch
Low importance and high motivation ||||| low motivation and high importance
playing video games getting out of bed
watching netflix getting dressed
watching movies doing homework
watching youtube videos writing papers
listening to new music brushing
drawing or painting going to class to take a test
going out to parties going to late class on Wednesday.
hanging out with friends brushing teeth
getting to class on time
studying days before the test

Low importance and low motivation ||||| high motivation and high importance.
Getting A's on every test having a stable happy family
Being a perfect person having an amazing wife
Having thousands of friends` having good children
partying every weekend being a good person
being approved by everybody being on good terms with people I associate with.
making everyone happy. Having a good reputation
making a good first impression
having a good career and being happy
doing something I love and making a slight difference in the world
Being loyal and caring
being respected
Low importance and high motivation ||||| low motivation and high importance
caring for people having a clean room
being friends with everyone's showering everyday
lending people a hand brushing teeth
compromising for people having a good night of sleep
going to workout
getting up early for work or school
doing laundry

Most of my goals and tasks were nearly intertwined, working to reach the same end result. Some of them conflicted with each other, but either way the end result was the same. Nowadays it's hard to be a good person to everyone, especially after they give you so much grief. The world nowadays, it is so tough to be a good person when there is so many rotten people in the world, but then there are the people who are pure kindness. The duality of man is just tough to struggle with, and I have struggled with being the bigger person, but I have gotten very better at it. The level of importance that my goals were set at were always high, but sometime the motivation is not always there. Most of my important tasks were ways to reach my ultimate goals, building off of each other. That is the best way to describe my tasks and long term goals. My motivation is usually high, but sometimes it gets knocked down on bad days. I have had my ups and downs, but I have always left right. That is one of my favorite quotes, working hard, getting knocked down, but still leaving on a good note. This assignment hasn't really clarified any issues, just helped me understand myself a little more. I have known for a long time my goal, and have been constantly doing things that could possibly help me along the way. That has been the balance of the universe, to me. We are here either to build or destroy, that is it. Building to reach a goal and help others reach their goals, or destroy a life and end up destroying your own life. I have done a lot of soul searching the past two years and continue to learn more about myself, but there is no doubt in my mind that I want to be happy and have a successful life. I do not want to tear people down or hurt them in anyways, I want to reach my goal by being the best person I possibly can. I will not let others influence my decisions either, I make my own decisions, I define my own destiny. No one else can tell me what to do with my life and that is how it will always be. I am very determined, no matter how much grief and irritation lies ahead of me. We all can really do anything, we just have to have the motivation to do it and get things done. Ignorant people talk about other people, Great people talk about ideas. That is my firm belief, and I am sticking to it.



Low importance and low motivation: making bed, keeping room clean, vacuuming, checking email, washing clothes, and checking car engine oil.
Low importance and high motivation: sketching/journaling in my sketchbook, playing tunes on guitar, taking naps, petting my cat, using the restroom before I leave the house, doodling, and getting to class at least ten minutes early.
High importance and low motivation: getting to work on time, waking up in the morning, feeding cats and changing the litter.
High importance and high motivation: Getting assignments done, getting art projects finished, sleeping, playing shows that I am scheduled to play, talking with professors about my artwork, and receiving constructive critique.


Low importance and low motivation: maintaining a clean room, keeping my hair tangle-free, trying to look nice every day, and keeping sketchbook organized and neat.
Low importance and high motivation: watching as many documentaries as possible, not spending as much money on food, maintain a nice record collection, maintain a nice book collection, impressing my boss at work, and making even my notes look visually interesting.
High importance and low motivation: making sure to earn enough money to live healthy, maintaining a good physical health, being nice to people every day, and avoiding distractions.
High importance and high motivation: maintaining a good mental health, creating interesting artwork, getting enough sleep, creating interesting music, keeping people happy who are important to me, and sketching in my sketchbook everyday.

The first thing that I notice when looking through my goals is that they are unique. Goals that have such importance in my life would have little to no importance in somebody elses life. Goals like sketching in my sketchbook everyday. However there are goals that could apply to everybody’s life. These are goals like maintaining a clean room, trying to look nice, earning enough money to live healthy, maintaining good physical and mental health, ect. I find it ridiculous that I care so much about having a nice record collection and book collection, however these are things that make me extremely happy. I hope that it does not seem too materialistic, I just have a desire to collect. That could possibly be something that I need to evaluate a little bit more. Could I be just as happy without them? Reflecting on my goals is also interesting in that it has forced me to get organized. This is something that is hard for me to be. Ideas are coming and going in my head and I will get so excited about one thing and then forget about another. I know my priorities, however I often get so lost in one of them that it starts to take over. This activity has allowed me to slow down. It may be something that I want to do outside of class just to evaluate how things are going in my life. I strongly believe that I have a high motivation level to create artwork. However when I reflect on my overall motivation I notice that it is possible that too much motivation goes toward that rather than keeping myself healthy and others happy. This assignment has helped clarify a couple of issues for me. First off, I need to spend more time thinking about physical health and money. Although I am usually aware that I have issues with keeping track of money, I suppose I wasn’t aware how little that I think of my physical health. I do many things like eating out with friends, not eating on time, not exercising, ect. Second, this assignment has helped clarify that people find different tasks and goals more important than others and that some of my most important goals and tasks will not be the same as other people’s.

Psychological Terms: goals, motivation, tasks.

So I’m not going to lie when I first looked at this blog post I was like this is nice we don’t have to listen or read anything and I will just be able sit down and type this up really quick. Realistically that wasn’t the case for me. When I went to start typing I actually had no idea what I was going to put for these importances. So I took a break even though I didn’t really even start it to watch some law and order svu to maybe spark some ideas. For some odd reason that didn’t work, so I kept thinking and this is the list that I came up with.


Low Motivation / Low Importance: Making my bed
Low Motivation / High Importance: Getting dressed, eating breakfast every morning, working out
High Motivation / Low Importance: Going shopping, eating ice cream
High Motivation / High Importance: Getting a good night sleep, talking to my family


Low Motivation / Low Importance: Trying not to go home as much
Low Motivation / High Importance: Eating healthier, managing my time better
High Motivation / Low Importance: Not gaining the freshman 15, keeping my part of the room clean
High Motivation / High Importance: Getting good grades, figuring more about my self, keeping solid relationships with the ones who matter

In my opinion I thought the tasks were a lot harder to come up with compared to the goals. For the most part I knew what I wanted to put for those because having goals to shoot for I think is important. When going back and rereading the tasks I wrote down I realized that some of them I should start thinking differently about, such as the amount of motivation to go shopping. I probably shouldn’t be so worried about the clothes that I have but shopping in my mind is something almost every girl likes to do. Maybe I should have more motivation to make my bed in the mornings because I feel like my mom would be proud of me if I did that everyday. In this section the one that is most important to me is obviously getting a good night sleep and talking to my family. I feel like if I actually get a good night sleep (even though it doesn’t always happen being a college student) I tend to be more focused and am able to learn a lot better. According to the book students may try to avoid sleep, but sleep will catch up with eventually! I also think that staying touch with my family is important. For me family is everything! As for my goals getting good grades has always been a goal. Another thing would be truly figuring out who I am. Now that I’m in college I feel like it’s the right time to do that. Lastly I have high motivation to maintain solid relationships with the ones that matter most to me because in the long run I no that this people will be there for me no matter what. This assignment really made me think about what is truly important to me. I now realize there a few things I could work on and others I should continue doing. All in all I thought this assignment was a good way to let each of us represent our individual tasks and goals.


Low motivation/Low importance: Making my bed, vacuuming my dorm room, dishes.
Low motivation/High importance: Homework, studying, completing homework on time

High motivation/Low importance: Working out 3 times a week, always checking social media
High motivation/High importance: Sleeping enough, eating healthy, maintaining good hygiene, going home to see my family regularly


Low motivation/Low importance: Keep my room clean; keep up on dishes, read more
Low motivation/High importance: Complete homework the day it is assigned, save money, avoid procrastination
High motivation/Low importance: Stay active, eat better, and enjoying myself at college
High motivation/High importance: Getting good grades, stay healthy, save money, study more each day, and seeing my family at the end of the week.

This assignment really made me think about what is important to me and what really isn’t. I had to seriously think about what things went where on this grid. I have never really sat down before and thought al this stuff out. I learned from this assignment that I definitely need to start studying more and more even thought I have low motivation to do so. What I also learned from this assignment is that my high importance and high motivational tasks are usually my long-term tasks that I complete. This assignment showed me that I need to motivate myself more to complete the tasks such as homework and studying for quizzes. I feel like the things that I put in high motivation/high importance are the things that affect me the most because those are the things I focus on the most. This assignment made me realize the importance of having everything planned out and setting my priorities straight. I also realized that I need to focus more on studying and less on social media, watching television, and conversing with my friends. The biggest thing I learned from this assignment was that if I keep my goals organized and prioritized I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

Low Motivation, Low Importance: Clean out the attic, wash my car, brush Scooter (My cat), etc.
Low Motivation, High Importance: Clean my room, do the dishes, homework, etc.
High Motivation, Low Importance: Watching movies, sleeping, etc.
High Motivation, High Importance: Being around my family and friends,

Low Motivation, Low Importance: Doing house chores, cooking, etc.
Low Motivation, High Importance: Understanding loans, looking into my future buys (such as home, cars, retirement plan, etc.), etc.
High Motivation, Low Importance: Studying abroad, searching for a new dog to call my own, etc.
High Motivation, High Importance: Research my intended career and what it all entails, networking, etc.

Throughout this assignment, I realized that I have to figure out my goals and the amount of effort I need to put into achieving those goals. I noticed that the only goals I could think of were only the major ones that are unmistakable and none that were of less importance. I should probably get better at setting myself smaller goals in the future. By setting smaller goals, I would be able to see my progress on a day to day basis and ultimately better myself, at least I hope. So as you can see, my issue that needs resolved is my goal making abilities and I plan to take an active approach to my issue and create a new goal I can achieve every morning. By doing this, I hope I can continue to see success in my daily life.

Low motivation with low importance: Cut my hair more often so it doesn't have as many split ends, doing chores every Saturday
Low motivation with high importance: Stop eating fast food as much, doing homework sooner than later,
High motivation with low importance: Never to dye all my hair, get at least 9 hours of sleep each day
High motivation with high importance: Getting my full in gymnastics, graduating college, getting a good job

Low motivation with low importance: Cleaning the house, making my bed
Low motivation with high importance: Cleaning my room, washing the dogs, working out, studying,
High motivation with low importance: Doing my nails, drawing, checking social media,
High motivation with high importance: eating, gymnastics, going to class, sleeping

This assignment took a lot longer than I thought it would. I thought it would be easy to think of ideas but really I just got stuck on a lot of them. First I have a few tasks that I have low motivation and it has low importance to me. I gave to examples of cleaning the house and making my bed. I defiantly don’t have motivation to clean the house because it’s not fun or exciting, and it takes forever. I also say this is low importance to me because most of the time I’m just cleaning up everyone else’s clutter instead of mine, and the house wouldn’t be dirty if you pick up your stuff and put it away. Making my bed is a struggle because I don’t have motivation because I am tiered and usually not in a good mood in the morning, also I have a low importance because why should I make my bed if I’m just going to ruin it the next night, especially if no one is going to see it anyway. On the opposite side of importance I need to clean my room and needing to do my homework sooner rather than later. Both have very low motivation. Cleaning my room has high importance because I like to keep all my stuff in order and clean only in my areas to keep me organized in life. Washing the dogs, working out, and studying are all very important but I don’t feel like doing any of them. These are usually the tasks that I need to get done but won’t do it until everything else is done. Now doing my nails, drawing, and checking social media all have high motivation because I like to each of them, but low importance because it’s nothing that has to be done in order to get on in life and I wouldn’t feel bad if I didn’t do them. Finally I have sleeping, eating, gymnastics, and going to class all have high motivation and importance. Sleeping and eating I love to do and I also need a decent amount of each to function the next day, so it’s very important to me. Gymnastics I love to do so my highly motivated and it’s very important because its doing and improving in something that I love to do. I also love going to class especially classes I like because I can learn all about interesting things to me and it’s important because you need to go to class to be able to understand information to get good grades in the class.
Now going on to goals I feel was like the same thing but things you want to plan for in the future. The first goals have both low motivation and importance. These are, cut my hair more often so it doesn’t have as many split ends, and doing chores every Saturday. I’m not motivated to cut my hair because It either costs a lot or I’m afraid people will mess up, but it’s not important because I wouldn’t care if I didn’t do that.
Then, I have low motivation and high importance. These examples are Stop eating fast food as much, doing homework sooner than later. I love eating fast food so I have low motivation to do it but I know it’s bad for me so it’s important for me to try not to( and I need to save money). Also doing homework sooner than later is very important because then you get other fun stuff done later and not have to worry about it, but I never want to do homework. Then there are something that are high in motivation but isn’t very important. Like never to dye all my hair or get at least 9 hours of sleep each day. I don’t want ruin my hair to I am very motivated not to do it, but if I do it’s not that important it will grow back eventually. Then I have motivation to sleep 9 hours because then I feel the best the next day, but it’s not that important because other things are more important to me like finishing homework or hanging out with friends. Lastly my goals for high motivation and importance are getting my full in gymnastics, graduating college, getting a good job. All of these thing I want to do because it leads to something happy later in life and its all important because of those factors.

TASKS: Low Motivation & Low Importance- making my bed after waking up in the morning, making sure my dorm room is clean and tidy, and doing the dishes after dirtying them.
Low Motivation & High Importance- going to my job, studying throughout the day, and finishing the papers assigned for classes.
High Motivation & Low Importance- checking all my social media sites, listening to new music, and watching several episodes of One Tree Hill on Netflix.
High Motivation & High Importance- attending classes, keeping up socially with my friends, and making sure I get a good night sleep.

GOALS: Low Motivation & Low Importance- making myself look more presentable (dressing nicer), making to-do lists, quitting my bad habits such as, biting my nails and picking at my nail polish.
Low Motivation & High Importance- eating healthier throughout my day, finishing my homework without several distractions, and organizing my study time.
High Motivation & Low Importance- leaving the dorms more often to study at other places, attend more athletic events, and go out and meet new people.
High Motivation & High Importance- healthy eating, keeping in touch with my family, and keeping decent grades throughout my college career.

Doing this assignment made me learn that being organized throughout my day is key to success! Writing in my planner, making to-do lists, filling out my white board, are all examples of how I keep myself organized from day to day. But one thing I did learn about myself and need to improve on, is eating healthy from morning to night. Having a well balanced diet can help education and self-esteem. Working out and keeping active is also very important to my success. With this assignment, I hope to try to accomplish my goals while doing my everyday tasks. I have a post-it note stuck to my desk, reminding me of things that can be improved. I did find this assignment somewhat difficult because it was hard for myself to believe for example, how unhealthy I eat throughout the day or how hard it is to do my homework without any distractions.

After reflecting on my goals and tasks, it is definitely important to me that I keep up good study habits in order for me to have decent grades throughout college. Not only will they help me in school but having good studying and learning habits is an important task throughout life. After finishing my goals table, I am super excited to see what I can do to improve everyday. Staying healthy, studying, organizing, and keeping in touch with my family are important things that I WILL work on everyday. Hopefully, after seeing improvements in myself, I will make life long goals for myself to keep me motivated. But so far, college is going well socially and educationally. I have learned several new things about myself and hope my experience only gets better from here!

Low Motivation& Low Importance- making my bed, doing laundry
Low motivation& High Importance-doing homework & assignments, attend all classes
High Motivation& Low Importance- checking social media accounts, watching TV, listening to music
High Motivation & High Importance- getting good grades, sleeping, skyping with family and friends
Low Motivation& Low Importance- reading books, keep room clean
Low Motivation& High Importance- getting a job, an internship, practices English, be involved
High Motivation& Low Importance- Eat healthy food, shopping a lot, attend matches of my favorite soccer team and matches of Rafael Nadal(tennis)
High Motivation& High Importance- graduate from college with good grades, travel around the world, make my parents proud of me
I found this assignment is very interesting. Understanding what goals and tasks are important for you and for which one you are highly motivated can help with achieving these goals. It took me a while to fill the grids. It is a kind of strange feelings to make a list of tasks and goals you have. For the first time It seems easy to state your goals and tasks. However, I had to sit and focus to come up with the answers and it was difficult. So this assignment really helped me to understand what is important to me and for which I have motivation. Motivation is very important in our lives, it is feelings and factors that energize and direct our behavior. For high important tasks, I have low motivation but I'm still doing it. I'm studying abroad and my parents had invested to me a lot, so I have huge responsibility. Even if I don't want to do homework every day or get up early to attend classes, I understand that I have to do it. Firstly it is important for me, and secondly my parents are spending so much money not for me to waste time and sit back. So it is directly associated with one of my important goals where I'm highly motivated: making my family to be proud of me. I'm very thankful to my parents for opportunity they gave to see the world and to have important and useful experience.
As I understood from the chapter setting goals are really important. Usually we know what we want, but because of this assignment I understood for which goals I have high motivation. So it is easier to me divide specific goal into meaningful concrete steps. It might help me to manage my time and daily tasks. Good goals motivate us to work hard. Knowing what you want to achieve will always influenced the process in a good way. It will help you to organize your time and resources. Also I understood, usually I have high motivation for thinks that are not really valueble. With high motivation and clearly stater goal we can achieve it, even if it is sounds impossible and crazy.

LM-LI: washing the car, dusting, clothes shopping
LM-HI: dishes, laundry, exercise, cleaning apt, going to class
HM-LI: Fantasy football league, playing guitar, car maintenance (oil changes)
HM-HI: Eating, going to work, getting good grades, getting groceries
LM-LI: Playing in a band again, getting married again
LM-HI: Having kids, losing weight, staying sober
HM-LI: Paying of bills, saving money (because I’m in school now)
HM-HI: Getting my degree, staying close to family
Having goals for some, gives them the answer they search for when trying to establish where they are in the world. Giving ourselves goals presents us with a much better understanding of how and why we do the things we do, giving a sense of direction and aspirations to look forward to. I say this about goals, because as I go through my life now, I can see that the things I would do and the reasons I would do them is to feel complete in the journeys I would take in my life. Those steps to get there I call “Goals”. My personal life has been a struggle within myself. I have all the necessary tools to be successful in my life, but I have chosen to wait. Wait for what? I wait or you could call it procrastinate certain goals in my life, for the very stupid reason or excuse I call fear. Fearing that I will fail, I know the saying, ”To be successful you must have many failures...” But I choose to always play it safe. I have also noticed that the goals that I have achieved, I had a complete understanding of what it was I needed to do. I am getting a better sense on why I would do the things I do and to not fear. I need to figure my way of learning and how to apply it to the subjects. Tasks, on the other hand, I mostly get to them as they need to be done. There is really no level of importance for simple tasks. I tell myself, “just getter done” and that’s the motivation. This assignment has shed some light on things in my life but change I don’t think will happen, I’m too old and stubborn.


Low motivation and low importance: make the bed, stock up on snacks

Low motivation and high importance: go to class, complete homework

High motivation and high importance: hang out with friends, getting a job

High motivation and low importance: be hygienic, fishing and hunting


Low motivation and low importance: keep my dorm clean, quit chewing

Low motivation and high importance: manage money, go to class

High motivation and high importance: keep hunting while in college, pass class

High motivation and low importance: go to a variety of events, get a job

This assignment has helped show me what I need to prioritize compared to what I do. Although my chart isn’t specific on ALL aspects, it helps me realize what needs to be changed in order to promote success throughout the rest of the academic school year. A couple of the categories seemed harder to fill in, while others I could have filled in a page for. Organizing my goals and tasks that I regularly do into a chart helped me remember all of the things that I need to do in a day. This correlates with my decision to use the panther planner to organize what I need to do for the day. In high school I never used an agenda or planner, but in college I have found it to be very helpful in remembering what to do in classes I only have a couple times a week. I found if I don’t write down what I need to do, I will forget in a couple days, making it hard to complete in time. The idea that I learned the most from this assignment is how writing what you are motivated or need to complete down will help you analyze and complete it in a much more efficient manner than otherwise used. I am very happy with the skills that I am learning and utilizing while in college.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: making bed, doing dishes, vacuuming
Low Motivation & High Importance: homework, class, work
High Motivation & Low Importance: watching Netflix, staying current on tv shows
High Motivation & High Importance: organization,

Low Motivation & Low Importance: go out on the weekends
Low Motivation & High Importance: studying, getting good grades
High Motivation & Low Importance: wash car
High Motivation & High Importance: get to bed early

This was really interesting to lie out my priorities by their true importance. It definitely made me reevaluate things. I noticed while writing it, most the things that have low importance but high motivation are all things it’s really hard to talk myself out of doing and things I’d consider more beneficial, but really, they aren’t going to matter in the future. The things with high importance sometimes aren’t as much fun but will make my life better in the long run, and I believe I could motivate myself to move some of those into “high motivation” categories.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Cleaning my room, Getting a haircut, Making friends
Low Motivation & High Importance: Writing papers, Making money, Studying, Sleeping
High Motivation & Low Importance: Getting songs on iTunes, Getting new clothes, Twitter
High Motivation & High Importance: Working out, Eating healthy, Spending time with girlfriend

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Have a clean room, Look nice every day
Low Motivation & High Importance: Learn material for tests, Finish all papers on time
High Motivation & Low Importance: Six-pack, Have up to date songs
High Motivation & High Importance: Good health, Good job, Good relationship

This assignment made me realize all my motivation towards daily tasks. While reflecting on the grids I notice that I have more motivation for activities outside of school. My motivation lies mainly on things that I want rather than need. Although school and my relationship with my girlfriend are the most important things in my life right now, my motivation only comes while working out or buying things. This assignment made me realize that I need to give more focus to the things that need to be done. I need to bring myself to do the important tasks in my life first before worrying about unimportant ones. Im motivated o work out because I actually get something out of it and I can see results. It takes up a lot of my time but until now I have been ok with that. I’m not so motivated to sleep because I stay up late to talk to my girlfriend, who is more important to me than sleep. My priorities have a lot of effect on whether or not something i important but that doesn't always mean I am motivated to do them. I always hold off studying for a test until the last minute although getting a good grade is important to me. That example makes me realize that I should focus more on the big picture and think of the things I want to achieve rather than focusing on individual tasks. That is the way I will bring myself to be more motivated in the future.
I think this is a great little way to organize your priorities and get your motivation back on track. It’s very fast and simple to do and I think anyone that tried it would benefit from it. It definitely made me think hard about the things I want to achieve and how I am going to do achieve them.

I feel as though I have a lot of tasks that are high importance buy I have low importance for. I need to go to work but I really don't want to. I should practice my music for marching band but again, I don't want to. I also need to do my laundry and take out the garbage, and probably clean my room, but I have no desire for that either. I somewhat have a high motivation to sleep, and that also happens to be of high importance so I suppose that's good.

It's a lot easier to put off "tasks" and peg them as having a low importance because they're just think that you should do, almost like chores Goals are different. They're more personal and usually more important than tasks. I have a goal to lose weight. It's important to me. I am more likely to go work out than to pull out my sheet music and practice my piccolo. I also have a goal to try and get somewhere between a 3.0 or a 3.5 or higher, so I am more likely to want to study this semester than to make myself study. It's easier to say "I have to study" for me than to say "I need to study" if that makes sense.

This chart has made it easier to see the differences in between my goals and tasks, and how to maybe make some of my tasks goals, like maybe I should make it a goal to clean one side of my room this week, and the next side the next week so I don't feel like a pig. I will be more motivated saying it's a goal than dreading it because it's a task.

Low Motivation/Low importance: Keeping room organized, washing clothes once a week
Low motivation/High importance: Working, writing papers
High motivation/low importance: napping, hanging out with friends, shopping, watching movies
High motivation/high importance: Going to classes,
Low motivation/low importance: getting up early to get ready for class, picking up my room daily
Low motivation/High importance: saving money, working out more, not procrastinating as much
High Motivation/Low motivation: buying more things, being tan
High motivation/High importance: Getting accepted to dental school, eating healthy, sleeping more

While filing out these charts I realized how many things I have high motivation for that I shouldn't worry about as much as things that I have low motivation for. I also realized that a lot of the things I have low motivation for right now are things that are going to effect things that I have high importance for in my goals. I put a lot of the things I enjoy doing on my high motivation but aren't very important for my tasks. Another thing I noticed was it was easier to fill out my goals because I know those are things that I want to achieve and they are important to me. The everyday tasks were not so easy because a lot of them are things I already do daily so it just seems like they are not as important as the goals. This activity made me realize things that I need to change my motivation for and also reconsider some of the things that I consider important. I will be much more successful if I change some of my motivation to high instead of low on tasks and goals. Also by thinking of my homework or writing papers as goals I believe I will think of them differently and not dread them as much because I know by doing them I will be trying to reach a goal that means a lot to me. Some of my priorities need to change so that I can achieve my goals and be as successful as I want to be. By not procrastinating my homework I will be able to leave time for friends and doing things I enjoy more instead of pushing it off and then not being able to do something I really would enjoy doing.


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Cleaning the dorm, shaving.

Low Motivation/High Importance: Signing my MPN, arriving promptly to work/class.

High Motivation/Low Importance: Reading, walking about.

High Motivation/High Importance: Laundry, eating lunch.


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Starting diet and exercise regiments, losing weight.

Low Motivation/High Importance: Establishing firm independence from my folks, paying off student loans.

High Motivation/Low Importance: reading 1000 more books, creating a photo portfolio.

High Motivation/High Importance: Graduating, attaining a satisfying career.

I found this to be a relatively simple task. For the moment at least, I know what I want out of life and how much or little I'm eager to see it through. It kind of shames me to admit that this certainly hasn't been one of my favorite written assignments. I'll be the first to admit that, on the whole, I'm not a very goal oriented individual. At least for long term goals. I tend to focus on challenges as they become relevant. Right now I know I must get a college degree so that is what I throw my effort at. Everything else comes later. I'm a very simple man with moderately simple, as well as typical goals. After graduating I will likely throw my efforts into finding a job that suits my expertise, probably near my hometown. That is literally all the thought I've put into that particular goal.

I found that it was far easier to think of my high motivation goals and tasks as opposed to the low motivation ones. The same goes for level of importance. More pressing goals and tasks were far more prominent in my mind. The easiest to determine were those in the high motivation/high importance goals because to me, they make up what I determine to be the archetypal goal: something you really want, and at the same time, really need. Naturally this meant that the hardest to assemble was the low motivation/low importance list. To me, a goal tends to have a positive, almost hopeful connotation to it. A goal with low motivation seems more like an obstacle or a burden, and one with no importance to boot almost feels like an inconvenience to you. Though I can understand why others would heartily disagree with my way of dealing with my goals, I haven't and don't have a problem with it as of yet.

Ah yes, cleaning, the bane of my existence. This view of cleaning that was passed down to me from my mother. As always, cleaning has been of low importance and of course low motivation as well. On the opposite side there is food/cooking. I was raised in a sort of food-oriented kind of family. So food and/or cooking has always been something that was highly important to me and my motivation to cook is almost always present unless I’ve had a long and tiring day. The other two opposites are video games and homework. Video games are low on the importance scale but motivation is always up for some kind of video game. Homework on the other hand is rather boring so I never want to do it but I do because I know how important it is. Goals are different though. Some of my goals or dreams people think are rather silly but I don’t mind shooting for the stars at all. Something I know that I have hella low motivation for that I know is really important is simply just getting myself out of bed for classes. It’s kind of sad that one of my goals is to simply get up in the morning, but at least I’m trying. Another goal of mine is to learn how to toss this weird behind your head throw for color guard. I know it isn’t that important of a goal and due to chilly weather my motivation for it is completely zapped but its still something that I would eventually like to accomplish. Something else that is again, not really that important (but its something I have high motivation for) is learning how to make a kandi mask and bra. I’ve already started learning how to make a mask and I know the basics on making a bra so I guess you could say I’m getting pretty close to meeting that goal. Lastly what is highly important and that I actually have high motivation for is the goal I made of properly taking care of myself when I came to college. I was worried that I would either gain or lose weight and I was worried that I wouldn’t be happy. So far, everything is going very well.
Reflecting on these things was kind of like refreshing my memory about what my goals were and kind of what tasks I HAVE to do no matter how I really feel about them. The very last goal I had almost forgotten completely. It was really cool to sit back and just think, “Yeah, everything is going really well.”

Low Motivation/Low Importance: Cleaning my room, tanning, whitening my teeth, cleaning out my car, washing my car, getting a tune up for my car.

Low Motivation/High Importance: Writing a thank you letter for a gift received, Filling out loan information, Donating Plasma, going to work, unloading the dishwasher, cleaning up the house, doing laundry

High Motivation/Low Importance: Working out, Watching my favorite TV show, Driving to go see friends, Giving someone a gift, doing things for other, complimenting others.

High Motivation/High Importance: Doing well in school, Staying goal-oriented, Making it to class, Eating Healthy, Spending time with friends and family.


Low Motivation/Low Importance: Reaching my goal weight, Running a half marathon, Having a nice care when I graduate, Getting Married.

High Motivation/Low Importance: Updating and Improving my wardrobe, Getting more tan, having whiter teeth, Losing weight, Coloring my hair.

Low Motivation/ High Importance: Getting an excellent GPA, Getting more active in on campus activities. Get more organized in general.

High Motivation/High Importance: Getting good grades in college, being able to land an awesome job after I graduate, Maintaining goof friendships I have, Having Children someday, Having a comfortable lifestyle when I'm older, Continuing to strengthen my relationship with God. Be a wonderful Parent, Love my future career.

I think that having to categorize my tasks and goals like this was very beneficial. This helps me to really see what is important to me short term and long term. One thing that I think is important that I tend to ignore is that even though I have listed certain task and goals as unimportant or that I do not have much motivation for them, they are all important when it comes to reaching my goals and/or tasks that I have listed in the high importance high motivation category. I think that this chart has helped me put in perspective what is important right now and what is less important. We as college students tend to always have bust lives and it gets really easy for us to start compartmentalizing the goals and tasks in our lives into two very broad boxes, good or bad, or important or not important, It is actually very refreshing to do an exercise like this to help me understand that there are different levels of importance and even though they all are important their level of importance can very due to motivation and time.

This assignment took a really long time to complete. I spent a great amount of time thinking about everything that goes on in my life. I could think of a lot of different goals that I have, but it was hard to fit them in each category as sometimes they fit in more than one box. I have always been a some what organized person. I say this because I was very organized in high school, but now that I’m in college, it has changed greatly. For an example, if I wrote down doing my homework in high school, that would have fit under the categories of low motivation and low importance. Now that I’m and college, and that we actually have to do work in college, it fits under the category of high motivation and high important.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Cleaning up the room, putting all my clothes always, making the bed,
Low Motivation and High Importance: Finding a job, working out everyday, studying, reading,
High Motivation and Low Importance: Watch movies, play volleyball, hang out with friends, going home to see my dogs
High Motivation and High Importance: Hygiene, staying some what organized, studying a great amount of time ahead of a test, calling my old friends from high school, keep ahead on my homework to maintain a good GPA
Low Motivation and Low Importance: Losing weight, look nice every day
Low Motivation and High Importance: Trying not to spend all my money which means less movies and less shopping
High Motivation and Low Importance: Having a somewhat good looking body, I try not to go home as often, trying to go to as many sporting events as possible
High Motivation and High Importance: Attend all my classes, try my hardest on all the exams, be prepared for the “real” world, travel as much as possible, and meet lots of people
After completing this assignment, I looked back over it for a great amount of time. I did this to see what truly is important for me. I realize if I stay organized, especially with my goals, I can pretty much accomplish whatever I chose to do with my life. I know its important to always do the tasks under high motivation and high importance first, but its almost important to leave enough time for relaxing. We’re in college now, which means its the best years of our lives. I want to fulfill this particular goal as well as have a great GPA at the end of my college years

• Low motivation and low importance: doing dishes and laundry, cleaning the house, cleaning car, and organizing a file cabinet.
• Low motivation and high importance: studying, doing homework, reading for class, and going to work.
• High motivation and low importance: watching TV, finishing a video game, and hanging out with friends.
• High motivation and high importance: cooking dinner, sleeping, working out/exercise, and maintaining hygiene.

• Low motivation and low importance: call parents weekly, keep room clean, and pick up after self.
• Low motivation and high importance: eat healthy foods, lose weight, and go to the gym regularly.
• High motivation and low importance: learn to play guitar, learn another language, and visit another country.
• High motivation and high importance: get good grades, graduate college, get into graduate school, start a career, be financially stable.

Having done this assignment it really helped me classify my goals and what motivates me. I thought this would be an easy five-minute assignment but it took a lot more thinking than I originally thought. Overall the things that had low important were tasks that are done often and are usually the same thing every time such as cleaning, organizing, and favorite pastimes. The tasks that I found to be of high importance pertained more to social norms such as being social, working out and things that were necessary for me to achieve my goals. For the things of higher motivation it seems to me that they are more personal goals and task such as learning something new, dreams for the future, and tasks that need to be done such as cooking and sleeping. This assignment actually really helped to clarify my tasks and goals and their importance to me. By seeing what I value higher than others I can then motivate myself even more than before to complete those tasks or achieve those goals.

• Low Motivation/Low Importance: Cleaning my room, taking out the trash, and making my bed.
• Low Motivation/High Importance: Doing homework, buying food, and going to class.
• High Motivation/Low Importance: Watching sports, and playing with my pets
• High Motivation/High Importance: Going to Practice, eating healthy, sleeping, and going to church.
• Low Motivation/Low Importance: Shave face once a week, and watch less tv
• Low Motivation/High Importance: Attend every single class, do every single homework assignment, and workout every day.
• High Motivation/Low Importance: Hang out with my friends more, and keeping up with the sports world.
• High Motivation/High Importance: Getting a degree, getting good grades, becoming the best I can be at my sport, living a healthy lifestyle, and going to church as much as possible.
This assignment has really been an eye opener. It has shown me in words what I think are the most important things. Along with that it also showed me what things I am the most motivated to do. I noticed that the most important things didn't always fall into the high motivation category. It was very interesting to see how the goals and task can contradict each other. The example I can use for this that under tasks low motivation/high importance I put doing homework, and going to class, which contradicted what I put under my goals high motivation/high importance which was get a degree, and get good grades. All of these thing where under high importance but only the goals where under high motivation as well. Which this is also a problem area as well because my low motivation for these task can greatly affect the most important goals in my life in a negative way. Another area that contradicted itself was under the topic of food. For this topic they were both in task. I am not motivated to go buy food, but I am motivated to eat healthy. If I don’t buy food I can’t eat healthy so this could also be considered a problem area. Overall I have really enjoyed this experience and it has really opened my eyes to some changes I might need to be making so my future goals aren't affected because of low motivation on important everyday tasks.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Making my bed, Cleaning my Room
Low Motivation & High Importance: Studying, Doing Homework, Working Out
High Motivation & Low Importance: Target Shooting, Video Games
High Motivation & High Importance: Sleeping, Work, Good Grades

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Keeping my room clean, Doing laundry once a week
Low Motivation & High Importance: Getting extra credit in classes, Getting a 4.0 my first semester, Going on at least 3 runs a week
High Motivation & Low Importance: Having a good time with friends, Going hunting since it’s hunting season
High Motivation & High Importance: Being in shape, Staying connected with old friends, Career, Money

I honestly did not enjoy this assignment. I had to think long and hard on these and I still feel they aren’t a true representative of my tasks and goals, for some reason I had trouble coming up with these. The main category that is a true and clear representative of me is the high motivation and high importance. During my freshman and sophomore year of high school I was very overweight. In my junior year of high school I decided to join cross country. This was possibly the best decision I have ever made. It caused me to lose weight and get in shape. In turn, it is now a goal of mine of high importance and high motivation to stay in shape and not let myself become ridiculously overweight again. Second, staying connected with old friends. Now that I am in college I see how hard it can be to stay in touch and stay connected to close friends. This is very important to me, because while making new friends is great, there is no way to replace the old ones with whom you share so many memories. Third, my career. I am highly motivated to pursue the career I have decided upon. My grandfather is in the business and I hope that one day I may be able to take over control of his nursing homes. This is also important because without keeping my sights set on one career I feel lost and have a sense of panic that I don’t know what I am going to do with my life. Lastly, money. Having plenty of money is an important goal of mine because no matter what people say, money can buy happiness. These days in the United States many divorces are caused by money issues. If I have plenty of money to support the family I plan on having and take them on vacations and such, then there goes the factor of money with divorce. In the end money can fix a lot of issues and lets you maintain a stable life, that is why I have it as high importance. This assignment has not cleared up any issues for me, but then again, I didn’t really have any issues that needed clearing up.

Low motivation Low Importance
Iron my clothes
Clean my shoes
Separate my clothes by color
High motivation low importance
Ride my bike
Listen to music
Go ice skating
Low motivation high importance
Put gas in my car
Read a long book
Clean my car
High motivation high importance
Work out
Plan my future
Work on business

Low motivation low importance
Take supplements everyday
High motivation low importance
Ride my bike two hours every week
Low motivation high importance
Take out the garbage once a week
High motivation high importance
Start a revenue making business

It was very hard for me to think of things that had low importance and low motivation to me. Most things that I do, I either have a lot of motivation for or I think it is very important and that is why I do it. I had to spend a lot of time thinking of items for that section. I think that the thing that was clarified is that I don’t have a many things in my life that I don’t think very highly of.

One task that is of low importance and low motivation for is cleaning my apartment. Being a college student I have many more things to do than to pick up the papers lying around, or do the dishes every day. Something that is very important but I have low motivation for is homework. It’s important that I do it, but I never actually want to. Something that is low importance that I have a high motivation for is my social media habits. It’s not very important that I check facebook all the time, but I seem to do it whenever I get the chance. The last thing is what I have a high motivation and high importance for is my job. I love being a coach at an all-star cheer gym and it pays my bills which is important.
My motivation for my goals aren’t something I think about a lot. I have a high motivation to build my business, because my goal 0ut of that is to someday not need to work and not worry about money. Another goal I have is to graduate college. My motivation is in between low and high, depending on the day. I work hard but other days it seems like just too much. I had a goal to be more organized in college. This isn’t as important as other goals but I have achieved it somewhat. My last is a high motivation with low importance. This would be my goal to be not seen as weird to others, because of my outgoing personality. In all reality I’m here to get an education not to impress others.
I had never really thought about my motivation to do things, but now that I have I realized what I really focus on, and what I should focus on.

Low motivation, low importance: getting ready for school, doing laundry
Low motivation, high importance: showering before school in the morning, taking out the garbage
High motivation, low importance: working out, cleaning my room, washing my dishes
High motivation, high importance: going to class, making it through the athletic training program, going to work

Low motivation, low importance: waking up earlier, surrounding myself with better people
Low motivation, high importance: doing work ahead of time, go to bed earlier
High motivation, low importance: work out every day, clean parts of the house every day, get a nice car
High motivation, high importance: graduate college, pass all of my classes, get a good job

Reflecting on all these things that are important to me helped me a lot to think about my priorities I have in my life. One thing that actually is easy to me is making sure my room is picked up and my dishes are done. Every time I eat I always do my dishes right away afterwards and I pick up and tidy my room every day. It bugs me when it isn’t clean and somewhat stresses me out. The task I’m also very good at are going to class and work. Class is very important to me and I rarely miss unless something big has happened. I also work at Texas Roadhouse and I love my job there so I enjoy going to work and it is highly important because it’s how I make my money to pay rent. My goals I have made I really need to work on. One of my low motivation, high importance goals was to go to bed earlier because I don’t get enough sleep at night. I usually put off studying and doing homework during the day and take naps between classes instead. Since I do this, all of it is left to do at night after I get off work late and then I end up staying up too late. It isn’t good for my health and is something I really should work on. This assignment has clarified some issue for me helping me to realize that I need to work a lot on my time management. It would be best for me to get all my stuff done during the day so I am able to relax and go to bed early at night. I am so stressed because I never give myself any time for myself and if I used my nap time to get homework done I think my stress level would go down a lot.

Low motivation- low importance-
• Making my bed
• Cleaning the fridge
• Mowing the lawn
• Vacuuming
• Keeping desk organized
• Keeping clothes organized
Low motivation- high importance-
• Homework
• Reading
• Shopping
• Changing my taillight
• Buying a new jacket
• Cleaning apartment
• Paying bills
• Shoveling snow
• Going to class when its cold outside
• Going to any 8am class
• Keeping car clean
High motivation- low importance-
• Playing video games
• Eating 4-5 meals per day
• Flag football
• Social media
• Sex
• Golf
• Netflix
High motivation- high importance
• Relationship
• Studying for tests
• Clinical
• Communicating with family often
• Being with friends
• Basic hygiene
• Be on time for work
• Keeping promises
• Sleeping
• Lifting
• Dieting
Low Motivation- Low importance
• Id like to do less of
• Netflix
• Stay off more social media
• Playing less video games
• I do enjoy all the tasks that I have listed on this grid and the high motivation and low importance but I do know that if I eliminate the bullet points above I will have better grades
High motivation low importance-
• I do like being clean so I’d like to take from the low motivation and low importance and at least turn it into more of a higher motivation such as cleaning and being organized.
• Vacuuming

Low motivation – high importance
• By me eliminating more of my high motivation I feel I can take on more of the high importance low motivation ones better such as doing homework and reading, along with shopping for food.

High motivation and high importance-
• The list I have is good to me, I personally need some of these things to get through any given day such as when I am very stressed I feel the need to listen to music and work out. Other things on the list are personal such as my relationship and being time dedicated, these things mean a lot to me and I like I will always keep these as a high motivation and high importance.
When making this list I took the time to really think about what I felt about each topic of the grid. I was always aware of how I felt about what I put in each category but when I see it actually being documented I realized that I am doing some things right but many wrong. I know that I play to much video games, watch Netflix or spend too much time out on the weekends. I tell myself its okay to give myself a break but I do know I tell myself this numerous times per day. I didn’t state it in the grid but religion is important to me but my motivation to do events outside of the Sunday mass is very low, I usually do not have time for this but when I do I choose to not. There are other things that I have high motivation for when I know based on religion I should try not to but being a male it’s very difficult to resist in sexual actions. I asked my roommate and girlfriend what they thought I had based on the grid and they listed off almost identical items that I had which means it is becoming a problem for me. I am spending too much time doing these high motivations low importance. They also were identical with what I said for high motivation and high importance, they said when I do something I am dedicated to that project which when it is important is a good thing but when its finishing the “ How I Met your Mother” series the amount the new season comes out I am also very dedicated to this. I am very dedicated to everything I start but I need to be able to adjust my level of dedication to what projects.

My goals are a variety of dreams and desires that I want to accomplice in the near future. Tasks to me can be low or high and it all depends on how much motivation you have for that certain duty.

• Low motivation and importance: social media, watching 5 hours of TV, and shopping for clothes I do not even need.
• Low motivation and High importance: doing homework, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and working out to stay active.
• High motivation and low importance: doing laundry, hanging out with friends, and taking pictures of myself for Instagram.
• High importance and motivation: Hanging out with my family, doing homework, driving safe, and time management.
• Low motivation and importance: cleaning my room and taking out the garbage.
• Low motivation and high importance: graduating on time (2018) and completing my homework on time.
• High motivation and low importance: reading books, and talking on the phone with my best friend.
• High motivation and importance: sleeping before 1am and eating breakfast everyday.

Doing this blog post should me the most important things in my life that should be number one. The motivation was low for doing homework and having high motivation for shopping. I feel that my choices of importance is backwards in way because of always choosing to take the easy way out of things. Sleep was a high motivation and importance because my attitude was based on and on how much I wanted it. Need vs. Want was a challenge for me because I feel that what I want is a need for me. I had an awesome experience with this activity and learned ways to solve my habits.

-Low Motivation/Low Importance-cleaning room, doing dishes
-Low Motivation/High Importance-taking out the trash, doing laundry
-High Motivation/Low Importance-buying/watching movies, buying/playing games
-high Motivation/High Importance-going to class, doing homework
-Low Motivation/Low Importance-keep room decently clean (take out trash,sweep, etc.),
-Low Motivation/High Importance-do homework, read all of the required material
-High Motivation/Low Importance-keeping up with my social life, watch must-see films, read non-class book series
-High Motivation/High Importance-go to all of my classes, get enough sleep every night, keep healthy

Before I started this assignment I thought it was going to be simple. However, I realized soon that it was a little complex. After reviewing what I had written for my goals and tasks, I realized that I really have no motivation to keep with with my class work even though it is of high importance. Whenever I go back to my dorm after classes, I always end up doing something more interesting or hanging out with friends. I have so far always gotten my homework done by the time it is needed but it is usually at the last minute. Most of the time it is because I have to write a paper or blog post and because I doubt my writing ability I lose all motivation to continue working. It seems that I have more motivation for seemingly less important tasks like catching up on a Netflix series or reading a book series that isn't part of class. There also might be the factor that because I never had many friends in high school, I always want to hang out with my college friends when they ask me too because it fills in the gap of those years that I was always by myself. I want to work on getting my homework done without procrastinating. I have been putting off the trials we are supposed to partake in for this class because I have so much other work from all of my other classes that I never have a clear mind and the motivation to do it. I look at my pile of homework that is due and then I totally forget about the smaller required parts of this class. I also have to do my book analysis soon and I have only read a couple pages because the book is incredibly boring. On top of that, I have no idea how to write a book analysis of any sort so that adds another level of doubt and counter-motivation to my mind. Once it all piles up, it keeps getting worse and worse until I finally get it all done. By that time though, I will have so many things to do in so short of time that the quality of my work is going to suffer. All I can do is work on becoming a more motivated and efficient worker and try as hard as I can to not procrastinate. Hopefully I will learn how to do this by the end of the semester so I can have a less stressful second semester.

Low Motivation, Low Importance: Cleaning apartment, waking up earlier, not wearing sweatpants everyday
Low Motivation, High Importance: Working out, Reading, homework
High Motivation, Low Importance: Spending time on social media
High Motivation, High Importance: Sleeping, working

Low Motivation, Low Importance: No social media for an hour each day, wearing my retainer to bed
Low Motivation, High Importance: Being in good shape, eating healthier
High Motivation, Low Importance: Dedicating time each day to hang out with friends
High Motivation, High Importance: Get good grades in each class and have a decent GPA

This assignment definitely made me think about my daily life and how much I get done in one day versus how much I should get done. Then, when I had to list my goals of high & low importance and motivation it helped keep things in perspective for what I want and need to achieve long-term. I have realized that I should probably work harder at gaining motivation everyday from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. If I start with the little tasks, then it may become easier to accomplish my goals. I have also found out that maybe some things should be shifted to a higher or lower importance. School should definitely come first, and if I focus hard on that each day I should still have time to hang out and socialize with my friends (even if it is less time than normal). I wouldn’t say I’m struggling with my everyday tasks and long-term goals, but there is always room for improvement. If I work hard enough at it I know I can do anything I set my mind to, so it will be interesting to see how far I’ve come in a few months. One idea I have to help myself accomplish this goal is to find a friend who would be interested in doing it with me. If they look at this assignment and reflect on their motivation maybe they will realize that they could be doing better, too. It always makes it easier to be going through something if you have a friend going through it with you. I have to keep in mind that these goals will eventually lead to accomplishing my dreams. I want to be able to live the best life I can and I think starting with finding more motivation to accomplish tasks and goals will give me a great start.


Low Motivation & Low Importance: School Spirit (Attending sporting events), Working out (depending on the day), and visiting my family back home.

Low Motivation & High Importance: Going to class, going to work, and finishing papers in a timely manner.

High Motivation & Low Importance: Dressing nicely, make time to see my boyfriend, and go out on the weekends.

High Motivation & High Importance: Getting good grades, seeing my boyfriend, and keeping a relationship with my family/friends.


Low Motivation & Low Importance: Pay car off before I’m out of college, make Dean’s List.

Low Motivation & High Importance: Schedule a class schedule that is more fluid than this semesters, do well in my religions of the world class this semester.

High Motivation & Low Importance: Be physically fit, have an attractive spouse & children, live in a big beautiful house and have nice luxurious things.

High Motivation & High Importance: Graduate college with degree I choose, attain job that is similar in the career I eventually want to be in.

I found this assignment initially difficult to really get in to. It was hard for me to really understand the concepts of Low and High Motivation/Importance, but then after I got started, it was easy enough. I thought of the Low Motivation/Importance as stuff that was more like extra, but stuff I did not really care about. The Low Motivation/High Importance were things that I should care a lot about, but am having a hard time really getting my shit together and actually caring about. High Motivation and Low Importance was looked at as stuff that was more superficial. Things that are not required in life but are desirable. High Motivation/Importance were things that I desperately need to live a happy life. This assignment has shown me that maybe I should care a little bit more about certain aspects in my life.

As many things that have been going on in my life it isn't hard for me to find examples of low motivation, high motivation, low importance and high importance tasks. Most things I do are either of high importance to me or I am highly motivated to accomplish them, so the hardest category for me to come up with was low importance and low motivation because I usually don't do these tasks. One task of low motivaion and low importance is learning a second language; in high school I took four years of spanish, but I only did that so I wouldn't have to take any spanish in college. I wasn't highly motivated to master spanish, so I didn't really work that hard at it, but I was still very good at it because it just came easy to me. A task of low motivation and high importance to me would be doing my homework. I always do my homework because my grades are very important to me, but it usually takes a while for me to start it because I just don't want to do it. A task that I give a low importance to but I have a high motivation to do is playing video games. I understand that video games will give me very few benefits, but most nights I end up in my friend's room playing Super Smash Bros because it's so fun. A task that I had high motivation for and it was of high importance to me was football. Playing in state football was one of my main goals in high school, so I worked my tail off in the off-season because I was so motivated to be good. I accomplished this task because our team shared the same goal and motivation to accomplish it.
A goal of low importance and low motivation is for me to be in a fraternity. I am not at all motivated to join one and it isn't important to me at all, so I don't even try. Being an intramural football champion is a goal that I have a high motivation for, even though it really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. I want to go to the weight room four times a week because being in good shape is very important to me, but I really don't have the motivation to make it to the WRC that often. One day I want to be a successful business man, and I know I need to meet a lot of people to develop my network, so I have a high motivation to meet all different kinds of people because I know it is very important to me.
Doing this assignment showed some consistencies in my behavior. If I give something low importance, but I still have a high motivation to do it, I'll probably do it. On the other hand, if something is of high importance, but I have a low motivation to do it I'll usually do it but it wil be difficult for me to start the task. If I give someting low importance and I'm not motivated to do it, I'm probably not going to do it. I learned that motivation level has much more to do with me doing something than importance level, because if I have a high motivation to do something unimportant I'll probably do it. But, if I have low motivation to do something important there is a lower chance that I'll do it.

TASK Category:
LM & LI: I need socks, a haircut, a new razor, and jeans
LM & HI: Reading a clockwork orange, writing assignment for politics
HM & LI: Food in general, Find Halloween costume, upgrade phone
HM & HI: Massive project for work (need to come up with a sellable product by January), Register for classes
GOAL Category
LM & LI: have a clean car, have a clean room, have no laundry (yes these are goals)
LM & HI: Read all of my textbooks for every class. Be prepared for all classes every day
HM & LI: Move up a division in a video game I play, finish Lost on Netflix
HM & HI: Graduate and find a job I enjoy in 1.75 years
I have never ever even once in my life considered myself someone who makes goals. It seems so mundane and unnecessary. I know where I’d like to be in the future, but I don’t actively think about it as a “goal”. This activity was interesting because it helped me categorize the things I am very unwilling to write down. I have all of my “tasks” and “goals” swimming around in my brain all unorganized usually, so it was helpful to see which ones I actually deemed important and/or which ones I am motivated to do. I see an interesting pattern in my results in that I do not care about my wellbeing. I don’t care very much if my socks have holes or if my razor is 6 months old, and I also don’t feel motivated to care. At some point I will be in a Wal-Mart and spontaneously remember that I need some basic things and it will take care of itself. Another trend I see is that I have no motivation for school, and a lot of motivation for work. This is very accurate. I am a completely job oriented person, and absolutely itching to get out of school. I don’t enjoy the “college” life at all. I want my own responsibilities, my own house, and a real career. Every person I know says that I will miss the days when I was in college, I beg to differ.
I learned from this assignment that I need to find a way to motivated myself to do school work. I cannot survive my remaining 1.75 years of school with the attitude of “I’ll just suffer through this”. Maybe it will change once I have a schedule of job focused classes. I also learned I need to prioritize my own wellbeing a little more. As I read my own responses, I can literally picture my pit of a room and car.

Low Motivation/ Low importance: Doing Dishes, making bed
Low Motivation/ High Importance: Going to Work, going to class,
High Motivation/ Low Importance:Cleaning, Netflix, being on social media, shopping
High motivation/ High importance:SLEEP,studying for upcoming tests, spending quality time with family and my boyfriend

Low Motivation/ Low importance:Doing the dishes more than once a week, cleaning out my car
Low Motivation/ High Importance:Eating clean,studying better for tests, looking into study abroad, internships, scholarships,
High Motivation/ Low Importance: finishing a Netflix series, stay connected with friends,networking,
High motivation/ High importance: working out, Graduating, maintaining good GPA

After doing this assignment I have realized I spend way too much time on pointless activities. I need to switch some of my priorities around and better myself. This assignment was a little tougher than I expected, trying to decipher what is important and what is not verses what I should be really doing. This assignment has helped me understand that if I want to graduate than I need to start making better use of my time and better prepare myself for my ultimate goal, graduating.

Low motivation low importance- Loading the dishwasher, making my bed, taking vitamins
Low motivation high importance- Reading On Liberty for Philosophy and getting my oil changed
High motivation low importance- driving three hours every weekend to see my family, going shopping, social media
High motivation high importance- going to class, eating, posting to this blog

Low motivation low importance- Washing my car, dressing up everyday, doing laundry
Low motivation high importance- Always eating a healthy meal, Weakening my shopping habbits, Saving money
High motivation low importance- Saving money for a new car, buying the best christmas presents
High motivation high importance- passing all my classes, being nice to everyone, living in the moment

I really enjoyed doing this assignment. It opened my eyes and helped me figure some things I need to change about my daily life. When I first saw this I was like oh yay! This can't be too hard, but it actually was. I thought i could come up with things in the snap of a finger. That's what I thought anyway. I really had to think about each thing and where i really felt like it should go. I found out that even though it's very important to me to get good grades, and passing my classes, I have no motivation to do that what so Ever. Especially reading On Liberty for Philosophy. Apparently it's important to me but I haven't read one page in the book! I just wait to go to class and rely on the professor to talk about what we were supposed to read. That really kicked me in the rear to be a better student and actually read the book because if I want good grades, because that is important than I need to do that. Whenever I get back from class I do anything but homework, I usually procrastinate and do it the very last minute. So I need to work on that as well. I always have high motivation to go see my family, but they live three hours away. It is important for me to save and manage my money, so if I am going home every weekend than I am not doing so. Have you seen the gas prices? Come on! That is a big area I need to work on as well. What helps me through not seeing my 16 month old brother my 3month old twin brothers, and my 12 year old sister every weekend, is thinking about how far I have come the past few months being at college and being a good role model for them. I have to realize that the goals I have will hopefully eventually help me succeed in my future so I need to have great motivation for things that are important for me and my future. After this assignment I think It will help me to have more motivation for what I need to.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: Cleaning the dishes and making my bed
Low Motivation and High Importance: Finish writing a five page paper and finish reading a book
High Motivation and Low Importance: Cleaning my whole dorm room and doing laundry
High Motivation and High Importance: To get a job and finish my resume
Low Motivation and Low Importance: Making my bed every day and to keep my closest organized
Low Motivation and High Importance: Go to class every day, don’t miss any classes, and pass all of my classes
High Motivation and Low Importance: Work out every day and eat healthier
High Motivation and High Importance: Graduate College with a degree in Criminology and a minor in Spanish
My experience of reflecting on these tasks and goals was interesting. I had trouble trying to come up with some of my tasks and goals, especially the ones that were low importance. I feel like I had a hard time coming up with the low importance ones because all of my tasks and goals are very important to me. Looking at my different tasks, I realize that these are the things that I have to do every week, mostly the cleaning and doing homework. Looking at my goals I have noticed that most of them are the same goals that I try to accomplish every year. For example trying to stay healthy with my eating styles and working out. I have also had the same goal in high school with the classes and how I want to pass them all and not fail. My motivations are everywhere. I have a high motivation to clean and work out but they are less important to me than doing schoolwork and looking for a job. My low motivations are kind of the same they just vary in the importance level. For example, I have a low motivation to go to class but it is very important to attend every class and pass all of them too. Another example for motivations and level of importance is with working out. I have a high motivation to work out every day but it is of low importance to me, especially in college where I am more worried about my school work.
This assignment has clarified some issues for me. For example, with my high motivation and high importance goal where I want to graduate college with a degree in Criminology and a minor in Spanish. This has clarified a lot for me because I now know that this is very important for my career that I go to college and that I finish my degree so I can get a good job in the field of Criminology. It has also helped me realize that I should not stop taking Spanish classes. I have had trouble in my Spanish class and have sometimes thought about dropping the class but reflecting on my goals and why I am in college I have now understood why I should not drop it, especially since I am trying to get a minor in Spanish. Also Spanish can help me get a better paying job and more opportunities in the Criminology field.

Low Motivation and Low Importance:
1) Lint rolling my clothes
2) Clearing out email inbox
3) Getting on Facebook
Low Motivation and High Importance:
1) Reading chapters for art history class
2) Finishing assignments for art history
3) Eating salad
High Motivation and Low Importance:
1) Netflix binges
2) Doodling
3) Playing apps on my iphone
High Motivation and High Importance:
1) Staying in contact with family
2) Eating daily
3) Working out
Low Motivation and Low Importance:
1) Learning Spanish
2) Taking over the world
3) Having a clean bedroom
Low Motivation and High Importance:
1) Passing my art history class
2) Finding my own apartment
3) Finding another job
High Motivation and Low Importance:
1) Breaking my personal record in the 5K
2) Beating my brother in sports
3) Dancing like a maniac on the floor
High Motivation and High Importance:
1) Reading the bible daily
2) Graduate from College
3) Improving my skill sets

I have noticed that if I am not motivated to do something that I don’t have to do I will not do it, so the low motivation and low importance was hard for me to think of examples. However I do think it makes sense not to waste my time on doing things I don’t want or have to do. Some areas on the chart make me wish that I was more motivated for the things that matter like turning in completed assignments for art history and less motivated to do things like play on my phone all the time. Still if there have been any changes in myself after doing this assignment it would have to be that I am ok with not being motivated to do some things and powered up to do others. That seems like the way humans should be because I know I cannot be motivated for everything. That would take up too much energy and I would be lying to myself. I feel like the low motivation and low importance goals are a bit of an anomaly because if a person is not motivated or hold the goal as important then it is not really a goal. Maybe it is when a person says, “I’m going to lose weight this year,” and then precedes to eat the donut in his hand.

Low motivation and low importance: cleaning, mowing
Low motivation and high importance: studying, waking up on time
High motivation and low importance: playing guitar, playing X box
High motivation and high importance: working out, getting good grades
Low motivation and low importance: clean my dorm room better
Low motivation and high importance: study more everyday
High motivation and low importance: become very good at guitar
High motivation and high importance: make the Dean’s list
This assignment was very fun to do because it made me realize what I think is important in my life and what I like doing. It definitely made me aware of what I need to focus and concentrate more. Things such as working out, playing the guitar, and hanging out with my friends are all very fun things to do, but when it comes to things such as cleaning, studying, and “boring” stuff I am definitely not as motivated. I think I need to organize my time better in order to become better at many things and this assignment has helped me realize that for sure. Looking at the tasks compared to my goals, I have concluded that my goals are related to the tasks I put. I need to get better at cleaning and becoming a little more organized, I put that as a task of low motivation and low importance, but in turn, put it as a goal for low motivation and low importance. Working out and being as healthy as possible was high on both lists simply because I enjoy it and realize that it is extremely healthy to get in good habits. Studying was also something I put on there as something I want to become more efficient at. In both lists, I put is as high importance, but for a goal I put it as high motivation as well. I am very motivated to get good grades, but sometimes I just don’t feel like studying. This assignment helped me very much to realize the things I should work on.

Your goals Blog

My Tasks:

Low motivation/ low importance: doing my dishes, my laundry, and making my bed daily
Low motivation/high importance: studying daily and staying on track with classes
High motivation/ low importance: seeing friends everyday watching Netflix and checking social media every hour.
High motivation/ high importance: not skipping class, contacting people who I don’t have a chance to talk to as much

My Goals:

Low motivation/ low importance: doing the dishes and making my bed when I feel the need to or when it needs to be done.
Low motivation/ high importance: studying for big exams keeping on top of homework and little quizzes.
High motivation/ low importance: spend time with friends when I have time to and only watch Netflix when all my work is done for the week, and try to spend the entire weekend watching entire series
High motivation/ high importance: attending class on a regular basis, picking up the phone to call people who I miss or need to talk to.

This assignment really helped me understand what was truly important to me and what I needed to really concentrate on more then watching Netflix everyday. I could step up the motivation in a few places that need to be and really work on my studies more and keep concentrated on them. The parts that have low motivation but are really important are the things I need to work on the most because those are what are bringing me down. And the things that I have high motivation to do are the things that are done in my free time and sometimes when I don’t have that much free time. These are the things that I like to do so I want to do them all the time sometimes putting other more important things off. This is the problem that I most commonly have. After a this assignment I have learned that I have a really low motivation level to do my homework because so many other things feel more important at the time but then I procrastinate until the very end which isn’t good either. This assignment has really clarified which topics I really need to work on.


Low motivation/low importance

A goal I would consider in this category would be to clean out my pants drawer in my dresser. I find a pair of pants that works every day but it is a pretty cluttered drawer. I just don’t feel like cleaning it and it doesn’t really seem like a pressing issue.
Other examples include:
cleaning my shoe bin
washing a load of whites
refolding my sweatshirts

Low motivation/high importance

I have a paper due next week that is very important but I have not started it yet. I do not fully understand what is being asked of me to write about and I do not feel like doing this task at all.
Other examples include:
finishing a listening assignment
completing a take home quiz
washing a load of colors

High motivation/low importance

I have a very high motivation to check social media and see what my friends are up to. I find myself doing this more often than anything else I do throughout the day. This task is not important at all and actually sort of a waste of time.
Other examples include:
knitting a headband
Restocking my snack supply
making my christmas list
watching netflix

High motivation/high importance

I am going home this weekend and I need to pack and clean my room. These are important things I have to do before I can leave and I have a high motivation to do these things. I do not go home very often so I am extremely excited to do so.
Other examples include:
write an essay about the concert I attended
make posters for relay for life
finish this assignment ;)


low motivation/low importance
make my bed daily, keep drawers organized, keep desk clear

low motivation/high importance
keep up with my reading, start studying for tests next week, finish book review

high motivation/low importance
go to the wrc three times a week, eat more fruit with every meal, finish the series of Lost

high motivation/high importance
finish my book for the book review, find a job at UNI, get at least a B in all of my classes

It was easy for me to come up with tasks for this assignment but not as easy to think about goals. This was a great thing for me to do to reorganize myself and realize where things can change. I know I need to focus less on social media and netflix and focus more on my school work. I have never been a huge planner so when I do take the time to write down what I need to do it is always extremely beneficial. I also noticed that most of the goals I have set for myself in this assignment are short term goals. I think this is linked to the fact that I am overwhelmed with starting college and feeling a little lost. I am a deciding major and I am starting to stress about trying to pick what I want to do for the rest of my life. I believe the short term goals I have set for myself reflect this fear for the future. This assignment clarified many things for me and gave me a clear look at the homework and tasks I have to accomplish this weekend. It also clarified to me that I need to set more long term goals for myself.

My low motivation and low importance: getting up to go get a snack from the vending machine, putting make-up on, and picking up a wrapper off the floor in my room.
My low motivation and high importance: reading chapter for the next lecture, taking a shower, or going to a study group.
My high motivation and low importance: going shopping, calling my parents, and seeing friends after classes.
My high motivation and high importance: getting good grades, keeping up on sleep, and keeping my homework organized.
My low motivation and low importance: dressing up everyday for classes, straightening my hair everyday, and make my bed every time I get up.
My low motivation and high importance: studying everyday for upcoming tests, writing out notes from the book, and save money.
High motivation and low importance: calling my parents twice a week, talking to my friends back home everyday, and workout everyday.
High motivation and high importance: maintaining a high GPA, getting a job, and getting more involved.
In my low motivation sections on both goals and tasks I have realized I have not been giving my all to it even if it is high importance. I should start focusing on my readings, writings, and other low motivations I have to help fulfill my goals. I now know what my weaknesses are and how I can better prepare myself from now on to make my low motivation into things I should be more motivated to do. I have realized that my high motivation and low importance are activities that I love to do because they are not that important so I don’t have to feel stressed about it. It is fun for me to do those activities. My high importance and high motivation are things I am driven to do. I want to have a successful life and doing those things will help me in the future.
This assignment helped me realize the importance of things in my life. It shows what should go first and what doesn’t necessarily need to be done right this second. For example, I love calling my parents, but if I have a paper due the next day I should do the paper instead even though calling my parents is a higher motivation than finishing a paper. Finishing that paper, though, is a task that has low motivation for me but helps me complete a high motivation, high importance goal for me. All theses motivations and importances are all interconnected to each other. For me to accomplish a higher goal, I need to do the things I do not necessarily want to do. It also shows that the low importance things still have some importance because if I am stressed I will want to do the high motivation, low importance to lower my stress so I can focus on the things I don’t want to do.
I enjoyed doing this assignment because it better helped me understand what is important and not as important. I also enjoyed it because I got to read what motivates my classmates and what has high or low importance to them. It shows how many people have similar goals and what we all think of as a chore.

Low motivation: Low importance: getting up for my 8am class, setting priorities between studying or hanging with friends
Low motivation: High importance: homework, going to class, going to the dinning center to eat
High motivation: Low importance: clean my room, workout, having a job
High motivation: High importance: relaxing when I complete homework, eating better food, working toward my major
Low motivation: Low importance: to tan once a week, finish my seasons of Gossip Girl
Low motivation: High importance: study in advance for a test, do laundry, go to bed earlier
High motivation: Low importance: FaceTime friends and family, check my social media while studying, and doing homework
High motivation: High importance: getting good grades, volunteering for my major, having well credit and learn to save money for my future.
When I started listing out my goals, I was kind of stumbled on them. I never really thought about my motivation between my goals, and just simple tasks, but when I started writing them out on notebook paper, there were so many thing that I have low motivation for, that I had to narrow it down. My high motivations are things I know I have to do, and they are important to me because a lot of my highs had to do with my major, and getting to achieve those goals will be awesome, that’s why I have such high motivation for my future. At times I would love to hang out with friends rather than studying, and I choose not to. I think my list will change throughout college, and things will become old, which will cause me to have no motivation for it, or maybe have the opposite effect, and make me work harder for my goals. I like doing these kinds of assignments because it lets me know something new about myself, and now that I know what task I have low motivation for I can work on, and I can keep working for my goals.

Low Importance/Low Motivation- taking out recycling and trash, making bed everyday
Low motivation/high importance- eating healthy, studying
High motivation/low importance- cleaning, laundry
High motivation/high importance- going to classes, working out and staying fit

Low importance/low motivation- Looking presentable everyday and getting out of bed with more than 20 minutes to get ready
Low motivation/high importance- Stop putting off assignments to last minute so I can do a better job on them, so I’ll have less stress and get more sleep.
Low importance/high motivation- Start saving money to pay off my school and buy a Dodge Charger as a gift to myself when I graduate
High importance/High motivation- Get good grades, do what I can to graduate in 4 years and get a good job I’ll be happy with.

I think this assignment is what I needed, to sit down and think about what needs to be done and what I would like to accomplish over the next week to a few years down the road. It was interesting thing to look at. I am a pretty motivated person overall, so I like to look at tasks as little goals for the day, if I can do a load of laundry and knock out some homework before dinner or a football game, I’ll feel accomplished and productive.
I was always an organized person but now that I live on my own and have no one on me to do or remind me of some tasks, I may have forgotten to do some things since moving to Cedar Falls. Lately I have been stressing out over everything so this has helped me realized what is important and what is not so important. I found it almost difficult at first because I wasn’t sure what the importance of my to do list was, so reflecting has helped me straighten things out.
I think this is something I should start to do each week, to keep myself more organized and sane. To be reminded of what is important in general even if it is something I don’t really want to like assignments, it is important to my future in my college career, along with what just needs to get done for that week. It could save a lot of stress and rushing around to remember and get things done.
I think this assignment also made realize I was an adult, not a kid considering I have to do my own cleaning and laundry. It also showed where my priorities are and whether I should reevaluate them or not. It reminded me what is important in the short term range like within the day or week to get done but also keep my long term goals within reach and kept in mind to motivate me through the short term responsibilities and how I will eventually accomplish them all.

Alberto Sveum
Oddly enough, one of the most important elements of my life, my college education, is the one I have the lowest motivation for sometimes. For example, I require a transcript from the community college I took several classes for in high school so I can register for next semester. I am reluctant to do this because it seems like it will be a lot of work. I have very high motivation to get up and run three miles a day. This is probably relatively important in my life, but I doubt it is higher on my priorities than graduating college. Watching Portlandia is probably something I could do without in my life, it holds very little importance, but for some reason, while I neglect to shave for several days, I still make time to get on Netflix and watch the show. Another task of high importance is getting my psychology homework done. I have the full capabilities of doing it far before it is due, but for whatever reason, I usually end up submitting it 45 minutes before class.
One of my many goals is to achieve at least a 3.0 on my first semester GPA. I am somewhat motivated, and I know it is imperative to my learning to do well. Another goal is to get the additional 400 dollars I need to pay for my ubill at the end of this semester, this is of extremely high importance, but I haven’t really done much to get the ball in motion. ONe final goal is spending time with my girlfriend. This is of high importance to me because I enjoy her company and it is nice having someone around that cares. I am highly motivated to see her and have fun when I’m around her.
This assignment makes me realize how lazy I really am at completing some things. I know I require a drive for certain tasks, but things like the college transcript and this homework could easily be eliminated from my list of worries if I didn’t spend so much time doing inconsequential things. I think I like to put things off until the last minute no matter how easy they are in order to have more fun in my free time. I think my ego is so depleted from a constant work schedule and homework, that I just fail to get motivated to do things that are most important. Now that I think about it, I’ll probably get that transcript later today, get ahead on my psychology homework this weekend, and try to figure out my money situation a little better. I definitely think a little thought helps a lot.

Low Motivation& low importance: Cleaning my rooms, Doing laundry, weight lifting
Low motivation & high importance: doing my homework, studying, eating healthy
High motivation& low importance: make sure i am up to date on my tv shows, going to uni games, netflix
High motivation& high importance: to get good grades, showering, talking to my family everyday

Low Motivation& low importance: keep my room clean, make bed everyday, extra credit in classes
Low motivation & high importance: eat healthy, study daily, doing laundry weekly
High motivation& low importance: great body, make sure i am up to date on my tv shows, keep my phone charged
High motivation& high importance: Get good grades, work out 3x a week, go to every class

I realized that the things that are important or that i have high motivation in really arent that important sometimes. In the greater scheme of things making sure i am caught up on all my tv shows really isn't that important. Also i have a high motivation and importance to talk to my family everything because i love them more than anything. Where some people would not consider that a high at all. I have low motivation and importance to keep my room clean and do laundry. I like to have that all done by my motivation is extremely lacking. I have that as a goal because i want to be neat and tighty as much as possible but it seems like other things always get in the way or come first. I always have a goal to keep my phone charged or it stresses me out. When in reality it is not that important. Things like that shouldn't take priority because it can wait. I should really focus on things that are important and make a big difference, like studying everyday. Instead of studying just a week before a test. I should study my notes from the day that night and keep doing that so everything stays fresh in my mind. This chart really opened up my eye and i enjoyed it. I realized what i could change and what i shouldn't focus on as much. I am going to try to keep my room clean, bed made, and study my notes daily to make things easier.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Clean my room, do laundry
Low Motivation & High Importance: Going to class, do homework
High Motivation & Low Importance: Exercise, do crafts
High Motivation & High Importance: Read, Study for Biology
Low Motivation & Low Importance: Clean room daily, do laundry weekly
Low Motivation & High Importance: Daily textbook reading
High Motivation & Low Importance: Wash face daily, beat my high score on Temple Run
High Motivation & High Importance: Exercise, lose weight, graduate college

Honestly reading this assignment I had not motivation to do it. I have found that I don’t have much motivation to do anything. Though I do have more motivation to do some things, verses others. Many of the things that I want to do, I may not have motivation to do. I find it difficult to want to do anything. This of course is a symptom of depression, and before this assignment, it wasn’t a symptom I thought I suffered from. Really what I want most is to have the motivation to do anything that I want.
I have tried to help myself get things done, by giving myself deadline to do things. I hope that by getting into routines I wont have to have motivation to get things done.

Low motivation, Low importance: Making bed, cleaning room.
Low motivation, High importance: Homework, Going to class.
High motivation, Low importance: Watching tv, Playing video games.
High motivation, High importance: Eating healthy, Lifting/ Running, Talking to friends.

Low motivation, Low importance: Do dishes every day, Make bed everyday.
Low motivation, High importance: Workout every day, don’t eat junk food.
High motivation, Low importance: Pass all classes with decent grades.
High motivation, High importance: Meet as many new people as I can, Don’t fail any classes.

Doing this experience is very good for you to do. The more often you do it, the more likely you are to know what is important to you in life and what you need to focus on more. I had a teacher in highschool who told us we should set new goals or go over what they were every week, in order to keep our priorities in line. If you have no goals and are not working to achieve something everyday then it will be really hard to keep yourself motivated. This assignment has helped me keep myself in line. I know I have flaws, mainly in going to class and being motivated to do school work, but I know that I have to in order to reach my goals.

Low Importance low motivation: Cleaning room, washing and cleaning car
Low Importance High motivation: Napping, Going to Rugby practices
High importance low motivation: Doing laundry, getting a job
High importance high motivation: going to class

Low importance Low motivation: washing my car
Low importance High motivation: Going to Rugby practice twice a week
High Importance Low Motivation: Getting my homework done
High Importance High Motivation: Working out three to four times a week

I found the assignment to be helpful. Doing this assignment showed me that I obviously do not have my priorities straight. I have a high importance and high motivation for going and working out, which is good, but I have very low motivation when it comes to doing my homework. I’ve realized that I need to find ways or come up with different things that will help me to better organize my time throughout the day. I really enjoy rugby and the friends that I have made through playing the sport, but it has also become an excuse to push my homework aside or not start it until later so that I can go to practices. As a result of this my grades have taken a hit, and I have lost a lot of sleep. My tasks and goals should go hand-in-hand, but they do not. I know that getting my homework done should be of high importance and high motivation like going to class is, but it is not. Getting my homework done is of high importance to me, but there is also so much to do that I have very little motivation to sit down and do my homework. This assignment has also showed me that I need to start using my planner better. I have a bad habit of not using it at all and I think taking the little time to write in it, and then look at my planner every so often will help me a lot in getting my school work done. The assignment has also made me think about how much easier my day would go if I wrote down a list of tasks and goals that I could do and accomplish for the day or even if I had written some out for the week or month. Doing this blog has really showed myself how unorganized I really am.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: vacuum my dorm room 2 times a week,
Low Motivation & High Importance: Work out and be healthy, talk to my family every day, wash the dishes
High Motivation & Low Importance: Pinterest, Wanelo, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, iMessage, paint my nails,
High Motivation & High Importance: shower, eat, and sleep, brush my teeth
Low Motivation & Low Importance: whiten my teeth more
Low Motivation & High Importance: keep the room clean
High Motivation & Low Importance: lose 5 pounds, look good every day, get better/cuter clothes
High Motivation & High Importance: buy a home, have a family, marriage, BSN degree, good grades, eat healthier,
During this experience, it was a lot easier for me to categorize tasks than it was to categorize goals. The goals made me think harder than the tasks. Tasks are something that I encounter every day, where goals I usually have to work towards so I don’t see them every day. I found it quite unfortunate that I found low motivation with high importance tasks and goals. But then I also found it rewarding that I am highly motivated to do highly important things in my life, whether it’s an everyday task, or a long term goal, such as buying a home, getting married and having a family. This assignment has made me realize my priorities now, and how I can change them to be more efficient with my goals and tasks and to straighten up my priorities.

Low Motivation and Low Importance: cleaning my room, laundry, dishes, vacuuming
Low Motivation and High Importance: homework, cooking
High Motivation and Low Importance: video games, watching Netflix, social media
High Motivation and High Importance: working out, sleep, having a social life
Low Motivation and Low Importance: making my bed, doing dishes
Low Motivation and High Importance: not procrastinating, not missing a class
High Motivation and Low Importance: finish watching how I met your mother
High Motivation and High Importance: high paying job, graduate college
This assignment was pretty difficult to do because I had to really think what motivated me and if that was important or not. This assignment did clarify some issues with me. It seems like I am more motivated to do unimportant tasks and goals then I am to important ones. For example, I have low motivation to do homework or study when it is really important and I am really motivated when it comes to Netflix or games when they aren’t very important. In order to complete my goal of graduating I need to be more motivated when it comes to homework and studying because those are what gets you good grades to graduate.

Low motivation/low importance- Studying, taking trash out everyday
Low motivation/high importance-Doing certain assignments, waking up.
High motivation/low importance- social media, going home, eating junk food.
High motivation/ high importance- Sleeping, calling my mom, eating.
Low motivation/ low importance- Eat healthier, keep room organized
Low motivation/ high importance- Study more, do all assignments
High motivation/ low importance- save money, sleep less
High motivation/ high importance- getting good grades, find a job

After doing this assignment it made me realize that I am not so motivated to do many things that are more important than others. This assignment also made me realize that I need to take some things more serious than others and change the way I do some things to get and be better. If I want to accomplish my goals then I know that I will have to do more than what I do now. Even though I have a lot more fun doing certain things I know if I want to reach my goals I will need to stop and change that. Change it because I want to succeed and do better than how I am doing currently which isn’t so bad but would be better either way.

-Clean My Shoes
-Organize My Wallet
-Clean Computer Screen
-Clean My Room

-Drinking Pop
- Type out my notes
- Eating Junk Food
- Shopping

-clean house
-going to class

-Taking showers
-Help People
-Be with family


-Getting out of school in 4 years
-Getting a degree in a high paying job
-Sit at home watching TV in my free time

-Eating out all the time
- Playing Piano
- Writing Music

-Saving Money
-Planning after college
-Getting a good GPA

- Being a Dad someday
-Helping People always

This activity was initially a lot harder than I thought it would be. Whenever I had to think of something to do with the Low Importance aspect it was hard to me. I think that is because I usually do things in my daily life based off of my priorities. Unimportant things usually get left out in my life, so I think that’s why it would be hard to think of the low important categories. I also found myself trying to define importance a lot to myself. I think this activity could be very different for every person depending on what their idea of importance is. I found out about myself that I am generally motivated to do things that have a high importance. I think that is because I like to plan things a lot (besides what I am doing after college) and I can usually see what is important in my life and what is not. I think by doing this activity I may need to really look at what I am doing in my life and see what is important and what is not important in my life and see what I am initially motivated by and maybe for the Low Motivation/High Importance category find some way to be intrinsically motivated.

Currently, I have low motivation to do a lot of things. And though this assignment may seem straightforward and therefore easy, when one’s motivation for something is low, the importance of it also is distorted into looking quite low. After some thinking, I suppose I have low motivation for the low-importance tasks of dusting my dorm room and revitalizing my old steamer trunk. Unfortunately I also have low motivation for many tasks of high importance: improving my foreign language skills, planning, advertising, and executing good house programs for my residents, taking the time to maintain close relationships with distant family members, getting my graduation plan figured out – the list goes on and on, to be honest.

In terms of tasks I have high motivation for despite their low importance, I can think of a couple: improving my yoga skills and making sure I look okay. Neither of these things are going to matter much in the long run (depending on how you look at it), but these two things take up a significant chunk of my daily life. I have high motivation toward a few high-importance tasks, including eating healthy, exercising, and keeping good hygiene. Unfortunately, it would appear that these tasks are largely focused on health – though this is certainly important, it is worrisome that I’m essentially putting all of my eggs into one basket.

Now onto goals. Low-importance goals that I have low motivation for would be uploading pictures to Facebook (I have pictures from two summers ago I keep promising to get out into the world) and organizing my many, many toiletries I never use. I have low motivation for my high-importance goal becoming more patient. I always have high hopes for this goal, and my temper lets me down every time. But, what are you going to do? (Oh my goodness, this last sentence is low motivation case-and-point.)

I have high motivation for my low-importance goals of keeping my friends happy. Ultimately, their happiness can’t be decided by me, but I put a lot of energy into trying. I have high motivation for no high-importance goals right now. Usually this would be an easy question for me to answer – it’s almost always becoming fluent in Japanese, something critical for my future career. However, that tasks that are required for that goal are currently of low motivation for me.

This assignment has been thoroughly depressing. Awesome.
I have recently been noticing the decrease in my motivation for a variety of aspects of my life, so this assignment didn’t clarify any issues for me. However, it does make me feel as though I need to find more things that are important to me in life, especially after seeing that my health is the only thing worth staying consistently motivated for.

Low motivation, Low Importance- Laundry, cleaning room
Low motivation, High importance- Homework, going to class, checking email
High motivation, low importance- watching tv, finishing Blacklsit on Netflix, going home.
High motivation, high importance- getting good grades, getting healthier, food
Low motivation, low importance- save money, don’t drink every weekend, less tv,

Low motivation, Low importance- laundry once a week, keep room clean
Low motivation, high importance- get homework done first, check email, never miss a class
High motivation, low importance- clean dishes, make my bed
High motivation, high importance- eat healthier, workout, less tv

This assignment has really gotten me to think twice before I go ahead and do something fun. My priorities when I came to college were awful, but since I got hurt with my torn Achilles, I’ve found how to balance my schoolwork, friends, and other activities. You must do the high importance first, even if it’s things you don’t want to do. Homework should come before tv, Netflix, and lifting even if those things are on your high importance. I’m glad I didn’t have more things on my low motivation and low importance, than my high motivation and high importance. I have a good balance for these things and that has really gotten me to feel good. In order to get good grades while having fun with other things, you must have a good balance overall. Put your high priorities first, than go ahead and do what you want.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: making bed, putting laundry away
Low Motivation & High Importance: homework, feeding fish, work
High Motivation & Low Importance: clean dorm, going out to eat
High Motivation & High Importance: graduation, good GPA

Low Motivation & Low Importance: get up early, dress nice
Low Motivation & High Importance: do homework, eat healthy
High Motivation & Low Importance: arts and crafts, hang out with friends
High Motivation & High Importance: go to all of my classes and go to the gym three times a week.
Describe your experience reflecting on these tasks and goals, your motivation, and their level of importance to you. Has doing this assignment clarified any issues for you? If so, how and in what way?
This experience has made me reflect on my own true feelings towards some of the goals and tasks that I addressed. I found that I needed to organize all of my thoughts and realize what I need to be doing and what I shouldn’t be doing. This activity helped me realize where I have been and where I should be devoting my time to. It definitely made me realize that I need to start taking care of myself a little better.

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Keeping room clean, doing laundry
Low Motivation & high Importance: Studying, Work
High Motivation & Low Importance: Longboarding, sleeping
High Motivation & High Importance: Good Grades, maintaining figure

Low Motivation & Low Importance: Don't overeat, Go to bed early
Low Motivation & High Importance: Completing homework, keep in touch with family
High Motivation & Low importance: Have fun with friends
High Motivation & High Importance: Don't miss classes, don't fight with roommate.
This experience has made me realize that I need to prioritize better so that I can accomplish tasks that need to be done. Then, when I am finished with them I can do the things that I enjoy doing that don't necessarily have to be done at all.

Low Motivation/ Low Importance: Partying, dusting, keeping socks and things organized in drawers.

Low Motivation/ High Importance: Taking out the recycling, cleaning, putting clean clothes away.

High Motivation/ Low Importance: Playing the guitar, videogames, text friends back quickly.

High Motivation/ High Importance: Studying, social activities, hygiene, wearing clean clothes.

Low Motivation/ Low Importance: Getting the newest game, constantly being involved in something, making sure I get what I want.

Low Motivation/ High Importance: Saving money, constantly studying, getting all A’s.

High Motivation/ Low Importance: To be able to play a new song on the guitar, going out on weekends.

High Motivation/ High Importance: To do very well in school, to make a lot of great friends, to be kind as possible to everybody, to help out, to be an example.

I really liked this assignment because it helped me put down on paper what my actual goals were, and how important those, as well as the tasks, were to my life in college. It was hard to come up with some things though. For example, coming up with goals in which I had a high motivation and had a low importance was very difficult. I don’t think I have very many goals that aren’t important. I am more of the kind of person that focuses primarily on important aspects of life, and doesn’t dwell or think too much about insignificant things. I would rather have a conversation with someone about something important, or something I was very interested in as well, rather than carry out some meaningless small talk. Another part of the assignment that was somewhat difficult was deciding exactly what was and wasn’t important to me, and how motivated I was to carry these things out. The tasks were harder for me to think of. I found myself looking around my dorm room, trying to find something that I really wanted to do, but didn’t matter all that much. I found that to be surprisingly difficult, and shocking actually. I realized that I mostly just do school work in my free time, and I don’t do too much outside of that. I figure I should probably get out more, and enjoy myself to relieve some stress. But at the same time I’m not all that motivated to seek out some group or organization I can join. I would rather just play my guitar or do things with my roommate occasionally. I knew this before the assignment, but it further helped me see that I never was much of a party person. I don’t find hardly anything at all intriguing about what is involved in a “typical college party” so I tend to stay away from it. Yet I do want to meet more people so there is a little bit of a tug of war going on. Overall the assignment was very informing, and helped me see what kind of things I really have aspirations for.

Low motivation & low importance: Breakfast in the morning, ironing my clothes, putting laundry away.

Low motivation & high importance: Homework, Laundry, showering, Going to class.

High motivation & low importance: Video games, Going out to eat, hanging with friends.

high motivation & high importance: going to church, studying, Good personal hygiene

Goals: Low motivation & low importance: Keep my shoes clean, Getting a new video game

Low motivation & high importance: Study for a test, Go to class, saving my money

High motivation & low importance: Going out on weekends, Getting new shoes, going to my friends.

Low motivation & high importance: Eating healthy, Getting to class, Getting my laundry done

I liked doing this assignment because it was the first time I have really sat down and wrote about what my priorities are and I think it makes it more clear where your priorities should be. I think its very important to think about what you need to do before you think about what you want to do. Usually the things you are more motivated to do are the things that might not necessarily be very important in the long run and thats where you have to have balance in your life. I have heard these things from my parents a lot but have never actually seen my motivation and priorities on paper. As important as it is to get the things you don't have motivation for done it is also important to do some of the more fun things and not so important things to relax and loosen up. I know it is important to do my studying and get my laundry done before I go out and hang with friends or go play a video game even if you have more motivation do do the more fun thing. As I have grown up I think my priorities have changed and my motivation to do certain things have changed. I have more motivation to do something of high importance because I know how it will pay off in the long run and I don't think thats how I was a year or two ago.

My Tasks:
Low Motivation & Low Importance: Turning my computer off every night, sweeping the floor
Low Motivation & High Importance: Homework and Blog posts, cleaning my room
High Motivation & Low Importance: Playing video games, longboarding
High Motivation & High Importance: Spending time with my girlfriend, studying
My Goals:
Low Motivation & Low Importance: Turn off computer every night, keep room clean
Low Motivation & High Importance: Go to all classes, take notes
High Motivation & Low Importance: Beat all of my games 100%, get my dream longboard
High Motivation & High Importance: Marry that girl, graduate

I was iffy on doing this assignment for two reasons, one good, and one bad.
1. It totally made me realize that my priorities are screwed up.
2. I realized that I need to change up my priorities.
There are some things that should be switched around very soon in my opinion, mostly the homework and playing video games; my games shouldn’t be a priority at all. Also I feel as though my roommate would appreciate it if I cleaned up a bit every so often and swept the floor and all that jazz. There are things here I just realized I should work on, and others that I have known for quite some time, but it’s becoming more and more clear that now is the time to take care of these before it’s too late.
All in all the assignment was nice, I do enjoy lists quite a lot. Hopefully I am able to apply the knowledge granted to me and become a better student.

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