December 2010 Archives

Perfect Evidence


For this assignment, listen to the Prologue, Act 1, and Act 2 of the This American Life episode #210 called Perfect Evidence. If you have a smartphone or tablet, the easiest way to listen to this, and all the other radio shows for the class, is to download the This American Life app. Once you have the app you can quickly find shows (by title or episode number) and listen right then and there. You can also go to the website and search on episode number. I've found it for you here: click on launch player and listen to the show.

What was the most surprising thing you learned after listening to this show? How can psychological science help improve the real world problem of wrongful convictions?

Provide the psychology terms you used in your response at the bottom of your comment.

The Innocence Project

Activity: Memory Games

Go here.

Do one of the memory games! Describe the game, your experience and what you learned.

Activity: Prison Experiment

Go to the below website. There is a slide show with text for you to read. There are embedded video clips that you should watch as well. When you are done, answer in detail discussion question #16 (click on discussion question tab at the top of the page). ALSO, provide your general opinion about this study, how did it make you feel, what did it make you think about.

Activity: Implicit Association Test

The IAT is a test designed to measure implicit (we don't know we have them) attitudes about other groups or concepts.

You should go to the website and click on "demonstration". [on your own, feel free to go to the 'research' site and participate in research using the IAT on many different topics--you should do this after you have done the demonstration site].

Read the information and then click on 'go to the demonstration tests'.

read the information and click 'i wish to proceed'

Take one of the IAT tests (race, gender, presidential, age), and then write about your experience. Were you surprised at the results? Were you uncomfortable with the findings? How does the information on your scoring on the IAT affect your explicit attitudes? Your explicit behaviors?

Feel free to take other IAT versions as well.