Attraction - Blog This!

Hey guys.  This was Sarah Jentz's blog this option.

I chose it because attraction is something that's an important topic for all of us, and you should know exactly what goes into it.

I found a link that talked about why Oprah is beautiful and where she bought her lingerie.  I thought it was worth an honorable mention, but I don't think it's really worth looking into, personally.

The above link is Sarah's original link.  It's certainly worth looking through and commenting about. It covers a lot of good information such as symmetry in faces, hip to waist ratios, the fact that a 10 does not go for a 3 (usually), and the halo effect (real scientific name - honestly).  These were all things I learned about in my Social Psych class (hint hint - take it!).

But that is mostly about physical beauty and attraction.  There has to be more to it than that! Oh, there is.  But superficiality does have some perks . . . Below is a link about how a website has recently aided psychologists in learning more about attraction.

Now that we're past the looks, read through this website's article titled, "When Do We Fall in Love?"  ( ).

Please go through all websites and talk about something that interests you and point out that which you did not know.  If you would like, please provide other sites - particularly dealing with non-physical means to attraction.  (Hint - We like people who are more like us.)

Again, great find, Sarah.

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