Activity: Lucid Dreaming


For several nights in a row, keep a note pad by your bed. As soon as you wake up, jot down anything you remember from your night's sleep (whether you got up, tossing and turning, etc) and, anything you remember from any dreams.

Prior to going to sleep at night tell yourself "I'm going to remember my dreams tonight."

As you start remembering your dreams (or if you already do), prior to going to sleep at night tell yourself "While I'm dreaming, I'm going to realize I'm dreaming."

If in a dream you start to get a sense you may be dreaming try to gain control of the dream. You can do this by simple stopping the activity of the dream...just stand there and look around. If you enter a full cognizant lucid dreaming state, do something very different, like jump off a building, or fly, or change the entire location of your dream.

The goal of this activity is to become more aware of your sleep and dream habits. As a comment to this post talk about your experience and what you learned about your sleep and dreaming habits.

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