Activity: Testosterone

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Listen to this episode about testosterone on This American Life (click on stream episode to listen to it for free).

Tell me what you think, and in doing so, answer some of these questions. What do you think these experiences tell us about nature vs. nurture? The self and identity? What aspect most surprised you? Would you want to do a testosterone experiment on yourself (taking more or less than you naturally have)? Why or why not?

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Something at really hit me was that his personality living without testosterone was very different from his personality when he got testosterone. I just didn't think that not having testosterone in your body would effect that much of your life.
I always knew that both men and women have testosterone, but I didn't realize you yourself depended so much on it.
When Griffin was changing and took his testosterone shots was an amazing story. The things that it did in his mind compared to when he classified as a women were very different polars. When the testosterone was kicking in he was seeing the nature of the men and how they think, but his nuturing side that was still woman was telling him that what he was thinking/imaging was wrong.
I don't personally think I would mess with my testosterone levels, because I don't think I am comfortable with myself to do that. Afterwards, I don't think I would be able to forgive myself for the things I thought, said, or did.

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