Your Goals


I'd like you to consider the following four categories:


Low Importance

High Importance

Low Motivation







High Motivation






What are some tasks (of low importance and high importance) that you have low and high motivation for? For example, you might have low motivation for cleaning your apartment, but it also, personally, may be of low importance to you, etc. I'd like you to come up with several tasks for each category.

Next, i'd like you to take it to the next level, and consider the following grid:


Low Importance

High Importance

Low Motivation







High Motivation






For the previous grid you thought about tasks that you do and your level of motivation for them. Now, I'd like you to consider the various goals you have for yourself and reflect on your motivation for them and their level of importance to you.

Describe your experience reflecting on these tasks and goals, your motivation, and their level of importance to you. Has doing this assignment clarified any issues for you? If so, how and in what way?


For the top grid, I have to say that I have various levels of motivation for many tasks, but for a few, here are my responses to the graph.
Low importance, low motivation: taking out the trash (I like to clean, and I like having a clean room, but this specific task just requires a lot more movement than I often think it is worth, so it’s hard to motivate myself to do it).
Low importance, high motivation: watching Netflix. I think everyone feels like this one is accurate for this category. What did we do before streaming television?
High importance, low motivation: definitely homework. There always seem to be better things I could be doing.
High importance, high motivation: I have a very deep love for several TV shows, and there are several that I WILL NOT go a week without watching live. This may not be important to others, but to me it is a much needed break from the monotony of homework given to me. I have a very high motivation to watch these shows live (By the way, if you guys want show suggestions, I have a LOT).
As for the second graph, this will be a bit more difficult.
Low importance, low motivation: Working out. I think diet is way more important than exercise, and though I love being outside and playing sports casually, I am physically repulsed by the idea of working out. I mean, I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?
Low importance, high motivation: Knitting baby hats. This isn’t the most important thing in the world, but it’s busywork for when I watch Netflix, and it only takes a few hours to make one, and they are the cutest tiny little things when you finish; it’s very rewarding.
High importance, low motivation: Eating healthier. I know I should, and I do try, but then I need to be somewhere quickly and I only have time for a pizza from 23rd street or a granola bar, not fruit or vegetables. It’s easy to lose motivation when you don’t have time to be motivated about something.
High importance, high motivation: A big goal of mine is to graduate from college and get a job soon after. My parents never finished college (although my mom will soon), and I think that has caused them setbacks and regrets in life. I would like to avoid that, and I am highly motivated to do so.
This assignment was pretty cool, because it kind of outlined some important goals for me and helped me to see some of the things that I really value and believe in, even though I don’t think about them on a regular basis. I don’t usually think about how important it is for me to graduate or to eat healthy, but listing my goals kind of reminded me of what I believe to be important, and it was nice to see what I want to do. I also liked seeing my motivation levels.

This assignment really got me thinking about what I value and what motivates me. I found it very neat that as I sit down to write this assignment I have just finished my book for my report. The book tackled some of these concepts in the form of finding your happiness. This blog post was the perfect way to begin putting what I have learned from the book into practice. This blog post assignment also showed me some of the reasons some of my goals never get off the ground. This will spur me to find ways to increase my motivation for tasks that I have low motivation for but are of high importance. The tasks and goals that I find have high motivation/ low importance can be used as treats for finishing task that are low motivation/high importance.

I started filling out the task table and found this;

The items that are low motivation/ Low importance include cleaning and wearing make-up. I find cleaning to be tedious and in a dorm room just a bit of tidying is all that is necessary most of the time. Ever since I was a little girl my parents never really stressed the use of make-up. In turn I really do not see it as a necessity and thus is something I do not give much thought to.

The tasks that made the High motivation and High importance part of the table were organizing and homework. I am very type A when it comes to my school work. I love to check things off of lists and make plans for getting things done. Also, I am very dedicated to things that I begin and that I feel have a definite long term gain thus I am motivated to do my homework and it is of high importance to me.

The tasks that were labeled as low motivation and high importance included driving and exercise. I do not like to drive very much if I can avoid it which is why I have low motivation to do so, however, I do believe that it is a very important skill to have. Along with this, I have very little motivation to exercise but it has come to my attention within the last few weeks that it would be very good not only for toning but also for my stress level.

The tasks that were labeled as high motivation and low importance included watching Netflix (one I am sure everyone will put down) and playing candy crush. I am extremely motivated to play candy crush in order to compete with my dad, however, I know that this game is over extremely low importance in the grand scheme of things.

As I moved on to my goals I found this table extremely hard to fill out. I am not the type of person who likes to write my goals down. Most of the time they stay in my head and I subconsciously remember them. Here were my efforts none the less.

Goals of low importance and low motivation included taking out the trash more often. This is something that would be very nice of me to do for my roommate and I but is not of extreme importance do to other things being of higher priority.

Goals of high importance and high motivation included graduating and preparing for a job in the “real world.” These are goals that I have had since graduating high school that I am constantly working toward as I do my homework and continue in my college education.

Goals of low importance but high motivation include organizing and packing things for the summer. Like I said earlier, I love being organized and ahead of schedule so with that I am always looking ahead. There are many times when I look around my dorm room and try to find things that I won’t need for a few months in order to get more organized to move home for the summer.

Goals of high importance but low motivation include exercising and cutting down on the amount of Netflix I watch. This was the easiest category for me to fill out. I found that I need to work the most on determining what my goals are and then making and sticking to a plan to reach them.

Vocabulary: tasks, goals, importance, motivation, values

Low Motivation, Low Importance: cleaning the sink, dressing "nice"
-It drives me insane when my roommate gets toothpaste and soap all over the sink and I can't stand to look at it but I just hate cleaning it up. I don't think it is of high importance because it doesn't get that dirty in the small dorm room.
-Dressing "nice" doesn't give me a huge motivation because it is also a time consuming task. I spend many hours in the gym and don't want to bother carrying around extra clothes. As an athletic training major, we practice on each other and wearing jeans to do so just isn't realistic.

Low Motivation, High Importance: studying, doing homework
-It's important to study so that I can learn the material well but sometimes it can be difficult to do so when it seems like I need a break.
-Doing homework is important for the obvious reason of it affecting my grades however some tasks may seem trivial and just like busywork.

High Motivation, Low Importance: checking social media
- I can say that I truthfully might have a problem with checking my apps too often. I want to know what is going on at all times but it is technically not that important if I find out that information.

High Motivation, High Importance: working out, homework
-To me, working out is a huge stress reliever as well as a health benefit and I make sure that I am able to do so 6-7 days a week.
-Homework can fall into both categories because it is obviously important and I do feel the need to make sure that I get it done in order to get good grades.

Low Motivation, Low Importance: taking time for myself to relax
-I've always lived a high stress life so I don't have a lot of motivation to change that because I have become accustomed to it. I also don't think it ranks with too high of importance because I have managed to deal with it thus far without having a mental breakdown (yet).

Low Motivation, High Importance: figuring out what I want to do with my life
-If this doesn't describe the life of a young adult, I don't know what does. It is important to figure it out so that I can look for a grad school or a job after I finish my undergraduate degree. I'm not highly motivated to do so because it's stressful to think about and I am not good at making decisions.

High Motivation, Low Importance: graduating on time
-I really want to graduate on time so that I can do so with all of my peers in my classes. It would be great to walk across the stage with all of them and be able to move on to the next step in my life earlier rather than later. I know that this is not that important because many people do not graduate in four years. If I need to take an extra year or two to get in grad school/med school prerequisites, then so be it.

High Motivation, High Importance: getting a degree
-This is of high importance to me because I know that having a degree increases your employability and the rate of pay you receive. I'm highly motivated to do so because I want to learn all that I can in order to perform to the best of my abilities in my future career.

This task was just a nice refresher of what I would like to accomplish and what I personally need to work on in my life. Many of these examples are fairly simple but they are significant to my life which is why my motivation levels are impacted by them. I think about all of these every day so it was different to see them actually typed out. It really put into perspective what I am motivated by or what does not give me very much drive. I have to say that after trying to relax and not worry about all of these things over break, and now thinking about them and seeing them staring at me in the face just puts me right back into a state of intense stress.

A task with low motivation and low importance for me is partying. I know a lot of people who find it very important to find time to go out and party on the weekends and that is just not something I find to be important or have the desire to do. If I stay in and do homework on a Friday night that is just fine with me (although it is pretty lame).

A high motivation but low importance task would be watching TV shows/Netflix and checking social media. Although I know it’s much more important to be doing homework or exercising or something, I can’t resist catching up on my TV shows or checking out Facebook for much longer than I should.

Exercise is probably the main task that I have low motivation for but find highly important. I am usually pretty good about getting to the WRC to work out, but on a busy week I just have more motivation to do my homework than I do to go exercise.

The big thing that I place high importance on and have high motivation for would be my school work. I’m one of those really weird people that spends all my free time in between and after classes and work doing homework. If I have homework done for the next day, I work ahead and get prepared for my long term projects and assignments. If someone asked me how I would characterize myself as a student, I would definitely say extremely motivated.

My goal with low importance and low motivation would be saving money and changing my spending habits. I don’t ever really think a ton about my future money issues and mostly my scholarships, loans, and help from parents take care of my issues now. I know that I should be more conscious of this, but I have a job and for now I’m not really very motivated to come up with a better plan.

A goal with low motivation but high importance is eating healthier. I am totally aware that I need to eat far better than I do, (like what’s a vegetable?) but with all of the delicious fried foods in the dining center my motivation to do so is extremely low.

A high motivation but low importance goal that I have is to watch my favorite TV shows in order. I am completely crazy about making sure that I get to watch every single episode of each TV show that I get started on (and right now it’s up to 4). It doesn’t have to be live, but I’m extremely motivated to stay caught up online and it stresses me out when I get behind.

Finally, my goal that I have high motivation for and place high importance on is to graduate from UNI with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Coincidentally, this is the only real, set in stone goal that I have for myself. I am not much of a goal writer, but this is one that I definitely have for myself.

This assignment was really interesting for me. I had never thought about how motivation and importance play a role on my task behaviors as well as my goals. This pointed out things that I hold to be a part of myself such as motivation for school work and my need for a healthier lifestyle. It also pointed out things that I will probably have to change my motivation and importance for someday such as my TV show watching and my spending habits.

Vocabulary: motivation, importance, goals, tasks, behaviors

One tasks that I have low motivation for and don’t really see as important is cleaning my dorm room. Of course I see it as important to keep things clean, but my roommate gets really obsessive about cleaning, so I just let her do it. I don’t keep my things in perfect order at all times, but I don’t see it as important because I’m hardly ever even in my room, as I would much prefer to be around people.
A task that I have low motivation for but is really important is studying. I don’t like reading textbooks at all, but I know it’s important because a lot of professors slip sneaky test questions from the textbook that you would only know if you did the readings.
Something that I have high motivation for but really isn’t important is social media. I love to stay caught up on what my friends and celebrities are posting on Instagram, and I spend entirely too much time on Snapchat trying out all the geofilters.
Something that I find really important and I have a pretty high motivation for is working out. It’s really relaxing for me to go to the Health Beat and spend about half an hour on the bike while watching an episode of Sex and the City. I think that’s part of the motivation because I never really watch it otherwise (mainly because like I said before I don’t like being alone in my room). But it just makes me feel really accomplished and I like the way my body looks and want to keep it that way.
When it comes to goals, I wanted to do well in business statistics (i.e. get at least a B), but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, and now I don’t find it important and have low motivation to excel in this class because stats just isn’t my thing. I just need to pass so I can get into the college of business, so that’s my new goal.
Another goal that I have low motivation for is to get more involved in clubs that have to do with my major. This is actually something that is of pretty high importance to me, because being involved in the Society of Human Resource Managers would look really good on my resume, but I don’t want to. I keep promising myself I’ll get involved next year.
A goal that’s really important and I have high motivation for is to get a really good job coming out of college. I know what I want to do with my life, and I want to start building a career as soon as possible.
A goal of mine that I’m really motivated for but isn’t that important is to get my hair back to its natural color as soon as possible. My hair is naturally a light brown, which is the color it is now, but I get it dyed every few months because it keeps fading. My freshman year of high school I started highlighting my hair, and by the end of my senior year it was completely bleached. I want to get my natural hair color back because I can’t remember what it even looks like and I want to stop having to dye it.
This assignment was really interesting to me because at first I had no idea how to do it because I had no idea what my goals were. It was a good experience for me to actually evaluate my life and priorities.
Terms: goals, tasks, motivation, importance

I would have to say that my levels of motivation for tasks change on a daily basis, but here are a few responses for the graph as of today.

-Low importance, low motivation: doing the dishes (while I am the one in charge of dishes, and I love having my room organized and clean, there is only one dish that is dirty and I have other priorities to do.)

-Low importance, high motivation: watching my television show tonight. While this doesn't really need explaining. Watching television will be a great way to take a study break before going back to homework.

-High importance, low motivation: Definitely remembering to eat. At times I just keep moving or I’m studying and am not looking at the time so I forget to take a break.

-High importance, high motivation: homework, though this does depend on what is due and when it is due, if I have a test coming up, or if it is just textbook readings.

For the second graph, this may be more difficult.
-Low importance, low motivation: Watching netflix or cleaning. My roommate and I have this rule that if we haven’t cleaned in a week then we need to do it, but it is not going to be forced if there is a ton of homework. I have always had this rule anyways that homework comes first netflix, tv, etc. comes after.

-Low importance, High motivation: Keeping up with my workouts and eating healthy like I have been. I think between a healthy balance of diet and exercise keeps a healthy lifestyle. The summer before I started college I started meditating and doing yoga, but during spring vacation I did not do any yoga or meditating and now my back is bothering me.

-High importance, low motivation: Eating three square meals a day with a colorful plate. As I stated in my previous grid I can get sidetracked really easily and not realize that I have not eaten until 9pm at night. Part of eating healthy in my book is remembering to grab a fruit and a vegetable.

-High importance, high motivation: A goal of mine is to graduate from college and have job placement in my field of study as soon as possible after that. I keep feeling like I am going to be in college forever with all the things that professors keep throwing at me and because of the fact that I am double majoring.

This task was different from the ones that we have had before and I like it because it outlined important goals that I need to work on and helped me to think about other things that I value even though I do not think about them on regular basis. This assignment has helped clarify some issues for me in a way that I think I may have solved one of my problems.


The tasks that I feel aren’t important and don’t feel motivated to do are things like cleaning, reading, and being social. I enjoy living in a clean environment, but I don’t much care for cleaning (especially if I’m cleaning up after my roommate). I used to love reading but now, I’m busier and have less time for it; it slowly crept its way down the list of importance. I also don’t feel very motivated to be social; I enjoy to be by myself most of the time.
For the tasks with low motivation and high importance, I had listed sight-singing and aural training homework (which I find very boring and hard to concentrate on), practicing for my percussion lessons, and checking my emails regularly. I never liked practicing for lessons at all, just playing etudes over and over again can get boring quickly.
The high motivation tasks with low importance are the tasks I really want to do most of the time, things like watching T.V., playing games, driving (for fun), and playing instruments just for fun. When I watch T.V. or play certain games, I can just turn my brain “off” and not really think about other things (things that might be bothering me, or things that I should be doing instead of lazily watching the same episode over and over again). Playing an instrument for fun is another way I like to turn my brain “off” and just let things happen naturally – and sometimes, good things can come from it like new compositional ideas, figuring out how to play a favorite song without realizing it, and other surprises.
The final box is a mix of things I enjoy and things I don’t, but that just need to be done. Practicing for ensembles I enjoy and feel very motivated to do because I don’t want to let the ensemble down. Sleeping is very important to me and after bad experiences with lack of sleep, I am very motivated to get 8 hours a night. Working on music theory or psychology homework isn’t necessarily fun, but they are both subjects that I enjoy learning about, and I have the motivation to put the work into them.
My low importance/low motivation goals are things like learning different languages and learning sign language for fun. I don’t feel very motivated to do it because I have no need to learn these things, I would just like to. My high importance/low motivation goals are getting better at marimba, getting a job, and developing my aural training and sight-singing skills. All of these things are important in furthering me, but it’s work that I don’t want to do and have to try really hard to actually do it. My high motivation/low importance goals are the things I hope to do for fun; things like finishing T.V. shows and movies on Netflix, recording an album with a friend and traveling the world. My high importance/motivation goals are things like graduating, becoming a well known composer, and becoming a band director.
This was the first time since probably middle school where I wrote down and really thought about goals and it felt weird. Doing this helped me realize what I like doing and what I need to be doing. I noticed that I’m more motivated to do fun things and less motivated to do important things that aren’t as fun.

My motivation for the various tasks I do in in my life is always changing, whereas the motivation I have for the goals in my life tends to stay the same, as they are normally of higher importance.
A task that is of low importance and low motivation is doing the dishes. I am not a messy person by any means but I don’t tend to accumulate too many dishes in my dorm room, as I normally eat in the dining centers, but when I do make some dirty dishes, I tend to avoid washing them. Granted if the dishes start to pile up or smell, I will of course then wash them, but if there are only one or two, I may avoid taking care of them for a while.
A task that is of low motivation and high importance is definitely homework, as is with many, many other people. Obviously doing homework is important for doing well in school, and I do have high motivation to do well in school, it’s just that I tend to still do well in my classes without completing 100% of my homework. This then decreases my motivation to actually do it, as I know I will probably do fine in the class anyways. Definitely a habit I will need to break as classes get harder in my college career.
A task of high motivation and low importance is watching Netflix. I will take watching an episode of New Girl over doing my Humanities reading any day. However, Netflix is not very beneficial in the long run.
A task of high motivation and high importance to me is eating healthy. I was raised by very health conscious parents so a healthy diet has always been an important part of my life. I also tend to enjoy healthier foods more than junk food (I’m weird, I know), probably because I’ve just been conditioned that way my whole life. I am also very motivated to avoid the freshman 15 and therefore make sure I am working out regularly and eating healthy.
A goal that is low motivation and low importance is waking up early on a regular basis. I am notorious for sleeping in past my alarm. However, it is very rare that I am late for class or work, as I am very skilled at getting ready quickly in the morning (probably because I sleep in so much). Since I’ve never faced very dire consequences from sleeping in and getting more sleep is always great, this isn’t something I’m very motivated to change anytime soon.
A goal that is low motivation and high importance is saving money. I love to shop but am also very aware that I have this very expensive thing called college to pay for. However, that still doesn’t seem to be enough motivation for me to quit my overspending habits and put more money in my savings account.
A goal that is high motivation and low importance is expanding my music library. Music is a great passion of mine and I love to discover new artists and albums, as well as own all the albums of my favorite artists. There will always be a new artist or album that I will want to buy. This doesn’t have much importance in my life, however, since unfortunately I am not going into the music industry as a career, this is simply a hobby.
A goal that is high motivation and high importance is graduating college. Both my parents and my brother have graduated from college and this really motivates me to do the same thing. I also have always envisioned myself as a career woman, not simply a housewife, and graduating college is the best step I can take to pursuing that career.
This was a very interesting exercise for me, especially since I have never really written down or thought out any goals I have for myself before. It was really thought-provoking to first think of some goals I might have, and then to asses my levels of motivation for them and their importance. I also reinforced the fact that I tend to be more motivated by negative consequences as opposed to positives ones. Don’t get me wrong, positive rewards are still motivating, but the fear of negative consequences has much more effect on me. I have also never really thought about how motivation and importance plays into various tasks of my life, and how that effects my productivity, but it was very refreshing to see it written out in a more definitive way.
Terms: Goal, motivation

Forcing myself to consider what things in my life I consider important really made me evaluate how I’m spending my time. Why is homework such a low motivation even though it is very important to my success as a student which I value greatly? Why is it hard for me to find motivation to do things I know are important? Why do I value building relationships with others so highly, but lack the motivation to put forth the effort in some of my existing relationships? Thinking about what I consider important allowed me to greatly reorganize my thoughts and hopefully refocus my energy to find the motivation for those things I know are important.
I really struggled to find things to put into the Low Motivation-Low Importance category but I think that’s just proof of how low importance and low motivation those things really are in my life. Next in the Low Motivation-High Importance category were the things in my life that seem to be busy work, homework, sending emails, finishing projects. I know these things are important but I push them back I my schedule because I don’t enjoy doing them, they’re annoying and tiring.My High Motivation-Low Importance category was filled with things like personal rock climbing and snowboarding goals, travel wants, musical goals, and other selfish pleasurable things in my life that have no real positive or negative outcomes on my life. These are some of the things that I love the most in my life but they aren’t important goals for my future. However, even though I don’t see these things as highly important I would never dream of cutting them out of my life.
In the High Motivation-High Importance category were my career and passion goals. The things that I view as potentially being beneficial to my future success such as building my photography portfolio or working towards earning internships with Disney. These are the things that are easy to find motivation for because I can see the outcomes that they will bring and they excite me for the chance at an amazing future.

Low Motivation, Low Importance: Washing dishes
Low Motivation, High Importance: Homework, reading (for class)
High Motivation, Low Importance: Watching Netflix, reading (for fun)
High Motivation, High Importance: Packing to go home, skyping a friend

Low motivation, Low importance: Learning Italian for my trip to Rome over New Year’s
Low motivation, high importance: Find a place to live and a job for the summer
High motivation, low importance: Be selected for SAA
High motivation, high importance: Graduate

Describe your experience reflecting on these tasks and goals, your motivation, and their level of importance to you. Has doing this assignment clarified any issues for you? If so, how and in what way?
This is really interesting to me. I’ve never thought of all of my tasks and goals in such a simplified way. It actually made me question the true importance of something like washing my dishes. I know it has to be done eventually, but is it really THAT important? Not in the grand scheme of things, although it probably should be done before I leave for the weekend. It was really easy to consider homework as a low-motivation, high importance thing because I’ve been trying to get myself to get it done all night but it’s almost 11 pm and I’m still typing this. It was also easy to come up with high-motivation, low-importance tasks because those are what I do when I’m taking a break or procrastinating something. It was honestly a little bit of a struggle coming up with high motivation, high importance tasks because it’s at the point in the semester that I’m just exhausted and burned out with little to no motivation to do anything. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I had such an easy time with LM/HI and HM/LI categories.
It was also difficult to come up with a low-motivation, low-importance goal for me. I don’t have any little goals like that that I could think of off the top of my head, so I went with something that will become higher importance as time goes on and I get closer to my trip to Italy. Is it necessary to know Italian in Rome? Probably not. Would it be really neat? For sure. Do I have the motivation to sit down and start a new language right now? Absolutely not. That one will probably change over the summer if I’m bored.
I used the checklist reorder to force myself to get this assignment and other ones done tonight; when I’m done with my homework, I have a skype date with one of my best friends. It’s actually working better than I thought. It makes me want to categorize all of my tasks and goals and pick and choose the order of my tasks from there so I can be more efficient at getting everything done. I think this assignment has reinforced that concept, and also has made me think harder about my real levels of motivation for various tasks and goals; namely, that I’m very motivated to accomplish my goals but not quite as motivated to complete the tasks that will help me reach them. This highlights an interesting problem that I think I will need to figure out and resolve, especially if I want to reach my goals in a timely manner.


+Low Motivation and Low Importance - Partying, playing gaming console video games, Getting a pet,

-When I was a kid I used to be very into my video games, but now that I’m through High School and in College they have become so much less important to me and I am far less motivated on a daily basis to play them. I have also been far more of in academic than a partier for my whole life plus I am introverted so it has never really been my forte to go to parties. As a college student living in the dorms I would love to have a pet, but logically I can’t have one so I don’t have a lot of drive or motivation to complete this task.

+Low Motivation and High Importance - Practicing my instrument/Group Piano music, Homework (depending on the assignment and the class), Having a strong social life, Cleaning my dorm room, Relaxing in stressful situations,

-Sadly even though I am a music major, practicing music has never been something that I have been extremely motivated to do and even though I do it all the time, I am never extremely motivated to do it on my own. Homework sadly is also in this part of the list depending on what it is and whether I have a lot to do on a particular day and I get it done, but sometimes I really have to push myself through it. Having an extravagant social life has never been something I have been incredibly keen on achieving, but I do believe it is important to have a strong group of friends to go to.

+High Motivation and Low Importance - Playing Clash of Clans, watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Netflix, Looking at Facebook, Rock climb

-I can sometimes be a lay person and I tend to be highly motivated to waste time or procrastinate by playing Clash of Clans and surfing Facebook. I am highly motivated to try to relax and have fun even though I don’t tend to relax all that often. These all have low importance to me because they are not what I’m here at college for, but I do tend to be motivated toward these tasks on a daily basis.

+High Motivation and High Importance - Auditioning, Getting good grades, Homework (depending on the class and assignment),

-I am highly motivated to do well in any performance whether it be auditioning or playing for concerts and they are extremely important to me. I is also very important to me to be able to keep a strong GPA and good academic standing in my classes. I placed homework in this category as well because most of my homework fits into this category where I am highly motivated to learn it and it is of utmost importance to me to be able to do well on it.


+Low Motivation/Low Importance - Being the best at or finishing a video game, Go to a social party every 3 or 4 weeks,

-These are definitely things that I would love to do eventually in my life, but they are not important enough to me to put the right amount of effort into them right now.

+Low Motivation/High Importance - Take all of these tasks that I have in this category and move them over to the high motivation and high importance category.

-These should all be under the other category and I want to find ways to better motivate myself to do them

+High Motivation/Low Importance - My goal is to use these tasks throughout my day but don’t let them consume the majority of my day, allow myself some free time but then buckle down on everything else,

+High Motivation/High Importance - Be able to graduate college with wonderful grades (anything above a 3.5 or so) and with honors, be able to obtain a job as a high school level band director, Be able to do my best on every performance that I have.

Reflecting on these tasks has really placed into my mind where my heart truly lies on school work and important parts of my academic and social life. I have definitely found some issues in my thinking. I need to be able to be intentional with my time and I’m usually not as intentional as I would like to be. I realized that I need to put more of an emphasis on all of my homework and practicing to be able to get good grades at the end of the day. I also found that I need to cut myself off from gaming and social media more often.

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