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White House Correspondents Dinner

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Is This Funny" Why or Why Not?

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How does that guy in the back keep a straight face? Would this be funnier if the audiance was laughing? What have we learned from our studies about why or why not this is funny?


Is this Funny? Earthquate: One Night Stand

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How can you explain the humor in this clip based on what we have covered in the class so far?

Is This Funny? Why or Why Not?

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Some of you thought the clip on the boat where the lady ran into a pole made the clip not funny. He is a clip where people don't get hurt - is this funny & why?


Is this Funny? Why?

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Beck Nazi Tourette

Is this funny? Do you have to like the comedian in order for this to be funny? Do you have to dislike Glenn Beck for this to be funny?

"Glenn Beck's antics have always proved to be great fodder for the "Daily Show." Lewis Black took it a step further with an entire segment mocking the Fox News host for his tendency to make everything Nazi-related."